Daily Commentary – Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010 – Private Thoughts on Public Healthcare

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Al Sharpton, “The American public overwhelmingly voted for socialism when they elected President Obama”

Take a good listen to Democrat Al Sharpton folks. This is from his lips to your ears. Those on the right have been demonized for calling Obama a socialist. Al Sharpton has just told all America that President Barack Hussein Obama is a socialist.

Not only is Obama a socialist … you wanted him to be a socialist America.

Question America, did you vote for socialism when you voted for Barack Hussein Obama? Was that the “hope & change” you were looking for?

“The American public overwhelming voted for socialism when they elected President Obama

Sharpton went on to say that Obama ran on health reform and was overwhelmingly elected on that and he has delivered what he promised. Really Al, LIAR! Because you Al have all the credibility in the world. Can we just say Tawana Brawley.

So the mind set is that just because he ran on health care, that any form of socialized medicine and government take over of health care was ok. Even though there was no transparency, no bipartisan dealings, no health care on CSPAN and no change of the way Washington, DC does business.  By the way Al, Obama also promised that health care reform would lower the cost of premiums, it does not do that either.

It is obvious from the polling data that America did not want to elect a socialist, nor did they want the health care reform that Obama delivered.


If America really knew what Obama was all about and did not listen to the state-run media lies that Obama was a moderate and a uniter, he never would have won the Democrat primary, let alone the Presidency.

You can RIGHT that WRONG this November and in 2012.

If you did not, you best start voting out of office all the Democrats that give him his power in 2010 and in 2012 … put Barack Obama on the unemployment line as well.

The Faces of the Democrat Controlled Congress, Pelosi Favorability Rating at 11%, Reid at 8%


Think the Democrat party is not in trouble in the upcoming 2010 midterm elections? Think again. It’s time for the Democrats to take their heads out of the sand and face the truth … denial is no substitute for reality.

How can the two most powerful Democrats in Congress have an approval rating less than the unabomber?


The Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has an 11% approval rating. That is correct, 11%!!! The reason being that pundits are touting Pelosi’s forcing of Obamacare through the House as a victory, the American people see it as treachery. Here is a frightening though …  Jammie Wearing Fool states, ‘She’s Lyndon Johnson in a Skirt.’

Oh wait, it gets better or worse if you are the Democrat Senate Majority leader Harry Reid. Reid finds himself with a 8% favorability rating.

Yet those who do have an opinion of the Democratic Congressional leaders don’t seem to have a very good one: Pelosi and Reid are viewed unfavorably by roughly three times as many people as they are viewed favorably.

Pelosi’s favorable rating in the poll stands at 11 percent. Her unfavorable rating, meanwhile, is 37 percent — meaning that more than one in three views the California Democrat negatively.

Reid’s favorable rating, meanwhile, is even lower: Eight percent. His unfavorable rating stands at 23 percent.

The Nevada Democrat, who is facing a tough reelection battle, appears to be an unknown quantity to most Americans: Nearly seven in ten say they are say they are either undecided or haven’t heard enough about Reid to offer an opinion.


Pelosi & Reid, Bosom Buddies

Who did CBS poll? It would appear some had a clue and the other just watched reality TV 24/7. How can any one at this point not know enough about Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi at this point? Give us a break. I think it is safe to say that any one in that category most likely is not voting as these people are not engaged or paying attention.

There is a reason why Congress has a 64% poor rating in the most Rasmussen poll.  You cannot over look the fact that Pelosi and Reid are the leaders of this inept, corrupt Democrat controlled government bodies.  The American people have been sickened by the back room sleazy deals, corruption, collusion, kickbacks, bribes and refusal to listen to the will of the people.

Couple this with President Barack Obama’s refusal to listen to the American people and ram Obamacare through as well and we have a “Perfect Storm” set up for 2010 and 2012. When the Democrats passed health care reform, it had 39% approval.

Obama, the 39% President, Pelosi, Reid and the Democrats will pay dearly for their actions. Many in Congress have forgot who they work for; however, they are going to be provided a reminder come this November in the midterm elections and in 2012.

Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: New Discovery On The WRAY

Orlando, FL– With the public still reeling from last weeks indigency hearing, the State Attorneys office is set to release the latest round of discovery documents this morning.

Read the rest at Blink on Crime:

Majority of Americans Now Disapprove (51% to 46%) of Barack Obama in CNN Poll

President Barack Obama has truly hit the skids. For the first time with CNN polling, The Obamamessiah now sees himself with a majority of Americans disapproving of his job as President. 51% now disapprove of Obama while only 46% approve.

For the first time, a CNN poll has found that a majority of Americans disapprove of President Obama’s job performance.

According to a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll released Monday, 51 percent of respondents disapprove of Obama’s job performance and 46 percent approve of it.

Obama’s approval rating has dropped steadily each month since December, when it was 54 percent. His highest approval rating in a CNN poll was 76 percent in February 2009 shortly after he took office.

The full polling results can be seen HERE.

Just one short year ago Obama saw himself with a 64% approval ratings while only 34$ disapproved. My how the mighty have fallen. Or is it that We the People have wizened up and seen this President for what his really is?

As for his handling of the economy, 54% of Americans disapprove while only 43% approve. On health care, 58% disapprove while only 40% approve.  We ask you America, “how are you feeling abount that hopey, changey stuff” that Obama promised?

Hot Air has more regarding this history making President. Remember, just because some thing is historic, does not mean that it isn’t historically bad. Tell me, does anything that Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the rest of the underhanded deals that the Democrats did feel anything remotely like  Civil Rights? Hardly.

The fact that Obama, Pelosi and Reid just rammed health care government take over down the throats of Americans against their will can only further weaken Obama’s poll numbers. To make matters worse, Obama is going to go on a health care gloat PR tour and tell you that he just defied the will of the American people, but you should like it any how.

See you in November Democrats at the polls.

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