Raymond Lee Oyler To be Charged with with murder & arson in connection with the California wildfire

Person of interest, Raymond Lee Oyler, will be charged with five counts of first-degree Raymond Lee Oylermurder, 11 counts of arson and 10 counts of use of an incendiary device for his involvement in the Esperanza wildfire that killed initially four firefighters and then a fifth one who suffered from burns over 95% of his body.  Investigators interviewed Raymond Lee Oyler on October 27, 2006 and served a search warrant on his Beaumont residence Monday. There is no reason why prosecutors should not seek the death penalty for the deaths of five heroic firefights. This was a deliberate act of arson, life in prison is too good for someone who would knowingly and willfully set fires that would affect so many people’s lives and cause death.

California authorities have recommended Raymond Lee Oyler be charged with murder, arson and other crimes in connection with the Esperanza wildfire that killed five firefighters.

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Posted November 2, 2006 by
Arson, Crime, Murder | 5 comments

Kerry Apologizes, Kinda … Calls it a botched Joke … Who’s the joke?

John Kerry thinks he is a comedian, a word of advice … Don’t quit your day job.  News flash to Kerry, there is a big difference between saying a joke and being a joke.


(Vanderbilt – ‘06)

John is laying low while the media tries to explain away his comment. This guy is NOT a Jay Leno. Kerry is an ‘educated man’ prone to speak
ill of our military on more than one
occasion. Many feel that he IS the
joke in question.

John Kerry attempted apology may have been even worse than his comments regarding the military.  I am certainly a defender of the internet as a news source; however, Kerry in a TV Press conference said he would never apologize. Then he apologizes under extreme pressure from the Democratic Party on his web page. How lame is that? He certainly had no problem shooting his mouth off when the cameras were running initially that got him into hot water.

Kerry, even though I doubt this was a joke … keep the humor to trained professionals, like the guys from ScrappleFace.com. BE KERRY SMART.

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Posted November 2, 2006 by
Bizarre, Fun, Media, Politics | 13 comments

Queens Visit to Aruba: If you Can’t Make it Safe for the Queen … Who Can You Make it Safe For?

Atan Lee, former head Protocol, seems to think that the upcoming Queen’s visit to Aruba in CnCOduberQueennot safe. Which begs the question … if Aruba takes liberties with the Queens’s safety, what would they do with everyone else’s? Arubans and tourists alike.

Besides, Plaza Daniel Leo is not safe; it is surrounded by high-rise.  A person can easily commit an assault on the Queen’s life.

Plaza Daniel Leo is unsafe for Royal visit”, indicated Atan Lee, former head Protocol.

Atan Lee also touches on what seems to be a definite rift and existing problem between The Dutch and Aruba. As seen with the “guaranteed loan” squabble that is presently going on, Lee makes the comment that, “You don’t get a feeling that the island is celebrating.” Let’s just hope the Queen stays away from certain bars in Aruba. They may pose more of a safety issue than Plaza Daniel Leo.

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Daily Commentary – Thursday November 2nd, 2006

Dana Pretzer in his morning update discusses

  • Seatbelt Laws 

Visit the Scared Monkeys Radio site to download or listen to the podcast here. Make sure to always check the Scared Monkeys Radio page for daily commentaries

Ten Most Common Passwords in the UK

There is a good reason for the technical people to be constantly carping at users to change their passwords. A study coming out of Britian shows the most common passwords over there and it is downright scary how common they are.

If you are using a common password, change it now. If not, your chances for getting hacked go up exponentially.

Top 10 Most Common Passwords in the UK (with percentages)

  1. ’123′ (3.784‰)
  2. ‘password’ (3.780‰)
  3. ‘liverpool’ (1.82‰)
  4. ‘letmein’ (1.76‰)
  5. ’123456′ (1.63‰)
  6. ‘qwerty’ (1.41‰)
  7. ‘charlie’ (1.39‰)
  8. monkey‘ (1.33‰)
  9. ‘arsenal’ (1.11‰)
  10. ‘thomas’ (0.99‰) (via modernliferubbish)

It is nice to see monkey come in at number 8 though, we must have fans across the pond.

Now, go change your password to something more secure. There are many bad people out there and if 19 percent of the users in the United Kingdom use one of 10 passwords, you may be a sitting target if you have a very generic password.

Posted November 2, 2006 by
Technology | no comments

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