Bill Clinton Gets Opposition to Obama Wrong on Meet the Press … It’s not a Right Wing Conspiracy … It’s We the People

Former President Clinton gets it wrong on “Meet the Press” this morning. There is no “right wing conspiracy,” … it is called “WE THE PEOPLE” demanding answers and holding our political leaders accountable.


Hey Hill, think they’ll buy the tired line of a right wing conspiracy? Doubt it Bill, it didn’t work for me..

Politicians work for us, not the other way around.

Former President Bill Clinton on “Meet the Press” this morning was asked the obligatory “right wing conspiracy” question by David Gregory when it came to the comparison of opposition to Obamacare vs. Clinton’s failed health care policies.

Gregory asked: “Your wife famously talked about the vast right wing conspiracy targeting you. As you look at this opposition on the right to President Obama, is it still there?”

The former president replied: “Oh, you bet. Sure it is. It’s not as strong as it was, because America has changed demographically. But it’s as virulent as it was. I mean, they’re saying things about him. You know, it’s like when they accused me of murder, and all that stuff they did. … But … it’s not really good for the Republicans and the country, what’s going on now. I mean, they may be hurting President Obama. They can take his numbers down. They can run his opposition up. But, fundamentally, he and his team have a positive agenda for America. Their agenda seems to be wanting him to fail.”

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It is the same tired argument that they want him to fail. No, they want Obamacare and socialism to fail and the polls prove it. The President cannot change the poll numbers in his favor because Americans want nothing to do with his socialized medicine. Polls against Obamacare are now at their highest point.

Make no mistake about it former President Clinton and current President Barack Obama, it’s more strong than it was because it comes from “We the People” not from politicians. It was the People who dragged republicans into this battle with Obama’s socialism, out of control spending, government take over of banks, auto and healthcare.

Be afraid, be very afraid. This is not a right wing conspiracy … It comes from We the People and make no mistake Republicans, if you drop the ball, make concessions or get weak kneed and fold in compromise … You will be voted out as well.

Barack Obama Regarding Nuclear Conflict Iran & Ahmadinejad … “I am Not interested in Victory.”

Did everyone catch the comment that President Obama made at the G-20 meetings in Pittsburgh, PA after being asked a question on Iran by CBS’s Chip Reid … “I am not interested in victory.”

WHAT??? When it comes to US National security President Obama, you better be damn interested in VICTORY!!!

How is a victory for the United States in a nuclear conflict with Iran, not solving the problem Mr. President? Every time Obama speaks, it should make ever individual who voted for him scratch their head and ask why.

Full transcript can be found at Hot Air Pundit.

Remember VP Joe Biden’s words regarding Obama being tested and getting it wrong?

Mark my words. Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking …  to stand with him. Because it’s not gonna be apparent initially, it’s not gonna be apparent that we’re right.” (Joe Biden)

UPDATE I: Iran test-fires short-range missiles

Iran said it successfully test-fired short-range missiles during drills Sunday by the elite Revolutionary Guard, a show of force days after the U.S. and its allies condemned Tehran over a newly revealed underground nuclear facility that was being secretly constructed.

English-language Press TV reported the Fateh-110, Tondar-69 and Zelzal were test fired in a missile defense exercise, but did not give specifics on range or other details. All are short-range, surface-to-surface missiles.

Iran to test-fire missile that could reach Israel

More Obama Elementary School Songs … Since When is Education about Reading, Writing and Obama?

Are you kidding, another “All Hail Obama” song from school children.

Do you still think that there was no agenda with the class lesson plans during Obama’s speech on education to the school children? As if this one was not creepy enough, yet another video has appeared of 3rd graders singing the praises of Barack Obama. No agenda here between the President and Teacher’s Union.

The idea that educators find it perfectly okay to sing the praises of a sitting President is not only creepy, it is frightening and dangerous.

So this is what public school education has been reduced to. Maybe, just maybe the teachers union who is in the tank for Obama can find time to actually educate the children and not indoctrinate them? Since the LEFT considers Barack Hussein Obama the Obamamessiah, how is it that such brainwashing done by teachers is not stopped by the ACLU as a violation of “separation of church and state”?

Can you just hear the whining and MSM coverage if such time in school was being spent to sing songs about George W. Bush? How about Ronald Reagan?

However, this is not the first time that school teachers had children sing for a sitting ruler. In either case, it is as wrong as it can be. Key word here for the undoubted liberals that will lose their minds is, “a sitting ruler”. This kind of indoctrination of children so young and impressionable is frightening. Parents, stand up and get a clue. This goes beyond party lines, IT IS WRONG NO MATTER WHO THE PRESIDENT IS!!!

Pay for Mandatory Obama Insurance or Pay Fine and Go to Jail … Face Legal Action from the IRS

Obama Healthcare change you can believe in … Jail time!

Democrats complained that there were no death panels in the Obamacare healthcare IRSbill. What about Obamacare throwing you in jail!

Just yet another reason why to never allow the US government to get involved with healthcare.

Unbelievable, does the United States still does have a Constitution? Americans who fail to pay the mandatory for not buying health insurance coverage under Obamacare would face legal action from the Internal Revenue Service.   What on earth! Violators could face up to a year in jail or a $25,000 penalty.

The Joint Committee on Taxation later rejected an amendment submitted by Sen. Jim Bunning (R-Ky.) that would’ve eliminated the individual mandate.

Senator John Ensign (R-Nev.) questioned the Committee’s Chief of Staff, Thomas Barthold, about the penalty, arguing that many Americans don’t believe a mandate on the purchase of health insurance coverage is constitutional.

Senator John Ensign (R-Nev.) later received a handwritten note from Barthold that confirmed his concerns: people who fail to pay the $1,900 fee for not purchasing coverage under Obamacare would be charged with a misdemeanor, charged a penalty of up to $25,000 or face up to a year in jail. 

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Only 16% Like The Job Congress Is Doing … That’s Actually Up 2%

How does America feel about the job Congress is doing? Not good at all. Only 16% of Americans, according to a recent Rasmussen poll, think that Congress is doing a good job while 53% think they are doing a poor one. Believe it or not, 16% is actually up two from last month/

Just 16% of U.S. voters give Congress good or excellent ratings now that it’s back in action after a rough-and-tumble August recess, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

That’s up two points from last month but down seven points from the highest rating of 2009, reached in late May.

Who exactly are the 4% who think that Congress is doing an excellent job, their grandparents?

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