Barack Obama Finally Sees Problems with Rev. Wright Speech … Divorce Because he Called him a Politician


“The person that I saw yesterday was not the person that I met 20 years ago.”

After 20 years Barack Obama divorces Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Obama Obama_REVdenounces Wright’s comments as the “he said, he said” battle continues. Some how Obama has had an epiphany that what Rev. Wright has been saying is wrong and hateful. Barack, where the hell have you been for the past 20 years? Wright said nothing different the other day at the National Press Club than he has said in the past. So what’s the difference? Is it because he called you a politician? Finally yesterday at a news conference Obama breaks with pastor Wright to stop the drama of race, values, patriotism and betrayal that has sabotaged his presidential candidacy.  After all this time Obama decides to throw Wright under the bus, but alas, his head is too large to fit. What is that, if not political posturing?

“I have spent my entire adult life trying to bridge the gap between different kinds of people. That’s in my DNA, trying to promote mutual understanding to insist that we all share common hopes and common dreams as Americans and as human beings. That’s who I am, that’s what I believe, and that’s what this campaign has been about,” Obama said.

“I am outraged by the comments that were made and saddened by the spectacle that we saw yesterday,” he said.

Obama also distanced himself from the man in a way he has been reluctant to in the past.

“The person that I saw yesterday was not the person that I met 20 years ago,” he said. “His comments were not only divisive and destructive, but I believe that they end up giving comfort to those who prey on hate, and I believe that they do not portray accurately the perspective of the black church.”

“They certainly don’t portray accurately my values and beliefs,” he said.

“If Reverend Wright thinks that’s political posturing, as he put it, then he doesn’t know me very well and based on his remarks yesterday, I may not know him as well as I thought either.” (The Politico)

The full transcript of Obama on Wright can be read HERE.

What is most telling about Obama’s actions are the following. Obama allowed Rev. Wright to attack America and that was OK. Obama sat back while seeing Rev. Wright and his church praise Louis Farrakhan. No one in their “Wright” mind thinks that in some 20 years that Obama could not have been exposed to Wright’s rantings. The only time that Obama actually takes a stand against Wright is when it was hurting him politically. This coming from the “candidate of change”.

That’s just it Obama … it was all about political posturing. As wrong as Wright is on his position, you sat by and did nothing. You sat idle in a pew for 20 years and accepted everything that Wright was saying knowing that he positioned you well politically.

There are so many fantastic posts on this story, here are just a few sure reads:

  • The Gateway Pundit: Obama: “I Seek Daily to Imitate His Faith” …Until Today
  • Michelle Malkin: What, pray tell, could Barack Obama possibly say now to undo the damage of his two decades of bad judgment about Jeremiah Wright?
  • Hot Air: Obama shocked, shocked at Wright’s behavior (Video)
  • Althouse: Did Obama “denounce Wright”?

Believe it or not, Reverend Wright is actually right about one thing. Barack Obama has done all of this because os political posturing. That is obvious. Why else would one sit back and say nothing while hate flowed from the pulpit? Either you agreed with it, or you had an agenda.

Hot Air states it best when it comes to the liberal media, “You can attack America or the military all you want (literally, in Bill Ayers’s case!), but if you attack Barack Obama’s electability.”

If you liked this post, you may also like these:

  • Jeremiah Wright’s Trumpet Newsmagazine … Barack Obama … I Never Saw that Side of Wright
  • Interesting Timing … Former Obama Fundraiser Tony Rezco Convicted of Corruption
  • Wright and Obama … Its About the Content of One’s Character … Trumpet Newsmagazine
  • Something Wasn’t Wright: Why Oprah Winfrey Left Rev. Wrights Church … Didn’t Want to Offend Audience, then Why Did Obama Want to?
  • Michelle Obama … Hubby Barack Obama is About to Blow … Not Ready for Prime Time or the Presidency

  • Comments

    35 Responses to “Barack Obama Finally Sees Problems with Rev. Wright Speech … Divorce Because he Called him a Politician”

    1. katablog on April 30th, 2008 7:19 am

      A little too late.

      Watch his buddies call him an “Uncle Tom” now.

    2. brie. on April 30th, 2008 8:30 am


    3. Tamikosmom on April 30th, 2008 9:37 am

      If African American Armstrong Williams was presently a candidate who was running for the office of President of the United States and … I were American … he would be my candidate of choice when I consider the alternate choices … Obama … Clinton … McCain.

      His race would be a non-issue.


      Armstrong Williams is a widely-syndicated columnist, CEO of the Graham Williams Group, and hosts the Armstrong Williams Show.

      “There are still pockets of so called black churches and mosque today that can identify with the Rev. Wright‘s lace-filled, anti-American, hypocritical sermons.” Armstrong Williams

      “They refuse to elevate and celebrate the progress of America and how Presidential candidate Barack Obama’s campaign is evidence of that amazing paradigm shift.” Armstrong Williams

      “It is impossible for Senator Barack Obama and his wife to have patterned Rev. Wright’s church and not have embraced his teachings and vision of America.” Armstrong Williams

      “I find it difficult to believe Senator Obama when he tells us that he was unaware of his Pastor’s vicious message from the pulpit and that had he known there would have been condemnation.” Armstrong Williams

      “Furthermore that no one should be a member of congregations and mosque that preach this hatred and conspiratorial thinking, which continuously emphasize the worst in our country and not the phenomenal progress made.” Armstrong Williams

      “The fact is the Senator has no plausible excuse for why he remained a member of Rev. Jeremiah’s church.” Armstrong Williams

      “The day must come when churches (Black or otherwise that preach this hate speech) will return to the Word.” Armstrong Williams


      Sunday’s Dirty Secret
      By Armstrong Williams
      Monday, March 17, 2008

    4. Richard on April 30th, 2008 9:59 am

      Already, editorials have been asking if Obama’s campaign can overcome the “Wright damage.” Of course, Obama is the candidate, not Wright.

      I’ve also read that the Democratic Party seems to be split more or less down the middle, and that many Clinton partisans are unlikely to vote if Obama is nominated, and vice versa.

      We’ll see what happens after the August convention. Meanwhile, the whole sordid mess continues to drag on.

      As always, I wonder what the person who may have been our greatest president is thinking as he sits in his shrine down there by the Potomac:

    5. Tamikosmom on April 30th, 2008 10:10 am

      Yesterday … Barack Obama lied to the American people. In his own words … in his book DREAMS OF MY FATHER … it is clear that Obama was well aware of Jeremiah Wright’s racist, anti-American ideology from the getgo.

      Audacity of Barack Obama and Rev. Wright
      by Michael Gaynor
      March 18, 2008 01:00 PM EST

      In Senator Obama’s first book, titled Dreams of My Father and published in 1995 (after he had been elected president of the Harvard Law Review but before he had been elected to public office), Senator Obama wrote at length about Rev. Wright and his moving “Audacity of Hope” speech.

      In Dreams, Senator Obama explained how he met Rev. Wright, whom he mentioned had been “dabbling with liquor, Islam, and black nationalism in the sixties.”

      He acknowledged that Rev. Wright immediately had given him fair warning that he was controversial, by quoting Rev. Wright as having said: “Some of my fellow clergy don’t appreciate what we’re about. They feel like we’re too radical. Others, we aren’t radical enough. Too emotional. Not emotional enough.”

      He also acknowledged that Rev. Wright let him know at their first meeting that he looked unfavorably on America and expected to continue to do so, by stating, “Life’s not safe for a black man in this country, Barack. Never has been. Probably never will be.”

      Senator Obama left with one of Rev. Wright’s “Black Value System” Brochures.

      More …

    6. Tamikosmom on April 30th, 2008 10:26 am

      I believe it is all an Obama campaign strategy … a strategy to deceive the American people into thinking that Obama and Wright are parting ways … into thinking that Obama was a naive pawn for twenty years.

      I am wondering once the campaign strategy has successfully distanced Obama and Wright … how is it going to distance Obama’s own racist, anti-American words from his two books … DREAMS OF MY FATHER and AUDICITY OF HOPE. Also … how is the campaign strategy going to distance Obama from the “company” he has associated with for the past twenty years … “company” that adheres to a Marxist philosophy … “company” that includes Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn.


      The Friends of Barack Obama, Part 1
      April 22, 2008

      The Friends of Barack Obama, Part 2
      April 23, 2008

    7. LilPuma on April 30th, 2008 11:25 am

      Re: Tamikosmom. What does it say about our media and political process that I’m learning more about Obama from a Canadian poster on a blog than I have from listening to their endless analysis of how much money he’s raised and who is endorsing him?

      I’ve never supported Obama for president. I think he’s running 4-8 years too soon. I do think he needs more time to develop strategies to achieve his goals in a divided country and Congress. Then again, I don’t know that McCain or Clinton will fare better, but they know how Washington works. Those who want change need to deal with a political environment that wants to maintain the status quo and find ways to make those changes. Talk is cheap. A strategy, a plan of action, is needed.

    8. brie. on April 30th, 2008 12:10 pm

      Nice posts as usual…Richard

    9. Tamikosmom on April 30th, 2008 1:13 pm

      April 29, 2008

      McCain said again Monday that he does “not believe that Sen. Obama shares Rev. Wright’s extremist statements or views.”



      Audacity of Hope: “Lolo (Obama’s step father) followed a brand of Islam ….” “I looked to Lolo for guidance”.

      Dreams of my Father: “The person who made me proudest of all, though, was [half brother] Roy .. He converted to Islam.”

      Dreams of my Father: “In Indonesia, I had spent two years at a Muslim school”

      Dreams of my Father: “I Studied the Koran.”

      Audacity of Hope: “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”

      Dreams of My Father: “I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother’s race”.

      Dreams of my Father: “The emotion between the races could never be pure….. the other race would always remain just that: menacing, alien, and apart.”

      Dreams of my Father: “Any distinction between good and bad whites held negligible meaning.”

      Dreams of My Father: “I ceased to advertise my mother’s race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites”

      Dreams Of My Father: “I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn’t speak to my own. It was into my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa, that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself..”.

      Dreams of My Father: “That hate hadn’t gone away,” he wrote, blaming “white people — some cruel, some ignorant, sometimes a single face, sometimes just a faceless image of a system claiming power over our lives.”

      Dreams of My Father: “There were enough of us on campus to constitute a tribe, and when it came to hanging out many of us chose to function like a tribe, staying close together, traveling in packs,” he wrote. “It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names”

      Dreams of my Father: “Desperate times called for desperate measures, and for many blacks, times were chronically desperate. If nationalism could create a strong and effective insularity, deliver on its promise of self-respect, then the hurt it might cause well-meaning whites, or the inner turmoil it caused people like me, would be of little consequence.”

      Dreams of my Father: “To avoid being mistaken for a racial sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets. We smoked cigarettes and wore leather jackets. At night, in the dorms, we discussed neocolonialism, Franz Fanon, Eurocentrism, and patriarchy.”

      Dreams of my Father: “there was something about him that made me wary,” Obama wrote. “A little too sure of himself, maybe. And white.”

      Dreams of my Father: “the reason black people keep to themselves is that it’s easier than spending all your time mad, or trying to guess whatever it was that white folks were thinking about you.”

      Dreams of my Father: One line in Malcolm X’s autobiography “spoke” to Obama “it stayed with me,” he says. “He spoke of a wish he’d once had, the wish that the white blood that ran through him, there by an act of violence, might somehow be expunged.”

    10. Susan on April 30th, 2008 3:19 pm

      Lies, lies, and more lies! Osama Barack Hussein Obama is only trying to cover his ass for his own and his campaign’s sake. It ain’t going to work this time either!

      No matter which Democrat wins the nomination, McCain will be our next president :-)

    11. brie. on April 30th, 2008 3:24 pm

      I’m with you Susan!!!

    12. Susan on April 30th, 2008 3:45 pm

      Thanks, brie :-) Years ago, I often threatened to run for President myself when I turned 35, but backed down. Not because I didn’t think I wouldn’t make the best president this country has ever seen, but just didn’t won’t to see all of those skeletons drug out of my closet! Yikes, that wouldn’t be a pretty sight :-( Oh well, none of us are perfect…

    13. Maggie on April 30th, 2008 4:17 pm

      I see noone to vote for this year..Actually went to meet Bill Clinton about 3 weeks ago giving a speech in Indiana, got to shake his hand .He was surrounded by bodyguards, never voted for him, still wouldnt or his wife. Obama I think is getting a free ride, because we already seen the Clinton’s and what the country went through when they were in power. and so they would vote for just about anyone besides them. Really disappointed in the candidates this year.. and this “minister” is disgusting, just like Al Sharpton.

    14. Tamikosmom on April 30th, 2008 4:45 pm


      Audacity of Barack Obama and Rev. Wright
      by Michael Gaynor
      March 18, 2008 01:00 PM EST

      In Senator Obama’s first book, titled Dreams of My Father and published in 1995 (after he had been elected president of the Harvard Law Review but before he had been elected to public office), Senator Obama wrote at length about Rev. Wright and his moving “Audacity of Hope” speech.

      In Dreams, Senator Obama explained how he met Rev. Wright, whom he mentioned had been “dabbling with liquor, Islam, and black nationalism in the sixties.”

      He acknowledged that Rev. Wright immediately had given him fair warning that he was controversial, by quoting Rev. Wright as having said: “Some of my fellow clergy don’t appreciate what we’re about. They feel like we’re too radical. Others, we aren’t radical enough. Too emotional. Not emotional enough.”

      He also acknowledged that Rev. Wright let him know at their first meeting that he looked unfavorably on America and expected to continue to do so, by stating, “Life’s not safe for a black man in this country, Barack. Never has been. Probably never will be.”


      More …



      “The vision statement of Trinity United Church of Christ is based upon the systematized liberation theology that started in 1969 with the publication of Dr. James Cone’s book, Black Power and Black Theology.”



      Black Theology & Black Power (Paperback)

      First published in 1969, “Black Theology & Black Power” provided the first systematic presentation of black theology. Relating the militant struggle for liberation with the gospel message of salvation, James Cone laid the foundation for an original interpretation of Christianity that retains its urgency and challenge today.

      “Christ is black therefore not because of some cultural or psychological need of black people, but because and only because Christ really enters into our world where the poor were despised and the black are, disclosing that he is with them enduring humiliation and pain and transforming oppressed slaves into liberating servants.” James Cone

      “Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him. The task of black theology is to kill Gods who do not belong to the black community … Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal. Unless God is participating in this holy activity, we must reject his love.” James Cone

      “In the New Testament, Jesus is not for all, but for the oppressed, the poor and unwanted of society, and against oppressors … Either God is for black people in their fight for liberation and against the white oppressors, or he is not.” James Cone.

    15. brie. on April 30th, 2008 4:49 pm

      Susan, no none of us of us are perfect that is what makes us human beings…but the sub-humans think they are….!!! Their is a particular poster on here that seems to be a completely non emotional person….Oh, I do this, I don’t do that, oh come on, what are you some damn totem pole….who believes that!!!

    16. ed on April 30th, 2008 6:36 pm

      Barack has already disavowed Wright’s words — the end.

    17. Tamikosmom on April 30th, 2008 6:46 pm

      I predict that the following transcript will become Barack Obama’s downfall. Yesterday … he outright lied to the American people.

      I give Jeremiah Wright credit … you may disagree with him but … you know exactly his position on the issues. Wright has embraced a racist, anti-American ideology for decades and … it has not changed one iota. That ideology is based on James Cone’s book … “Black Power and Black Theology.” (See #14 Comment)

      On the other hand … Barack Obama is deceitful … a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He attempt to portray himself as Wright’s victim when … in his own words in MY FATHER’S DREAMS and THE AUDICITY OF HOPE … it is revealed that Obama embraced his pastor’s ideology twenty years ago.

      In yesterday’s interview … Obama should have come clean to the American people … confessed to deceiving the American people regarding his true political leanings … political leanings which would further his Marxist ideology from the highest position in the the land … the President of the United States of America

      Obama’s Remarks on Wright
      Published: April 29, 2008

      SENATOR BARACK OBAMA: Before I start taking questions I want to open it up with a couple of comments about what we saw and heard yesterday. I have spent my entire adult life trying to bridge the gap between different kinds of people. That’s in my DNA, trying to promote mutual understanding to insist that we all share common hopes and common dreams as Americans and as human beings. That’s who I am. That’s what I believe. That’s what this campaign has been about.

      Yesterday, we saw a very different vision of America. I am outraged by the comments that were made and saddened over the spectacle that we saw yesterday.

      You know, I have been a member of Trinity United Church of Christ since 1992. I have known Reverend Wright for almost 20 years. The person I saw yesterday was not the person that I met 20 years ago. His comments were not only divisive and destructive, but I believe that they end up giving comfort to those who prey on hate and I believe that they do not portray accurately the perspective of the black church.

      more …

    18. riannon on April 30th, 2008 7:03 pm

      This has been laid to rest. And why is it you will hold Wright against Obama, when you don’t hold Bush’s laying out the red carpet for the pope against Bush??? The pope was the guy in charge of handling the cover-up of the sexual abuse in the church when the previous pope was still alive. That just goes to show how much the pope and Vatican cared about the victims.

      Wright might be an a$$ and an opportunist (I personally believe he is, not for what he has said so much as for torpedoing Obamas campaign for his own self-interest) but who cares? Obama has said he’s a kook. That’s more than Bush or any of the media said about the pope! Instead the guy was treated like royalty when he should be rotting in prison.

      The double-standard here kills!!

      O B A M A 0 8

    19. A New Girl on April 30th, 2008 11:23 pm

      #18- Riannon– I agree with your views regarding the Pope and Vatican and I was raised 100% Roman Catholic. Stinks to high hell and back and really, truly made me question my affiliation and faith right after the entire tragedy of injustice came into play.

      But I know that the Lord died for ALL of mankind’s sins. I must continue to believe in God and sustain my faith. Just because the Pope and Archdiosiese apologized and paid MILLIONS of dollars to those abused….still makes me burn when I think about what the Catholic Church covered up and allowed to happen FOR YEARS!!!!

      I swear to God, my Grandmother is rolling over in her grave now—she died before it all broke. I think she would have been so, so heartbroken….I can see her now- she would have gone straight to her jewelry box and taken out her Rosary and immediately began praying for all the “sinners”.

      No, Bush should not have rolled out the red carpet for him as you say. I agree emphatically!!!!!!!!!!!!

      P.S. I really don’t think George W. Bush has been a great President. The worst we’ve ever had in office? No….but not one of the best either. I felt safe with him right after the 9/11 attacks though. I have to say- he calmed my fears in a time of great unrest in America. He has made some costly mistakes. I agree with that also.

    20. brie. on May 1st, 2008 12:45 am

      #4 Richard….I’m sure he is thinking, wish I could get out of this chair!!!!

    21. brie. on May 1st, 2008 12:53 am

      I think priests should be allowed to marry and have families, then maybe all of this would stop….

    22. brie. on May 1st, 2008 3:44 am

      Article on CNN and picture of Michelle Obama, she says that her husbands move to distance himself from the controversial minister and been painful but she is pleased on how he handled the situation.

      I think it is a little too late!!!!

      Also, on the forum someone posted that he believe’s Joran is still in Den Dolder, he said he was there the other day and spoke to two people that said he was there on the Roosenberg Unit….there are some pictures of the unit and of the man he talked too. He also said the 2nd person he spoken with worked there. The Roosenberg Unit is not an open unit, there is wire all around the place. So I guess that means you can’t voluntarily get out..if this is true maybe the Sloot’s committed him…well, if they are trying to fix his head he will never get out.

    23. mommytraveler on May 1st, 2008 8:18 am

      This has not been laid to rest. The “swift boating” folks will have a field day in the general election if Obama is nominated by the Democratic Party. They are most likely rejoicing at the prospect. Many, many of the votes cast in the Primary for Obama were a vote against Hilliary or just racially cast ballots by blacks voting for the black that was running. Colin Powell has been the only black in the public arena that has proven he has the “right stuff” to get past the hate and race issue. Obama should never have associated with all these controversial people just to get ahead in politics. His wife will also be a huge liability as the “swift boaters” start to publish more about her writings and statements. Oprah is already pay the price for her backing him. Throngs of her supporters have already left her.

    24. riannon on May 1st, 2008 1:48 pm

      #22 Brie: You say Obama distanced himself from Wright but you “think it’s too late.” What about Bush welcoming the pope? Laying out the red carpet? What about the entire roman catholic church and media fawning all over this man who systematically covered up decades of child abuse? Who has distanced themselves from the pope???

      Wright is only a blowhard. Not an enabler of pedophiles like the pope. Drop the double-standard.

      O B A M A 0 8

    25. on May 1st, 2008 4:35 pm

      #24 – since the Pope has only been the Pope for about 5 years how can you single handedly blame him for the ills of the Catholic Church?

    26. riannon on May 1st, 2008 7:32 pm

      #25 katablog

      What do yo think he was doing before he became pope? Cooking hamburgers at McD’s?

      Also, I never said he covered up the sexual abuse “single-handedly.” Part of the atrocity is that no one stood up to the Vatican’s orders. It required the cooperation of many within the RC Church, who all agreed to lie, swap sexually abusing priests around, and put off (even threaten!) victims. However, the now-pope was at the top of the food chain, handing down the orders from the previous pope. He was the previous pope’s right-hand man. THAT’S how he BECAME pope!

    27. A New Girl on May 2nd, 2008 1:48 am

      Katablog- While I see your point about the current Pope—let’s keep it real here, Kat.

      I have a name for you for someone who should be DEFROCKED. CARDINAL BERNARD LAW !!!!!!!!! How blasphemous!!!!!!

      The Vatican is what it is, and the reality is their money and power…senseless. They have to follow noones rules but their own, it seems.

      Kat- I have to side with Riannon 100% on this. If you read the facts and history of the case, to me-in my mind it comes down to one thing.

      COMPLETE DISHONESTY and CORRUPT individuals in charge, who rather than risk the scandal blowing up in their faces years ago- would decieve and lie to us !!!! Their Catholic followers. Loyal and good Catholics paid the price. How?? With lives that were ruined from being sexually abused by a Priest- by Parishes and Churches (my own in Winchester, MA for an example) that were CLOSED down so that the Archdiocese could afford to pay off the huge law suits they suffered. And why?? That is complete BS right there. Why did my Parish have to suffer…because it was small and didn’t provide them with enough REVENUE.

      Okay, I am rambling- I’ll make my point.

      A Pope apologizing in America for the scandal and saying he is “embarrassed” about it REALLY DOESN’T CUT THE MUSTARD FOR ME, FOLKS ! Talk about CORRUPTION and EVIL—there you have it! And in the VATICAN???? Disgusting.

      An apology from the Pope himself and even the money the victims of this atrocity received from their lawsuits doesn’t change a thing.

      Words mean nothing, it are actions which help to repair damage. How do these survivors of the sexual abuse function and perform today from what they suffered? I will stop ranting if we change the subject because I am still angry and part of me will NEVER forgive the sins of the Vatican.

      My action? I no longer attend Catholic churches. I belong to a Protestant congregation now or will even attend an Episcopelian service before I ever step foot back in a Catholic Church again.

    28. A New Girl on May 2nd, 2008 2:12 am

      Not that anyone really cares, but I wanted to articulate for one moment on something.

      I was born and raised a strict Roman Catholic. I have been baptized, married, etc. etc. and worshipped in a Catholic Parish since being a young child.

      It’s wierd, while I still consider myself Catholic since technically, that is what I am- of course, I still believe in my God. But you have no idea how this one Catholic lady has struggled with admitting to being Catholic since the shiznet hit the fan so to speak ! So, I affiliate my faith now more closely to worshipping with my fellow Protestants. My husband is Protestant. Anyway ! I know our God is the same God, and the Son of Jesus Christ- so it really is almost like splitting hairs when comparing the 2 denominations. I have to say, it is the closest to my original religion.

      Again—what is my point? I still struggle with my OWN faith right up to this very day. When the conversation comes up in general and others inquire as to my religious background- I always respond- “Catholic, a very dissappointed Catholic “!! I know in my heart now though that it is almost as if I don’t want to consider myself one.

      All I know is, this topic is a very difficult one with me.

      Because truly—’if, i.e., “WITH GOD, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE….” then please tell me Lord, why you let this happen at the hands of some of your OWN prophets? It causes me great religious turmoil.

      It is so, so sad. Let’s see if the public statements and the PROMISES the POPE has made to people everywhere will ring true. He has pledged to take any means necessary in keeping future pedophiles from becoming ordained as Priests or Pastors. Well, we will just see about that one okay?? And another thing- I think it is high ass time for the Catholics to begin to CONTEMPORIZE their religion somewhat. Uhhmmn….Helloooo? It is not NORMAL for any man or woman not to be a sexual being. So- here’s a news flash for you—allow Catholic priests to be what they are …HUMANS ! Allow them to marry and raise families like the rest of us….Allow them to be Gay,Straight, whatever. Stop being stuck on stupid as they say!

    29. riannon on May 2nd, 2008 3:08 pm

      #28 New Girl

      Hurrah for that! The RC Church DOES need to get with the times! I totally agree priests should be allowed to marry and have families… gay straight, and yes, women too. “Stop being stuck on stupid” indeed.

    30. Michelle Obama … Hubby Barack Obama is About to Blow … Not Ready for Prime Time or the Presidency | Scared Monkeys on May 4th, 2008 8:59 pm

      [...] Obama has known the Rev Wright for more than 20 years, but he was forced to end their friendship last week over repeated claims by his pastor that America was to blame for the 9/11 attacks and for spreading [...]

    31. Something Wasn’t Wright: Why Oprah Winfrey Left Rev. Wrights Church … Didn’t Want to Offend Audience, then Why Did Obama Want to? | Scared Monkeys on May 5th, 2008 10:45 am

      [...] once secure in his blackness and no longer politically expedient to use … Barack Obama finally divorces himself from Rev. Wright. Share [...]

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      [...] electorate made for a close contest in Indiana, where working-class whites and controversy over the Rev. Jeremiah Wright worked to Hillary Clinton’s advantage, while liberals, new voters and the mantle of change [...]

    33. Wright and Obama … Its About the Content of One’s Character … Trumpet Newsmagazine | Scared Monkeys on May 11th, 2008 10:54 am

      [...] issues remain. Obama can distance himself all he wants from Reverend Wright after the fact when it is politically expedient to do; however, that does not explain away his judgement to having spent 20 years in a church listening to [...]

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      [...] made, until finally Obama could not take the political hits from Wright’s continued comments and Obama divorced Wright. The Gateway Pundit further nailes it as well, “Funny Barack said the same thing about Jeremiah [...]

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