Coming Soon to a Restaurant Near You, An Obamacare Fee on Your Food Bill … Resistance is Futile

So you thought you could hide from Obamacare, this insidious law will eventually affect every American one was or another … Resistance is Futile.

Possibly coming to a restaurant you frequent, customers asked to help foot the bill for Obamacare healthcare increases and the not-so Affordable Healthcare ActGator’s Dockside, a Florida restaurant chain, is adding a 1% ACA surcharge to all of their patron’s bills in order to help pay for their increase in healthcare charges for their full time employees. Just curious, if it is so affordable, why do businesses need to further place a burden on their patrons to pay more, while receiving nothing more in return? Signs welcoming customers at the door read “The costs associated with ACA compliance could ultimately close our doors.”


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Several restaurants in a Florida chain are asking customers to help foot the bill for Obamacare.

Diners at eight Gator’s Dockside casual eateries are finding a 1% Affordable Care Act surcharge on their tabs, which comes to 15 cents on a typical $15 lunch tab. Signs on the door and at tables alert diners to the fee, which is also listed separately on the bill.

The Gator Group’s full-time hourly employees won’t actually receive health insurance until December. But the company said it implemented the surcharge now because of the compliance costs it’s facing ahead of the Affordable Care Act’s employer mandate kicking in in 2015.

“The costs associated with ACA compliance could ultimately close our doors,” the sign reads. “Instead of raising prices on our products to generate the additional revenue needed to cover the costs of ACA compliance, certain Gator’s Dockside locations have implemented a 1% surcharge on all food and beverage purchases only.”

The Borg Obamacare … Resistance is Futile

We are reminded by the Heritage Foundation that other restaurants in California have done the same and added ACA surcharges to their bills.

What do you think happens when a new tax is forced upon a business by the feds, it gets passed on to the customer. Remember, the SCOTUS deemed Obamacare constitutional because it was a tax, even though Obama originally said to the American people that it was not. What is going to happen in the future when we find out that Obamacare is more costly than previously projected? Restaurants will have a much greater surcharge than 1%.

VP Joe Biden Tells Democrats, Be Optimistic on State of the Nation ‘In Spite of Who’s President’ … “The American People Are With Us”… Really, The American People Are Against Obama!

HE SAID WHAT? … Did Vice President Joe Biden just diss Barack Obama and then say Americans Agree with Democrats?

Joe Biden told fellow Democrats at the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference in Cambridge, MD that they should be optimistic about the state of the nation, “in spite of who’s president.” Hmm, kind of an interesting word choice when the current president is Barack Obama, a Democrat. This was Biden’s best effort to rally the beleaguered Democrat troops who face a tough uphill climb in the upcoming 2014 midterm elections thanks to the policies, agenda and signature piece of legislation from who is president.

“It always surprises me when we don’t have the degree of optimism that we should about the state of the nation,” Biden said. “And in spite of who’s president, in spite of who’s in the Congress, the American people are so much stronger, so much more resilient, so much more capable, that even the ridiculous policies of our friends on the right cannot keep them from moving forward.”

Baghdad Bob  a delusional Joe Biden went on to say, “I can’t imagine our prospects being viewed by the press and everyone else as being a whole hell of a lot brighter by the time we turn in September then now. The American people are where we are. Let’s go out and make every single effort not just to defend, but to aggressively push, aggressively push our agenda.”

Isn’t it interesting that Biden would reference the MSM viewing the Democrats prospects first and then calling “We the People,” the Americans who are adversely affected by Barack Obama’s and Democrat’s policies as … “everyone else”.  Not like we do not know that the liberal MSM is in the tank for Obama and has been since the beginning. The media has been AWOL on vetting Obama, holding his feet to the fire, questioning his failed economic and domestic policies and investigating the all too-numerous scandals like IRS-gate, Benghazi-gate, “Fast & Furious” and NSA-gate. It would appear that Biden and Obama believe that the MSM will continue to be their own personal Gunga Din heading into the 2014 midterms.

Biden_court jester

But it does not stop there when it came to Biden’s head in the sand comments. Anvil Joe made the preposterous comment to Democrats that, “The American people are where we are.” Really, in what sense, in the United States? The American people are in no way any where near where Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and their lock-step, rubber stamp Democrats have lead this country. In fact, they more the American people learn the truth of the lies that have been told to them and adversely affected by Democrat foreign and domestic policy, the more they are not with Democrats.

A question to Joe Biden, exactly what are the people with you on? The fact of the matter is that the American people are not with Democrats and it is scaring them silly that they may lose even more House seats in 2014 and talk of losing the Senate to the GOP is a real possibility. Vulnerable Democrat candidates are running from Obama, his agenda and their vote. Obama is also acting as Emperor in arbitrarily extending Obamacare deadlines so to protect Democrat politicians, not to help the American people or America.

THE FACTS … The American People Are NOT with Democrats.

I. Barack Obama’s Overall Job Approval rating is barely above 40% with the American people. (Average of polls: 41.4% Approve – 52.4% Disapproval [-11% Disapprove])

II. President Obama Job Approval – Economy. (Average of polls: 40.6% Approve – 55.7% Disapprove [-15.1% Disapprove])

  • McClatchy/Marist: 41 Approve – 54% Disapprove
  • ABC News/Wash Post: 43% Approval – 56% Disapprove, -13
  • FOX News: 38% Approve – 59% Disapprove, -21
  • Associated Press: 42% Approve – 56% Disapprove, -14
  • Quinnipiac: 39% Approve – 56% Disapprove,  -17
  • GWU/Battleground: 40% Approve – 57% Disapprove,  -17

III: Public Approval of Health Care Law. (Average of polls: 36.3% Approve – 51.3% Against/Oppose [-15 Oppose/Against])

  • FOX News: 37% For – 55% Against/Oppose
  • Gallup: 41% For – 51% Against/Oppose
  • NBC News/WSJ:  34% For – 48 % Against/Oppose
  • Associated Press: 27% For – 42 %  Against/Oppose
  • Quinnipiac: 38% For – 56% Against/Oppose
  • GWU/Battleground: 41% For – 56% Against/Oppose

IV: Direction of Country. (Average of polls:  29.6% Right Direction – 63.6% Wrong Track [-34.0 Wrong Tack])

  • The Economist/YouGov: 29% Right Track – 62% Wrong Track
  • McClatchy/Marist: 31% Right Track – 66% Wrong Track
  • Rasmussen Reports: 29% Right Track – 63% Wrong Track
  • Reuters/Ipsos: 23% Right Track – 62% Wrong Track
  • NBC News/WSJ: 28% Right Track – 63% Wrong Track
  • ABC News/Wash Post: 34% Right Track – 64% Wrong Track
  • CBS News: 33% Right Track – 61% Wrong Track
  • Associated Press: 35% Right Track – 64% Wrong Track
  • GWU/Battleground: 24% Right Track – 67% Wrong Track

V: The American people, including Democrats, are overwhelmingly opposed to how Obama is conducting executive orders and circumventing Congress is how government is supposed to work.

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FOX News poll

VI.  The American people are against Obama going around Congress, except if you are a Democrat or Black, and of course if it were a GOP president.

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FOX News poll

VII:  Barack Obama and Democrats rail about income inequality and the income gap, yet every single demographic in America believes that it has increased under Obama.

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FOX News poll

Uber-Liberal Filmmaker Michael Moore Wrote Quite the OPDED in the New York Times New Years’ Day … “Obamacare is Awful”

WOW, Far-Left, socialist film maker Michael Moore says … The dirty little secret is OBAMACARE IS AWFUL!!!

In an Op-ed in the NY Times, ”The Obamacare We Deserve,’ Michael Moore wrote that “For many people, the ‘affordable’ part of the Affordable Care Act risks being a cruel joke.” We can all agree that Obamacare is awful; however, as Newsbusters points out, before you jump on the Michael Moore bandwagon and that a liberal, far-leftist socialist has come to their senses, you need to know first that Moore us for universal healthcare and a single payer and it should be 100% funded by you. Well, by those working individuals and 50% who pay income taxes.


Michael Moore calls Obamacare a loser

In an op-ed published at the New York Times, Moore wrote, “Obamacare is awful.”

“For many people, the ‘affordable’ part of the Affordable Care Act risks being a cruel joke,” added Moore. “The cheapest plan available to a 60-year-old couple making $65,000 a year in Hartford, Conn., will cost $11,800 in annual premiums. And their deductible will be $12,600. If both become seriously ill, they might have to pay almost $25,000 in a single year.”

I love how Moore put quotation marks around the word “affordable.” I’ve been doing it for years concerning this atrocious law.

But before you get excited thinking this leftist has suddenly come to his senses, be advised that you’re probably not going to agree with Moore’s reasons for disliking the “Affordable Care Act.”


Because he’s for universal health insurance funded by the roughly 50 percent of Americans that pay income taxes, of course.


Obama is a “proponent of single payer, universal healthcare … We may not get there immediately.”

Moore’s full New York Times OPED can be read HERE ... ‘The Obamacare We Deserve’. Isn’t it incredible that Moore blames the right-wing for Obamacare’s flaws. However, Moore is stating a fact when he says that Barack Obama’s end goal was single payer, universal healthcare in the United States. However, Obama knew that would never fly, so his plan all along was to slowly morph into it. The problem is for many, including the LEFT, Obamacare as a stop-gap to single payer is “AWFUL”.

I believe Obamacare’s rocky start — clueless planning, a lousy website, insurance companies raising rates, and the president’s telling people they could keep their coverage when, in fact, not all could — is a result of one fatal flaw: The Affordable Care Act is a pro-insurance-industry plan implemented by a president who knew in his heart that a single-payer, Medicare-for-all model was the true way to go. When right-wing critics “expose” the fact that President Obama endorsed a single-payer system before 2004, they’re actually telling the truth.

What we now call Obamacare was conceived at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, and birthed in Massachusetts by Mitt Romney, then the governor. The president took Romneycare, a program designed to keep the private insurance industry intact, and just improved some of its provisions. In effect, the president was simply trying to put lipstick on the dog in the carrier on top of Mitt Romney’s car. And we knew it.

But before anyone starts touting the single payer healthcare system, how is Medicare and Medicaid working for America other than bankrupting it!!!

NY Times Reports: The Obama Administration Doesn’t Want You to Call ObamaCare “Redistribution” … Even Though It Is And They Know(Knew) It

What’s in a word, except everything.

The New York Times is reporting that Barack Obama and his administration does not want you to call Obamacare the “R” word. Not racism, but “REDISTRIBUTION”. Just as Barack Obama and Democrats have suddenly distanced themselves from calling Obama’s signature piece of legislation Obamacare as it has become toxic. They also do not want you to call Obamacare a redistribution of wealth, when it obviously is. America, how else do you think that so many millions of uninsured poor people were going to miraculously get insurance, from the healthcare fairy?  The fact of the matter is, that they knew it all along and demonized Republicans when they stated the truth. Now suddenly millions of Americans don’t like it when the redistribution of wealth, the money grab is not just from the rich, but from the middle class as well. We said a long time ago, be very careful what Obama and his band of socialist define as rich, it might just be you.


Rebecca M. Blank was a top candidate in 2011 to lead President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers, but then the White House turned up something politically dangerous.

“A commitment to economic justice necessarily implies a commitment to the redistribution of economic resources, so that the poor and the dispossessed are more fully included in the economic system,” Ms. Blank, a noted poverty researcher, wrote in 1992. With advisers wary of airing those views in a nomination fight, Mr. Obama passed over Ms. Blank, then a top Commerce Department official and now the chancellor of the University of Wisconsin. Instead he chose Alan Krueger, a Princeton economist.

“Redistribution is a loaded word that conjures up all sorts of unfairness in people’s minds,” said William M. Daley, who was Mr. Obama’s chief of staff at the time. Republicans wield it “as a hammer” against Democrats, he said, adding, “It’s a word that, in the political world, you just don’t use.”

These days the word is particularly toxic at the White House, where it has been hidden away to make the Affordable Care Act more palatable to the public and less a target for Republicans, who have long accused Democrats of seeking “socialized medicine.” But the redistribution of wealth has always been a central feature of the law and lies at the heart of the insurance market disruptions driving political attacks this fall.

“Americans want a fair and fixed insurance market,” said Jonathan Gruber, a health economist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who advised Mr. Obama’s team as it designed the law. “You cannot have that without some redistribution away from a small number of people.”

The National Review On-line has 8 takeaways from the NYT article, here are a few:

  • The White House intentionally hid Obamacare’s redistributive goals.
  • Policy experts knew all along but didn’t tell the public.
  • David Axelrod blames American political culture for Obama’s needing to lie in the first place
  • Republican charges Obama feels must be deflected by disguising the truth: redistribution, socialized medicine, redistributor-in-chief, spreading the wealth around, closet socialist. (Read the rest of the takeaways HERE)

Make no mistake about it America, Barack Obama and Democrats lied to you and it was most certainly intentional. Their entire model of Obamacare is based on the redistribution of wealth and bringing others up while taking you down. That’s what socialists deem fair.

Project Veritas Video Nails Obamacare Navigators Committing Fraud & Promoting Deceit


Bill O’Reilly reported on “The Factor” last night the “Obsession with Obamacare” and the latest problem, one of many, with the presidents signature piece of legislation. Obama had more than enough time and money to implement Obamacare and yet it has been a catastrophic. Enter James O’Keefe and Project Veritas showing Obamacare navigators committing fraud and openly promoting deceit of applicants. The very people who are supposed to walk the applicants through Obamacare and answer questions are outright committing fraud. But what else would you expect from people who do not have to under go a criminal background check.

O’Keefe and the undercover Veritas operatives captured the video in Texas of Obamacare Urban League navigators purposely and willfully instructing the applicants in how to commit fraud against the American tax payer. And I thought Barack Obama was so concerned about waste and fraud? Great, another government program built on lies, fraud and deceit in signing people up. Welcome to community organizing. Hmm, wasn’t Obama one of these folks back in the day?

“This investigation shows just how vulnerable Obamacare is to fraud,” said James O’Keefe. “Taxpayers loose billions due to Medicare fraud and there is a clear possibility of billions more being wasted under a government-run health care system costing taxpayers $1.7 trillion.”

This is just the first video in a series of Obamacare investigations to be released in the coming weeks. The purpose of these investigations is not to advocate for defunding or the repeal of Obamacare but to expose waste, fraud, and abuse within the system.

Bill O’Reilly Talking Points on Obamacare and Fraud

Watch the Full VIDEO from Project Veritas below … it will make your blood boil

But what else should we expect than fraud and deceit from the very people who are supposed to guide individuals through Obamacare as the namesake of Obamacare, Barack Obama, perpetrated a fraud and lied to the American people to get the law passed in the first place?

More from The NRO.

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