Art Imitating Life … Obama’s Politics of Maybe, On Second Thought Maybe Yes, Maybe No


Rule #1 for being the President of the United States … The last thing in the world any voter should want, no matter what party they are from is an indecisive President.

As Michelle Malkin states, “if Barack Obama’s lack of authority and certitude weren’t costing so many lives, this would be comical”. Maybe? This is exactly the type of mentality that is needed when dealing with terrorism, the Iran nuclear threat and the war in Iraq & Afghanistan.

Barack Obama and the politics of maybe, wait a minute and on second thought. GOOD GRIEF!!!

A picture truly is worth a thousand words. The below piece of art is just some of the many one’s that “The One” has picked out for the White House. This one below is entitled “I think I’ll … ” by California artist Ed Ruscha.


H/T pic: Michelle Makin

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  • Comments

    3 Responses to “Art Imitating Life … Obama’s Politics of Maybe, On Second Thought Maybe Yes, Maybe No”

    1. rightknight on October 8th, 2009 1:02 pm

      Stimulus Package, Insane Debt, Job Failure, Business Failure,
      Chaos Everywhere, Devaluation of Money, Healthcare
      Shenanigans, Crap and Tax Garbage,……. Is it not obvious
      yet that NOTHING this guy is imposing/selling is doing
      anything but harm? Setting up the conditions for a complete
      dependence on a Fascist-Style Control would be the
      expected outcome, no? Only a complete idiot would kill
      the Golden Goose of small business in this Country!

    2. More Obama Art … Art Imitating, Um, Art … Or is it Plagiarizing Art? (Watusi - L’Escargot) | Scared Monkeys on October 8th, 2009 8:28 pm

      [...] up with the Obama art collection in the White House? First we have the “art of Maybe,” now we have the art of [...]

    3. flutter1 on October 9th, 2009 8:48 am

      She learned the art of plagiarism from the best: VP Joe Biden.

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