Teacher Introduces Jihad Wordsearch To Classroom

Terrorist_wordsearchStudents in North Carolina  public school got more than they expected from thier new Spanish teacher, a lesson on the subtle (or not so subtle) ways hate can be introduced in the classroom. He created a word seach puzzle that was filled with terms that professed hatred for the United States.

This teacher also teaches at a local muslim school, maybe he got his assignments confused.

Khalid Chahhou, who was in his first year of teaching in Johnston County, gave students a worksheet in which they were to translate words and find them within a word-search puzzle. Some students started uncovering strange words in the process.

“There were words like ‘kill,’ then I saw it said ‘destroy America,’” Eric Herrera said. As they read on, students found the puzzle contained a paragraph that contained the following phrases:

  • “Sharon killed a lot of innocent people,” a possible reference to former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

  • “Palestine is not a terrorist group.”

  • “Allah help destroy this body of evil making humanity miserable.”

“It was kind of scary at first to think about, you know, your own teacher in your own school that is teaching you,” Herrera said. School administrators said they confronted Chahhou about an unidentified concern Wednesday and he resigned. via WRAL

Also covering this story:

Posted November 18, 2006 by
War on Terror | 2 comments

Conservatives Give More Blood Sweat and Money

While this  will not be a surprise to conservatives, it is nice to have the ammunition when arguing whether liberals or conservatives give more to charities. The answer is   in and the winners by far on the giving side are the conservatives. It was not even close says the liberal author and professor Arthur Brooks. Conservatives give more  of their time, money, and even blood.

So the next time a liberal calls you selfish, self centered, and greedy, mention the book, and then hold up a mirror so they can see who is more likely to be   these things.

The book’s basic findings are that conservatives who practice religion, live in traditional nuclear families and reject the notion that the government should engage in income redistribution are the most generous Americans, by any measure.

Conversely, secular liberals who believe fervently in government entitlement programs give far less to charity. They want everyone’s tax dollars to support charitable causes and are reluctant to write checks to those causes, even when governments don’t provide them with enough money.

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Posted November 17, 2006 by
Politics | 5 comments

Jacque Hollander appeals Rape law suit vs. James Brown, the God Father of Soul …

Jacque Hollander, who claims that in 1988 James Brown raped her at gunpoint is asking the James_Brown2Supreme Court to hear her sexual harassment lawsuit. A lower court had earlier ruled this year that the statute had run out and she had waited too long to file. The statute of limitations on a case such as Hollander’s is just two years.

But the lower court  judge didn’t buy Rosen’s arguments, stating in June 2005 that  the clock started ticking  when the  the alleged  assault took place. The case was also rejected in August by a federal appeals court, meaning the Supreme Court  is her final option. (E Online)

According to sources close to the case Jacque Hollander has passed a lie detector test. Also, according to our sources Hollender has forensic evidence from the time of the rape. DNA sophistication in 2006 is quite a bit more advances than 1988.

Jacque Hollander argues that the state’s two-year statute of limitations in such cases does not provide equal protection to women.

In her lawsuit, Hollander said Brown raped her at gunpoint in 1988 while she was working as his publicist. She seeks $106 million in damages. (Mercury News)

According to court papers filed in 2005,  Hollander states the attack took place while the  two were driving to a South Carolina car dealerships.

Brown allegedly drove to a secluded area, threatened Hollander with a shotgun and, per the suit, “raped, beat and mentally tortured her over the course of several hours.” Hollander also claims the Grammy-winning Rock and Roll Hall of Famer threatened to kill her if she reported the incident.


Jacque Hollander’s attorney, Donald Rosen, had argued that because  Hollander did not  learn of the source for the previous diagnosed  disease until 2003, and filed her initial complaint in 2005; the lawsuit was well within the  time frame  of the statute.

In 2000, 12 years after the alleged rape, Hollander says she was diagnosed with a James_BrownSGthyroid condition, the autoimmune disorder Graves’ disease. Three years later, she says she learned the condition developed as a result of the intense stress of the assault, a common trigger for the disorder. (E Online)

The appeal will be based on the fact that  the time limit is unfair toward victims, particularly women who need equal protection of the law.

Whether the State of Illinois’ two-year statute of limitations that includes sexual assault as a personal injury subject to the same limitations as other personal injuries, fails to provide due process of law, and fails to provide equal protection to women, and so violates the Fourteenth Amendment and 42 USCS Â § 13981.

Attorney Donald Rosen also references the Violence Against Women Act as well.

The application of the statute of limitations in a manner which, under the factual circumstances, effectively denies a person (whether male or female) of due process in pursuing a remedy constitutes state action in violation of due process. Moreover, Congress has recognized the need for special protection against gender-based violence and so, in 1994, enacted the Violence Against Women Act, 42 USCS 13981.

Jacque Hollander’s attorney is also arguing that the 2 year statute should be tolled due to the death threats made by James Brown.

Petitioner also argued that the statute of limitations should be tolled for public policy and estoppel reasons due to the death threats made by Respondent James Brown, and reasonably believed by Petitioner, that restrained Petitioner from filing the lawsuit within the statutory period.

Debra Opri, James Brown attorney calls Hollander’s request for the Supreme Court to hear the case, “A pipe dream.”

AP News

James Brown, Smoking Gun: James Brown has pleaded no contest to a domestic violence charge (pictures available)

UPDATE: According to reports Larry Garrison is the spokesperson for Jacque Hollander

Bruce Willis … Looks Like there may be a sequal to Armageddon (Land on Killer Asteroid?)

The Guardian is reporting that “the US space agency is drawing up plans to land an astronaut BruceWillison an asteroid hurtling through space at more than 30,000 mph”. Amazing how life imitates art imitates life.

It wants to know whether humans could master techniques needed to deflect such a doomsday object when it is eventually identified. The proposals are at an early stage, and a spacecraft needed just to send an astronaut that far into space exists only on the drawing board, but they are deadly serious. A smallish asteroid called Apophis has already been identified as a possible threat to Earth in 2036.

Didn’t Bruce Willis, Harry Stamper, already save the world back in 1998 in Armageddon? Why don’t they just watch the trailer and follow Stamper’s lead. However, this time can we have Ben Affleck stay on the asteroid and push the button?

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Posted November 17, 2006 by
Bizarre, Hollywood, Technology, World | no comments

Aruba Marriott For Sale … Aruba is an ideal market for investment, really? … ideal weather

The Aruba Marriott has sold. The ownership entity holding the leasehold interest in the 413-Arubaflood111706room Aruba Marriott Resort & Stellaris Casino sold for $237 million to the Caribbean Real Estate Opportunity Fund.

“Aruba is an ideal market for investment given its unique attributes which include great airlift, ideal weather, a stable political climate and labor pool, high barriers to entry and strong asset performance,” commented Mark J. Gordon. (Yahoo)

Attributes … really? Based on the recently reported 66.6% occupancy rates of hotels in Aruba the new owners can expect 287 of those rooms filled. Some of the ideal weather was reported in todays Amigoe, as “streets and houses flooded due to heavy rain fall.” 

Continuous rain caused a lot of inconvenience.  Cars were snarled up in the streets that were hardly visible due to the big amount of water.  Houses were also flooded and several neighbourhoods were without power.  The airport was closed for a short period of time this morning and again for approximately two hours this afternoon. 126 Millimeter rain was measured at the airport in the past 24 hours.

Let’s look at that stable political climate they are discussing. Tourism is the number one money maker for the Aruban economy. Aruba vs. the rest of the Caribbean is severely down. Its hard to imagine that an unstable tourism problem trending downward could create any type of stability for a Caribbean island dependent upon that tourism for its economy. Stability?

Did we forget to say that the inflation rate is up to 4.1%?

Posted November 17, 2006 by
Aruba, Economy, Politics, Travel | 79 comments

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