US District Judge Susan Illston Blocks Democratic Process sides with Sex Offenders … CA Prop 83 Blocked .. Law Against Sex Offenders

The protection of our children against sexual predators should be an issue that all political parties canWethepeople stand behind. If they don’t, they have some major explaining to do, to “We the People”.

One day after the midterm elections … a proposition in California that was passed 70.5% to 29.5% that restricted sex offenders, a CA US District Judge blocked the law. Elections do matter folks. Who do you thinks appoints these judges? Hint … The President of the United States. Here is another hint to who appointed this one.

It’s happened again. This time in California where judicial activism from the bench circumventing the will of the people. US District Judge Susan Illston blocked the passage of Prop 83 because she stated, the measure is overly punitive and prevented it from going into effect.” We the people is still supposed to mean something in this country.

The protection of our children against sex offenders should be the one issue among all issues that has no political slant. It should not matter that we are Republican, Democrat, Independent, Libertarian, Green, Conservative or Liberal … everyone, one would think would want to do everything humanly possible to protect our children.

Alas, that does not seem to be the case. We are constantly having the Democratic process of voting for issues and propositions over turned by a liberal court judicial activism. One really begins to wonder what they are thinking? This is just wrong. Wendy Murphy, child rights advocate, will be one of Dana Pretzer’s guests tonight on the Scared Monkeys Radio starting at 8:30edt. I am sure she will have plenty to say about this and much more when it comes to some of the insane rulings made recently in sex offense cases.

Read the full story that will make your blood boil at Missing & Exploited.

Two Rather Disturbing Stories of Assault involving the Internet & on-line Activities

The internet can be a great source of knowledge, information and entertainment. It can also be a very dark place where one must keep an eye out and always be vigilant. The following two stories show us the many dangers that exist when dealing with the on-line world.


Jeffrey J. Marsalis is facing 9 counts of rape involving 8 woman that he met on the internet, many through Read the full story that involves the alleged rapist using date rape drugs on his victims.

In an even more disturbing story, the much acclaimed Toronto Sex Crimes Child Exploitation Unit nabbed an on-line pedophile predator who actually broadcast his assault of a preschooler live over the internet. Read more about the apprehension and the software that helped aid the police in arresting this predator.

Earth To Judge – Instead of a T-Shirt Send This Dirtbag to Jail

Russell_TeeterThis sounds like a funny story, but the reality is fairly horrific. A 69 year old man who has a long and sordid history of exposing himself to minors gets caught again. The judge, instead of giving him a long jail term for this horrific behavior, instead just mandates the pervert to wear “ I am a registered sex offender” t-shirt.

Russell Teeter, 69, who pleaded guilty to two counts of indecent exposure, also was sentenced to 60 days in jail by Superior Court Judge Jan Jurden in Wilmington. Deputy Attorney General Donald Roberts said he requested the unusual T-shirt punishment because he was concerned about Teeter exposing himself to children at the gardening business he runs with his wife.

“This is a unique way to let his customers know that he is a sex offender,” Roberts told Reuters. Roberts said Teeter had at least 10 prior convictions dating back to 1976 for exposing himself to children and had been diagnosed as a compulsive exhibitionist.

Teeter, who has 30 days to appeal the sentence, will have to wear the T-shirt at work for 22 months after he gets out of jail. via Yahoo

Hey judge, why don’t you throw this dirtbag in jail for say the next 20 years instead of playing cute games with t-shirts. I would love the judge to be held liable if and when this Russell Teeter gentleman exposes himself to someone elses daughter in the next two years.

Russell Teeters entry in the Sex Offenders Registry.

Posted November 4, 2006 by
Sex Offender | 16 comments

Sometimes crimes defy words … Bryan Garcia Sentenced for 20 Years for trying to dig up grave of 12 Year old Girl to have Sex

Yes, you read the title correctly. One thinks they have heard just about everything and then OMGwe get this.  23 year old Bryan Garcia was sentenced to 20 year prison and ordered to register as a sex offender after Garcia was found guilty of trying to dig up the grave of a 12 year old girl to have sex with her. Thankfully he never found the grave. With all the talk about education in the news lately, this sick individual was actually a former High School National Merit Scholar.

Believe it or not the story gets worse, read the rest at Missing & Exploited.

Marine Recruiter Who Seduces Students Gets No Jail Time – And an Honorable Discharge

U.S. Marine Sgt. William Moore was a recruiter for the Marines in Brooklyn, New York. He had access to students at their schools and used that access to seduce them. That is horrible enough, but lets look how the judicial and military services let us down.

The prosecutors brought a 33 count indictment on this pervert. The judge, John Walsh, decided to go against the prosecutors demand for jail time and gave him 10 years probation and a level 1 sex offender status. This means this man does not have to report to the local community he lives in as a sex offender.

And then to add icing to the cake, he is given an honorable discharge from the Marines, the very organization that whose reputation he has hurt. Folks, there are bad people out there. When they do evil things, they need to be punished so that they can not do so again, but also to send the signal to others that it is definitely not in their best interests to do so in the future.

Today, in this instance, both the legal system and the Marines have validated that going into a school as a recruiter and seducing the students is just fine with them.

And that is wrong.

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