Not so Fast Democrats … Black Democrats in MD Cross Party Lines To Back Steele for Senate

The Democrats and the MSM may wish they never have boasted of “The Blue Wave” that Steelewas going to sweep up the Republican Party on November 7. Now less than two weeks before the midterm elections the Democratic Party and MSM are getting a bit nervous. The “Blue Wave” may turn into Democrats feeling blue.

In Maryland the US Senate Race is getting interesting. In a state where Democrats out-number Republicans 2 to 1, Republican candidate “Black Democrats Cross Party Lines To Back Steele For U.S. Senate.” Michael S. Steele is gaining momentum.  

A coalition of black Democratic political leaders from Prince George’s County led by former county executive Wayne K. Curry endorsed Republican Michael S. Steele’s bid for the U.S. Senate yesterday.

The support from Curry, five County Council members and others barely a week before Election Day reflects their continued disappointment that the Democratic Party has no African American candidates at the top of the ticket and a sense that the county is being ignored, officials said.

Take a good listen Democratic Party to those that you have taken for granted far too long and merely have an expectation that Blacks will vote for you, just because.

“They show us a pie, but we never get a slice,” said Major F. Riddick Jr., a former aide to then-Gov. Parris N. Glendening and a former county executive candidate. “We are here today to say we’ve waited and we’ve waited and we’re waiting no longer.”

Posted October 31, 2006 by
Politics | 4 comments

Aruba Quick to Rush Loan ($$$) Issue to Court … Aruban Lawsuit against the Netherlands

When its about money and loans, Aruba seems to find the fast track and expedite lawsuits in Dollarthe courts. When its about missing American tourists … that seems to be another issue. Priorities.

Amigoe, October 31, 2006: Lawsuit against the Netherlands 

ORANJESTAD – If by this Friday the Netherlands does not change her position regarding the foreign loans, the Aruban government will take them to court.  The relations between the countries got this worse that Aruba will not be present at the governmental deliberations on the new political relations within the Kingdom this Wednesday.   

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John Kerry, Lover Of the Military

I grew up in the Northeast and saw the disdain that John Kerry shows for the military in this clip first hand in many faces around me. Now I live in the south and see the proud military tradition that encompasses this region, it makes me proud of our men and women in the service.

“You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”

And kids, don’t listen to this moron who wanted to be President of the United States. If you do not study in school, you have a much better chance of being a New England Liberal than a soldier in Iraq. That is because the military has the higher standards.  

“Senator Kerry not only owes an apology to those who are serving, but also to the families of those who’ve given their lives in this,” White House press secretary Tony Snow said. “This is an absolute insult.”
John Kerry’s full response from or go to “i said it before I wished I didn’”

 Of course Senator John Kerry being the man that he is responded with the following:

 ”This is the classic GOP playbook,” Kerry said in a harshly worded statement. “I’m sick and tired of these despicable Republican attacks that always seem to come from those who never can be found to serve in war, but love to attack those who did. I’m not going to be lectured by a stuffed suit White House mouthpiece standing behind a podium.”
UPDATE II: However, Kerry finds himself in a world of trouble. His big mouth and pandering the the far left of the Democratic party has now come back to bite him and the Democrats with less than two weeks before the midterm elections. Its not just the White House that wants an apology Kerry, seems your pal Senator John Mc Cain wants and apology as well.
Senator Kerry owes an apology to the many thousands of Americans serving in Iraq, who answered their country’s call because they are patriots and not because of any deficiencies in their education. Americans from all backgrounds, well off and less fortunate, with high school diplomas and graduate degrees, take seriously their duty to our country, and risk their lives today to defend the rest of us in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere.
They all deserve our respect and deepest gratitude for their service. The suggestion that only the least educated Americans would agree to serve in the military and fight in Iraq, is an insult to every soldier serving in combat, and should deeply offend any American with an ounce of appreciation for what they suffer and risk so that the rest of us can sleep more comfortably at night. Without them, we wouldn’t live in a country where people securely possess all their God-given rights, including the right to express insensitive, ill-considered and uninformed remarks. (Drudge Report)
And to borrow a favorite  line most commonly used for John Kerry and Howard Dean … Insapundit nails it … Kerry is the Gift that keeps on giving
What struck me about this comment beyond the obvious fact that it is insulting to our troops, is just how politically incompetent John Kerry is. Here we are, a week before Election Day, Democrats are favored to win back control of the House and possibly the Senate, so you’d think it would make sense for the party’s leaders to play it safe. Republicans have tried very hard to convince voters that Democrats don’t support our troops, a charge that Democrats have been countering by saying that they do support the troops, only that they oppose the war and want to bring the troops home.
Update IV:
John F Kerry even has the Democrats running scared now.
A Democratic congressman told ABC News Tuesday, “I guess Kerry wasn’t content blowing 2004, now he wants to blow 2006, too.”
Posted October 31, 2006 by
Military, Politics, War on Terror | 26 comments

Daily Commentary – Tuesday October 31st, 2006

Dana Pretzer comments on these issues in the news in his daily podcast:

  • What is a Cop?
Running Time —  1 minutes  31 seconds. Make sure to always check the Scared Monkeys Radio page for daily commentaries

Daniela Toledo do Prado … Mother of the Year Award (NOT!!!) … Accused of Giving baby Cocaine

Simply unbelievable, sad and tragic. Why certain people even have children is a mystery. If you don’t want them, please give them up for adoption. 21 year old Daniela Toledo do Prado has been charged with murder of her one year old daughter. The baby died of a drug overdose. The police found traces of cocaine in the baby’s bottle. We file this one under, “why do they walk among us”? What did this baby have to look forward to if she had actually lived?  Regrettable, the one year old baby died of heart failure.

Doctors found a suspicious white powder on the girl’s tongue. The mother claimed the powder was milk but it tested positive for cocaine, Rodrigues said.

Police searched the mother’s house and found a hypodermic needle and a bottle hidden behind a shelf in a baby supply bag. The bottle and the needle had traces of cocaine. (Breitbart)


Posted October 30, 2006 by
Bizarre, Child Welfare, Crime, WTF | 4 comments

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