Democrats Ready to Go It Alone on Obamacare and Ram it Through … “Will of the People?”
Democratic Threat or bluff? Would Democrats really be willing to thumb their nose to “We the People?”
After trying to pull a fast one on the American people and attempting unsuccessfully to push Obamacare through before the August recess, Democrats now look to ram government controlled Obamacare through alone, according to the NY Times.
Given hardening Republican opposition to Congressional health care proposals, Democrats now say they see little chance of the minority’s cooperation in approving any overhaul, and are increasingly focused on drawing support for a final plan from within their own ranks.
All this while in Town Hall meetings across the country Americans voice their disapproval with government run health care. Even the NBC New Poll has 47% opposed to Obamacare while 43% are in favor.
However, it is hard to imagine that this is not a bluff on the part of Democrats. In order to pull off a bluff, some times you have to be holding the cards. In this case, on face value they may have the votes in numbers of Democrats in the House and Senate, but they hardly do in reality. A one sided Democratic vote for socialized medicine and Obamacare is a sure fire one way ticket out of DC for Democrats in 2010 and 2012. The people have made their feelings known just how they feel about Obamacare and it would be political suicide. They would lose the Independent vote forever.
Posted August 19, 2009 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Healthcare, Moonbats, Obamacare, Obamanation, Politics, Polls, We the People, WTF | 20 comments |
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20 Responses to “Democrats Ready to Go It Alone on Obamacare and Ram it Through … “Will of the People?””
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Democrats say there are only a hand full of Republicans on baord, hell there are only a hand full of Americans on board with Obamacare.
Obamacare: Every American gets one tube of Preperation-H for the infected area that obama caused
obama can count on looking for a job at mcdonalds if this bill passes. he probably can’t flip burgers any better than he can pitch a baseball.
While it’s clear that our health care system needs some major befuddles me as to why Obama & his “health care experts” have not even attempted to address the huge problem of tort reform, malpractice insurance and defensive medicine.
Still, it’s obvious that the majority of Americans do not trust our Government to do the job and that a public option should not be part of health care reform.
All who vote for this crap can look for new jobs with the rest of us after the 2010 and 2012 elections, ROFLMAO!!!
What if , if everyone refused to pay there Taxes.
I can’t believe that the Democrats would even consider this bill without any Republicans with them. They have absolutely no regard for public opinion, and the outcome will be self inflicted.
#3 – He’ll be flipping to the left.
For those of you who have had enough of AARP on this and/or other issues, here is an alternative:
The Dems will OWN this POS deathcare scam. 2010 and 2012 are not that far away. Vote the fools out.
Obama has now started his Culture Of Corruption that his wife was playing with while employed at a Chicago hospital.
all the thugs in obama’s camp have ties to corruption. michelle Obama, Valerie Jarrett, David Axlerod are all part of a corrupt patient dumping scheme while employed at this Chicago Hospital. and getr this, most of them poor blacks !!!
It’s the will of Landru; you will be absorbed.
As fast as “change” is taking place, I wouldn’t be surprised if elections have not been abolished by 2010 or 2012, or perhaps they will just be rigged like Iran and the will of dissenters ignored. “Troublemakers” will be jailed and tried for treason.
I phoned my Senator (Chet Edwards)today, thinking the Dems could try to go it alone. I told his aid, “tell Chet — do not do it, be sure you tell Chet I (gave my name) said do not do it.”
I would like to be through being politically envolved and gaining support for causes. But I think if the Dems do this, numerous old, the current and new eager participants will (re)enter to ride them out in shame.
IF the Democrats pass Obama IWon Care, there is no turning back. Yes, they might all lose their jobs, but that really won’t help you and me the taxpayer. Once you give an entitlement, just try to take it away! Once you’ve ruined the insurance industry, what choices are left?
Next, the Dimocrats count on stupid voters. They’ve fed you all the “Bush deficits” and many of you sucked it down, never remembering just who was in power and passing the spending during those deficits. They’ve also seen the pre-election surveys where all the moonbats blamed everything thing bad on Bush, Cheney and Rove even when IWon and ACORN were the guilty parties.
if barry thinks he’s seeing guns now, wait until people can’t get healthcare and you will see this multiply into something obama can’t handle.
And did anyone ever actually believe Obama gave a crap about the “will” of the people? Only “will” he cares about is his own…and his handlers’.
Sadly, I agree with Pat, we’re one step away (a goose step) from Hilter German if this continues cuz it’s clear free speech against the machine isn’t gonna be tollerated by Zero and the other Marxists he’s got in power with him up there. They care for their power and lessening ours to nothing.
obama is an owned president and always has been. russell simmons himself stated this but said that he would vote for obama just because he was black.
16 Brenda:
nice comparison (obama to Hitler), to bad you also call him a marxist
kinda the oposite
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