Christmas Pornaments On the Store Shelves at Spencer Gifts for your Children to See & Buy

So with all the attempts to take “Christ” out of Christmas and for retail stores to only reference Happy Holidays … selling X-rated pornaments in stores where children frequent is OK. Why does this not surprise anyone?

Spencer Gifts in Florida are selling “pornaments” in their stores in plain sight of children. Better yet, it is being reported that there is no age limit on the purchase of these items. Take a look what they have in plain sight for children to see and buy. It is one thing to sell the product, which in an individuals choice to purchase or not. It’s quite another thing to have them out in the public sight for children to see.

A television station reported that the pornaments can be found on store shelves at the Regency Square Mall in Jacksonville in plain view of children and to anyone who walks into the Spencer’s stores.

Store workers said that there were no restrictions on who can purchase the pornaments in the store. (Local 6)

Officials at Spencer’s headquarters had no comment on the items. Of course they didn’t.

Less than two years later, in 2003, GB Palladin, a joint venture between Gordon Brothers Group, LLC and Palladin Capital Group, Inc. acquired Spencer Gifts LLC.


Posted December 4, 2006 by
Bizarre, Child Welfare, Religion, WTF | 12 comments

Tom Daschle Will Not Seek Presidency in 2008 … We Can All Sleep More Comfortable Now

Last week it was Republican TN Senator Bill Frist who stated he would not seek the nomination for the presidency in 2008. Today, Tom Daschle (WHO??) has stated he will not seek a run at the Presidency. File this one under the category of no one cares and basically Daschle and his political career are in the “Where are they now Files.”

Tom Daschle taking a pointer from the play-book of … if you can’t win your own State in politics, most likely that Presidency thing is a bit of a stretch. That an no one wants to give you money for your campaign.

Posted December 4, 2006 by
Politics | 4 comments

Watch Joe Tacopina Lose his Mind on Fox … “The Line Up” Discussing Natalee Holloway case

 Me thinks thou dost protest too much …

Read the Partial Summary of comments made from The Line Up with Kimberly Guilfoyle (12/3/06)

Joe Tacopina was obviously glued to his TV watching the Line Up. Joe Tacopina 1

Listen to Attorney Joe Tacopina lose his mind on National TV … how professional.

 So Joe Tacopina calls Jossy Mansur a buffoon, how professional.

So its fact because Joe Tacopina says it … right. Tacopina, why don’t you discuss the “fact” of what the original search warrant of the Van der Sloot property looked like and who altered that warrant. Why don’t you comment Joe why your client likes to “fauxtoshop” pics. You are so busy trying to spin stories about others character, why don’t you talk about your own clients?

Another fact … Tacopina you got a civil law suit dismissed in NYC not on fact or evidence, but on jurisdictional issues … Please do not spin … who is fact challenged? I hardly think you really want to deal with the facts. If that were the case you would not need to get law suits thrown out on technicalities, rather than the facts.

You will discuss the issues in an intelligent manner? Maybe you will not duck interviews with certain individuals at that point as well.


Drunk Baby Girl Dropped off at Colorado Springs, CO Hospital

A two months old baby girl with a blood alcohol content of 0.364 was dropped off at a hospital in Colorado Springs, CO. The alcohol content is more than 4 times the normal limit. The baby is expected to be ok, despite the negligent conduct of the adults providing her care. It is hard to imagine that this was a case of an accidental ingestion by the child due to its age. The baby was dropped off at the hospital by the mother’s boyfriend. I guess they at least did that so that the baby had a chance of survival.

The baby’s mother is the focus of the criminal investigation. But police said it’s been difficult to figure out exactly what happened because the mother is telling conflicting stories.

Posted December 4, 2006 by
Child Welfare, Crime, WTF | 7 comments

Daily Commentary – Monday December 4th, 2006

Dana Pretzer in his morning update discusses

  • Celebrities relationship with the Government 

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