A Moderate Conservative Voter with Buyers Remorse … Maybe People Put More Thought into Voting for American Idol

Elections have consequences … the next time get informed and pay attention. You are not voting Buyers_remorsefor the next American Idol. However, has the damage been done?

Here is one moderate conservative who has buyers remorse and was part of that uncommitted vote up until the very end. Are there more out there like this who fell for Obama’s act? In the end she fell for the glamour, glitz and presentation of Barack Obama and is now suddenly surprised that he really is a tax and spend liberal. Actually Crystal, Obama is a tax and spend socialist.

A note to Crystal Wright, you might want to actually pay attention the next time to a politicians track record and words next election, instead of their style. Also, you might be a moderate Republican, there is no way you are a moderate Conservative.

Admittedly, I was one of the moderate conservatives who was wooed by Obama during his PR campaign to become the country’s next president. Sadly, even though I was still unsure of my vote until the week before the election, I know better now. I truly had no idea he would turn out to be the radical tax and spend liberal he’s revealed. Since the beginning of his presidency, Obama seems more interested in making policies and decisions that grab headlines than those in the best interests of the country …

He acts very king-like, expecting Congress to endorse everything he floats their way, but his high octane PR strategy–loaded with smiles and good oratory may be fading.

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Raibin Raof Osman Makes 911 Call Over Botched McDonald’s Order … The Great OJ Theft

Question: Is not receiving your orange juice in your McDonald’s fast food order worth going to OJ_MCDSjail over?

Answer: For 99.9% of sane people the answer would be yes.

However, not for 20 year old Raibin Raof Osman who spent the night in jail after he called 911 to complain that his orange juice was left out of his drive thru order. You just can’t make this stuff up. Osman, up for a Darwin Award this year, actually called a 911 operator to complain that he did not receive his orange juice box in his meal. Which does lead the the conclusion that the roads of all evil lead back to OJ.

Osman was booked Monday night on accusations of improper use of 9-1-1. He bailed out Tuesday. The offense is a Class B misdemeanor punishable in Oregon by up to six months in jail and a fine of $2,500.

The Volokh Conspiracy has the Oregon statue and asks, do you think he violated it? We wonder why our courts are tied up with frivolous cases? Some common sense would be nice and a slap upside his head might be in order.

Posted May 29, 2009 by
Arrest, Bizarre, Crime, WTF | 9 comments

Daily Commentary – Friday, May 29th, 2009 – John and Kate… +10 Million?

  • Ratings of John and Kate Plus 8 skyrocket amid controversy. The greater the scandal, more viewers watch, or is it Voyeurs?

icon for podpress  Daily Commentary – Friday, May 29th, 2009 – John and Kate… +10 Million? [1:27m]:  | Download


Orlando, FL– Appearing in court today, in advance of an approved pro hac vice motion, Casey Anthony’s lead defense counsel Jose Baez introduced the latest addition to the Baez Bevy of Barristers: Andrea Lyon. Baez took the opportunity to introduce Ms. Lyon in the form of a impromptu commercial, as pointed out by Prosecuting attorney Jeff Ashton.

Read the rest at Blink on Crime:

Debbie McLucas Asked to Take Down American Flag at her Place of Work Kindred Hospital in Mansfield


Read the following lesson in patriotism that a Texas hospital received. Let this be a lesson to all. Stand up for what’s right  and stand up for your country, unless you want no country left to stand for. Since when has the American flag ever been offensive?


The day that you cannot have an American flag at your place of work, especially when there are brave American men and woman dying every day to protect our freedoms, is the day we best just pack up shop.

Debbie McLucas was asked to remove the American flag that she put up in her office at the Kindred Hospital in Mansfield, TX prior to Memorial Day. Seems normal enough. Celebrating and commemorating the men and woman lost and the sacrifices they made so that we might be free. However, believe it or not one of the supervisors complained that the flag was offensive.

When McLucas came to work Friday, her boss told her another supervisor had found her flag offensive. “I was just totally speechless. I was like, ‘You’re kidding me,’” McLucas said.

McLucas’ husband and sons are former military men. Her daughter is currently serving in Iraq as a combat medic.

Stifling a cry, McLucas said, “I just wonder if all those young men and women over there are really doing this for nothing.

McLucas said the supervisor who complained has been in the United States for 14 years and is formerly from Africa. I have a suggestion to this supervisor, GO BACK TO AFRICA! To borrow a phrase, love it or leave it. If you actually have an issue with an American flag being displayed in America, you not only need to leave, you need to be deported. The American flag is the symbol under which people wish to live and earn a living. The PC BS must come to an end, NOW!!!

One person complained and the higher ups were going to make Debbie McLucas take down her American Flag display. Listen to the insanity and patriotism coming from management.

McLucas said hospital bosses told her as far as patriotism was concerned, the flag flying outside the hospital building would have to suffice.

“I find it very frightening because if I can’t display my flag,” McLucas asked, “whatother freedoms will I lose before all is said and done?”

The response from Kindred Hospital after the outrage when the story went national? They of course reversed their initial decision and allowed the employee to display the America flag. As it turns out not only did the hospital allow the flag, no one ever complained about the size of the flag in the first place.

Posted May 28, 2009 by
Moonbats, WTF | 34 comments

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