Barack Obama Asks for Federal Investigation into Duke Lacrosse DA Nifong


Barack, what took you so long? Did the polling come back that it was a political winner to ask for an investigation into Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong? Its about time, its not like the Duke Lacrosse rape case has been spiralling out of control for months. Welcome to the party pal, better late than never.

Another voice has joined the call for a federal investigation into the handling of the Duke Lacrosse case — this one with the punch of presidential politics.

Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., in a written response to a constituent, said that an “independent inquiry is needed” into the conduct of Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong.

According to Obama’s letter, Jones asked Gonzales to “review new evidence that Mr. Nifong withheld exculpatory DNA results from the defendants in order to determine if his conduct has illegally denied the students their civil rights as U.S. citizens under federal law.”

Obama said of the call for a federal investigation that he “will be following its progress closely.” (ABC News)



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