Amigoe: Ahata: Briesen should be better advised

As we reported yesterday, AHATA, placed a full page ad  stating they are “disappointed in Baghdad bobthe statements of minister Edison Briesen (MEP) of Tourism and Transport.”

The minister said recently that everybody should stop putting into their head that there is a crisis in the Aruban tourism, because that’s not the case.  Ahata is of the opinion that Briesen must let himself be advised better, because the facts are clear:  “in comparison with competing islands, we are doing badly.” 

Edison Briesen may be in line to becoming the next Baghdad Bob. Must be nice to be surrounded by “yes” men. Makes one feel important, but hardly effective or informed. Minister Briesen, your tourism is terrible. According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) tourism has done well in the Caribbean exceeding the global growth average by 5.1 percent. Everyone except you. Aruba is on pace with Uruguay.

On November 2nd, Briesen said in a press conference that the tourism figures have dropped a little, but not alarming.  Compared with June of 2005, all the branches of tourism in Aruba have dropped considerably in same period 2006.  Only the passengers coming to Aruba by air have increased with 2 percent.  Where is the crisis then? 


(Animal House, Chip Diller: “Remain calm. All is well!”)

You can deny the fact all you want, the lack of tourists on your island is obvious. The lack of money in Arubans pockets will be obvious too come election time. How difficult can it possibly be for one to admit there is a problem in Aruba with tourism? Lying to Americans and a family about an investigation of Natalee Holloway is one thing, but misinforming and misrepresenting fact to your own people?

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Borat … Borax … Humor or Exploitation? … You Make the Call

“We are poor people, but we are still people.”

The question that comes to mind is why is certain humor accepted and others not? I am sure that some are just looking to sue this movie because it made money, but there is a deeper issue. Borat makes fun of people with absolutely nothing, as poor as it gets. That’s funny?Yet, if he made a racial joke it would have been deemed insensitive, as it should. Then why is it OK to stereotype the poor? Its done in this country all the time. There is a cottage, acceptable industry in the US to make fun of the poor. Why is that?


(Vanderbilt – ‘06)

In the 40′s ‘Borax’ was the term for cheap furniture. The good stuff was
heavier and had quality. Cohen deals in vulgar, base, ‘toilet’ humor. Folks on the
street vote with their knuckles when it is foisted on them.

The irony is Borat made millions making fun of people who don’t have the proverbial pot or window to throw it out off. Is that humor or exploitation?

Check out the daily commentary on Borat and Kazakhstan

Borat may be #1 in the movie box office, but its about to find out the price of success. Many are accusing comedian Sacha Baron Cohen of misleading them and misrepresenting himself. What they don’t find his humor funny? Does not appear so.

Now Romanians Say ‘Borat’ Misled Them

Residents and local officials in the hardscrabble hamlet 85 miles northwest of Bucharest said Tuesday they were horrified and humiliated to learn their abject poverty and simple ways were ridiculed for a movie now raking in millions at box offices worldwide.

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Posted November 15, 2006 by
Bizarre, Celebrity, Fun | 2 comments

Daily Commentary – Wednesday November 15th, 2006

Dana Pretzer in his morning update discusses

  • Keith Olberman “The Worst Host In The World”

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Posted November 15, 2006 by
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When a Sex Act Turns into Violating the Patriot Act & an FBI Arrest … Wanna Get Away?

Southwest Airlines could actually use what happened on their flight as a possible marketing Headinlapad. It would appear that Carl Persing and Dawn Sewell are in a world of trouble. Why? Oh performing a sex act on a plane after flight attendants told them to stop. Carl, was it worth it?

“Persing was observed nuzzling or kissing Sewell on the neck, and … with his face pressed against Sewell’s vaginal area. During these actions, Sewell was observed smiling,” reads the indictment filed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

On a second warning from the flight attendant, Persing snapped back threatening the flight attendant with “serious consequences” if he did not leave them alone.

The comment was enough to have the couple, both in their early 40s, arrested when the plane reached its destination in Raleigh, North Carolina, and charged with obstructing a flight attendant and with criminal association. (Breitbart)

You gotta love liars, excuse me lawyers. What ridiculous explanation did Persing’s defense attorney dream up to explain what he was doing on the Southwest Airlines flight from Los Angeles? He  stated that “his client was not feeling well when he placed his head on his companion’s lap.” Of course he was. What creative minds they have. If found guilty, the two could be sent to jail for up to 20 years … Wanna Get Away? Or is it go away for 20?

Seems That Aruba is Asking For Advice … Too bad they Don’t Want to Listen to the Truth

Aruba’s tourism is continually down as compared to other competing islands. The rest of the Caribbean is up double digits in pretty much every case.

“The facts are clear: we are down, way down,compared to other competing islands.” AHATA



(Click  on Bon Dia article to enlarge)

So Aruba wants answers … Can they handle what they will hear?

You would dare ask why? Maybe that’s why your tourism is down the drain. You continue to insult people’s intelligence asking why Aruba has suffered a tourism plight. I think Aruba Denial Arubaknows exactly why, Aruba is just unwilling to say it, rectify it, or acknowledge it. Aruba has stuck its head in its own beaches white sand for so long, that after 18 months since Natalee Holloway went missing you wonder why your tourism is nonexistent.

Do you not want to admit the truth? Do you live in a world of denial? Or are the people responsible for tourism that ignorant? Do you really want advice? Maybe you should listen to those who know rather than those that tell you what you want to hear.

From the very beginning when Natalee Holloway went missing, Scared Monkeys made the following comment, This Can’t Be Good For Tourism, Where’s Natalee Holloway. From the very beginning we were very honest and up front as to what would occur if Aruban officials were not sincere in their investigation. We told the good people of Aruba what would occur if the made the investigation a farce and put tourism over an investigation. We even told Aruba Tour for DumArubans and their voters that the most important issue during their elections was Natalee Holloway. Pridefully, they stated it was not. Instead, Aruba lived in a world of denial that this all would blow over. Americans would forget. They would come flocking back. Could Aruba have been any more wrong? Looking back in hindsight Aruba at your tourism and economy, do you think now that Natalee Holloway was not the most important issue? The downfall of your tourism and economy can be traced back to that one event.

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