Sick, Just Sick … Liberal PAC Ads Attack McCain’s Health … Sick Ad Only Run on MSNBC
So why hasn’t Barack Obama condemned this ad and asked for it to be stopped?
How low could LIBERALS possibly be? Watch the disgusting liberal PAC ad below that targets John McCain in a personal manner with regards to his cancer. Wasn’t it the LEFT who made the accusations that Republicans try and scare voters?
Guess who was behind the PAC, Brave New PAC and Democracy for America, and this political hit piece?Chairman of the DNC Howard Dean’s brother, James H. Dean. Federal campaign finance rules prohibit coordination between outside groups and campaigns or parties. However, we are supposed to believe that there was no coordination between brothers because they said there was none.
‘‘The fact that Howard Dean’s brother and an adviser to the Obama campaign are behind despicable and cheap smear ads against Sen. McCain is deeply disappointing, but in no way surprising,’’ said RNC spokesman Danny Diaz. ‘‘Barack Obama has promised Americans an elevated debate offering nothing but gutter, Chicago-style politics.’’
Guess who is the only network showing this disgusting ad … MSNBC. How low has the Peacock fallen? Once again MSNBC shows just how far they are in the tank for Barack Obama. What a joke. Even worse … how reprehensible could anyone be?
Two liberal groups – one of them directed by a brother of the Democratic Party chairman Howard Dean – will begin running a graphic attack advertisement Thursday morning raising questions about Senator John McCain’s health. Showing vivid and unflattering images of the fresh scar that appeared on Senator McCain’s face immediately after his last operation for melanoma skin cancer eight years ago, the commercial ends with a screen headline that reads, “Why won’t John McCain release his medical records?” (Mr. McCain, 72, did invite a limited group of reporters to inspect more than 1,100 pages of his medical records in May, …)
Obama has not released his medical records. His campaign instead released a one-page letter in May from his longtime physician, Chicago internist Dr. David L. Scheiner, that summarized 21 years of medical records and described Obama’s health as excellent.
MSNBC has notified an independent group running an ad questioning John McCain’s health that it will no longer air the spot, only a half day after Fox’s Bill O’Reilly attacked NBC’s corporate bosses on the air over the ad, the group tells me.The spot, which has been running on MSNBC since yesterday, is the work of Brave New PAC and Democracy For America, which is headed up by Howard Dean’s brother. It demands that McCain release his medical records and quotes doctors saying that McCain’s age and bouts with cancer should raise concern, with one saying that another round of cancer would “profoundly impact his capacity to lead.”O’Reilly also blasted Jeffrey Immelt, the head of General Electric, which owns NBC, and top NBC exec Jeff Zucker. “They should be ashamed, but they are anything but,” O’Reilly said.
Posted September 26, 2008 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Bizarre, Corruption, John McCain, Media Bias, Moonbats, Politics, Presidential Election 2008, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 11 comments |
Casey Anthony, the Mother of Missing Caylee Anthony Sued for Defamation by Baby Sitter Zenaida Gonzalez
Oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive and the many other people Casey Anthony has hurt along the way without regard …
Zenaida Gonzalez, the alleged baby sitter who Casey Anthony, the mother of missing Caylee Anthony, stated she left Caylee with for a month has filed a defamation of character law suit. People have speculated how long it was going to take for a falsely accused individual to file suit against Casey Anthony. The alleged accusations against babysitter, Zenaida Gonzalez, have been just one of the many lies, fabrications and stories to come out of the moth of Casey Anthony to investigators.
A woman has filed a defamation lawsuit against the mother of a missing Florida toddler after she claims she was accused of kidnapping the child.
Attorney John Morgan says Zenaida Gonzalez has never met Casey Anthony, who he says accused Gonzalez of taking her daughter Caylee in June.
Gonzalez sued Anthony, 22, on Wednesday in Orlando.
Zenaida Gonzalez has been implicated in the disappearance of 3 year old Caylee Anthony by Casey; however, Gonzalez states that she has never met Casey Anthony. Casey Anthony has stated the last saw her daughter, 3 year old Caylee, was in June with a baby sitter named Zenaida Gonzalez. After having been named in the case of missing Caylee Anthony, according to WESH 2 the real Zenaida Gonzalez has been harassed by people and that she lost her job and apartment because of the Anthonys
Posted September 26, 2008 by Scared Monkeys Bizarre, Casey Anthony, Caylee Anthony, Crime, Legal - Court Room - Trial, Missing Persons, WTF | 21 comments |
Scared Monkeys Radio Daily Commentary – Friday, September 26, 2008 – What Are Freddie Mac And Fannie Mae, Anyway?
- Dana discusses the US economy from a Canadian’s perspective.
Download and Comment at ScaredMonkeysRadio.Com
John McCain: The Definition of Leadership … America First … Suspends Campaign … Debate Second?
What does America ask of their President? Generally, the basically ask two things. One, they demand their President he ethical and have character. Two, and most importantly … they ask their President to lead. Not watch polls, not see which way the story turns in order to create an opinion. AMERICANS DEMAND LEADERSHIP FROM THEIR PRESIDENT!
Republican candidate John McCain has suspended his campaign and goes back to Washington, DC to help try and hammer out a deal with regards to the $700 billion financial bail out crisis. McCain asked Barack Obama to postpone the Presidential debates on Friday night so that the two Senators could do the work of the American people. After all the debate is supposed to be on foreign policy, not the economy. Now before anyone who opposed McCain says this is grandstanding and a politic gimmick, John McCain has precedent of putting Country before Politics. Was it a gimmick when McCain said no to his Vietnamese captors and stayed a POW? Was it a gimmick when John McCain backed the surge in Iraq when nearly everyone was against it?
No, it was no gimmick … it was called leadership.
A debate is much a do about nothing and pre-rehearsed talking points … what McCain is doing is giving America a glimpse into how he would act as a President and put Country before party. Conversely, so is Obama and his actions. First he said that the debates will go on, in the same breathe that he is claiming that the financial crisis we are in is the worst since the Great Depression. First he said he was not going back to DC, then he changed his mind.
UPDATE I: Deal or No Deal
Democrats can complian and point figures of blame all they want at John McCain, the fact is that a majority of Americans are angered over the bail out.
The Treasury secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. quickly returned to Capitol Hill to try to revive the proposal.
One critical snag seems to be opposition to the $700 billion plan by conservative House Republicans.
“My hope is that we can get a deal,” said Senator Christopher J. Dodd, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, hours after House and Senate negotiators had announced that an accord was at hand. President Bush had hoped that an agreement could be announced after the late-afternoon meeting.
Mr. Dodd, looking tired and annoyed, complained that the late complications were making the episode sound more like “a rescue plan for John McCain,” the Republican presidential candidate, than one for the financial system.
UPDATE II: John McCain Stated that there was Never a Deal on Wallstreet Bail Out
Republican White House hopeful Sen. John McCain denied Thursday there ever had been any deal in place between Congress and the White House on a $700-billion Wall Street bailout plan.
McCain said on ABC News after talks at the White House that also included his Democratic rival Sen. Barack Obama that he still hoped to go to the scheduled presidential debate Friday night in Mississippi.
But his senior campaign adviser Steve Schmidt accused Obama of putting himself before his country, by continuing to run campaign ads while the high-stakes political drama over the economic crisis was playing out.
McCain said he knew going into the White House meeting called by President Bush that there was no deal, after having said Wednesday the debate should be canceled if a bailout wasn’t secured
UPDATE III: Democrats play the blame game against John McCain; however, he is the only one in people’s eyes working for the People. As Town states, hey Democrats, “If the bailout is so great, then why don’t you pass it with your majorities in the House and Senate and President Bush will certainly sign it.”
- The Weekly Standard: Barney Frank Slams McCain
- The Weekly Standard: Not on Their Watch?
Watch the Fox News report John posted on how we got into this mess, and then chuckle at Obama’s quote to the AP:
“Keep in mind House Democrats and Senate Democrats and me and the leadership are all pretty burned up about this thing,” Obama said at a news conference after the TV interviews. “This wasn’t happening on our watch. We weren’t preventing some of the regulatory reforms that might have prevented us from getting here.”
Audacity indeed.
Posted September 25, 2008 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Economy, Government, John McCain, Politics, Presidential Election 2008 | 52 comments |
24 Year Old Marlies Elizabeth van der Kouwe Missing … Kidnapped in Bonaire
Just Another Day in a Caribbean Paradise … This time its Bonaire.
24 year old Marlies Elizabeth van der Kouwe was kidnapped in Bonaire at 2:30 am Sunday morning when a man pulled her off her bicycle. The man, who was on a dark colored two wheeled vehicle is said to be between 1.70 and 1.80 meters tall, was dressed in dark-colored clothing and was wearing a jacket. Her parents who live in the Netherlands were informed of their daughter’s abduction.
Marlies Elizabeth Van der Kouwe Description:
- 24 years old, born in Curaçao on the 11th of May 1984
- 1.63 meters tall
- blue eyes
- blond hair
Marlies van der Kouwe kidnapped in Bonaire
The police has put in a large scale search party to find the missing 24 year old Marlies Elizabeth van der Kouwe. On the night of Saturday to Sunday at two thirty she was pulled off her bicycle by a man on a dark-colored two-wheeled vehicle.
The man, between 1.70 and 1.80 meters long, was dressed in dark-colored clothing and was wearing a jacket. This took place on the Boulevard Gobernador N. Debrot in the neighbourhood of the WEB-factory. The vehicle left off eastwards. Police chief John Schagen,
Lieutenant Governor Herbert Domacassé, Chief of Police John Schagen and Officer of Justice David van Delft during the pressconference.
Lieutenant Governor Herbert Domacassé and Officer of Justice David van Delft held a press conference about the kidnapping yesterday.
So how will the search for missing Marlies Elizabeth van der Kouwe differ from that of the case of Natalee Holloway in Aruba? Why do we ask? According to a press conference, Bonaire has requested the help of the coast guard of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. Let’s hope they do not ask the ALE for their help.
They asked the coast guard of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba to help them in their search who have already put in a plane. The plane scanned the area on Monday evening and Tuesday before sunrise. According to Chief of Police Schagen , the RST of the Netherlands Antilles has been pulled in for the investigation.
However, we already see one difference in the two cases as investigators in Bonaire are treating the kidnapping of Marlies Elizabeth van der Kouwe seriously as opposed to the nonchalant and inept manner that the ALE did in the Natalee Holloway case.
“Our first priority is to find her back. We are still hopeful that she is still alive. We’re handling this as a serious crime”, says the police chief.
UPDATE I: Netherland News on the Abduction of Marlies Elizabeth van der Kouwe
Nederlandse ontvoerd op Bonaire –
UPDATE II: Dutch woman abducted in the Dutch Antilles
Bonaire wants to make differences between their missing persons case and Natalee Holloway. They can make all the claims they want; however, missing is missing and acts of violence against woman are just that … no difference.
The Dutch Antilles island of Bonaire is in shock after a young Dutch woman went missing during the weekend.
AD, De Volkskrant and Trouw report on the abduction that bears similarities to the Holloway case that took place on Aruba. Twenty-four-year-old Marlies van der Kouwe disappeared after an evening at a popular bar on Saturday night. She was seen being dragged off her bicycle by one or two assailants on a scooter. Only her bicycle and flip-flops were found.
Posted September 25, 2008 by Scared Monkeys Aruba, Caribbean, Main, Missing Persons, Natalee Holloway | 38 comments |