Christmas Light House Goes Big Time

ChristmaslighthouseRemember the Christmas light house that made the rounds on the internet synchronized to light up in time with the music of the Trans Siberian Orchestra? Miller used the home in a Lite Beer commercial.

Well the creator of the home has taken it to the next step, and if you live near Cincinnati, Ohio you will have the opportunity to see the next generation of the show. The creator, Carson Williams, is creating a much larger display and will have it available for viewing, albeit at a price.

The new show, at the Heritage Oaks Park will cost 15 dollars per car, but will have over 25,000 lights and 12 minutes of music. He would have kept doing the show at his home, but the traffic was so bad it was a danger to the community and he was forced to find a neutral location.

View last years show.

Snopes on the Light Show


Posted December 2, 2006 by
Fun, General, Technology | no comments

Dana Pretzer Show – Special Guests: Atty. Michael Winston, Jossy Mansur & Jacque Hollander

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Special Guests:

Tonight the attorney for Joe Mammana, Michael  Winston, will join us to discuss the Central Ohio Crime Stoppers situation with Kevin Miles and Joe Mammana. A situation that has got completely out of hand with accusations of forged documents, verbal contracts, baseball bat beatings and most recently an arrest on a parole violation.

Then Jossy Mansur, Managing editor of Diario, will be discussing the recent events of this past week in Aruba. From the airing of the Peter de Vries program to the suspects day in court on Friday. As always, Jossy will give us the dirt as to what has really been going on in Aruba and where the Natalee Holloway case stands.

Finally, Dana Petzer and Scared Monkeys radio has an exclusive internet interview with Jacque Hollander. She is trying to have her law suit against James Brown appealed. Larry Garrison is representing Jacque Hollander as a spokesperson and stated that she did pass lie detector test. This is actually a fascinating case and many should take a look at The Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the US Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit. It is possible that this case could change the growing trend of recent rape cases that have all but shredded the rape shield laws and made the rape victims, victims again.

Aruba: Judge Smid, Should the suspects be taken off the list? … ask the Magic 8 Ball


(Hat Tip Klaas)

Ask the Magic 8 Ball your questions … and then write  what you think the answer

will be in return.

One Happy Island between Union and Valero in Aruba

The strike by union members at Valero in Aruba has become contentious to say the least.Strike Valero has begun legal proceedings against strikers that are “misbehaving” at the main entrance. One Happy Island indeed. Now with some of the union workers crossing the picket line, this should get really interesting.

There was intimidation and the strikers damaged cars that wanted to enter the premises of Valero.  A union-member that wanted to go back to work was threatened and almost pulled out of his car.

Amigoe; December 1, 2006: Lawsuit against strikers Valero 

Read more

Posted December 1, 2006 by
Aruba, Business, Economy, Energy | 14 comments

Time to Make the Donuts – Or Not

Dunkin Donuts built a franchise around the phrase, “Time to Make the Donuts” as the individual store owners and thier employees would get up early to make the donuts for the day. But in an example of pure feckless corporate thinking that rivals horse manure, the Dunkin Brands corporation is looking at outsourcing the donut making.

Dunkin’ Brands Inc. is considering outsourcing its doughnut-making as it expands into new markets, as opposed to having franchisees make them. The goal is to accelerate development of the Dunkin’ Donuts brand outside its core New England stronghold, which would not be affected.

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ”Our whole effort has been to make it easier for new franchisees to come into the system,” said Margery Meyers, spokeswoman for the Canton-based company. “We’re being more proactive about finding a bakery solution in advance in new markets.”

The appeal of Dunkin Donuts is that the product is fresh and homemade. Can you imagine the new ads where Miguel is heading off to the donut factory saying “Time To Make the Donuts” in spanish? C’mon Dunkin Donuts, wake up and smell your coffee!

Michael Vale, better known as Fred the baker of Dunkin Donuts fame, must be rolling over in his grave right now.

Posted December 1, 2006 by
WTF | 10 comments

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