The Democrat Party is Trying to Tell Americans that we are Not At War With “Radical Islam”
Just curious Democrats, who is inciting fear? However, putting your head in the sand and pretending that RADICAL ISLAM is not at war with America is what brought us 9-11.
Are you kidding me, is this ad where Democrats are claiming GOP candidates are inciting fear from the DNC or the Onion? Democrats are refusing to call Islamists and radical jihadists who want to kill Americans and Westerners, the radical Islamist that they are? REALLY? Are these people stuck on stupid? What part of “radical” Islam don’t the Liberals quite get? Just how out of touch are Democrats, Americans, both Republicans Democrats and Independents are overwhelmingly in favor of using “radical Islam”.
This was meant to be an attack ad by Democrats but it plays more like a skit on SNL.
No one is saying all Muslims or Islam, they are classifying them as radical Islam. What might be even more comical is that they are using George W. Bush, the individual who said you are either with us or against us and coined the phrase axis of evil, to try and prove their liberal talking point. Seriously, the Democrats are praising George W. Bush? But I thought he was blamed by Obama and Democrats for all the evils of the world? This is truly pathetic. After bashing GWB for years, now as the Gateway Pundit opines, Democrats want Republicans to be more like him. You just can’t make this stuff up. Liberalism truly may just actually be a disease with no cure. If you can’t even name the enemy, how in the hell could anyone even think you are capable of defeating them?
Of course Democrats have no problem going after and inciting fear and saying they they are at war with Republicans, Conservatives and the Tea Party. Then again, who was it that backed the KKK?
As stated at BPR, The ad was roundly ridiculed as “tone-deaf,” “insulting to the American voter’s intelligence” and “just plain stupid” by conservative blogger Alex Griswold. Atlanta radio host and RedState editor Erick Erickson pleaded with the Democrats to “run this ad over and over with a side of gun control ads.”
Sorry GWB, Islam is not Peace, you better read the Koran.
Posted November 21, 2015 by Scared Monkeys al-Qaeda, Democrats, Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, Islam/Muslims, Islamist, Islamofascist, Jihad, Liberals, Muslim Brotherhood, Progressives, Radical Islam, Taliban, War on Terror, We the People, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | no comments |
Classless … Barack Obama Jokes with Jon Stewart on Daily Show About Iran Nuclear Deal
The Comedian in Chief is at it again … How sad is it that Barack Obama is only comfortable going on a comedy show to discuss life and death matters like arming Iran with nukes? It is pathetic that a president is allowed to go on a non-serious show with such important topics and lie through his teeth about this lousy deal with Iran. To make matters worse, its not like Stewart is going to confront him on his lies, instead Stewart just makes a joke about it because after all, its a comedy show. How is allowing a radical Islamic, state sponsor of terror country like Iran a laughing matter.
President Barack Obama used a playful environment Tuesday to hit his critics on the Iran nuclear deal.
He said that critics of the deal apparently think, “if you had brought Dick Cheney to the negotiations, everything would be fine,” according to the White House press pool report.
Check out the 6:05 mark of the VIDEO where Jon Stewart may have gotten in the zinger of the night in a not so subtle way as Obama takes a breathe and thinks to himself, its good that he is on my side. Obama says of Iran, “But with respect to Iran, look this is an adversary. They are anti-American, anti-Israel, anti-Semitic, they sponsor terrorist organizations like Hezbollah. Jon Stewart mockingly replies, “Sounds like a good partner for peace” and then basically laughs in the president’s face. Honestly, that is the Iran nuclear deal in a nutshell. It is no laughing matter that Obama has provided a legal pathway to a nuclear bomb to Iran and yet one just shakes their head as this terrible, terrible and dangerous deal.
Jon Stewart Talks with Obama for One Last Time
Posted July 22, 2015 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Comedian in Chief, Community Agitator, Divider in Chief, Epic Fail, Hezbollah, Humor, Incompetence, Iran, Jon Stewart, Media, Misleader, Radical Islam, State Sponsored Terrorism, Terrorism, The Lying King, War on Terror, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 2 comments |
Secretary of State John Kerry: Despite ISIS, “We Are Actually Living In A Period Of Less Daily Threat To Americans”
UNREAL … Barack Obama’s Secretary of State said the following yesterday, “Our citizens, our world today is actually, despite ISIL, despite the visible killings that you see and how horrific they are”. The partisan hack politician went on to say, we have had “less deaths, less violent deaths today than through the last century.” HUH, GO FIGURE. So in 1915 we had more terrorist threats and deaths than in 2015? Who feels safer today than they did 6 or 7 years ago? That’s it America, don’t believe your lying eyes, believe John Kerry.
What page from Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules for Radicals’ does this come from … “If you lie to the people long enough, it because the truth. Especially with a complicit liberal propaganda media.
Maybe Kerry should have said, dating back to the time when President Jimmy Carter unleashed the radical Islam with the fall of the Shah of Iran in 1979?
click HERE or on PIC to watch VIDEO via RCP
SECRETARY OF STATE JOHN KERRY: And frankly – and last thing, this is counterintuitive but it’s true: Our citizens, our world today is actually, despite ISIL, despite the visible killings that you see and how horrific they are, we are actually living in a period of less daily threat to Americans and to people in the world than normally— less deaths, less violent deaths today than through the last century. And so even the concept of state war has changed in many people’s minds, and we’re seeing now more asymmetrical kinds of struggles.
Posted February 26, 2015 by Scared Monkeys Al Shabaab, al-Qaeda, Barack Obama, Boko Haram, Hamas, Hezbollah, Incompetence, ISIS, Islamist, John Kerry, Misleader, Muslim Brotherhood, Radical Islam, Saul Alinsky, State Department, Taliban, Terrorism, War on Terror, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 5 comments |
Hillary Clinton Says, We Must Show Respect and Empathize With America’s Enemies
Former Secretary of State, former US Senator of New York and former First Lady Hillary Clinton says that “Smart power” also includes “showing respect even for one’s enemies. Trying to understand … empathize with their perspective and point of view.” What Hillary Clinton calls smart power, others who actually like America and its freedoms and liberties call ignorant, foolish and naive utopian liberal BS. It is no wonder that Hillary accomplished nothing as Secretary of State except get frequent flier miles.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Wednesday that women should play larger roles in conflict resolution and military efforts around the globe and that “smart power” includes empathizing and showing respect, even for one’s enemies, as the United States confronts a host of challenges on the world stage.
Lt. Col. Oliver North appeared ‘On the Record’ with Greta Van Susteran said oh Hillary’s comments, “those words coming out of some one who intends to be commander and chief are not just naive and utopian, it’s irrational.” As Col. North pointed out when Greta tried to make excuses for Hillary about being taken out of context, Hillary was looking down at her notes and reading, not making an off the cuff comment. This is the underlying belief of progressives and liberals, we must understand why and empathize with our enemies because we must be to blame. Case in point, Obama apology tour when he first became president.
Transcript from The Weekly Standard:
“This is what we call smart power,” Clinton said to a small audience at Georgetown. “Using every possible tool and partner to advance peace and security. Leaving no one on the sidelines. Showing respect even for one’s enemies. Trying to understand, in so far as psychologically possible, empathize with their perspective and point of view. Helping to define the problems, determine the solutions. That is what we believe in the 21st century will change — change the prospects for peace.
So are we supposed to respect and empathize with ISIS, al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Muslim Brotherhood and maybe Boko Haram? How about the terrorists who attacked the Libyan consulate in Benghazi and murdered Ambassador Stevens? How about those that would chop off the heads of innocents? Maybe Hillary would like to explain herself? But in the end, what difference would it make?
Israel Bombs Syria for Second Time This Week … Series of Powerful Blasts Shake Damascus
From Reuters, Israel has bombed Syria for the second time this week. Powerful explosions rocked the outskirts of Damascus early Sunday. Syrian state television said Israeli rockets had struck a military facility just north of the capital. Earlier this week, Israel carried out a bombing run to prevent missile transfers to Islamist militants (VIDEO). President Barack Obama defended Israel’s right to bomb targets inside Syria to protect themselves. Syria is a tinderbox about ready to explode and we have a “dithering” president who makes claims of acting if a “red line” was crossed and then backs off as he does with domestic policy like the clueless over his head “Community Organizer” in Chief he is. Being President is just a little different when you play chicken against those in the Middle East than the GOP isn’t Barack? Obama is between a “Barack” and a hard place and has no idea what to do. How’s that Arab Spring working out for you Mr. President?
Israeli jets devastated Syrian targets near Damascus on Sunday in a heavy overnight air raid that Western and Israeli officials called a new strike on Iranian missiles bound for Lebanon’s Hezbollah.
As Syria’s two-year-old civil war veered into the potentially atomic arena of Iran’s confrontation with Israel and the West over its nuclear program, people were woken in the Syrian capital by explosions that shook the ground like an earthquake and sent pillars of flame high into the night sky.
“Night turned into day,” one man told Reuters from his home at Hameh, near one of the targets, the Jamraya military base.
Amateur VIDIO of huge Explosion outside Damascus, Syria
More from the Washington Post:
Israeli warplanes bombed the outskirts of Damascus early Sunday for the second time in recent days, according to Syrian state media and reports from activists, signaling a sharp escalation in tensions between the neighboring countries that had already been exacerbated by the conflict raging in Syria.
Though there was no official confirmation that Israel had carried out the attack, the Israeli military later announced that it had deployed two of its Iron Dome rocket defense batteries near its northern border in response to what it called “ongoing situational assessments.”
Videos posted on the Internet by activists showed a huge fireball erupting on Mount Qassioun, a landmark hill overlooking the capital on which the Syrian government has deployed much of the firepower it is using against rebel-controlled areas surrounding the city.
Posted May 5, 2013 by Scared Monkeys Act of War, Barack Obama, Community Agitator, Epic Fail, Hezbollah, Islam/Muslims, Islamofascist, Israel, Leading from Behind, Middle East, Military, Radical Islam, Terrorism, War on Terror, You Tube - VIDEO | one comment |