Anna Nicole Smith Finally has Funeral, But Not Without More Lawsuits … Billy Wayne Smith Suit Could be Thwarted by On Going Investigation

The Anna Nicole Smith funeral went ahead this morning but not without a last minute attempt by Virgie Arthur to block the ceremony. The Bahamian court rejected her attempt, Virgie was denied and the funeral went forth. There comes a point where enough is enough. Anna Nicole Smith arrived at the church in a mahogany coffin covered by a rhinestone-studded pink blanket. Following the ceremony she was laid to rest near her son.

On the continued law suit front, yesterday Scared Monkeys had the exclusive that Billy Wayne Smith, the father of Daniel Smith had filed papers to have Daniel’s body exhumed and returned to Texas.

It has been learned since that this may prove to be a rather difficult task. Larry Garrison “The NewsBreaker” and President of SilverCreek Entertainment has heard that Billy Wayne Smith’s filing for exhumation and removal to Texas may be thwarted, due to the fact that their is still an ongoing investigation into Daniel’s death in the Bahamas. It appears that next week a hearing will take place in the Bahamas as to this matter of exhuming Daniel Smith’s body.

It is the consensus opinion of many who have followed this case and who have commented and posted that this may have been a last minute act of desperation and collaboration between Anna’s mom, Virgie Arthur, and Billy Wayne Smith to stop the burial. It certainly has provided nothing but a Three Ring Circus atmosphere in an already bizarre environment.  

This is a Rather Low Blow Even for Politics … Barack Obama’s Ancestors Owned Slaves

Now here is a story that makes you go hmmm and shake your head. Politics has Wtfalways been a mud slinging business, but this is a low blow even as it relates to politics. It is being reported that Obama’s family owned slaves. One can only speculate where this story came from? Who has the most to gain by getting mud on Obama … I wonder who?

Many people know that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s father was from Kenya and his mother from Kansas.

But an intriguing sliver of his family history has received almost no attention until now: It appears that forebears of his white mother owned slaves, according to genealogical research and census records.

According to the research, one of Obama’s great-great-great-great grandfathers, George Washington Overall, owned two slaves who were recorded in the 1850 census in Nelson County, Ky. The same records show that one of Obama’s great-great-great-great-great-grandmothers, Mary Duvall, also owned two slaves. (Baltimore Sun)

Trust me, I do not care for Obama and I can find enough wrong with Barack Obama without having to do a hatchet job on him like this and include his great, great, great ancestors owning slaves. Barack was responsible for this how? Although, this story brings out another rather different yet important point. Whether a candidate or individual in general is black or white, are any of us responsible for what our ancestors did? The answer is no. So if one is white, the “slavery owning ancestor” card is just as wrong. 100% wrong.

  • QandO asks that very same question, “And I have to wonder where it came from?”
  • The Carpet Bagger Report ask the very valid question, “You’ve got to be kidding me. Obama’s great-great-great-great grandfather is relevant to his presidential campaign, why?”
  • The Virginian asks what media world do we live in today that would print this as a front page story.

I really don’t care who or what any candidate’s ancestors were or what they did. What is fascinating about this is that the news media should report on it. This is certainly not the media that failed to inform the public that Roosevelt was a polio victim confined to a wheel chair by only taking pictures of him that excluded that chair.

We are this far out of the primaries and 2008 elections and stories like this make print. Can we only begin to imagine how dirty the campaign will be.

Daily Commentary – Friday March 2nd, 2007 – Is the Government Funding Investigations Into Past Racial Crimes Well Enough?

Dana wonders

  • Is the Government Funding Investigations Into Past Racial Crimes Well Enough?

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Middle School Principal John Acerra Arrested for Selling Crystal Meth & Watching Gay Porn

You might say this man was caught with his pants down … literally.CrystalmethAP

I think we have found the WTF story if the week. John Acerra, a Nitschmann Middle School principal was arrested on Tuesday for selling crystal methamphetamine. It gets better or worse as the case may be. Acerra was when arrested was found to be naked watching gay porn. By the way the arrest took place within the school, not at the principals home. What in the hell is going on in our schools today?

Acerra, of 832 Chestnut St., Allentown, is charged with possession with intent to deliver, manufacture or create methamphetamine, delivery of a controlled or counterfeit substance and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Police said Acerra was found with a burned glass pipe and $200 in cash on his desk minutes after a confidential informant wearing a wire attempted to buy meth from Acerra on Tuesday night. (McCall)

The two faces of John Acella, mild mannered principal by day, crystal meth and disturbed man by night.

“Sorry officer, you’ve caught me with my pants down”

Posted March 2, 2007 by
Bizarre, Crime, Education, WTF | 11 comments

Barbie Bandits Arrested … 19 Year old Ashley Miller and Heather Johnson Arrested

What were the odds that the two “Barbie bandits” names were Ashley & Heather? Barbie_banditsSounds like the script to a predictable movie.

It turns out that the Barbie Bandit bank robbery was an inside job. Two 19 year old teens, Ashley Miller and Heather Johnson were arrested today along with 22 year old bank teller, Benny Herman Allen III. The three were charged with felony theft and marijuana possession. Their prison future is so bright, they gotta wear shades.

The women, both 19, and the bank teller were stopped by police in Douglas County about 20 miles from where robbery occurred Tuesday afternoon, said sheriff’s Maj. M.O. Harper.

Ashley Miller and Heather Johnson, and bank teller Benny Herman Allen III, 22, were charged with felony theft and marijuana possession, said Cobb County Police spokeswoman Cassie Reece. Another man, Michael Chastang, 27, also was arrested in the case and charged felony theft and drug trafficking.

“It was a conspiracy to take money from the bank,” Reece said. “They were in on it.”

Surveillance video shows the robbers laughing and smiling as they handed a teller a note demanding money. Police initially thought the girls were as young as 16. (AP)

Posted March 2, 2007 by
Bizarre, Crime | 9 comments

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