Priceless … Even Warren Buffett Does not Support Obama’s “Buffett” Rule
How disingenuous is President Barack Obama on jobs and the economy? Even billionaire Warren Buffett does not endorse Obama’s “Buffett Rule”. Buffett was not referring to individuals making $50 millions, he was referring to ultra-rich. As Buffett said, he was only referring to about 50,000 people … not Americans who make $250 K a year. Heck, Buffett does not even think those that make $50 million a year are rich.
From Real Clear Politics:
CNBC: “Are you happy that the way it is being described. Is the program that the White House has presented a million dollars and over your program? ”
Warren Buffett: “Well, the precise program which will — I don’t know what their program will be. My program would be on the very high incomes that are taxed very low. Not just high incomes. Somebody making $50 million a year playing baseball, his taxes won’t change. Make $50 million a year appearing on television, his income won’t change. But, if they make a lot of money and pay a very low tax rate, like me, it would be changed by a minimum tax that would only bring them up to what other people pay.”
CNBC: “Does that mean you disagree with the president’s new jobs proposal which would be paid for by raising taxes on households with incomes of over $250,000.”
Buffett: “That’s another program that I won’t be discussing. My program is to have a tax on ultra-rich people who are very tax rates. Not just all rich people.
However, in typical fashion, Barack Obama has taken a plan form someone and “bastardized” it. Because I always get $250,000 and $500,000,000 confused all of the time. Buffett never intended to tax millionaires more, he was referring to a select group of ultra, ultra rich … but Obama never met a tax increase he didn’t like and looks to put indivuals who make $250 K in the same class as the uber-rich.
UPDATE I: This post was done after the Buffett fundraiser that is referenced in the above VIDEO. Needless to say the fundraiser was a bust and described as a disappointment.
Posted October 3, 2011 by Scared Monkeys Barack Obama, Business, Jobs, Obamanation, Obamanomics, Recession, Tax & Spend Liberals, Taxes, Unemployment, Warren Buffett, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | one comment |
More Obama Hope & Change: US Consumer Confidence Drops to Lowest Since Carter
Oh Yeah, He’s re-electable …
Once again we are witness to more “Hope & Change” from President Barack Obama … How many voters have buyer’s remorse? Obama and his minions try and compare him to Reagan and Lincoln … SORRY, OBAMA IS CARTERESQUE!
Move over Jimmy Carter … American has Barack Obama, the worst President in modern American history. What more damage can Obama do to America? I am guessing he contemplates that while golfing. The fact of the matter is that confidence in Obama is gone and is in no sign of ever coming back. Obama has done out of his way to implement policies that have failed and continues down the same path of failed polices and agendas. Obama has never been a leader, he was a talker and a campaigner. All of America is finally figuring it out. HAS A COUNTRY EVER HAD MORE BUYER’S REMORSE IN A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION?
The unemployment rate continues to be over 9% and the underemployment is at 18.1%. Barack Obama is the first US President to reside over an economy that has had a downgrade of its credit rating. Add one more notch to Obama’s belt … consumer confidence has dropped to the lowest level in three decades. Not since the Presidency and “MISERY” of Jimmy Carter has the consumer confidence been so low.
Confidence among U.S. consumers plunged in August to the lowest level since May 1980, adding to concern that weak employment gains and volatility in the stock market will prompt households to retrench.
The Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan preliminary index of consumer sentiment slumped to 54.9 from 63.7 the prior month. The gauge was projected to decline to 62, according to the median forecast in a Bloomberg News survey.
The biggest one-week slump in stocks since 2008 and the threat of default on the nation’s debt may have exacerbated consumers’ concerns as unemployment hovers above 9 percent and companies are hesitant to hire. Rising pessimism poses a risk household spending will cool further, hindering a recovery that Federal Reserve policy makers said this week was already advancing “considerably slower” than projected.
According to a recent Gallup poll, only 8% of Americans think that the economy is good or excellent, while 55% believe its poor. It gets worse, or better if you are Barack Obama … 80% believe the US economy is getting worse, only 16% believe its getting better. That 16% either need their heads examined or root for the total destruction of America.
The numbers on the consumer sentiment index fell to 54.9 in early August, down from 63.7 in July, and the index has fallen for three straight months. Gallup has economic confidence at -56. Thanks Barack Obama.
Unemployment at 9.1 percent of the workforce, low wage rises, and the protracted debate in Congress over raising the U.S. government debt ceiling spooked consumers, survey director Richard Curtin said in a statement.
“Never before in the history of the surveys have so many consumers spontaneously mentioned negative aspects of the government’s role,” Curtin said.
“This was more than the simple recognition that traditional monetary and fiscal policy measures were largely spent. It was the realization that the government was unable or unwilling to act,” Curtin added.
Bad economic times were expected by 75 percent of all consumers in early August, just below the all-time peak of 82 percent in 1980. Buying plans for household durables and vehicles declined in early August, falling back to their recession level lows.
Barack Obama and his policies have crushed the spirit of Americans. According to a recent Rasmussen poll, only 32% say America’s best days are in the future. What inspiration Barack has given us. Is it any wonder why Obama has a -22% Rasmussen Presidential Index and an overall job approval rating of -6.3%.
As the Gateway Pundit states, its Barack Obama’s “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED”. 2012 can not get here fast enough. “We the People” need to take our country and future back in 2012 and throw this clown out of office in resounding and “landslideable” fashion.
Tea Party & Republicans Win in Wisconsin Recall Election, Maintain Majority 17-16
ON WISCONSIN … Once again as Meatloaf sings, two out of three ain’t bad … especially when it means that GOP wins recall election in Wisconsin.
The Wisconsin Recall Election, part 1 is over and the Republicans win a huge victory in a “BLUE” state. Republicans won 4 of 6 elections and retained power by a 17-16 margin, GOP holds Districts 2, 10, 14 & 8 and Retain Senate! It is an even bigger win for the Tea Party and a colossal loss for Democrats and unions.It was billed by Democrats as a referendum on Gov. Scott Walkers efforts to reduce union
Democrats won two state Senate seats in Tuesday’s historic recall elections, but failed to capture a third seat that would have given them control of the chamber.
By keeping a majority in the Senate, Republicans retained their monopoly on state government because they also hold the Assembly and governor’s office. Tuesday’s elections narrowed their majority – at least for now – from 19-14 to a razor-thin 17-16.
Republicans may be able to gain back some of the losses next week, when two Democrats face recall elections.
Democrats had hoped to block the Republican agenda by taking control of the Senate in the recall elections, but the GOP should be able to continue to advance its agenda.
How big a loser were unions, as pointed out by the Gateway Pundit, they spent ten’s of millions of dollars in the recall effort that went up in smoke.
What a huge victory for the GOP in a Blue, Blue state and a massive loss for Democrats. In many districts voting was on par with a presidential election. So what does this tell us … Wisconsin is now a battle ground state for the 2012 election from what was once sure Democrat win. The once birthplace of Progressivism, is not a battle ground state with a huge Tea Party victory. Who needs polls, the people have voted and Obama is in deep trouble in 2012.
As stated at the LA Times, the Cheese head voters gave the GOP a mandate in the 2010 election and just reinforced that mandate last night in the GOP recall vote. Sorry Democrats, as your misleader Obama has stated in the past, elections have consequences.
Posted August 10, 2011 by Scared Monkeys 2012 Elections, Fleebaggers, Government, Obamanation, Presidential Election, State Legislatures, Tax & Spend Liberals, Unions, You Tube - VIDEO | 6 comments |
Democratic Candidate David Weprin Seeking Ex-NY Rep Anthony Weiner Vacated Seat Distances Himself from Obama
You know its bad for Obama and Democrats when …
How bad is it these days for President Barack Obama? Even candidates that seek political seats in heavy Democrat areas want nothing to do with Obama and look to distance themselves from the once Obamamessiah. The once Savior of the Democrat party is not the albatross.
State Assemblyman David Weprin is looking to fill the seat for the Queens-Brooklyn district of disgraced US Representative Anthony Weiner who resigned his office due to his ill-advised sexting scandal. What is most interesting is that Weprin is distancing himself from President Obama. Even in a prominently Democrat district, Weprin feels the need to run away from Obama. But then again as Jammie Wearing Fool states, who could blame any Democrat running for office to run as far away from the disaster knows as Barack Obama.
because Barack’s popularity has plummeted with moderate and conservative Jews.
The Democratic candidate seeking to fill the congressional seat vacated by randy ex-Rep Anthony Weiner distanced himself from President Obama today — by refusing to say whether he backed the president’s re-election.
“I’m running myself right now. On Sept. 14, I’ll be happy to address the president’s election,” State Assemblyman David Weprin said following a press conference at Queens Borough Hall, where he was endorsed by a bevy of female elected leaders.
The special election to replace Weiner — who resigned in disgrace following a sexting scandal — will be held on Sept. 13.
It is a sign of the times, do not look for Obama to be making any campaign appearances for David Weprin. What a telling sign that in heavily Democratic New York, Obama is a detriment. Is it possible that the GOP challenger Turner could pull off an upset much like Scott Brown did in Massachusetts in 2009? Turner received 39% of the vote in the 2010 election against Weiner. Could it be that with the disgust of Weiner’s actions, a terrible economy and sky-high unemployment.
Barack Obama has an aggregated job approval rating of 44.0% approve and 50.2% disapprove. Why would any Democrat politician want to have to defend Obama’s health care plan, his out of control spending and Obama’s poor at best handling of the economy. You know that it is a sad state of affairs for Democrats when you can’t brink a Democrat president into liberal New York to ride the coattails to victory.
Posted August 4, 2011 by Scared Monkeys 2012 Elections, Anthony Weiner (D-NY), Barack Obama, Democrats, Economy, House of Representatives, Obamacare, Obamanation, Obamanomics, Politics, Presidential Election, Tax & Spend Liberals | one comment |
VP Joe Biden …The Tea Partiers Are Like Terrorists … What Happened to that Obama Tone Change in DC?
Wasn’t Barack Obama and his presidency supposed to be about “Hope & Change”?
Is it any wonder why President Barack Obama and his minions like Joe Biden can’t find it in themselves to call it a war on terror, but instead refer to it as an overseas contingency operation? Sadly and most reprehensibly, VP Joe Biden joined the rest of the liberal, moonbat LEFT to calling the Tea Party terrorists.
Vice President Joe Biden joined House Democrats in lashing tea party Republicans Monday, accusing them of having “acted like terrorists” in the fight over raising the nation’s debt limit, according to several sources in the room.
Biden was agreeing with a line of argument made by Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Pa.) at a two-hour, closed-door Democratic Caucus meeting.
How out of touch is this Obama White House when the second in command calls other Americans terrorist because of their beliefs that America should reduce its spending and get its fiscal house in order. That is what Democrats call jihad. REALLY?
Posted August 2, 2011 by Scared Monkeys Civility, Joseph Biden, Media Bias, Moonbats, Obamanation, Politics, Tax & Spend Liberals, Terrorism, War on Terror, WTF | 7 comments |