Tennessee Judge Lu Ann Ballew Orders Baby’s Name be Changed from ‘Messiah’ to Martin DeShawn McCullough

Huh, who knew that a judge could order your child’s first name be changed? So what would the judge have done if the child’s name was Jesus and the actual last name was Christ?

Talk about some judicial over-reach … A Tennessee Child Support Magistrate Lu Ann Ballew who serves the 4th Judicial District ordered a 7  month old’s name be Martin DeShawn McCullough.  It includes both parent’s last names but leaves out Messiah.The issue came before the court initially, not because of the child’s first name, but because the parents could not agree on a last name. The judge stated, ‘the word Messiah is a title and it’s a title that has only been earned by one person and that one person is Jesus Christ.” The judge went on to say, she made this the decision is best for the child, especially while growing up in a county with a large Christian population. Wow, how is this allowed because of a judge’s religious beliefs? Also, the judge claimed it was in the best interest of the child. So if the family was not in a predominately Christian area, it would have been OK? The case is supposed to be appealed on September 17th.

What ever happened to the First Amendment of the Constitution of  Freedom of Speech and Religion?

Hmm, although I think it is poor form and sacrilege for the family to have named their child “Messiah,” there is no way in Heaven that a judge could be allowed to make this family change the child’s name because of her religious views. Sorry, but it is not the court’s right to do so. Look for the ACLU to be ll over this one. Does a court really have the right to determine what your child’s name should be? Really? Obviously, this case has some extreme religion undertones, but where does the government think they have the right to order a child’s name be changed? The only reason why this went to court was because the mother and father could not agree on a last name. So had that never happened, it would have been fine for the child to have gone through life as Messiah?

From WBIR 10:

A Newport mother is appealing a court’s decision after a judge ordered her son’s name be changed from “Messiah.”

Jaleesa Martin and the father of Messiah could not agree on a last name, which is how they ended up at a child support hearing in Cocke County Chancery Court on Thursday.

That is when the first name came into question.

Child Support Magistrate Lu Ann Ballew serves the 4th Judicial District of Tenn. including the following counties: Cocke, Grainger, Jefferson, and Sevier.

What would Barack Obama, the Obamamessiah have to say about this?

UNREAL … IRS Caught on Tape Telling Nonprofit, “Keep Your Faith to Yourself”

TYRANNY … Does anything really shock us when it comes to the actions of the IRS?

And the abuses keep coming from the IRS. Just how out of control and extensive were the IRS abuses in their attacking of conservative and Tea Party organizations? Now we learn that IRS agent called the Alliance Defending Freedom, a pro-life legal group, and lectures the president of the organization about forcing its religion and beliefs on others, telling them, “Keep Your Faith to Yourself”. WHAT?!? So now IRS agents are telling non-profits what they can think? Who really thinks that Lefty organizations were handled the same?  It is obvious that the IRS is out of control and is too big to be Constitutional. This is what happens when an entity is given 100% power, with no controls and you are guilty until proven innocent.  Sorry, the IRS does not need to be audited, it needs to be scrapped.

The IRS scandal is deepening as a new tape has been released today showing a disturbing phone call the Internal Revenue Service placed to a non-profit organization.

Alliance Defending Freedom, a pro-life legal group, made the audio available today of IRS officials telling a group that provides support to women in abusive pregnancy situations to keep its faith to itself. In the recorded phone conversation, an IRS agent lectures the president of the organization about forcing its religion and beliefs on others and inaccurately explains that the group must remain neutral on issues such as abortion.

ADF is providing legal representation for the group — which did not receive its tax-exempt status until last week after waiting nearly two and a half years after applying for it.

Wan told her that, in order to obtain a tax exemption, “You cannot force your religion or force your beliefs on somebody else…. You have to know your boundaries. You have to know your limits. You have to respect other people’s beliefs.”

As the PJ Tatler says, “Ironic, that an IRS agent would tell someone else that they have to know their boundaries”.

Valedictorian Roy Costner IV Rips Up Speech and Then Recites The Lord’s Prayer at Liberty High School in South Carolina

This is what leadership and character is about, standing up for one’s principles and beliefs, no matter what. There is hope for our future.

Roy Costner, the Liberty High School valedictorian, made a stand for the First Amendment, freedom of speech and freedom of religion and his religious beliefs and there was no government, school board, ACLU or anti-religious an atheist groups could do a damn thing about it. This is what leaders, character and heroes are made of. During his valedictorian speech at Liberty High School in South Carolina, 30 seconds into his faculty approved speech, Costner tore it up and ad-libbed it. Costner then began reciting the Lord’s Prayer, much to the shock of the school faculty and the applause from those in attendance. For all of you who think you have a right to have your 1st Amendment rights protected, by taking other’s away, you are wrong and clueless. And as for separation of Church and State, read the Constitution.

A special shout out to Roy Costner IV who dared stand up for his convictions and beliefs. In a time in which we are witness to adults in politics and government agency bureaucrats who have zero character, along comes this high school grad. He is our Scared Monkeys hero of the day.


Watch the actual speech below from Valedictorian Roy Costner IV

Liberty High School valedictorian Roy Costner hadn’t been at the podium for more than 30 seconds when he tore up the speech he had gotten approved by the faculty and began reciting the Lord’s Prayer to thunderous applause.

Patrick Elliott with the Freedom From Religion Foundation says they have received complaints about the district in South Carolina in the past for having student-led prayers at school board meetings.

So they wrote to them and asked them to stop.

“Sometimes people think, ‘majority rules’ but that’s not really the case with a constitutional right. So students do have the right to attend school without the school promoting or endorsing religion even if you know a large amount of people in the community would hope that the school would do so,” Elliott said.

Check out the FOX News story that explains the back story of anti-religious groups attacking schools in Pickens County, SC

Franklin Graham Says the IRS Also Targeted the Reverand Billy Graham for Backing Conservative & Pro-Israel Candidates

Are you kidding, the IRS also targeted the Reverend Billy Graham …

It would appear that the IRS targeting was not just of Conservative Tea Party groups, as reported at the Politico, Franklin Graham says that  the IRS also targeted the Reverend Billy Graham and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, the family’s international humanitarian organization Samaritan’s Purse. Unbelievable. This vindictive organization went after such a chartable organization that’s only purpose is to do good through out the world! So what would possibly be the reason why their 2010 tax records would be suddenly audited? The Reverend Billy Graham backed Mitt Romney in 2012 and also other Conservative and pro-Israel candidates. “We the People” are going to learn that this is only the tip of the iceberg and the “Gestapo” like actions of the IRS not only targeted organizations, but individuals as well and goes much higher than some rouge low level agents in Cincinnati, Ohio. Much, much higher.


The IRS came after Billy Graham, too, his son charged Tuesday in a letter to President Barack Obama.

Franklin Graham, the president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and the family’s international humanitarian organization Samaritan’s Purse, said that the IRS notified the organizations in September that it was conducting a “review” of their activities for tax year 2010.

With the IRS admitting it gave extra scrutiny to conservative political organizations, Graham says he now believes that the review was part of an Obama administration effort of “targeting and attempting to intimidate us.”

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association urging of voters to back “candidates who base their decisions on biblical principles and support the nation of Israel” during last year’s presidential race was the reason why IRS agents visited the North Carolina offices of both Graham groups, the letter accuses.

While these audits not only wasted taxpayer money, they wasted money contributed by donors for ministry purposes as we had to spend precious resources servicing the IRS agents in our offices.”

The Reverend Billy Graham has worked with both Republican and Democrat presidents for decades. So why now? Why under Barack Onama does the IRS target him? The Gateway Pundit reminds us of when Franklin Graham spoke out against Barack Obama and could not categorically deny that he was a Muslim. You do not think that this thin-skinned president went after his enemies do you? Because he would never do such a thing.  Oh that’s right, Obama also banned Franklin Graham from speaking at the Pentagon. Yup, no vindictiveness here. Sister Toldja is 100% correct, “Targeting political groups who oppose this administration’s agenda is bad enough, but targeting religious groups on similar grounds” goes beyond what can be deemed as acceptable.

What ever happened between “separation of Church and State”? IRS-gate is about to explode and the American people are going to be completely outraged when they find out that individuals were targeted as well. This is the same IRS that is supposed to police Obamacare. The people who have access of your insurance data and your private healthcare records. Boy, that gives me a warm fuzzy.

Wow, Far-Left Bill Maher Calls Out Liberal Guest on HBO’s “Real Time” … Comparing Violence Of Islam To Christianity Is “Liberal Bullshit” (VIDEO)

OK folks, either Hell just froze over or its the sign of the apocalypse … I just agreed with Bill Maher 100%.

On Friday night, and it was not April Fools Day, during HBO’s ‘Real Time’ with Bill Maher, the uber-lib host told his guest that comparing Islamic violence to Christianity is “liberal bullsh*t.” WOW, did Maher just have a moment of lucidity? Recently Maher had made that comment that if liberals keep it up, they will lose him, referring the over taxation of anyone successful, and now this. Maher called out  CSU-San Bernardino professor Brian Levin’s, director of the Center for Study of Hate and Extremism, comment that religious extremism was the same whether it was Islam or Christianity as the liberal bullsh*t for what it was. I have called out Bill Maher on many things; however, I have to give him credit on this one.

The debate between the two liberals was really quite remarkable and needs to be seen to be believed, see video below. Its about time some one on the Left have called Islamists and radical Islam for what it really is, a retaliatory, violent region that if you dare speak, write or think bad about Allah or Mohammed, death will come to you. Just ask Theo Van Gogh, oh that’s right, you cannot, he was brutally murdered. Listen to how uncomfortable the audience is with Maher’s comments. The befuddled director of the Center for Study of Hate and Extremism tried to equate all religions having hypocrites to all religions being violent. Bill Maher then peppered the liberal professor with the following, “there is only one faith who kills you or wants to kill you if you draw a bad cartoon of the prophet”. There is only one faith that kills you or wants to kill you if you renounce the faith.” Then, because the Maher actually dared take the position he did, the liberal professor implied Maher was an Islamophobe. The irony of this is that the dear professor slinging slurs at a liberal who does not agree with him is the director of the Center for Study of Hate and Extremism. Who’s the hypocrite?

Maher then through out the zinger to which his audience must have thought that they were at a taping of Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck … “all religions are not created equal. Maher asked whether the professor had seen the show, ‘The Book of Mormon’ and asked whether they could have made one called the ‘Book of Islam’? Maher then said, there is only one religion that threatens violence and then carries it out. OUCH! Professor Brian Levin said that Broadway could do the Book of Islam, to which Maher responded, tell me what color is the sky is in your world”. DOUBLE OUCH!

From The Daily Caller:

But Maher took issue with that claim, calling it “liberal bullshit” and said there was no comparison.

“You know what, yeah, yeah,” Maher said. “You know what — that’s liberal bullshit right there … they’re not as dangerous. I mean there’s only one faith, for example, that kills you or wants to kill you if you draw a bad cartoon of the prophet. There’s only one faith that kills you or wants to kill you if you renounce the faith. An ex-Muslim is a very dangerous thing. Talk to Salman Rushdie after the show about Christian versus Islam. So you know, I’m just saying let’s keep it real.”

“I am not an Islamophobe,” Maher replied. “I am a truth lover. All religious are not alike. As many people have pointed out — ‘The Book of Mormon,’ did you see the show? … OK, can you imagine if they did ‘The Book of Islam?’ Could they do that? There’s only one religion that threatens violence and carries it out for things like that. Could they do “The Book of Islam” on Broadway?”

Levin said “possibly so,” to which Maher seem dismiss his entire argument going forward.

The liberal professor was just perplexed that uber-lib Bill Maher had an opposing view point to his. After all, liberals are not supposed to disagree with other liberals. They are supposed to have one monolithic viewpoint against the Right.  He even went as far to imply Maher was an Islamophobe and there lies the liberal playbook. If they disagree with you, demonize them, even if its one of your own. Imagine what they do to those on the Right? Finally. Maher completed Game, Set and Match when he stated the following, “Obviously, most Muslim people are not terrorists, but ask most Muslim people in the world that if you insult the prophet, do you have what’s coming to you. It’s more than a fringe element.” It is simply amazing and this professor is typical of most on the Left, they cannot understand that telling the truth about a religion and that the behave differently and insight people to violence as a reaction is not hate. IT IS THE FACT! And one note to the dear, misguided professor who could not understand that the topic being discussed was the Islam religion today vs. Christianity during the Middles Ages, there is a like thing called the Reformation.

The Gateway Pundit reminds us, that in 2011 Bill Maher told Muslim Rep. Keith Ellison the Koran is a “hate-filled holy book.”

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