Barack Hussein Obama Hits New All Time Lows Again in Gallup Poll

President Barack Obama’s poll numbers are going down, down, down.

Obama finds himself with yet a new all time low in the Gallup poll.  48% disapprove of the job the President is doing while  only 46% approve.


Obama’s approval rating has hovered around 50% since November, but in the last two days has declined to the point that slightly more Americans now disapprove than approve of his performance in office.

The new low ratings come during a week in which the White House and Democratic congressional leaders are working to convince wavering House Democrats to support healthcare reform, which they hope to pass using a series of parliamentary maneuvers in the House of Representatives and Senate.

The Rasmussen Presidental Daily Tracking poll has Barack Obama now at a -20. Obama’s numbers continue to plummet as he and Democrats force through health care reform against the will of the people. For Obama, it stopped being about government of the people, by the people and for the people a long time ago.

A note to the President and Democrats who support and vote for Obamacare … see you in November 2010 and 2012.  50% of US voters say they are less likely to vote for their representative in Congress this November if he or she votes for Obamacare.

US House of Representatives Votes 222-203 to Pass Slaughter Solution


We the People “DEEM” this Congress unfit to lead …

Say hello to the Pelosi, Democrat,  gutless run Congress.  As stated at by Michelle Malkin, a ‘yes’ vote on the previous question is a vote to authorize Speaker Pelosi to use the Slaughter Solution to ram ObamaCare through the House without an up-or-down vote. A ‘no’ vote on the previous question is a vote against the Slaughter Solution. ” The following are the Democrats who joined Republicans in a bipartisan manner to stop the insanity of the Pelosi run House. So many Blue Dog Democrats know that “deeming” the vote is poison … Pelosi says, pass the Kool-aide.

The 28 Dems who joined Republicans in opposing deem-and-pass cramdown:

Adler (NJ)
Davis (AL)
Herseth Sandlin

NRO has the list of vulnerable Democrats who just voted “yea” that the health care bill does not require a separate vote, and that demonpass/deem-and-pass is just dandy.

Read more

Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: Indulgent Definately, Indigent Hardly

Orlando, FL


Who thought this was a good idea on behalf of THE BAEZ LAW FIRM?

Who raised their hand at the weekly status update and said:

“I’m sick of this crapp-ass coffee, I make $300 bucks an hour.

I make big bucks so I should be drinking STARbucks.

Gimme a Venti. I can’t drink this swill another 3/4 hour minimum or I will surely die before the trial.

I KNOW.. how about we figure out a way to make OTHERS pay for it??

Sound ridiculous?

Read the rest at Blink on Crime:

Caylee/Casey Anthony Case: Funding For The Defense Hearing Today

While the web and blogosphere is clogged with the latest scandal to feature Tot Pop George Anthony and his nature walks of rivers and skies-

I would like to refocus efforts on a more pressing matter; the hearing on behalf of Casey Anthony regarding the indingency petition that has recently been approved through Orange County Clerk of Courts.

J to da A to da C

Read the rest at Blink on Crime:

Fox News Bret Baier Interviews Barack Obama on Heath Care … See Obama Filibuster

Kudos to Bret Baeir from Fox News for holding Obama’s feet to the fire and asking the tough questions that Americans wanted to hear. So much for being the “Great Communicator”. Obama got schooled!

There is a reason why President Obama’s approval ratings are tanking.  Gallup poll now has Obama more unfavorable than favorable.  Yesterda’s display by The One of once again not being able to answer Obamacare questions and concerns further showed by he is considered the most partisan President ever.

FOX News’ Bret Baeir interviewed President Obama on Obamacare and it became evident rather quickly that The One was not used to being challenged by any tough questions.  During the interview Obama became frustrated by being challenged and interrupted. There was no teleprompter to save Obama as he filibustered his way through the interview with his talking points.  It also became rather obvious why Obama has not held very many press conferences with the media. Why did he accept to do this interview then?

As stated by NRO, this was the best interview of Obama of the year by any media.


Full Transcript HERE.

BAIER: You called it an ugly process just last month.

OBAMA: I’ve got to tell — I’ve got to say to you, there are a lot more people who are concerned about the fact that they may be losing their house or going bankrupt because of health care.

BAIER: OK, so we have —

OBAMA: And so — so the — look —

BAIER: Deem and passed, Senate reconciliation and we don’t know exactly what’s in the fix bill. Do you still think —

OBAMA: No, we will — by the time the vote has taken place, not only I will know what’s in it, you’ll know what’s in it because it’s going to be posted and everybody’s going to be able to able to evaluate it on the merits.

But here’s the thing, Bret, I mean, the reason that I think this conversation ends up being a little frustrating is because the focus entirely is on Washington process. And yes, I have said that is an ugly process. It was ugly when Republicans were in charge, it was ugly were in Democrats were in charge.

BAIER: This is one-sixth of the U.S. economy, though, sir. One-sixth.

Obama also stated during the interview that, ‘Procedural’ Spat Over Health Bill Vote Doesn’t Worry Me’

Procedural spat, Constitution be damned says Obama. Please note that the process that President Barack Hussein Obama talks about as not being important and what the people do not care to deal with is called the US CONSTITUTION.

One thing is for certain, there is a reason why every poll shows that Americans want nothing to do with Obamacare. Obama nor his minions have never been able to sit down and honestly explain the bill without using lies, distortions and talking points.

This interview was full of so many WTF moments from Obama, we saw witness as to why The One hides behind a teleprompter.

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