CNN Discusses the White House Obamacare “Embarrassing” Enrollee Numbers: 106,185 Individuals Enrolled in Obamacare, Only 26,794 Thru … Meanwhile, 5 Million Have Lost Insurance


This is beyond EMBARRASSING … and the numbers are finally in:

Yesterday, HHS Sec. Kathleen Sebelius told reporters that a meager 106,185 Americans signed for Obamacare in October 2013. No wonder she did not want to provide a number weeks ago while testifying in front of Congress.   This pathetic number represents only one-fifth of the total that was expected to be enrolled at this point. Making matters worse, only 26,794 people enrolled through the “glitchy” website. However, keep in mind the definition of what Barack Obama is using for these numbers. An enrolled individual is anyone who has a selected insurance plan in their bucket, not one completely accepted and paid for. The numbers released actually are for plans selected, not enrolled. Good Grief, only 42 sign-ups in North Dakota, Alaska had 53, and South Dakota 58. Seriously?

Slightly more than 106,000 Americans signed up for health plans in the first month of new state and federal insurance marketplaces, the Obama administration reported Wednesday. The figure, which was far lower than the administration predicted, points to the steep challenge ahead as the White House tries to overcome public and congressional frustration with the program’s problem-plagued rollout.

Meanwhile, millions and millions and millions of Americans have lost their insurance thanks to Obamacare.

The The Fix explains, The good, the bad and the plain ugly of the Obamacare numbers’.


The enrollment tally is the first official indication of the desire and ability of uninsured Americans to get coverage under the 2010 law. Slightly fewer than 27,000 enrollments, or one-fourth of the total, occurred in the 36 states that rely on, the troubled federal Web site. The rest were in 11 of the 14 states that have created their own marketplaces, which are generally working better than the federal one. A few states are not yet reporting. compares Obamacare enrollment to canceled insurance plans:

Even the Associated Press was forced to lament the “dismal numbers.” The federal health care exchange signed up less than 27,000 people. Meanwhile, nearly 7 million people are expected to lose the insurance plans President Obama said they could keep. So far, five million have lost their insurance.

The state numbers were far from encouraging. Overall, the states signed up 79,391 people. California led the way with 35,364 people who have selected a plan (as opposed to 1 million who have lost a plan); New York came in second at 16,404 (at least 100,000 New Yorkers have lost their insurance); Washington came in third at 7,091 (290,000 have lost their insurance in Washington); and Kentucky came in at 5,586 (280,000 lost their insurance in Kentucky).

The figures, which cover Oct. 1 to Nov. 2, are significantly lower than the administration’s only known forecast, which suggested that nearly half a million people would sign up for private health plans during the first month of the initial six-month enrollment period for the exchanges. The Congressional Budget Office has predicted that 7 million people will buy coverage through the exchanges by spring.

3 Students Shot Near Brashear High School in Pittsburgh, PA … 16 Year Old A.J. Willet Arrested Charged with 4 Counts of Attempted Homicide


Three students have been shot near the Brashear High School in Pittsburgh, PA . The school is located in the Beechview area of Pittsburgh and has approximately 1,200 students.  The three male victims suffered varying injuries, one was shot in the leg and foot, one was shot in the neck and shoulder and one was grazed in the head. All injuries are considered non-life threatening. The shooting happened between Crane and Lowenhill Avenues around 3 pm,  just moments after classes let out for the day Wednesday afternoon. .

Brashear High School

Click on pic for VIDEO from CBS-Pittsburgh

Several people have been taken in for questioning in connection with a shooting that left three students injured near Brashear High School Wednesday afternoon.

According to police, the shooting happened between Crane and Lowenhill Avenues around 3 p.m., just moments after classes let out for the day.

The victims – two 11th graders and one ninth grader – were reportedly walking to a car that was parked on Crane Avenue, about a block away, when the shooting started.

According to school officials, a shooter came out of the woods near the school, shot three students and then retreated into the woods.

UPDATE I: Continual updates on the shooting incident at The Raw Story.

UPDATE II: 16-year old Anjohnito (A.J.) Willet, Jr. Antonio was questioned and then later arrested. A.J. Willet was charged with 4 counts of attempted homicide, among other charges.  Willet is due in court Tuesday. He will be charged as an adult. The suspect claims that the shooting was in retaliation of an incident that took place on October 18, 2013 inside Brashear High School where the victim was assaulted and robbed by the individuals that he shot.

AJ_Willet_Pittsburgh Bureau of Police

Willet is facing several charges, including four counts each of criminal attempt homicide and aggravated assault, as well as a minor not to possess a firearm charge.

Pittsburgh Police Lt. Kevin Kraus told a late evening news conference that Willet was the lone gunman who wounded the three students.

“We believe with the information and the evidence that we have, that we have the one and only shooter, but the investigation is not over,” said Lt. Kevin Kraus, of Pittsburgh Police. “It’s still very active and ongoing.”

Poll Numbers Fall, Obama Job Approval at 39%, Not a Decisive Leader and No Longer Considered Honest & Trustworthy


Welcome to the Richard Nixon Barack Obama presidency … 

President Barack Obama’s poll numbers are in free-fall. A recent Quinnipiac University poll has Barack Obama’s job approval hitting an all time low of 39%. Also, For the first time in his presidency American voters say by a  52% to 44% that Barack Obama is not honest and trustworthy. Gee America, what took you so long, but welcome aboard?


American voters disapprove 54 – 39 percent of the job President Barack Obama is doing, his lowest approval rating in any Quinnipiac University national poll since he became president, as even women disapprove 51 – 40 percent, according to a national poll released today.

Today’s results compare to a slight 49 – 45 percent disapproval October 1. President Obama’s lowest score before today was a 55 – 41 percent disapproval in an October 6, 2011 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University.

Today, disapproval is 58 – 37 percent among men, 91 – 6 percent among Republicans and 63 – 30 percent among independent voters. Democrats approve 79 – 14 percent. White voters disapprove 62 – 32 percent while black voters approve 75 – 15 percent and Hispanic voters disapprove by a slim 47 – 41 percent margin.

Gallup poll also has bad new for Obama and his minions. According to the Gallup poll, Barack Obama has taken a hit on the characteristics and qualities of a president like a decisive leader and being honest and trustworthy. So Obama isn’t a decisive leader, he is not considered honest and trustworthy and he has no clear plan for solving America’s problems … why is he president again?


President Barack Obama’s reputation with the American public has faltered in some ways, but not in others. Most notably, for the first time in his presidency, fewer than half of Americans, 47%, say Obama is a “strong and decisive leader,” down six percentage points since September.

Similarly, the share of Americans who view Obama as “honest and trustworthy” has dipped five points. Exactly half of Americans still consider Obama honest and trustworthy, but this is down from 55% in September and 60% in mid-2012 as Obama was heading toward re-election.

Have you seen Barack Obama’s average polling lately? Polls with him in the 30′s is not the outlier but the norm. From Real Clear Politics comes the following terrible polling for Barack Obama.

Obama RCP poll 111313

Thanks Barack Obama … More Than 1 Million Californians Having Insurance Cancelled Due To Obamacare


Hey Cali, how’s that “Hopey-Changey” stuff working out for you?

In the state of California that overwhelmingly voted for Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential election 60% to 37% … as reported at CBS – Sacramento, more than 1 million cancellation notices will be sent to Californians because of  Obamacare. And you wonder why even liberal Democrat Senator DiFi is coming out demanding that there be a fix to Obamacare.

Train Wreck

Health insurer Anthem Blue Cross of California has agreed to a two-month extension of about 104,000 individual policies after failing to give the required 90-day cancellation notice, state Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones announced Tuesday.

The policies had been set to expire on Dec. 31 but will be extended until Feb. 28 for those who choose to re-enroll. Notices informing customers of the extension will be sent out this week, Anthem said.

More than 1 million cancellation notices have been sent to Californians as the Affordable Care Act begins allowing individuals to buy insurance through exchanges, Jones said. The federal law requires policies to offer minimum levels of coverage, forcing companies to terminate many existing plans. But Jones said that under the law, insurers have another year to do so.

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