CNN’s Gloria Borger Acknowldges Benghazi Talking Points “Were Edited to the Point of Inaccuracy” … Chris Cuomo: “Safe to Say this Goes Beyond Partisan Picking”
Add another Left-leaning main stream media outlet to those that are questioning the Barack Obama administration and the edited Benghazi terror attack talking points.
First MSNBC and now CNN is coming out against the Obama administration for editing the Benghazi talking points, in the aftermath of the terror attack that left four Americans dead, to the point where the events that took place were untrue. In a CNN interview between Chris Cuomo and Chief political analyst Gloria Borger, neither had anything good to say about the 12 edited versions of the Benghazi talking points using such words as “cover-up” and “whitewash”. Gloria Borger said, the Obama Administration’s Benghazi talking points were “edited to the point of inaccuracy” and the question is “was it a cover-up or whitewash”. She would later say that the talking points were so edited that by the end, they did not even resemble the truth. The most amazing comment may have come from Chris Cuomo when he stated, “it’s safe to say that this goes beyond partisan picking.” Did the LEFT just hear that? One of your own is saying that the GOP is not acting in a partisan manner. CNN is basically saying that the Obama administration played partisan politics for his reelection bid when four Americans died. Are you kidding, Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods were killed by terrorist and the Obama WH edited what occurred to the point it was a false narrative. We lost lives and needed to know what happened and Team Obama was more interested in talking points that fit his reelection. Cuomo called it unforgivable.
Maybe former Arkansas Governor Mike Hukabee was correct when he said during his radio show, President Obama “will not fill out his full term” because he was complicit in a “cover-up” surrounding the attack that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya.
click on pic to listen to an unbelievable VIDEO from CNN discussing an Obama whitewash and editing the talking points to a point of inaccuracy
CNN Transcript:
GLORIA BORGER: What we see in this process is that these talking points were edited to the point of inaccuracy. The question is, is it a cover-up? Is it a whitewash? We don’t know the answer to that.
CHRIS CUOMO: I know. And you took my question. That’s exactly what I was going to ask you. Right? Because that’s what this gets to, 12. What’s the context? It sounds like a lot, but we have to know the nature and purpose of what those changes were.
GLORIA BORGER: So here’s the context. Over at the CIA they’re looking at some of these points, which include mention of Al Qaeda. And there’s a sense from some at the CIA, you know what, we don’t want to tip anybody that we’re investigating Al Qaeda on this, so let’s take out some of the references to Al Qaeda. What the CIA left in, apparently, was this sort of broader context of Al Qaeda in Benghazi in that part of the world. Those were eventually edited out. And there is an e-mail obtained by ABC news from someone at the State Department which asks, why should we leave that in because “it could be abused by members of Congress to beat up the State Department for not paying attention to warnings.” So clearly from a State Department official asking the question, why are we going to give members of Congress information, don’t forget in an election year, which they could turn around and beat us up with. And that’s how you see in evolving. Everybody’s got a different reason for editing it. And they edit it down to something that’s totally, turns out to be in fact untrue.
More from MSNBC … Benghazi Scandal Makes White House “Look Terrible,” Possibly An “Impeachment Issue”.
Bad Day for Obama & Hillary Clinton: MSNBC Guest from the Daily Beast Columnist Michael Tomasky Says … Invoked “That Word That Starts With ‘I’” … Benghazi Scandal Makes White House “Look Terrible,” Possibly An “Impeachment Issue”
You know its bad for Barack Obama when the LIBS at MSNBS MSLSD MSNBC start bringing up “Impeachment” as a result of their Benghazi cover-up and Benghazigate.
Even the LEFT is at a loss for words and defense when it comes to the way the Obama White House has handled Benghazi before, during and after the Benghazi consulate attacks. The news that Benghazi talking points had been edited 12 times and scrubbed of all references of terrorism have left the LEFT in a quandary. Just when you thought you had seen it all, even the ultra-liberal MSNBC folks appear to be using the “I” word when it comes to President Barack Obama and “impeachment” over the White House’s handling of the aftermath of the Benghazi terror attacks that left four Americans dead, including US Ambassador Chris Stevens. Playing politics games to win the 2012 presidential election, could come back to bite Obama. MSNBC, that has made a living off of defending, deflecting and just not covering Barack Obama’s disastrous presidency, both foreign and domestic, has now been forced to question the Obama presidency and even use such descriptive words as impeachment and compare his handling of Benghazi to ‘Watergate”. As Maggie’s Farm states, this is beginning to look much worse than “Watergate”. In fact, it is. No US ambassadors died during Watergate. Actually, no one died during Watergate, only political careers.
Unlike Watergate, an unremarkable political dirty trick with a dumb and unnecessary White House cover-up (if a handful of people had been fired it would have been a big nothing), in this case American public servants died seemingly because of State Dept and possibly White House incompetence or indifference, and both may have been complicit in an attempted cover-up a few weeks before a national election. Possibly the CIA too. People have been intimidated about speaking out, but maybe no longer.
It is not joust Barack Obama who is in trouble, but so is former Secretary of State and 2016 Democrat presidential nominee wannbe Hillary Clinton. She comes across looking terrible, possibly even worse than Obama. As Washington Post reporter Nia-Malika Henderson said, “I think, for Clinton, it looks Clintonian.” Yes she does. Hillary looks like all the worst parts of the Bill Clinton years, something that will not be lost by the GOP or Democrat primary challengers in 2016. The politicization of talking points when four Americans died is beyond disgustingly sick. Before, during and after, Clinton’s State Department failed miserably and looked to cover up … is that what the US needs as a president in 2016?
From Mediaite:
“This is quite the window into what is usually the hush-hush process about how to deal with these types of attacks and the spin that irrevocably comes afterwards,” NBC reporter Luke Russert opined.
“This is not good for the White House right now,” Russert said to BuzzFeed editor Ben Smith. “Does it stick?”
“Well, sure,” Smith replied. “They look terrible.”
Smith said that the emails indicate that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton may have been directly involved in the process of “scrubbing” references to Islamic terrorism from her department’s talking points.
“Does this become then an election politics thing?” Russert asked. He said that the Republican Party has been trying to link Clinton to the Benghazi scandal for some time.
The Daily Beast columnist Michael Tomasky said it does. He invoked “that word that starts with ‘I’” to describe the potentially significant political fallout that could result from the Benghazi scandal.
“It becomes a potentially impeachment issue as long as the Republicans are in control of the House,” Tomasky added.
“I think, for Clinton, it looks Clintonian,” submitted Washington Post reporter Nia-Malika Henderson. “It also, I think, reminds us that there is only one person that the far right-wing hates more than Obama, and that’s Hillary Clinton.”
Benghazi Whistle-Blower Witness Greg Hicks Responds to Questions from Rep Trey Goudy (SC-R): “I Was Stunned. My Jaw Dropped. I Was Embarrassed” After Susan Rice TV Appearance on 5 Sunday Talk Shows
Today during the House Government Oversight and Reform Committee on Benghazi hearings, “Whistle-Blower” witness Greg Hicks time and time again contradicted the Obama Administration’s, the Hillary Clinton State Department’s and the concocted BS that has been put forth regarding the before during and after Benghazi consulate terror attacks. During part of his testimony Greg Hicks answered questions from Rep. Trey Goudy (SC-R) and told the committee that Susan Rice never consulted State Department officials in Libya before making her five appearance on Sunday Shows shilling her lie to the American people that the Benghazi attack was a result of an anti-Islamic VIDEO. Greg Hicks was the highest ranking officer at the time on the ground in Libya, following the death of Ambassador Stevens and Susan Rice never talked to him. When Hicks was asked about Ambassador Susan Rice’s performance on the Sunday talk shows, Hicks stated … “I Was Stunned. My Jaw Dropped. I Was Embarrassed.”
Must see VIDEO … hours after the Benghazi Consulate attack, the President of Libya said it was an attack with possible terror links. When Hicks was asked, did the President of Libya ever mentioned a spontaneous protest over a VIDEO tape, he answered, NO. Hicks was asked, when Ambassador Stevens spoke to you just minutes before he died, as a dying declaration, what precisely did he say to you? Hicks responded, “he said, Greg, we are under attack”. Rep. Goudy asked, did he [Stevens] mention one word about a protest or demonstration? Hicks responded, no, he did not.
EXIT QUESTION: So who does not think that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton blew the Benghazi consulate attack response and tried to cover it up? Obama sent his minions out to cover this up. Sorry LEFT, not even Richard Nixon had anyone die as a result of Watergate.
‘This Week’ Interview: U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice blames attack on spontaneous protest
‘FOX News Sunday’ – Susan Rice blames attack on spontaneous protest from offensive video, not pre-planned and was not against US foreign policy
Hillary Clinton during earlier Benghazi Senate hearing caught in lie and unable to answer simple question, why didn’t you just ask individuals on the ground what happened? That was too difficult according to Hillary.
First Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings Attacks Whistle-Blowers in Opening Statement, Later Says the Unthinkable to the Memories of Stevens, Smith, Doherty & Woods … “Death Is a Part of Life”
House Oversight Committee on Benghazi:
There are vile, disgusting, Obama water-carrying shills who would do and say anything to protect and shield President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State and wanna be 2016 Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for political expedience and then there is Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings. First Elijah Cummings ripped the GOP and “whistle-blowers” for trying to politicize the events that took place in Benghazi, September 11, 2012. Cummings basic attitude was that we already heard about Benghazi and its basically a waste of time to hear from actual individuals that were on the ground. How sad that this partisan hack would not want to hear everything so that such an action would never happen again that saw four Americans, Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods die. But of course if it was GWB who did such a thing, the reaction would have been much different.
“(These are) unfounded accusations to smear administration officials. I am questioning the motives of those who want to use their statements for political purposes.”
Then we get this vile and reprehensible comment from Cummings. This unadulterated fool tells the witnesses, the families and friends of the deceased Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods and insulting their memories that “death is a part of life”. WTF!!! Are you serious? No sir, death is a part of complete incompetence, political correctness, a foolish foreign policy, the resistance to beef up security when asked and the refusal to help fellow Americans in need at their most desperate hour. You would dare make such a comment after the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton had Susan Rice go on 5 Sunday morning talk shows and blame the attack on a VIDEO tape. I though death was a part of a VIDEO? Seeing that Obama, Hillary, et all were caught in that lie, now “death is a part of life”. This is how the ranking Democrat member of the House Oversight Committee on Benghazi rationalizes the terror murders of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods. SICK!
Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), ranking member of the House Oversight Committee, tells Benghazi witnesses that “death is a part of life.”
From Real Clear Politics:
CUMMINGS: And, as I listen to your testimony I could not help but think of something that I said very recently — two years ago now — in a eulogy for a relative. I said that death is a part of life, so often we have to find a way to make life a part of death. And, I guess the reason why I’m saying that, going back to something Mr. Nordstrom said, he wanted, I guess all of you said this, he wanted to make sure we learn from this.
Benghazigate: Benghazi “Whistle-Blowers” Congressional Hearing Today … “Maybe before the Obama administration closes the book on Benghazi, it ought to tell the truth about what happened”
What will come from today’s House Government Oversight and Reform Committee on Benghazi hearings where three “whistle-blowers” will tell there side of the story and their first hand knowledge of what really happened. Will the MSM cover this and treat them like heroes for coming forward, or continue to protect President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton? We need answers at these hearings, not showboating, that means the GOP as well. We also do not need Democrats protecting their beloved Obama or Hillary Clinton’s future run for president. WE NEED ANSWERS AND FOR POLITICIANS TO CARE ABOUT THE FOUR AMERICAN WHO WERE KILLED, BEGGED FOR HELP AND NONE CAME. Obama and Democrats have politicized this enough, so much so that it was never an issue during a reelection of a president. Its time for the truth. Can Democrats, Obama and the MSM handle the truth?
Marc Thiessen at the Washington Post writes a compelling OPED. Below are some excerpts, but this is a must read for those he care about the truth, care about what really happened and wonder why a media has not kept Obama and Hillary Clinton’s feet to the fire as to why when Americans begged for help, none came. Then there was the cover-up by the Obama administration. Why does the LEFT not accept that what happened in Benghazi and the aftermath was “Watergate’? Then again, no American’s died as a result of Watergate.
The Obama administration wants to consign the Benghazi terrorist attack to the history books, but this week three State Department officials will tell Congress that the Obama administration’s version of history is false — and that the falsehoods it told the American people were willful and deliberate. [...]
In addition to getting to the bottom of what the administration knew about Benghazi, and when they knew it, Congress needs get to the bottom of the coverup, which is apparently ongoing. Victoria Toensing, a lawyer for one of the whistleblowers, told Fox Newsthe whistleblowers have been threatened with career-ending reprisals if they furnish new information about the Benghazi attacks to Congress. Who threatened them? What were they told would happen to them? And who else was pressured not to testify? [...]
Perhaps most disturbing is the fact that eight months have passed since Benghazi and still nothing has been done about it. Our country suffered a coordinated terrorist attack on an American diplomatic facility. A U.S. ambassador was killed at the hands of our terrorist enemies. Yet no one has been brought to justice — nor has justice been delivered to anyone.
Maybe before the Obama administration closes the book on Benghazi, it ought to tell the truth about what happened — and then actually do something to avenge these dead Americans. Because when a president seems more intent to sweep a terrorist attack under the rug than he is to respond to it, it sends a message of weakness to our enemies and invites new attacks.
The PJ Tatler puts in a simple format as to what needs to be asked and answered today when it comes to Benghazi, before, during and after the terror attack that left four Americans dead, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, as the Obama administration blamed it all on a video tape and has done little to nothing since. The following needs to be answered:
- Who gave the stand-down order, and why?
- Where was President Obama and what was he doing?
- Where was Secretary of State Clinton and what was she doing? How much did Clinton know about the security situation in Benghazi before the attack?
Posted May 8, 2013 by Scared Monkeys al-Qaeda, Benghazi-Gate, Jihad, Radical Islam, Scandal, Terrorism, US National Security, War on Terror, We the People | 7 comments |