Jug Twitty Appeals to the Governor of Alabama for No Boycott

Letter - Jug to gov

In a letter from Jug Twitty to the Governor of Alabama, Jug appeals to the Governor to reconsider their stance on any form or request of a boycott on Aruba. As many have made comments that Jug has over-reacted or acted too emotionally in dealing with authorities in his step-daughter’s disappearance. The above letter certainly shows a different side of Jug in a behind the scenes letter to the Governor of AL requesting that there be no boycott. Also the Aruban people may want to take a close look at this letter as well as Jug in no way seems to want in any form a boycott that would hurt the innocent and caring people who have helped his family so much in finding Natalee Holloway.

As previously posted, Alabama Lawmakers Ask residents not to travel to Aruba:

This may be a bit premature and actually probably a bad idea in general. Today the Alabama House passed a resolution to boycott travel to Aruba. Just as it was wrong when Dee Fine asked for boycotts on her radio show; this may be even worse. I am failing to see the productive value in such a measure except to further strain the relationship that of recent had been going in a more positive direction.

On the very day that the “Aruban Aruban Prime Minister Nel Oduber and Minister of Justice Rudy Croes ordered all materials pertaining to the Natalee Holloway investigation to be given to the FBI”. Talk about bad timing. One would think that even the family might be troubled by such a statement at this point. The Holloway’s and Twitty’s have made it abundantly known that their problem is not with the Aruban people. Their issues have been with the investigation and those it it, some who are no longer on the case.

It would appear that Jug Twitty has pretty much the same idea in mind. A boycott or threatened boycott of Aruba could only hurt relations with the Aruban people and Government when they are needed more than ever. Especially since the Aruban Prime Minister is offering his cooperation and the FBI is now able to access files on the case. Many people should see what Jug is sending to American law makers, especially the Aruban people, as this is a far cry from demanding boycotts at all cost in any attempt to hurt the Arubans. As Jug says, “Aruba and its people should not be harmed of the actions of others over which they had no control.”

Look for Beth and Jug Twitty tonight on MSNBC’s Scarborough Country at 10:00pm EDT.

Update: 8/12/05 from Scarborough Country Transcripts

SCARBOROUGH: Let me ask you, Jug, about a letter you wrote to a friend of mine, Bob Riley, who I served with in Congress. Now, of course, he is governor of—he is governor of the state of Alabama. And you wrote a letter talking about how the Alabama legislature had proposed a resolution boycotting travel to Aruba.

But you sent a letter to Riley, asked them not to be part of that, saying—quote—"Aruba has provided housing, volunteers through the Red Cross, supported nationwide searches and treated us with reverence and respect. This resolution would allow some factions to drive a wedge between our new friends and those who want us off the island.”

Jug, despite the fact that you are terribly frustrated with Ruben Trappenberg and other people in Aruba, you still don’t want the Alabama state legislature to push for a boycott on travel to Aruba?

TWITTY: No, I don’t. Absolutely not.

I mean, I am sorry they—that this has come to what it has. They could have cleared this up in the—we should have had an answer as to what happened to Natalee within, at the most, two weeks. And I’m sorry it’s come to what it has. And, of course, my family has gone through tremendous stress during this.

And, you know, I wrote that because I don’t want the people—it’s not the people of Aruba. It’s—and, you know, bless their hearts. Everybody down there has opened up their hearts to us. But, you know, when Trappenberg comes on there saying he is paying all the tabs and we are down there mooching off of him and things like that—I mean, he didn’t say that, but that’s the way it makes me feel—that’s not right.

Posted August 11, 2005 by
Natalee Holloway | 5 comments

Appeals Case On Behalf of Suspects; Diario

And yet another translated article from Today’s Diario.

Appeals Case On Behalf of the Suspects In Natalee Holloway Case Diario (page 3, 11 august 2005)

Oranjestad (AAN): Yesterday morning at court the umpteenth case took place, relating to the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. After the Judge of Instructions rejected the petition of of the lawyers of the suspects to prohibit the FBI get documents and tapes of the interrogations made in this case, the lawyers appealed the decision and the case took place yesterday.

After the case was over, press had the opportunity to talk with the different lawyers in this case.

The first lawyer who came was Antony Carlo, who represents Joran van der Sloot. Carlo said that on behalf of his client he dealt with two appeal cases, where the first dealt with giving documents to the FBI, where the judge heard his arguments and the arguments of the Attorney-General.

According to Carlo, it is not known yet which day the decision will be made. For what deals with the second case of appeal, this is about the rejection of the Judge of Instruction of Carlo’s petition to stop interrogating his client.
It seems that van der Sloot indicated that he has nothing else to say, so he and his lawyer feel that it is not necessary to take him to the police station every time, to keep questioning him.

When DIARIO asked the lawyer if it is true that his client is talking, the lawyer said that he did not want to give a comment and left.

When Mr. Oomen, who represents Deepak Kalpoe came out of court, was not very interested in talking to the press, especially American press. He started to walk away, however he answered questions of local press, while the American press became frustrated, reason being that he said nothing in English.
According to DIARIO that this was because Beth Twitty went to the workplace of Deepak and had a hidden microphone and camera.

The mother did this in cooperation with NBC, thus American press. Maybe the lawyer is angry with American press for this reason, and he refused to speak with them at that moment.

When Oomen came outside, DIARIO asked him his opinion on the fact that Beth Twitty taped his client in his workplace. Oomen explained that the complaint that his client entered against Beth includes this fact as well, and that it is now in the hands of the police.

DIARIO also talked with lawyer Kock who represents Satish Kalpoe, who said that he and his client did not agree with the rejection [of the petition to forbid FBI access to the documents and tapes of the case] of the Judge of Instructions and that he hoped that this Monday he will have a positive result.

One of the aspects that he regretted was that also one of the reasons why he does not want FBI to have certain information is because recently Beth Twitty traveled to the U.S. and now she returns with a lot of confidential information.
According to Kock this cannot be and this is why it is not good for the FBI to have all documents and tape.

According to Kock, what Beth did, meaning that she taped Deepak with a hidden camera is something that can not happen [not allowed] in the U.S. He says that he understand that the mother is desperate and that she is trying everything so that the case will not die out. Kock does not think that there is information or indication, as shown in the press, that his client will be detained again, seeing that since the day that the Kalpoes came out [of jail], they did not receive an invitation of the police or any legal agency, to answer questions again.

[Note: For 'case' read 'court case'. The article says 'case', but they mean 'court case'. Also, the Attorney General appears on behalf of the government in appeal cases. There is nothing special about this. Just so that there isn't any confusion. ]

Hat Tip: Aruba Girl

Posted August 11, 2005 by
Natalee Holloway | no comments

Warning Letter Sent to Beth Holloway Twitty and Beth’s Response

From Todays Diario Newspaper comes the following translated article:

Warning Letter Was Sent To The Mother of Natalee (Diario page 2 August 11 2005) Authorities will give Beth Twitty an opportuinty….

Oranjestad (AAN): As is known, Deepak Kalpoe with his lawyer entered a complaint against the mother of Natalee Holloway, Beth Twitty, dealing with the visit that she did at the work place of Deepak last Monday.

According to the mother of Natalee it was by pure coincidence that she was there, and the reason why she entered the internet cafà © was that she noticed that the flyer dealing with the disappearance of her daughter was not there anymore. She said that when she entered, she saw Deepak working in there.

What captured our attention the most was that on the American channel one could see that there was a hidden camera that was taping in an illegal way. The same as last time when Beth Twitty went to Montaà ±a to hand out flyers and she said that she came upon the house of Paulus van der Sloot.

In a conversation that we had with the authorities where the complaint was entered, they explained to us that what she did was punishable [by law] since she allegedly threatened Deepak and told him to stay pending to see what was going to happen to him.
What is odd that in the video that the American channel showed, the voice did not go in the air, they put the image, but without voice, and that’s why one cannot hear what she said to the Kalpoe sibling.

Authorities said that they can understand the pain of the mother and that they will not act immediately against her. The lawyer will be allowed to sent a letter to her and if this does not help, then, they will act according to the prescribed law.

Not to be outdone or laying back and taking this frivolous action by Deepak, Beth Holloway Twitty fires back as she has done the entire time in her efforts to find her missing daughter. From todays Diario comes also the following translated article:

Lawyers of Beth Twitty Will Enter Complaint Against Deepak, Depending on What Deepak Declared to Police. (page 4, Diario, 11 august 2005)

Oranjestad (AAN): From the lawyers of Beth Twitty, DIARIO understood that after Deepak entered his complaint against Beth Twitty to the police, because he supposedly the lady intimidated and threatened him at his workplace, the lawyers of the mother of Natalee want to sit with [a] prosecutor, to see what exactly was declared by Deepak in this case, seeing as according to Beth, in no way did the threatened or intimidated the young man.

According to the lawyers, if the case is so that Deepak is once again telling lies, just like he did in the beginning of this case, Beth Holloway will enter a complaint against him for this, seeing that here we are dealing with a false complaint, which is punishable by law.

In tomorrow’s edition DIARIO will give more information on this, if there are new developments.

Posted August 11, 2005 by
Natalee Holloway | one comment

See No Evil


This cartoon sent in and drawn by a Scared Monkeys reader that puts an interesting spin on how the 3 “gentleman” who were last seen with Natalee are acting.


Posted August 11, 2005 by
Natalee Holloway | no comments

More Pictures From Aruba; Family Discusses With EquuSearch

In just one of the many discussions that went on between the Holloway-Twitty families with Texas EquuSearch, keeping the family apprised of the situation and searches on-going. Natalee’s family not only were in constant discussion with EquuSearch, but also on numerous occasions came to and participated in the search at the landfill. Below Bruce Barton, one of the the Search and Rescue dog teams is seen discussing his searches with family members, Dave Holloway, Dave’s father-in-law and Linda Allison.



Linda - Joe

Above Joe Huston discusses with Natalee’s aunt, Linda Allison, the continuing efforts and searches going on at the landfill for the afternoon .

Posted August 11, 2005 by
Natalee Holloway | no comments

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