Senator Jon Carry … Greetings From Irak … Please Halp Us

Are these who you were referring to Senator Kerry?

In my opinion, this was no joke gone bad but John Kerry’s real beliefs. He just happened to get called on the carpet of which he never expected to occur; not just by Republicans, but Democrats as well, like Harold Ford Jr and Claire McCaskill. Kerry was a complete no show for several political events like in Minnesota and Philadelphia, PA.  Also including the Grand Puba in the Democratic party, Hillary Clinton.


Comments to John Kerry’s words who really count.

(Drudge Report)

“You don’t use troops as the butt of your jokes,” said Gary Kurpius, commander in chief of Veterans of Foreign Wars. “The senator was attempting levity and it backfired, big time.”

Posted November 1, 2006 by
Fun, Military, Politics | 34 comments

Only in America do you get Judges who block laws against Illegal Activities … Federal judge James Munley blocks PA town crackdown on illegal immigrants


If you do not think elections do not matter …For all those that think midterm elections don’t matter and those that think staying home some how teaches those Republicans a lesson. Take one good guess who appointed and got confirmed Judge Munley? If your answer was William Clinton, you would be correct.

James M. Munley (Scranton) (nominated by William J. Clinton in 1998);


(Why? If people are not considered illegal why would substances or weapons be?)

Take a good look at what this Federal judge did in blocking the city of Hazleton from enforcing a pair of ordinances targeting illegal immigrants. Key word here would be “illegal”.

U.S. District Judge James Munley ruled that landlords, tenants and businesses that cater to Hispanics faced “irreparable harm” from the laws and issued a temporary restraining order blocking their enforcement. (Yahoo News)

Are you kidding me? I guess drug dealers and Pimps would face “irreparable harm” as well will laws against the selling of illegal drugs and prostitution as well. Why don’t you allow those businesses to go ahead as well?

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Even Radio Icon Don IMUS Tells Senator Kerry … “Please Stop It, Stop Talking”

 John Kerry … Who is avoiding responsibility? Apologize and admit what you said was wrong, if you are man enough? You owe our military men and woman an apology. And after the first apology … you owe them another. Honestly, how difficult can it possibly be to admit you messed up and apologize to our military? What would make one not do such a thing?

“You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.” (John Kerry)

Radio personality Don IMUS tells John Kerry … “Please stop it … stop talking. Go home get on the bike, go wind surfing, anything. Stop it … you are going to ruin this.”

Working hard

Maybe John Kerry should just do what John Kerry does best … do his best imitation of Thurston Howell III of Gilligan’s Island fame.


Of course John Kerry cannot admit what he did was purposely said. First it was meant to be about GWB  and now it was a botched joke. Yeah sure thing Skippy. Kerry is nor just making a bad problem even worse … thanks for the October Surprise.

KERRY: “I am not going to let these guys distort some thing completely out of its context solely for the purpose of avoiding responsibility …”

Transcript of John Kerry from IMUS Show

Full MSNBC VIDEO of comments (9:24)

Seems that some people in your own party want you to talke responsibilty, namely Harold Ford Jr.

“Whatever the intent, Senator Kerry was wrong to say what he said,” Rep. Ford said. “He needs to apologize to our troops.”

Posted November 1, 2006 by
Bizarre, Media, Politics, WTF | 22 comments

Liberal Halloween Trick or Treat fun in Maine … Attorney Thomas Connolly Arrested for not-so-humorous Bin Laden stunt … STUPID

File this one under the most stupid act of  Halloween. This fool is lucky he was not shot by police or worse yet, injured or killed an innocent driver or passengers on their way to work.

Who said liberals do not have a sense of humor? What better way to spend one’s HalloweenThomasConnolly than to dress up like Osama Bin Laden, carry an assault rifle, dynamite and grenades and scare passing by motorists in Route 295 in Portland, ME. Oh yeah, did we mention point the gun at on-coming traffic? That is exactly what well known and prominent Portland attorney Thomas Connolly did last night. Needly to say the police showed up and arrested Connolly. They later found out that the gun, dynamite and grenades were fake. Connolly said he was just doing it to protest a change in the local tax rules. Just another Northeast liberal using a lack of common sense in a post 9–11 world, but they know better than the rest of us.


Thomas Connolly, 49, was taken into custody after South Portland confronted on an Interstate 295 overpass at about 9 a.m.

South Portland Police Chief Ed Googins told News 8 that two officers went to the area of the overpass between Westbrook Street and Broadway where the found Connolly dressed as Osama bin Laden, holding what appeared to be a gun, dynamite and grenades — as well as a sign that read “I Love TABOR,” referring to the Taxpayer Bill of Rights initiative on the Nov. 7 ballot. (WMTW)

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More Good Economic News The Media is Surpressing

Here is some more economic news the media is trying to keep under the radar screen until the election is over.

Wages and benefits paid to American workers rose last quarter by the most since 2004, as the unemployment rate matched a five-year low.

The Labor Department said Tuesday that its employment cost index rose 1 percent compared with the second quarter. In the 12 months ended in September, costs shot up 3.3 percent, the biggest year-over-year advance since the first quarter of 2005. via the  Chicago Tribune.

Imagine if there was a President Kerry right now, and the media had all this economic good news going into the elections. Do you think they would be downplaying it the same way? Or would it lead like it did during the Clinton years. Never forget the media has an agenda.

Posted November 1, 2006 by
Media, Politics | 2 comments

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