Liz Cheney Rips Obama on his Lack of Leadership … “A Gift for Reading a Teleprompter is not Leadership”


President Barack Hussein Obama … a lack of leadership.

Finally some one has finally said it about President Barack Hussein Obama. This morning on FNS Liz Cheney said the following regarding Obama’s leadership skills or the lack thereof … “a gift for reading a teleprompter is not leadership.”

Liz Cheney went on to say that, “you have a President now who thinks that saying some thing makes it so … and going down to Louisiana and saying gosh I’m heart broken, I’m angry, I’m frustrated and then go on vacation to Chicago, really does not send a message of a person who is leading.”

Chris Matthews also questioned Obama’s leadership. Every one is beginning to understand that there is a failure of leadership.

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  • Comments

    36 Responses to “Liz Cheney Rips Obama on his Lack of Leadership … “A Gift for Reading a Teleprompter is not Leadership””

    1. Tamikosmom on May 30th, 2010 11:29 pm

      Obama: ‘I’m a Pretty Darned Good Politician’
      Wednesday, April 16, 2008

      I’m a pretty darn good politician. And I can give a pretty good speech and I can connect and inspire the American people in ways that I think will become apparent.

    2. Susan on May 31st, 2010 9:20 am

      Off topic – Natalee Holloway Anniversary

      It’s been FIVE FREAKING YEARS too long since Natalee disappeared, with nothing but LIES from Aruba!! This case could have been solved in seconds, but nooooooooooo, Aruba had to protect their own instead of an innocent victim!!



    3. Michelle on May 31st, 2010 10:17 am

      Ouch! Obama got owned…..LOL

    4. BlogTalk on May 31st, 2010 10:27 am

      Using the tired and false talking point about teleprompters as if President Obama is the only person or politician to use one is a sorry excuse for relevant criticism. It demonstrates the speaker has nothing to add to the conversation and is just too out of touch to say anything important. Just what policy point is discussed with this topic?

      Highlighting this comment is even more ridiculous; you are endorsing the lack of intelligence of the speaker you intend to laud and support.

      Relying on Liz Cheney as a credible speaker on Louisiana disasters is amazing. If she is such a responsible speaker on the topic, I’d love to see or hear her comments on Pres. Bush, and his actions (I was going to say response, but that would not be accurate) before and after Katrina.

      Katrina had the advantage of a built-in advance warning; we all saw it heading for Louisiana before actual land-fall. It should be relatively easy to plan a response under these circumstances. For the record, we should look at what then Pres Bush did.

      * Bush was on vacation at the time, riding his bike for two hours the day before the hurricane lands.

      * On the day Katrina landed, Bush attended a birthday party for Arizona Sen. John McCain. The levees began to crack.

      * Bush went to San Diego to play guitar with a country singer and end his vacation early — but not until the next day, because he had tickets to a San Diego Padres game.

      * Bush made an on-site visit on Wed, 2 days after land-fall; that is if a fly-over by air-force one is considered on-site.

      * Bush attempts a federal takeover from Gov Blanco of evacuation; some today may call this a big government action; didn’t hear anything about that categorization at the time.

      * Bush came to New Orleans two weeks later for a photo-op and made his famous night-time speech from Jackson Square, New Orleans. The generators he used were packed-up after the speech, leaving darkness for residents. Nice touch! BTW, can Liz check and see if Pres Bush used a teleprompter? I’m waiting to hear her commentary on this example of leadership!

      So my question is: What did Liz Cheney say about this Louisiana disaster? Did she call her father and encourage him to improve the administrations response? Does she have any credibility on this topic at all, or is she a partisan hack looking to make noise?

      I think we all know her answers and the truth of the matter here. Nothing to be proud of Liz Cheney here.

    5. megamooo on May 31st, 2010 11:12 am

      @BlogTalk: WHY must we continue to divert attention AWAY from our current president and rehash the history of a former president? Mr. Bush made his mistakes, and his party paid the ultimate political price. But Mr. Obama promised, spoke about, and preached HOPE and CHANGE. HOPE for our country and CHANGE from politics as usual. He has accomplished NEITHER. His actions clearly illustrate his true character. Deception, arrogance, and a complete disregard for the will of the people is the legacy that Mr. Obama will be remembered for.

    6. Tamikosmom on May 31st, 2010 11:29 am

      (2)Susan … thank you.

      Beth Holloway made a pledge and … she followed through. Natalee’s mother is one amazing lady!


      Loving Natalee – Beth Holloway

      Page 200: My child. My beautiful daughter. I can’t save her. It’s too late. Natalee is gone. And second to the great tragedy of losing her is if we fail to learn from what has happened.

      I could be any parent in the world. And no parent should ever go through this experience. Natalee could be anyone’s daughter. And in these thoughts a new path is made clear. There is something I can do. Many people reached out to us, and I can now reach back to them. It might be too late to save Natalee, but it’s not too late to save others. And it’s time now to make good on my pledge to stand before high-school and college students, law enforcement professinals, victims’ rights groups, travelers of all ages, and anyone interested in personal safety to share Natalee’s story and our hard lessons, so that others might learn from them.

      The Natalee Holloway Resource Center (NHRC)

      Sad anniversary for Natalee Holloway’s mom
      May 30, 2010


    7. Tamikosmom on May 31st, 2010 11:32 am

      Loving Natalee
      A Mother’s Testament of Hope and Faith
      By Beth Holloway

      ISBN: 9780061452277
      ISBN10: 0061452270
      Imprint: HarperOne


      Aruba: The Tragic Untold Story of Natalee Holloway and Corruption in Paradise
      by Dave Holloway

      Publisher: Thomas Nelson Publishers-Business (Mar 15 2006)
      ISBN-10: 1595550631
      ISBN-13: 978-1595550637

    8. Tamikosmom on May 31st, 2010 11:50 am


      Corruption in Paradise – Dave Holloway

      Page 6: On Monday, May 30, Natalee’s trip came to an end, and she was due to fly home to Alabama. But late in the afternoon, I received a call from Matt telling me that Natalee had missed her flight and that Beth was getting on a plane to Aruba.

      Page 7: Beth had flown out of Birmingham on a friend’s private jet as soon as she learned that Natalee had missed her flight. I contacted a commerical airline and booked the next flight out for 5:30 a.m. the following morning.

      Later that night, Matt called again to tell me that Natalee’s flight had been rebooked, and she would be coming home the next day. Someone from Delta Airlines had confirmed that a female had called and changed the flight.

      I cancelled my flight, but I was still concerned because no one had heard from Natalee.

      The next morning, I started making more calls. I could not reach Beth, and I was unable to get a member of the Aruban police force to talk to me on the phone about Natalee.

      By noon I learned that Natalee was not getting on the plane. I found out that it had been a chaperone from Natalee’s group who had changed her flight in the hopes that she would reappear. It was then that I knew something tragic must have happened. I feared the worst, but prayed for a miracle. I hung up the phone and broke down …..

    9. Tamikosmom on May 31st, 2010 12:30 pm

      Finally some one has finally said it about President Barack Hussein Obama. This morning on FNS Liz Cheney said the following regarding Obama’s leadership skills or the lack thereof … “a gift for reading a teleprompter is not leadership.”

      Posted May 30, 2010 by Scared Monkeys


      Barack Obama: Candidate running for the 44th President of the United States – April 16, 2008

      “I’m a pretty darn good politician. And I can give a pretty good speech and I can connect and inspire the American people in ways that I think will become apparent.”


      Ronald Reagan – 40th President of the USA (1981-1989)

      “Back in 1927, an American socialist, Norman Thomas, six times candidate for President on the Socialist Party ticket, said that the American people would never vote for socialism but he said under the name of liberalism the American people would adopt every fragment of the socialist program.”

    10. Michelle on May 31st, 2010 2:04 pm


      Oh grow up. This has nothing to do with former President Bush but everything to do with current President Obama. Stop diverting attention away from the fact that Barack Obama hasn’t got a clue what he is doing.

      Since you brought it up, maybe you should take a look at the facts. The facts are that Louisiana did not prepare on a local or state level to deal with a category 5 hurricane. That is failure on a state & local level not a Federal Government level. Everybody is so quick to blame Bush when it’s not FEMA’s responsibility until requested by the State EMA. Bush had people on the ground the day after Katrina, in boats rescuing people from rooftops. It’s not Bush’s fault that Mayor Nagin did not do his job.

      Thank you for proving once again that the left can only point fingers and place blame but not take responsibility for anything that happens on their watch. Oh let’s blame Bush and let’s talk about all the things Bush did wrong during his 8 years to deflect any negativity from Obama. Didn’t Barack Obama campaign on HOPE & CHANGE? Didn’t he say he’s Presidency was going to be transparent? So if he’s doing the same thing that you claim Bush did, where’s the Change? Where’s the Hope for a better Presidency?

      So if you think it’s okay for Obama to be on vacation during the gulf crisis then why are you upset about Bush being on vacation prior to Katrina? Gee I thought Obama was going to do a better job than Bush.

      This is Obama’s Katrina and he needs to step up to the plate.

      How many Memorial Day’s did Bush not attend the Arlington Cemetery or place the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier?

      Obama cares nothing about this Country. For all the mistakes Bush made at least he cared about the Country.

      Go whine somewhere else. You liberals make me sick.

    11. BlogTalk on May 31st, 2010 2:41 pm


      I suggest you reread my post; I only used Bush to point out the obvious problems in the Liz Cheney’s comments this post makes. I refuted her standing to make the quoted comments and proved she is not a credible voice on these matters.

      Teleprompter? Puhlease! Such over-used and empty rhetoric that says everything about the speaker (nothing of consequence to say, so how about a distraction?) and nothing about who is mentioned in their comments. Does Cheney think we should be able to categorize other teleprompter users as she does? Are they all non-leaders because they use this technology for speeches? Do you believe and support her position?

      Presidential vacations and leadership related to Louisiana disasters? Her use of Obama and nothing ever said about Bush destroys her credibility. Anyone who took a factual look at vacations would find Bush the world champion.

      Are you supporting her comments as faithful, factual statements that accurately portray this president relative to recent history? When are Presidential vacations acceptable? Has she stated a pattern that she believes we can use to judge past and future presidents? Or is this simply a one-time partisan bashing that we should forget 10 seconds after she makes her oh so important comment?

    12. Tamikosmom on May 31st, 2010 3:16 pm


      Could you please check that spam folder, I do believe one of my comments went “poof”. Thanks.


      SM: Did I get it? I think there were 2 in there ;) (klaasend)

    13. Susan on May 31st, 2010 5:01 pm

      Tamikosmom – You are very welcome :-) Yes, Beth is an amazing woman…

      We will never forget Natalee Holloway and the trials/tribulations her family has gone through. No family should ever have to endure the pain, heartbreak, suffering, loss, and “the not knowing” the Holloway family has gone through, compliments of the Aruban/Dutch governments!

    14. BlogTalk on May 31st, 2010 5:11 pm


      You may mistakenly believe that a single blog post is fair game for any topic that is remotely related in their mind to something someone somewhere said. I prefer to remain focused on what was originally posted and direct replies. I’ve no appetite to debate the entire Bush or Obama administrations. If you so desire to do so, please use others comments to divert the conversation.

      If you do want to discuss what I brought up, please do. I would like to hear any comments on the points I made, rather than other topics. Do you agree or disagree that Liz Cheney has a leg to stand on by referring to Obama vacations yet avoiding Bush vacations; in both cases related to Gulf Coast disasters?

      For the record, I didn’t mention anything about Bush actions outside the initial Katrina timeline. SO your statement: Oh let’s blame Bush and let’s talk about all the things Bush did wrong during his 8 years to deflect any negativity from Obama. is clearly incorrect, possibly even a lie.

      Nor did I claim it was good or bad for either Bush or Obama to be on vacation. What I discussed was how Liz Cheney was apparently selective in discussing leadership. I want to challenge her credibility to see if she uses the same yardstick for other presidents. What do you think is fair?

      You also make some off-topic claims that seem to be just unsubstantiated opinions. Namely the following:

      * This is Obama’s Katrina and he needs to step up to the plate.

      * Obama cares nothing about this Country.

      * For all the mistakes Bush made at least he cared about the Country.

      It might be an interesting exercise to at least provide minimal credible evidence that would back these claims. I would be especially interested if you had a list for the third item; I wonder just how long it would be.

      BTW, just what does the first item actually mean? Is there a likely comparison of a predicted natural event (hurricane) and that of the oil well explosion and aftermath? So far, this is quite a convoluted story, with corporate greed and incompetence already known of in the avoidable and unexpected disaster and murder from the planned mismanagement of an oil well.

      Where and when will the MMS and other government agencies actions fit in to the story. What happened during each of the past administrations? What relevance does VP Cheney’s energy task force have to events years later?

      Wow, it seems like it would take a lot of digging to figure out just what is involved to make the statement you did.

      I hope I’m doing better on the grown-up thing.

      p.s. – I guess that each Pres Bush missed one Memorial Day ceremony at Arlington (same for Reagan, if I recall); what do I win?

    15. Michelle on May 31st, 2010 7:13 pm


      Blah Blah Blah…You sound just like Obama.

      Why did you reference Hurricane Katrina then if you do not want to compare the two incidents? Hurricane Katrina was predicted to make landfall and it did. Did New Orleans make proper preparations for it? NO
      How is that Bush’s fault? Were the Governor & Mayor told that the levee’s could breach if Katrina remained a Category 5 when reaching land? YES How is that Bush’s fault?

      President Bush did respond to Katrina the day after, so I don’t know what Liz Cheney or anyone else for that matter would have to criticize him about. He didn’t go on vacation after the disaster.

      As far as the teleprompter comment. Yes he is too dependent on the teleprompter. The man cannot make a speech without reading from a teleprompter. I don’t know of any other President that relied so much on a teleprompter. Most people, even Presidents, have notes to stay on tract with their speeches. As we have seen, when Obama doesn’t have his teleprompter, he uses a lot of ah’s, oh’s & umm’s.

      Yes, she does have a leg to stand on. Like I said, Bush was on vacation prior to Hurricane Katrina and responded to the incident the day after. How long did it take Obama to address the matter of the oil spill?

      How is Liz Cheney not credible?

      Nope, doesn’t take any digging at all. I made my point by observation. If you can’t see the difference between Bush caring about this Country and Obama not caring about this Country then you have your head in the sand.

      It’s obvious to anyone not drinking the kool-aide.

    16. NewGirlBoston on May 31st, 2010 8:03 pm

      #15- Michelle—-((((( Applause)))))

      You Go, Girl!

      & blah blah blah blah blah

      Yadda Yadda Yadda Yadda Yadda is right.

      SSDD from the Libs

    17. Tamikosmom on May 31st, 2010 9:04 pm

      15. Michelle on May 31st, 2010 7:13 pm

      As far as the teleprompter comment. Yes he is too dependent on the teleprompter. The man cannot make a speech without reading from a teleprompter. I don’t know of any other President that relied so much on a teleprompter.



      Could it be that Barack Obama is a figure head spokesperson for those behind the scenes who have a Marist agenda in regards to the future of the United States of America?

      Republicans prepare to take aim at Obama
      Wednesday, January 9, 2008

      But for former Republican House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, who was known as “the Hammer” on Capitol Hill, said Republicans need to start deconstructing Mr. Obama now.

      “Somebody from our side needs to start talking about Obama today. He’s a Marxist but a very smart one — he doesn’t let anyone know it,” said Mr. DeLay.
      Obama: ‘I’m a Pretty Darned Good Politician’
      Wednesday, April 16, 2008

      I’m a pretty darn good politician. And I can give a pretty good speech and I can connect and inspire the American people in ways that I think will become apparent.

    18. BlogTalk on May 31st, 2010 11:11 pm


      Lacking something intelligent to say, I see you resort to what it is you know best: Blah Blah Blah…You sound just like Obama. This is clearly a mind to be reckoned with!

      Given a choice, I’d much rather sound like Obama than Bush, with his fake Texas twang covering up the east coast accent he was raised with in Kennebunkport Maine (he had quite the life of privilege, this so-called man of the people). Bush was an amazing stumblebum whenever he spoke. But I digress.

      I wonder if you read what I wrote. Since you didn’t respond, I assume you admit you were incorrect as I pointed out. But were you lying? Can you answer a simple question?

      Do you have an answer for what is fair as I asked? Are you aware your avoidance lets us infer you may have some kind of guilty conscience, or can’t think of an answer? Is this the case?

      Twice (maybe even 3 times) I’ve provided reasons why I compared Bush and Obama regarding Gulf Coast disasters). It’s obvious I can’t help or make you understand words written and in front of your face. Its pretty well understood and accepted that Katrina was the last straw that broke the camels back for Bush. He was near 45-50% approval until early-mid Sept. 2005. After that, it was almost all downhill until his approval rating bottomed out in the 20′s.

      I think you may need a refresher on the Katrina timeline before you make more pronouncements. You can start with Wikipedia or another credible source. BTW, Obama responded to the oil spill that day it was discovered; Apr 22, 2010.

      Given your other errors, how can I expect you to know anything about who uses teleprompters and how much.

      I agree that you, or anyone, can use observation to develop an opinion of someone or something. However, you cannot begin to convince others your opinion is well founded if there is no evidence to support it. Would you believe me if I told you about a great democratic senator, just on my word?

      And for Chr|sts sake, can we just drop the silly kool-ade BS. Hackneyed, obsolete, past-its-prime.

      I feel like its time to cut my losses with you; it seems hopeless you’re able to understand and reply effectively.

      p.s. – what about the trivia quiz? Did I win anything?

    19. rightknight on June 1st, 2010 12:12 am

      Obowma considers World Governance his forte.
      He avoids saluting our flag or wearing the flag,
      he apologizes for America rather than praise her,
      is unable to close borders, redistributes America’s
      wealth, speaks of siding with Islam vs selecting
      a Christian church for his family, is trained as a
      Marxist by his mentors, is wastefully spending
      the US into extended bankruptcy, is unsuccessful
      in dealing with the truth, and has a record of
      failing to lead.

      The teleprompter permits intricate ‘wordsmithing’
      by teams of writers (behind the scenes) to be quickly
      delivered via our illustrious speechmaker in chief.
      Barry is reading this stuff to the People almost every
      day since there is so much of it to convey in a short
      period of time. Propaganda is an exacting science!

    20. Scott on June 1st, 2010 6:33 am

      BlogIdiot – you keep referencing the same typical liberal talking points that you morons pass around to each other via email or facebook….

      You don’t know squat about Bush’s response to Katrina…my neighbor worked in the White House and is a member of our Coast Guard knows more than I think you can garner off a heavy leaning and liberal MSM. Bush ordered as soon as the storm passed our Coast Guard to start saving lives from those trapped in their homes or those who were standing on their roofs after the storm. The MSM fed idiots such as yourself what they wanted you to hear but NEVER reported the actual truth.

      An Oil Spill and a natural phenomenon such as Katrina are two entirely different dogs. Even a dope as yourself can figure that out…wait, I’m talking to a liberal who has no logic, fact or common sense.

      Obama’s received the highest single donation from BP during his campaign…geez, I wonder why his response took so long. He went to LA because he was getting murdered in the press for his lack of response. What was Bush supposed to do during Katrina, stand on the roof tops with a mega-phone?

      This whole spill is really at fault of the liberals and leftist tree hugging environmentalists who wouldn’t let these oil companies drill in places closer to the shore-line; but instead made them drill in deeper waters. If this would have happened in depths that they SHOULD have drilled in; this spill would already be stopped and that’s the TRUTH. These proven methods that have worked in waters much shallower; such as top kill; or the containment dome would have stopped or at least slowed this spill; but NOOOOOO liberal tree huggers hippies such as yourself threw a fit like the babies you are…

      This mess is on YOUR hands!

    21. super dave on June 1st, 2010 7:15 am

      out of obama’s own a$$, i’m sorry, mouth, the whitehouse has been in charge of the oil spill since day one. what an imbecile to think he could actually be in control of anything important.
      the only thing he controls are the thugs and criminal organization he created.

    22. super dave on June 1st, 2010 10:44 am

      #18: you must learn to lay off the dust. that stuff is for horses.didn’t you with all your vast liberal knowledge know this ?

    23. super dave on June 1st, 2010 10:47 am

      #18: i was about to say that yes, you did win something, a one way trip up obama’s a$$. but i see you’re already there and enjoying every dirty
      minute of it. are you the elusive dingle berry troll ?

    24. kitty on June 1st, 2010 10:49 am

      Yes, confirmed… Obama, Bush and Regan did not participate in Memorial Day Remembrances at least one time during their Presidency.

      The prize for the “Trivia Quiz” …


    25. NGBoston on June 1st, 2010 6:54 pm

      #18- It’s not that I lack anything intelligent to contribute. So, let me keep this real simple for you. I have been reading and posting to this board for 5 years. In that time, folks such as yourself come and go.

      I’m not going to say you are not articulate, but I did read your entire post and I do not agree with much of your viewpoint–these two bullets you put out there for starters:
      { You refer to the below as “unsubstantiated opinions.” } Namely the following:

      * This is Obama’s Katrina and he needs to step up to the plate. (That is not unsubstantiated–it’s a fact!)

      * Obama cares nothing about this Country. (Another fact.) Barack Hussien Obama cares only about one thing. Himself & maybe his direct family. Oh, I’m sorry- that’s 2 things.

      So much of what you originally posted is just complete and TOTAL BULLSHIT coming from another typical right wing Dem. The reason for my being so sarcastic with the yadda yadda blah blah mockery is mainly to keep it brief. SSDD…self-explanatory and have seen it hundreds of times on here. Guess we should all learn not to feed the Trolls. Posters such as yourself, Blog Talk, who come on here and tell the majority of us that we are incorrect, unfair or stupid to uphold our own political opinions or beliefs. Well, screw all of you. I am damn sick and tired of hearing the same continual dribble in regards to your Boy, Obama. We do not worship your Messiah, so deal with it! As opposed to arguing with you (pointless) – I took the lazy way out and thought I would sit back and enjoy watching some other contributors here attempt to inform you of SOME of the FACTS. (All of them, which by the way you will continue to ignore).

      Obama is a SOCIALIST, with some leanings towards being Marxist as well. But hell, you seem to be so effin brilliant, maybe you can figure some of that out for yourself. All I know is he is bogus, and his so-called leadership and COMPLETE LACK OF EXPERIENCE is evident. Most of what he has or hasn’t accomplished has BEEN A TOTAL DISASTER, IMO.

      I am entitled to my own opinion, and for the record- I’m not even a Republican. I just know an inept Commander-in-Chief when I see one.

      That’s all you are getting for today, Sorry. I have no desire to start “Round One” with yet another bleeding heart extreme right liberal who loves everybody and everything at the expense of the rest of us in America. Sorry, but it’s really that simple for me and millions of other American CITIZENS as well— so just deal with it. I don’t have to play your little games, answer your dumb ass questions and No, you didn’t win anything either but you are rather humorous. Tee Hee

    26. NGBoston on June 1st, 2010 6:56 pm

      My comments/response to #18 must have ended up in a spam folder? They just went poof and I don’t feel like posting again. Oh, well. Any way Klaas can find it? Thanks
      SM: Think I found an approved it (klaasend)

    27. BlogTalk on June 1st, 2010 9:03 pm

      (20) I guess name-calling is no longer just a 3rd grade thing; unless you’re . . Ohh, I get it; nevermind. At least you can spell; I guess your mommies are ever so proud of you!

      Lacking the ability to grasp the basic points I made, you resort to a new take on the postings (the MSM did it!). Guess I win that one.

      An Oil Spill and a natural phenomenon such as Katrina are two entirely different dogs. Wow, incredible grasp of the obvious, especially since I’ve already made this point. Now I guess I’ll have to send you back to 2nd grade for basic reading skills! Woof, woof!

      This whole spill is really at fault of the liberals and leftist tree hugging environmentalists who wouldn’t let these oil companies drill in places closer to the shore-line; but instead made them drill in deeper waters. This is so rich; it takes a committed psychotic to attempt such twisted (dare I say it) logic! Yikes! You are such a cry-baby; back to 1st grade for you.

      threw a fit like the babies you are… Uhmm, let me introduce you to Mr Mirror, your new best friend (cry-baby).

    28. BlogTalk on June 1st, 2010 9:35 pm

      (25)NGBoston (also NewGirlBoston ??)
      It’s not that I lack anything intelligent to contribute. I’m confused; did I ever claim this of you? If so, can you help point out in which post. If not, why mention it?

      I have been reading and posting to this board for 5 years. In that time, folks such as yourself come and go. Are you trying to say that longevity equates with . . . What exactly? Are you saying critical thinking is a matter of spending lots of time here, in order to have a valid point? You’ve certainly stumped me.

      { You refer to the below as “unsubstantiated opinions.” } Namely the following:

      * This is Obama’s Katrina and he needs to step up to the plate. (That is not unsubstantiated–it’s a fact!)
      * Obama cares nothing about this Country. (Another fact.)

      unsubstantiated: (

      not substantiated; unproved or unverified – unsupported by other evidence

      Lacking basic lookup skills, I see no reason to read your post any further.

    29. NGBoston on June 1st, 2010 11:00 pm

      #28- You didn’t post that I specifically lacked anything intelligent to say, but rather that another poster Michelle did when actually she addressed your post specifically. You just didn’t want to hear or agree with what she offered, so that make her right and you correct then with your political viewpoint? I disagree.

      As for your other drivel- I’m going to have to put you on squelch mode. Thanks for the definition from I think I know what the hell the definition of unsubstantiated is, you Tool. Do you need some cheese to go with all of your wine???????? What the hell exactly is your point? That Obama is some sort of a Demi-God that we should all be bowing to who is doing such an amazing job running our Country? Let us all know when you put down the crack pipe and come back to reality.

      Run along now and go shine your wisdom on someone else who could use it or maybe even appreciate it. Talk about childish and immature.

    30. super dave on June 2nd, 2010 7:27 am

      looks like the troll Blog Talk has been drinking
      the obama dingle berry koolaide. go ahead commie and spout your useless propaganda so we can have a good laugh this morning.
      it’s always refreshing to start my morning off with a good laugh at obama’s expense. especially when it’s one of his peasants who has probably been on the government dime most of his or her life. go ahead and snort some more pcp and go bact to sleep. the government checks should be coming out around the 3rd of this month, you have one more day to wait.

    31. super dave on June 2nd, 2010 8:54 am

      the last time i checked, there was no course
      on teleprompter reading to major in at Harvard.
      obama must have gone to a junior college or maybe
      a home study teleprompter course complete with
      a certificate .

    32. Scott on June 2nd, 2010 9:04 am

      Blogliberal – yet you fail to dismiss with any fact or logic the fact the leftist liberal environmentalists wouldn’t let these companies drill in waters sufficient enough to clean-up an accident or a spill such as this…PROOF is in the pudding and this is a FACT. Disprove it! You can’t; like much of your liberal douche bag friends!

    33. BlogTalk on June 2nd, 2010 6:14 pm


      I posted 3 replies included in total below. Why did they not get accepted? Is there a rule I broke? It is unfair to continue to let criticism be sent my way and not keep both sides allowed.

      Is this ideological censorship?


      (22) I’m sure this means something to someone, perhaps even you. Are you sure you didn’t have more to add to help clarify yourself?

      (23) Ahh, here you are again. Too bad your message (???) is lost on the sane, rational, people here on planet earth. Good luck in dingle berry land (you sound like a pro, what ever that is).

      p.s. – I should have known it was you who had the rights to someone else’s a$$; although I’m surprised you share it so freely. Such a genrous soul.

      (24) As expected, you were finally able to answer a question; except its only a question you’ve asked. Apparently answering other peoples questions are, well, out of the question.

      Now if only having an answer to your question was relevant in anyway to anything said here except for your rantings. Bueller — Bueller?


    34. BlogTalk on June 2nd, 2010 6:22 pm


      I would love to see you explain how the definition we both agree on applies to the exact language that we both referenced that I claim is unsubstantiated (unproved or unverified – unsupported by other evidence).

      Please point out the proof, verification, and/or evidence that was included in the tail end of post #10.

      This is going to be Great!!

    35. BlogTalk on June 2nd, 2010 10:27 pm

      In replies to me, addressing my comments, you said: It’s not that I lack anything intelligent to contribute.

      and: You didn’t post that I specifically lacked anything intelligent to say,. I’m not sure but that seems like a backwards apology for inferring my comments said anything at all about your intelligence. Accepted.

      As far as what I said in response to what #15 said (Blah Blah Blah…You sound just like Obama.), I’m sure you can explain the intelligence and relevancy demonstrated here. Please, take your time; be thorough. Perhaps you couldn’t parse the opening sentence in #18 where I was “unfriendly” (crass?), and also quoted from the prior post directly to explain what I was referring to. Just because others here (try to) dismiss posts they don’t really want to discuss with single “clever” remarks (super dave – that’s you!!), doesn’t apply to others. BTW, as is clear from my posts, I make detailed references to post specifics, a clear pattern on my part. You don’t have to like it, it’s just a fact.

      I don’t know why you would even try to think that I’ve referred to Obama in any laudatory manner; let alone as a “demigod”. I think the best Time and time again, nearly every comment I’ve made that included Obama was in comparison to Bush. I think there is a bit of projecting going on here.

      I’m truly amused by the array of put-downs that I’ve garnered. Perhaps you do really care. Whatever gets you high is OK with me. I know I’ll never mistake these ad hominem attacks as being important. They have no meaning and therefore no effect.

      I’d ask you to explain what you find “childish and immature”, but whats the use. In an oddly circular way, it is more likely that someone who uses this characterization is only referring to themselves.

    36. BlogTalk on June 2nd, 2010 10:38 pm

      #32 Scott,

      You are correct that I’ve failed as noted; largely because I’m looking for something different. As I’ve already stated, I’m not trying to include every aspect of any administration. I’m trying to react to the original post regarding Liz Cheney.

      Sorry if that puts you off; it’s just not my focus.

      p.s. I still think your idea is quite fantastic and really unbelievable. If you want to provide any type of detailed explanation, including the failures of the 3 drill rig companies in their handling of the well setup, protective measures, truthful lease applications, comprehensive real-time events from the rig itself that relate to the blow-out; well that would be a worthwhile topic to discuss. Could take a while to collect the relevant data to do it justice.

      Since you are making claims, you are on the hook to prove your point of view. Just like every court-room drama ever made, the prosecution brings charges and must prove them.

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