OJ Just Won’t Go Way … Book and TV appearance Canceled and Still Won’t Shut Up

OJ … please just exit stage left. It does not matter who came up with the title, “If I Did It” was not your idea. Not much changes how most people really feel about you. There is a reason why the book deal got pulled by mega-communications giant News Corp and that’s because most fell that “pond scum” is a step above.


(Vanderbilt – ‘06)

The book and TV appearances get cancelled by News Corp and still OJ Simpson just does not fade away to the obscurity that should be his lot in life. Instead he appears on WTPS-AM radio in Miami. Instead of just keeping quiet, OJ Simpson had to make it spitefully known to the Goldman and Brown families that he received and spent the money that he has already given for the ill-fated book, “If I Did It”.

Simpson, who lives in the Miami suburbs, also told WTPS-AM the reported advance payment figure of $3.5 million was inaccurate. Although he would not specify how much he was paid, he did say it was a “windfall” that would go mainly to pay bills and support his children.

“Would everybody stop being so naive? Of course I got paid,” Simpson said with a laugh. “I spend the money on my bills. It’s gone.”

Speaking of the book, “If I Did It”, what the hell is wrong with people that a copy of it is bidding for $1500.00 on eBay. Of course the people that would wish to profit off this book fall into the “pond scum” category as well.

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – O.J. Simpson’s scuttled book about the hypothetical murder of his ex-wife appeared for sale on the Internet on Wednesday, attracting bids of $1,500 within the first two hours.

Two hours after being posted, the book had received 40 bids, the highest at $1,500.

Posted November 22, 2006 by
Bizarre, Crime, Media, WTF | 8 comments

Hey Animal Rights Activists … Forget about No Fur Friday … Worry about Abyssinian lion cubs being Poisoned

Make yourselves useful … Lion_cubs

If animal activists really cared, they would be screaming about rare Abyssinian lion cubs being poisoned in Ethiopia to save money rather than squawking about “Fur Free Friday”. Because of costs to run a zoo, Abyssinian lion cubs are being killed and sold to taxidermists. So much for the black maned lions being Ethiopians national symbol.

Wildlife experts estimate that only 1,000 Ethiopian lions, which are smaller than other lions, remain in the wild. Despite a recent crackdown, hunters also kill the animals for their skins, which can fetch $1,000.

Abdulaziz said it costs around $6,000 a month to run the zoo, but it only receives $5,000 in revenues from entrance fees. He added that the poisoning has been going on at least since he arrived two years ago; the number of cubs that have been killed was not immediately clear. (Yahoo)

Posted November 22, 2006 by
Crime, Murder, World | 11 comments

New Zealand Seems to be Able to Handle Crimes Against Tourists .. Why Can’t or Won’t Aruba?

New Zealand police get it, why can’t or won’t other?BayofIslands_Zealand

A Dutch newlywed couple on were abducted at gun point in the Bay of Islands by two men. The Dutch tourist couple was forced to withdraw money from ATM’s and the woman was assaulted before the two attackers dumped the couple on the side of a road.

Police say more charges are likely in the case of two men accused of abducting two Dutch tourists in the Bay of Islands.

The men, aged 27 and 29, were arrested on Tuesday night and face joint charges of rape, sexual violation, stupefying and aggravated robbery while armed with a 12-gauge shotgun. (TVNZ)

Kudos to the New Zealand police for carrying out a major operation which resulted in the arrests of a 27 and 29 year old men who attacked the couple. If only it was that way elsewhere when tourists are faced with crimes perpetrated against them.

(Hat Tip: RR)


Posted November 22, 2006 by
Aruba, Crime, Sex Offender, Travel, World | 15 comments

Bush Twin, Barbara Bush, Has Purse Stolen in Buenos Aires, Argentina

While the Secret Service looked on from a distance, Bush twin Barbara had her purse stolen Bush Twinswhile dining at a Buenos Aires restaurant. Any reason why the Secret Service was not close enough to capture the thieves?

A pair of thieves removed the purse from under a table while Secret Service agents stood guard at a distance, La Nacion reported. La Nacion said its sources did not reveal which of the Bush daughters had her purse stolen.

CNN cited a law-enforcement source who was briefed on the incident as saying that “at no point were the protectees out of visual contact and at no point was there any risk of harm.” (ABC, the Blotter)

Read more

Posted November 22, 2006 by
Bizarre, Crime | 15 comments

Daily Commentary – Wednesday November 22nd, 2006

Dana Pretzer in his morning update discusses

  • The Melinda Duckett Lawsuit Against CNN and Nancy Grace

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Posted November 22, 2006 by
Podcast, Scared Monkeys Radio | no comments

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