OJ Simpson Gets AXED … News Corp Cancels Book & Network TV Special



(Vanderbilt – ’06)

Who says the people do not have power? The calls in to Fox, News Corp, Fox affiliates, their sponsors has been tremendous in the outrage to giving OJ Simpson  a forum to discuss and make money off the blood of Nicole Brown Simpson & Ron Goldman. The American people have spoken and it was loud. Win one for the good guys.

News Corp., the parent company of book publisher HarperCollins and the FOX network, has canceled publication of the O.J. Simpson book and television special “If I Did It.”

“I and senior management agree with the American public that this was an ill-considered project,” said Rupert Murdoch, News Corp. chairman. “We are sorry for any pain that this has caused the families of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson.” (Fox News)

What could Rupert Murdoch and News Corp been thinking in the first place? The main stream media had better of learned a lesson. The American public will not tolerate certain things. It isn’t always about ratings, sometimes it’s about humanity. There are certain things the American people will not tolerate. Giving OJ a forum to make money off two people’s murder is one of them.

The industry trade publication Broadcasting & Cable editorialized against the show Monday, saying “FOX should cancel this evil sweeps stunt.”

No excuses in the world from Judith Regan were going to justify a book deal to OJ. Fox correspondents could run from this story all they wanted to claiming it was Fox Entertainment, not Fox News. The bottom line it was all being orchestrated  under the parent company, News Corp.

Sister Toldjah says it well: Sanity & Common sense prevailed

(Breitbart) After a firestorm of criticism, News. Corp. said Monday that it has canceled the O.J. Simpson book and TV special “If I Did It.”

What is most sick about this OJ book is that people out there actually bought a book from an individual that a civil court found guilty. The book, If I Did it, prior to being pulled reached the Top 20 on Amazon. Simply disgusting.

One station manager who had said he wasn’t airing the special said he was concerned that whether or not Simpson was guilty, he’d still be profiting from murders.

“I have my own moral compass and this was easy,” said Bill Lamb, general manager of WDRB in Louisville.

Michelle Malkin, “Out of juice”

Now, may O.J. crawl back into his hellhole with a large warning sign to the rest of the MSM: Don’t feed the troll.

Posted November 20, 2006 by
Bizarre, Celebrity, Media, Murder, WTF | 42 comments

Aruba: Rudy Croes Response Letter to the AHATA … The Empire Strikes Back

Rudy Croes fires back at the AHATACroesVader1

Think they are not starting to feel the pressure? The finger pointing begins. Won’t the next elections in Aruba be interesting?

All this bickering and all that was ever needed was to provide Justice for Natalee.


(11/17/2006 Solo di Pueblo)

(Click on doc to enlarge)


Posted November 20, 2006 by
Aruba, Crime, Natalee Holloway, Travel | 98 comments

Coast Guard Busts Cocaine Dealer in Their Submarine

Drug_subWhomever thinks that importing cocaine into this country is not a high tech – high profit business has not been paying attention. The interdiction efforts by the Coast Guard have been so effective the trafficers are using submarines now to import cocaine into the country. But yesterday they caught one of them off of Costa Rica and seized 3.5 tons of cocaine.

Good job, Coast Guard.

Read more

Posted November 20, 2006 by
Crime, Homeland Security | 9 comments

Daily Commentary – Monday November 20th, 2006

Dana Pretzer in his morning update discusses

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Dana Pretzer Show Tonight 9 PM – Special Guest Drew Kesse

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  • Special Guest Drew Kesse Discussing the Search For his Daughter

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Posted November 19, 2006 by
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