Holloween … Aruba Style

Who knew when asking for authorities to investigate the disappearance of a missing teenager it would turn into “trick or treat”.

Halloween, Aruba Style


(Vanderbilt – ‘06)

Aruban Holloween is now 24/7/365. The main players have done their tricks and still expect more treats. Scary place that island. The local children have so many masks to choose from however.

Al-Qaeda to Canada: Get Out of Afghanistan or Else

Al-Qaeda has issued a warning to Canada, get out of Afghanistan or else they will infict a 9/11 style attack on the country. The threat is interpreted by most experts to manipulate the strong anti war factions in Canadian politics and public opinion.

The threat, attributed to a member of the al-Qaeda information and strategy committee, condemns Prime Minister Stephen Harper for refusing to pull out of Afghanistan.
It also refers to Canada’s “fanatic adherence to Christianity” as well as its purported attempts to “damage the Muslims” and its support for the “Christian Crusade” against al-Qaeda.
“Despite the strong, increasing opposition to spread its forces in the fire of South Afghanistan, it seems that they will not learn the lesson easily,” Hossam Abdul Raouf writes. via the National Post

Canada has a very liberal immigration policy that has allowed many terrorists into their country. My guess is that the assets are already in place by Al-Qaeda if they want to attack Canada, they are just waiting for the word. Now the question is, Does Canada have the intestinal fortitude to take on Al-Qaeda or will they roll over?

Paroled Sex Offenders Told No Halloween For You In Tennessee

Halloween-pumpkinThis is one of the smarter things I have seen in a while done by government on the sex offenders issue. They have essentially kept sex offenders out of the mix on Halloween in Tennessee. Instead of letting these miscreants out and about with the children, they have been given very specific things are not allowed to participate in.

Bravo Tennessee!

The restrictions prohibit sex offenders from attending special Halloween events like corn mazes and haunted houses, handing out treats, displaying Halloween decorations, accompanying trick-or-treating children or wearing costumes.
They apply to all sex offenders on probation or parole about 2,000 of the 8,100 registered offenders living in the state and not specifically to those offenders whose crimes involved minors.
“No matter what their sex offense might have been, they must adhere to the same rules,” Elder said. “Any sex offender is not supposed to have contact with minors. They all sign the same directives.”
That means offenders with children must find someone else to accompany them trick-or-treating, he said. Offenders may not wear costumes, even at adult parties. And if other children come to knock on their doors on Halloween, the offenders must not answer.  via ABC News

Posted October 28, 2006 by
Sex Offender | 11 comments

California Wild Fires: God Bless those Real Heros … 4 Fire Fighters have Died and One Hospitalized in Critical Condition

All to often people put athletes, musicians and actors on pedestal and call them heros. Fire1Today we will put things in its proper perspective. Let’s use the word “hero” as it was intended. The four fire fighters that gave their lives Thursday trying to battle the out of control forest fires in the ongoing Esperanza blaze are heros. The fifth firefighters who has burns over 95% of his body who has been hospitalized in critical condition is a hero. People that sacrifice all for others who do so without knowing or caring who they are helping are true  heros.

Dana Pretzer recently talked about heros in his daily commentary  (1:14) would encourage people to listen. We really do need to understand who in life really are hero’s.

We say a prayer for these heros and for their families, friends  and loved ones. Those that would sacrifice their lives to protect life and property.

  • Engine Capt. Mark Loutzenhiser, 44, of Idyllwild. Loutzenhiser had 21 years of service.
  • Engine operator Jess McLean, 27, of Beaumont. He had seven years of service.
  • Assistant engine operator Jason McKay, 27, of Phelan. McKay had five years with the Forest Service experience and four years of experience as a volunteer firefighter.
  • Firefighter Daniel Hoover-Najera, 20, of San Jacinto. He was in his second season of firefighting.
  • The critically injured firefighter was identified as Pablo Cerda, 23, of Fountain Valley.


(NBC4 TV: Click through the slide show of pictures)


Like all the other brave fire fighters taking on this massive fire, heros all. These  men and woman take the ultimate risk to protect life and property.  The extent of this fire has been  so vast and wide spread fueled by the  winds. As of early Friday the fire was only 5% contained.

The firefighters were injured as they manned hoses on a mountain road about 8 a.m. Thursday, when a wind gust sent flames over them so quickly that they had no time to deploy portable fire shelters, according to the Forest Service. (NBC4)

What makes the deaths even worse of the brave men who selflessly took on the task of this fire is that it is being reported that the fire was a result of arson. Fire4

Crews Battle to Protect Homes From Blaze

Fire crews struggled to protect homes Friday from a wind-whipped wildfire that trapped and killed four firefighters as it raced through Southern California mountains.

The blaze in the San Jacinto Mountains, which authorities said was arson, has blackened nearly 24,000 acres, or almost 38 square miles, and already forced hundreds to evacuate. Fire officials worried that the strong wind could shift and blow flames toward populated areas west of Palm Springs.

God bless these fire-fighters and all who have made the ultimate sacrifice to save life and property. God bless all of your … hero’s everyone.

Posted October 27, 2006 by
heroes | 12 comments

Another Cindy Sheehan Anti-War Peace Mom Rally … Its all about tolerance & Peace with Cindy Supporters

What were we just discussing earlier this week regarding Cindy Sheehan and her followers The_signnot  providing the respect of   free speech for others? The “peace rally” shows up again … this time in Fresno, CA for a “Peace Mom” book signing.

As Cindy Sheehan is respectfully allowed to have her right to free speech inside the Satellite Union at Fresno State. The same could not be said for those who disagree with Ms Sheehan.   Parents who also lost children in the war in Iraq  respectfully protested in opposition to  Sheehan with their signs, decked out in red, white and blue. However,  take a good look at what they received in return from a compassionate “Peace” lover.

A Peace Fresno member shows he is all about Cindy Sheehan’s “message of  peace” in this VIDEO. Please watch, its very informative.

Sheehan’s supporters began to verbally attack the patriotic group, culminating in an outburst by one Sheehan supporter who screamed at the woman that her son died protecting other Marines who, “Kill, rape and sodomize children.”

Robin Butterfield should have been provided the same opportunity to honor her son, Tony Butterfield,  who died in Iraq fighting to defend us.

“I want to make sure people  know how proud I am that my son was out their defending us. How proud I am to be living in American.”

Cindy Sheehan stated, “I personally endorse any candidate  that has an anti-war, pro peace in their platform.” I guess Cindy would not agree with the above sign, would she.

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