The Dana Pretzer Show on Scared Monkeys Radio – Tuesday, March 25, 2008 – Guests Include Don Clark and Mike McIntyre

This week, Dana welcomes:

  • Don Clark, retired FBI bureau chief and current Private Investigator discussing the Bahamian inquest into the death of Daniel Smith
  • Mike Mcintyre, crime reporter and radio host, discusses high profile cases in the news and a story about a Canadian woman who has been in jail for 2 years in Mexico without a trial for a crime she says she did not commit.

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Beth Holloway, International Safe Travels Foundation & Offer College & High School Students Spring Breakers Safe Options … BREAK SMART

Spring Break can be the best of times … it can be the worst of times. Beth Holloway asks students to please be safe …

The International Safe Travels Foundation, the non profit organization Beth Holloway, and are jointly releasing important information to our youths in an effort to keep them safe while on vacation. With Spring Break upon us once again, high school and college students need to be more aware of the troubles they could potentially fins themselves in.

No one knows more the potential risks of their child traveling abroad on vacation than does Beth Holloway. Her daughter, Natalee Holloway, went missing in Aruba in May 2005 and has never been seen or hear from since. Beth Holloway has made it her mission in life to never have another parent have to suffer what she has endured in Natalee going missing and the continual road blocks and barriers put forth by the Aruba investigation and their legal system. Beth Holloway stresses the point to teens and college students across America … STAY SAFE WHEN TRAVELING!

PEABODY, Massachusetts, March 24 /PRNewswire/ –, a division of First Choice Student Travel, and the International Safe Travels Foundation, a non-profit organization founded by Beth Holloway, the mother of missing teen Natalee Holloway, have jointly released a series of steps students can take to make their travel experiences safer. This announcement follows’s 2007 launch of its BreakSmart ( campaign, which was created to encourage responsible decision-making while on Spring Break.

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NY Governors: First Spitzer Sex Scandal, Then David Paterson Sex, Drugs and Hotel Bills … Pot Head & Cocaine Use

The New York Governor David Paterson … Sex … Drugs … Hotel Bills. Can Rock n’ Roll be far behind?

Paterson: I Did Coke!

What on earth is going on in the Democratic party in New York? It would appear that The Gateway Pundit is asking the same questions. Maybe we should start looking at who is next in line for the governorship in NY?

The good people of New York state deserve much better out of their governor than what Democrats have given them. First Eliot Spitzer makes a mockery of the position with his prostitution ring sex scandal. Also that he appears in his career to actually have prosecuted some sex rings while giving others that he used a pass.

Then comes along Lieutenant Governor David Paterson to take the disgraced Spitzer’s job. No sooner was Paterson sworn in than we find out that both he and his wife already had affairs of their own.  Now we learn that Paterson was a pot head and cocaine user in the past.

Paterson told Carter he spoke publicly about past drug use when he was Spitzer’s runningmate in 2006.

UPDATE: Here’s the exchange:

Dominic Carter: You have?

David Paterson: Yes

Dominic Carter: Marijuana?

David Paterson: Yes

Dominic Carter: Cocaine?

David Paterson: Yes

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