John Mark Karr confesses to Killing JonBenet Ramsey

Ten years after 6 year old JonBenet Ramsey was found murdered in her parents John Mark Karr 1basement in Colorado, John Mark Karr admits to killing her. JonBenet Ramsey  was found beaten and strangled in the basement of the family’s home in Boulder, CO  on December 26, 1996.

The American suspect in the JonBenet Ramsey murder case said publicly Thursday he was with the 6-year-old when she died and called her death “an accident,” a stunning admission that will help answer 10 years of questions in the unsolved murder case.

“I was with JonBenet when she died,” John Mark Karr told reporters in Bangkok, visibly nervous and stuttering as he spoke. “Her death was an accident.”

Although John Mark Karr states that the death of JonBenet was an accident, US authorities informed the Thailand police that  an arrest warrant has been issued for John Mark Karr for first degree, premeditated  murder.

John Mark Karr 2 Reu


At the press conference, Suwat said Karr insisted after his arrest that his crime was not first-degree murder. “He said it was second- degree murder. He said it was unintentional. He said he was in love with the child. She was a pageant queen,” Suwat said.

The Thai officer quoted the suspect as saying he tried to kidnap JonBenet for a $118,000 ransom but that his plan went awry and he strangled her to death. Patsy Ramsey, JonBenet’s mother, reported finding a ransom note in the house demanding $118,000 for her daughter.


According to The Rocky Mountain News, John Mark Karr brought attention to himself with a 4 year sxchange of emails with University of Colorado jorunalism professor Michael Tracey. Tracey had done a documentary on the JonBenet case professing the parents involvment in the case.

Karr drew attention to himself with a four-year exchange of e-mail with University of Colorado journalism professor Michael Tracey.

The ongoing exchange was initiated by Karr after he watched a documentary that Tracey – long a vocal proponent of the Ramseys’ innocence – produced on JonBenet’s death.

Tracey passed on information he developed to former Boulder D.A.’s investigator Lou Smit and El Paso County private investigator Ollie Gray, who in turn pressed Lacy to pursue Karr.

Accused JonBenet killer says death accident

John Mark Karr stated that JonBenet Ramsey’s death was an accident and that he loved the girl. Of course that hardly explains a ransom letter. John Mark Karr, 41, arrested in Thailand on Wednesday  will be charged in the US with murder, kidnapping and sexual abuse of JonBenet Ramsey.

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John Mark Karr, Suspect in the JonBenet Ramsey murder arrested in Thailand

Breaking News from CNN: A suspect in the JonBenet Ramsey murder has been arrested in Thailand, Denver TV station KUSA reports. CNN working to confirm.


Arrest Made in the JonBenet Ramsey case, a suspect has been detained in Thailand in  the 1996 murder of 6 year old JonBenetJonBenet

Jon Ramsey, JonBenet’s father, was told by Colorado authorities that an arrest was made overseas in connection with his daughter’s death in 1996, MSNBC-TV reported.

According to Denver NBC affiliate 9NEWS, sources close to the investigation said an arrest was made in Thailand on Wednesday morning. The information was still pending confirmation.

According to reports, the unidentified suspect has confessed to certain elements of the crime. However, the parts that have been confessed to would have been unknown to the general public. The Boulder County DA stated that the suspect will be brought back to the United States in the next couple of days.

According to the Rocky Mountain News, the suspect in question was being held in Bangkok, Thailand on unrelated sex charges. Law enforcement officials from Denver, CO are on their way to Thailand “to present Thai authorities with documents in the slaying of the 6-year-old beauty pageant contestant, officials in Washington said.”

Patsy Ramsey

For years the family of JonBenet Ramsey had been under a cloud of suspicion in the death of their 6 year old daughter. Patsy Ramsey, the mother of JonBenet, went to her grave in many respects still under that cloud. Patsy Ramsey recently died of ovarian cancer.

Man held in death of JonBenet Ramsey

UPDATE: According to reports from CNN  the suspect is a 42 year old man who was 2nd grade  school teacher. Also from the Rocky Mountain News, the 41 year old school teacher was a one time resident of Conyers, GA.

(Much more below and updates)

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Craig Roger Gregerson; How do these people walk among us? They belong in the 7th Circle of Hell

Some people should just be sent to Dante’s 7th Circle of Hell, no questions asked. Dante's Inferno Circles

The Destiny Norton case is tragic in so many ways. Long before we heard the details of Destiny’s death, we were all saddened by the fact that an innocent and adorable 5 year old girl was first missing then murdered.

What Craig Roger Gregerson did to Destiny defies understanding and comprehension as we live in a world with laws, morals and humanity. Obviously Gregerson did not.

How are such people able and allowed to live and walk among us until the commit the unspeakable? Like in the horrible assault and murder of Jessica Lunsford, the accused John Couey did things so shocking like burying her alive that is it any wonder that the Judge could find no jury capable of impartiality?

Craig gregerson mug

Such will be the case with Craig Roger Gregerson. The fact of the matter is one would have to be the same type of sociopath as Couey or Gregerson to admit they have not formulated an opinion. Either that or they pay no attention to anything, just crawled out from underneath a rock, just came out of a coma or are lying through their teeth to get on the jury.

We are supposed to formulate opinions against vicious criminals that would bury a young girl alive or attempt to have sex with a 5 year old who is already dead. We are supposed to be impartial against such monsters.  If we do start to not judging such immoral acts, we will lose our humanity ourselves.

Monsters like this that would perpetrate such a crime against humanity is supposed to get a trial by a jury of his peers, they are not entitled to be without judgment and opinions against them.

Read the full story and court documents at Missing & Exploited. We cannot come up with a punishment that is worthily of the crime. Some things shock us even though we are exposed to so many cases every day.

Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act Signed into Law

Today President George W. Bush signed into law “The Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act” or H.R. 4472. This ground breaking legislation in the protection of children and against sexual predators is a long time in coming. Child rights advocates have called this bill the  most sweeping sex offender legislation to target pedophiles in years. Kudos to John Walsh who has been the pioneer and driving force for child safety for years.

Read the full story and get the changes that this law will enact at Missing & Exploited.

John Couey Confession Tossed out by Judge in Jessica Lunsford Rape & Murder

It is actions like this that just make normal law abiding citizens just shake their John Coueycollective heads. A Florida judge has tossed out the confession of John Couey arrested in the rape and murder of  9 year old Jessica Lunsford. All is not lost even though it offends us all that this piece of human debris is afforded any rights as he certainly did not provide any to Jessica.

Read the rest at Missing & Exploited as well as the evidence that will be allowed in that will most likely provide this previously convicted sex offender a date with a needle in the future.


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