Bloggers Jawa Report Key to FBI Arrest of Jihad Jane (aka Fatima LaRose, Colleen LaRose)

It’s another case of LOCAL BLOGGERS DONE GOOD!

Kudos to Rusty and the folks at The Jawa Report for looking out after us. As stated by Maggie’s Notebook, “Bloggers are instrumental in bringing about change in all areas of our lives today” and the Jawa Report’s efforts in the arrest in indictment of Jihad Jane is not different. It once again shows just how important the Internet and blogs have become.

You have heard the story of the arrest of Jihad Jane, aka Fatima LaRose, aka Colleen LaRose in the media.

For nearly a year, a middle-aged woman from suburban Philadelphia used her computer to fashion a new, frightening identity, federal court documents say.

The stream of Internet messages in which she sought assistance to wage violent jihad in Asia and Europe literally transformed her, the documents allege, from 46-year-old Colleen LaRose to “Jihad Jane.”

But did you know the rest of the story …

There is a reason why Scared Monkeys has always deferred to the Jawa Report when it comes to all things terrorism, counterterrorism and jihad.  Please read our fellow blogging brethren Rusty Shackleford’s Exclusive Jawa Report article, “I turned in Colleen “Jihad Jane” LaRose to the FBI.”

This is a must read.

Here is The Jawa Report’s exclusive report* from the person who notified the FBI about Colleen “Jihad Jane” La Rose’s online activities in support of terrorism.

There have been so many media inquiries made to The Jawa Report and YouTube Smackdown about our involvement in the “Jihad Jane” case. We here at The Jawa Report and the YouTube Smackdown Corps were involved to varying degrees in tracking and “smacking down” her various YouTube videos and accounts. By “smacking down” we mean we helped with an organized campaign to “flag” terrorist propaganda videos uploaded to YouTube in an effort to have those videos removed. (snip)

As Michelle Malkin stated, “be sure to send thanks and praise to the vigilant bloggers and watchdogs looking out for you.”

‘Net Posse Tracked ‘Jihad Jane’ for Three Years

Groups like JawaReport, Quoth the Raven and the YouTube Smackdown Corps claim they had been monitoring LaRose’s growing militancy for three years, and watched as the Internet — particularly YouTube — fed her fervor.

They also said “Jihad Jane” is not the only one on the Internet that the groups are monitoring.

“There are certainly many others out there who are more eloquent and appear to be more dangerous from the way they talk,” a man calling himself Rusty Shackleford told ABC News.

And now you know the rest of the story.

UPDATE I: The Jawa Report gets the KUDOS it earned from the MSM, here and here.

Daily Commentary – Thursday, March 11th, 2010 – More Hollywood Drug Problems

icon for podpress Daily Commentary – Thursday, March 11th, 2010 – More Hollywood Drug Problems [1:19m]: | Download

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, March 10th, 2010 – Beck Apologizes for Massa Interview … Tickle Me Elmo, or is it Massa?

March 10th, 2010

* By the end of the 1-hour block it became apparent by Glenn Beck that the entire thing was a waste of time.


Tickle Me Elmo, oops Massa!

During yesterday’s  Glenn Beck’s radio show, Beck stated that he nearly threw former US Representative Massa out of his studio.

“I almost said, ‘I think we could, but you’ve wasted enough of my time, get out,’” said Beck. “I almost threw him out of the studio three times. … What a waste of time this man was!”

It had become apparent to Beck that Massa was lying.

“America, have you ever heard of a 50-year old man having a tickle-fight — five men tickling each other so hard that they can’t breathe?” said Beck. “I think we found out who he is — someone who can’t be trusted to tell the truth about his life.”

The story of US Rep Massa is a diversion and waste of time. He was resigned from office and thus the House Ethics probe has halted.  No story here … move on to something that is not a distraction. If the allegations were not true, any Navy guy worth his salt would have stood and fought the charges.

The Other McCain asks, what will Massa’s next job be?

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, March 10th, 2010 – Beck Apologizes for Massa Interview [1:34m]:  | Download

America, Stand Up and Take Your Country Back from Big Government … No to Obamacare

As Sarah Palin asked at the National Tea Party Convention in Nashville, TN … “Hey America, hows that ‘HOPEY, CHANGEY’ stuff working out for ya?”

Take a good look at this video below via Powerline and ask yourself who you are going to vote for in 2010 and 2012.

Hat Tip: T

Do you want a government headed by Democrats who are tone deaf to the will of the American people? And any wishy-washy, spineless Republican for that matter.

As the American people say, we do not want Obamacare, Barack Obama and Democrats continue to press the issue and force it down the throats of America. 68% of American oppose Obamacare without Republican support. Yet, you will hear The One at contrived and fabricated Town Hall meetings that are not open to the public that are nothing more than campaign stump speeches.

A new Associated Press-GfK Poll finds a widespread hunger for improvements to the health care system.

More than four in five Americans say it’s important that any health care plan have support from both parties. And 68 percent say the president and congressional Democrats should keep trying to cut a deal with Republicans rather than pass a bill with no GOP support.

Leaders of both parties in Congress say that’s not how it’s going to work out. After a year of off-and-on negotiations, Republicans adamantly oppose Obama’s plans. The White House and Democratic leaders say it’s now-or-never for a health care overhaul, which would cover an additional 30 million Americans, require almost everyone to buy health insurance and impose new restrictions on insurance companies.

The latest Gallup poll has more American opposed to Obamacare than in favor.

Call your Congressmen and give them a piece of your mind. Remind them of what will occur in 2010, 2012 and thereafter.


Press Release!

Justin Michael Hadel arrested in the murder case of Christine Sheddy.

Read it at Blink on Crime:

Posted March 10, 2010 by
Crime, Missing Persons, Murder | no comments

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