Aruba Worried about Financial Reputation … ha … Best Worry about your Reputation in General

Once again in Aruba … its all about the money … Can these people be any more short Reputationsighted? One would not have to worry about their financial situation, if you had taken care of business and properly investigated a crime against a tourist.

The reputation and name of Aruba on the international financial market is at stake, says minister Nilo Swaen (MEP) of Finance and Economic Affairs

Aruba, News Flash … You best worry about the reputation of your island in general. Aruba would worry about their financial reputation? Aruba’s reputation has been in question and at stake since 5/30/05. The manner in how Aruban officials showed the world that the covering up a crime was more important and a tourism at all cost vision is apparent to all. Your reputation  is already toast for the most part as seen by the continual decline in tourism since the charade known as the Natalee Holloway investigation. Reputation-quote

It is too bad that the Aruban officials did not take the reputation of Aruba as serious as they do when it comes to the almighty florin.

Swaen indicated in a reaction that in the past five years, the Netherlands has never mentioned that there are stipulations with borrowing money in foreign countries.  Aruba participates in the international financial market and is being monitored by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Fitch Ratings.  According to the minister, Aruba has better ratings this year compared to last year.

On November 1, 2006 Deepak and Satish’s attorney, David Kock, will petition the Aruban courts to have his clients taken off the suspect list in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. The interview can be heard here with David Kock as too what he sets out to do for his clients.

We have said for months, hopefully Aruba will listen or they will not have to worry about any financial reputation … as their overall reputation will be gone, if it already is not beyond repair. Maybe some in Aruba would like to explain, for a legal system that relies so much on “hard evidence” like DNA and confessions why no such tests were done on the three suspects and their possessions day 1? Instead, they were allowed to get rid of any potential evidence. Think your reputation is not gone? Tourists do not go to Aruba not because they fear of safety … they fear that they will be provided no justice if heaven forbid something happens to them. That is Aruba’s legacy. There is another word Aruban officials may want to concern themselves with as well, honor.


What is good for the three suspects, Joran Van der Sloot, Deepak Kalpoe and Satish Kalpoe … is terrible for Aruba, its people and its economy. One would have thought they would have figured this out with their non-existent tourism.

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Newspaper Circulation Continues their Decline … LA Times down 8%

As the internet gains strength, the printed newspapers continues its downward spiral in circulation. However, one paper  seems to be gaining strength. The NY Post is up to  # 5, ahead of the Washington Post, NY Daily News and Boston Globe.

Michelle Malkin: Mainstream newspapers continue to bleed

Hemorrhaging left-wing newspapers could learn a thing or two about gaining and keeping readers from the NYPost, don’t ya think?

Q and O Blog: The State of the Dead Tree Media

Posted October 30, 2006 by
Bloggers, Internet, Media | 3 comments

Daily Commentary – Monday October 30th, 2006

Dana Pretzer comments on these issues in the news in his daily podcast:

  • The Upcoming court discussions in Aruba
Running Time – 0 minutes 53 seconds. Make sure to always check the Scared Monkeys Radio page for daily commentaries

Second Dancer in Duke Lacrosse Rape case, Kim Roberts, states “go ahead, put marks on me” …Willing to take Lie Detector test (The NewsBreaker Exclusive)

Internet Exclusive from Larry Garrison … The NewsBreaker

The latest bomb-shell news out of the Duke Lacrosse rape case is that the second dancer, Kim_RobertsKim Roberts, has reported to ABC and GMA that the alleged rape victim ask her to “go ahead, put marks on me”. The story just gets more and more strange and troublesome.


The second dancer in the Duke rape case has said for the first time that the accuser told her to “go ahead, put marks on me” after the alleged attack.

Dancer Kim Roberts made the new allegation — which she has not shared with authorities — in an interview with Chris Cuomo that aired today on “Good Morning America.”

In a Scared Monkeys internet exclusive, Larry Garrison who provided the GMA exclusive told us the following:

It appears that the boys on the Duke Lacrosse team were rowdy and did make racial and prejudicial comments; however, more disturbing comments are coming out of the alleged Duke lacrosse rape scandal. After the alleged rape in the car, the alleged rape victim was acting strangely as if drunk or drugged. That is when the alleged rape victim made the comment; I want to be roughed up some more, “go ahead, put marks on me”.

In our exclusive with Larry Garrison, who had met and talked with the second dancer, Kim Roberts, Larry stated,  “that the dancer is willing to take a lie detector test”. Kim Roberts has only been interviewed once by police in the Duke lacrosse rape case. Robert’s stated in her GMA interview that she was very hesitant on coming forward with this information. She thought that she would be called as a witness to get this information out; however, what if she was never called? That would seem as a valid concern seeing that DA Nifong has yet to seriously interview many of the key players in this story. What is he waiting for? 

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The Top 10 Haunted Houses in America

Haunted-house-If you like a thrill and like to be scared, a haunted house is just the place for you to visit this Halloween season.

The Real Estate Bloggers have put together a list of the Top 10 Haunted Houses in America.

Posted October 30, 2006 by
Fun | no comments

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