ACLU Files Lawsuit Challenging NSA’s Patriot Act Phone Surveillance Against We the People … Violates Americans’ Constitutional Rights of Free Speech, Association & Privacy

Once again we are witness to a government that has become just too big.

As reported at the New York Times, the ACLU has filed a aw suit against the federal government challenging the NSA’s phone surveillance against “We the People”. In an interesting twist, the left leaning ACLU has filed a law suit against the far-Left Obama administration over the collection of logs of domestic phone calls of all Americans where they were the target of an investigation or suspected of terrorism or not. The law suit names Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, NSA Director Keith Alexander, Attorney General Eric Holder, Defense Secretary Charles Hagel and FBI Director Robert Mueller III as defendants. It is pretty bad when the ACLU is forced to sue the Obama administration over such an issue, or face a complete lack of credibility.


The American Civil Liberties Union sued the Obama administration on Tuesday over its “dragnet” collection of logs of domestic phone calls, contending that the once-secret program — whose existence was exposed last week by a former National Security Agency contractor — is illegal and asking a judge to stop it and order the records purged.

The lawsuit could set up an eventual Supreme Court test. It could also focus attention on this disclosure amid the larger heap of top secret surveillance matters revealed by Edward J. Snowden, the former N.S.A. contractor who came forward Sunday to say he was their source.

I have personally disagreed with many actions in the past and inactions by the ACLU, who is supposed to defend all Americans civil liberties. However, I have to give them credit here. The ACLU filed a law suit charging that the program violates Americans’ constitutional rights of free speech, association, and privacy.  It is troubling that the US government thinks that it can just sweep up all data without any cause of legal search and seizure. It is even more eye opening that Barack Obama when he was Senator and candidate Obama ridiculed and vilified this program. When he became president, the program went on steroids.

In the wake of the past week’s revelations about the NSA’s unprecedented mass surveillance of phone calls, today the ACLU filed a lawsuit charging that the program violates Americans’ constitutional rights of free speech, association, and privacy.

This lawsuit comes a day after we submitted a motion to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) seeking the release of secret court opinions on the Patriot Act’s Section 215, which has been interpreted to authorize this warrantless and suspicionless collection of phone records. [...]

The ACLU’s complaint filed today explains that the dragnet surveillance the government is carrying out under Section 215 infringes upon the ACLU’s First Amendment rights, including the twin liberties of free expression and free association. The nature of the ACLU’s work—in areas like access to reproductive services, racial discrimination, the rights of immigrants, national security, and more—means that many of the people who call the ACLU wish to keep their contact with the organization confidential. Yet if the government is collecting a vast trove of ACLU phone records—and it has reportedly been doing so for as long as seven years—many people may reasonably think twice before communicating with us.

Legal Insurrection reminds us that this was not the first law suit filed when it comes to the NSA data dragnet, Larry Klayman, former chairman of ‘Judicial Watch’ filed one as well.

On Sunday, a similar suit was filed by Larry Klayman, former chairman of Judicial Watch, against President Obama, Eric Holder, Keith Alexander, the NSA and Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam, among others.  The suit claims that the government’s phone surveillance activities “violates the U.S. Constitution and also federal laws, including, but not limited to, the outrageous breach of privacy, freedom of speech, freedom of association, and the due process rights of American citizens.”

Karen Kenney of the San Fernando Valley Patriots Testifies at Hearing on IRS Abuses of Power


Karen Kenney of the San Fernando Valley Patriots testifies before the House Ways and Means Congressional investigation on the mistreatment of Tea Party affiliated groups by the IRS. Hear more from “We the People” who were purposely and willfully targeted by the IRS because they dare try to express their US Constitutional rights of free speech.  Want to hear the eloquence of liberty and what Our Founding Fathers intended? Watch the video below. No finer words may not have been spohken in the House chambers in years and it took an average citizen to do it, “This dialogue is about the jackboot of tyranny upon the field of our Founding documents. To whisper the letters I-R-S strikes a shrill note on Main St., USA, but when this behemoth tramples upon America’s grassroots, few hear the snapping sounds.”  

Karen Kenney of the San Fernando Valley Patriots

Entire text can be read HERE.

John Adams knew that, “Facts are stubborn things.”  In this District, facts are hidden under the mantle of office. They get used as tools or weapons, But facts wait for us.  We must seek them with the lamp of truth And put them into words. But you and I speak different languages in this Republic.

You speak the language of Power: the pen, purse or gavel. I speak grassroots American, the language of Liberty through Providence, property and civic virtue. We seldom speak together frankly about the rule of law even when it is ignored or broken, but now is such a time.

I have a story that bridges the distance between my state of California and this Capitol. What I say here, must be said here.   Pilgrims brought to this continent a lamp of Liberty, guided Here by the pursuit of Life within the words of Moses and Christ. They persevered for righteous freedom.

We sit here in the shadows of Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln. We visit here memorials to those who fell in service to country.  They persevered for righteous power.    The spirit of patriots living and dead grants me the right to be here. It is my duty as an American citizen to speak here today.

The voice of this Republic resides in our citizens, not in the tongue of government. More must grasp that self-evident truth.

This dialogue is about the jackboot of tyranny upon the field of our Founding documents. To whisper the letters I-R-S strikes a shrill note on Main St., USA, but when this behemoth tramples upon America’s grassroots, few hear the snapping sounds.

Now, more people listen, but few who know the truth speak.

Students at the University of Colorado – Boulder Sign “Thank You” Card to IRS for Targeting Conservative and Tea Party Groups

What happened to my country?

It is actually frightening that the following occurred in the United States and on a college campus to boot. Individuals actually signed a “Thank You” card to the IRS, thanking them fare targeting, harassing and slow walking the non-profit applications of Conservative and Tea Party groups. This was the brain child of Conservative pundit Caleb Bonham who said, “I was kind of hoping people would look at my card and laugh, but not endorse it.”  “That was not the case.” One student said while signing the card, “I love discrimination.” WTF!!! Seriously, would this individuals like love discrimination if they were the ones targeted? Oh, that would be different of course. And who in the hell loves discrimination of any kind? So let’s get this straight, those who signed and agreed with this thank you card agree that Big Government should have the power to destroy anyone who does not agree with them? Is that what this ignoramuses actually think? Of course not because they think they should be afforded a double standard. Maybe the next question should have been if they had ever heard of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights?

Students at the University of Colorado – Boulder (UCB) signed an enormous thank you card to the Internal Revenue Service for its apparent harassment of conservative groups during the lead-up to President Obama’s reelection.

In the viral video, posted on YouTube Tuesday, conservative pundit Caleb Bonham asked students to sign the large card that read “Thank you IRS! Tea Party Deserves it!”

“I’m asking people if they want to sign my board thanking the IRS for targeting conservative tea party and religious organizations,” Bonham explained in the video.

Sadly, this is a result of the brainwashing that today’s youth has received and a completely hateful attitude and disrespect of others. Some how they are to be afforded the rights of “Freedom of Speech” but others are not.  BTW, for all those who signed the ‘Thank You” card to the IRS … thanks for your names so that when the GOP is back in power, they can have the IRS target you. According to you, its perfectly AOK.

BTW II: How are those job prospects for all of you so-intelligent college grads these days?

Rep Mike Kelly Gets Standing Ovation After Historic Rant Ripping the #IRS for the Vindictive Bullies That they Are … “This confirms that the IRS can do anything they want, anytime they want, to anyone they want.”

FINALLY A STATEMAN STANDS UP FOR ”WE THE PEOPLE” …  Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) is my new hero and should be a hero to all Americans!!!

US Representative Mike Kelly was given a standing ovation Friday at the House Committee on the IRS scandal after he ripped into IRS Commissioner Steven Miller. Every American, no matter what your political belief, should watch the below video and stand up and cheer for what Kelly did. He stood up for all Americans, Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Independents, etc, as blasted the IRS commissioner and the over-reaching abuses of the IRS. It is about time some one stood up to this “Gestapo” like government organization and called them out for what they true are … government bullies who have the ability to destroy people lives. There is no greater abuse of power than what the IRS is allowed to do to “We the People” as a matter of their standard SOP.

Representative Kelly shredded the IRS for their scandalous actions of targeting Conservative groups and their over-reaching, bullying tactics. As Kelly stated, “This confirms that the IRS can do anything they want, anytime they want, to anyone they want.” Kelly basically said what every American has thought or wanted to say for years, but were too afraid of retaliation from this all-too powerful government organization. The standing ovation at the end of Kelly’s rant just shows the outrage of the American people. This is what tyranny looks like, and its hardly soft tyranny. Kelly would also say, “And I don’t believe the White House just found out about this in a news report. Where you’re sitting you should be outraged but you’re not.” I think it is rather unbelievable that President Barack Obama also did not learn of this when the American people did. Obama dodged the question when asked. That is either a lie or this president is not most clueless, unengaged president ever.

Our Founding Fathers never envisioned such and entity would ever be given so much power which shredded the US Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence. This is what America fought to get away from. How in the hell  has it come to this? Government has gotten far too big, out of control and without fear of “We the People”. What happened to a government of, by and for the People?

From Real Clear Politics:

REP. MIKE KELLY (R-PA): This has nothing to do with political parties. This has to do with highly targeted groups. This reconfirms everything the American public believes. This is a huge blow to the faith and trust that the American people have in their government. Is there any limit to the scope where you folks can go? Is there anything at all? Is there any way that we could ask you is there any question that you should have asked?

My goodness. How much money do you have in your wallet? Who do you get emails from? Whose sign do you put up in your front yard? This is a tax question? And you don’t think that’s intimidating? It’s sure as hell intimidating. And I don’t know that I got any answers from you today. And I don’t know that — what Mr. George said is great work — but you know what? There’s a heck of a lot more that has to come out in this. Any anybody that sat here today and listened to what you had to say, I am more concerned today than I was before, and the fact that you all can do just about anything you want to anybody?

You know, you can put anybody out of business that you want. Any time you want. I gotta tell you. You could talk about how you’re a horribly run organization, if you’re on the other side of the fence, you’re not giving that excuse. And the IRS comes in, you’re not allowed to be shoddy, you’re not allowed to be run horribly, you’re not allowed to make mistakes, you’re not allowed to do one damn thing that doesn’t come in compliance, and if you do, you’re held responsible right then. I just think the American people have seen what’s going on right now in their government. This is absolutely an overreach and this is an outrage for all Americans.

More at Twitchy Best rant ever!!!

  • Rep Kelly to Miller: You think this is uncomfortable? Try being a citizen being targeted by the IRS.
  • Rep. Kelly just now ‘This is a Pandora’s Box.’ That sounds right.
  • Rep Kelly: My grandson freaks out bc something might come out from under the bed at night and grab him. That’s how Americans feel about IRS.

Amazing, Senator Feinstein (D-CA) Says Watertown Citizens Don’t Need “Assault Weapons” During a Time When Killer Terrorists Roamed Their Town

Unbelievable, these liberal Senators who have their own protection tell you that you do not have the right to protect yourself.

Following the Boston Marathon bombings by Islamist terrorists, Senator Feinstein (D-CA) went on FOX News Sunday where she shamefully pushed once again for her failed assault weapons ban. As the city of Boston and surrounding towns were in lock down as two terrorist brothers roamed the streets with explosive devices and unregistered guns, millions of Boston area citizens were in fear as they who were told to stay inside during the door to door man hunt for the Islamist killers. When Chris Wallace asked whether the citizens should have had the right to protect themselves, Feinstein responded by saying … Watertown Citizens Don’t Need “Assault Weapons” .

Because she knows better than you America. How many people who were pinned down in their homes probably wish they had an assault-style weapon to defend themselves and their family? Shouldn’t that be “We the People’s” choice on how to defend ourselves and our right to bare arms and not a government who failed to act in the first place when they were first notified in 2011 by Russia?

“Some may have (wanted to have guns), yes. But if where you’re going is, “Do they need an assault weapon?” I don’t think so… We did away with machine guns because of how they’re used.”

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