AMBER ALERT Haleigh Ann-Marie Cummings, 5, missing from Putnam County Florida. BLINKONCRIME.COM Has an Update

Scared Monkeys new partner site BLINK ON CRIME just posted a series of updates on the Haleigh Ann-Marie Cummings case.

Some of Blink’s notes on the case include discussion of:

  • Timothy Randolph Loucakis, a registered sex offender who was in the vicinity on the evening of Haleigh’s disappearance has been arrested
  • Misty Croslin’s cousin, being referred to currently as “Joe”, is currently under investigation by the FBI as to any possible connection to Haleigh’s disappearance.
  • A note regarding various Scared Monkeys discussions of registered sex offenders in the area at the time of Haleigh’s disappearance, and some forensic astrologers notes regarding those persons.

Read the entire article at BlinkOnCrime.Com

Missing Haleigh Cummings Connection? Chad Eugene Reynolds, Sex Offender Missing Since February 4, 2009 from Ochlawaha, FL

Coincidence or material to the case of missing 5 year old Haleigh Cummings


25 year old Chad Eugene Reynolds, a registered sex offender is missing in Florida. Chad Eugene Reynolds was last seen on February 1, 2009 when he left his mother’s home at 3 Bay Court Run in Ocklawaha on that Sunday to watch the Super Bowl at a local bar. Reynolds was reported missing on February 4. Ocklawaha is about 2 hours away from Satsuma, FL where Haleigh Cummings went missing. Haleigh Cummings was last seen on the night of February 9 at approximately 10 pm. Could there possibly be a connection?

Scared Monkeys had previously reported that there were 44 sex offenders within a 5 mile radius of the Cummings’ home. However, could what police are leaning towards in an abduction been committed by a sex offender outside that 5 mile radius?

Chad Eugene Reynolds, 25, was last seen Feb. 1 leaving his mother’s home in Ochlawaha, Fla. — about two hours from Haleigh’s home — police said. He was reported missing on Feb. 4.

Haleigh Cummings3

Haleigh Cummings

Reynolds reportedly borrowed a car from a friend and then later called to say the vehicle had broken down near the Marion/Lake County Lines, according to the Marion County Sheriff’s Office. The car was located in an undisclosed location south of Marion County, but Reynolds was nowhere to be found.

Chad Eugene Reynolds had been previously sentenced in Putnum County, the same county where Haleigh was reported missing, for armed burglary and lewd and lascivious molestation of a child younger than 12 that occurred on Sept. 3, 2002. Reynolds was released in November and is on 10 years of community supervision. Chad Reynolds has not been called a suspect officially; however, any common sense thinking person would have to put him in a person of interest category.

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Amber Alert, Missing 5 year Old Haleigh Cummings, Satsuma Florida … UPDATE

Haleigh Cummings, 5, was abducted from her home in the evening hours of February 10. She was in the care of her Father’s 17 year old girlfriend, Misty Croslin while he was at work at his job as a crane operator in Patalak, FL.  Mr. Cummings has taken a polygraph and has stated he has been cleared of involvement in his daughter’s disappearance. Cummings girlfriend has allegedly taken 2 polygraph tests by her own admission; although the reason she was administered 2 is unknown.  According to Cummings:

“We have all offered to take lie detectors,” Cummings said of his family. He said “there was no reason to believe that he or his girlfriend failed them.”

Misty Croslin’s account of the evening of February 10 has come under intense scrutiny as it has changed several times to include other house guests and where both children were sleeping at the time.

Sheriff Jeff Hardy said Croslin took the test, but he would not discuss outcomes of any polygraphs.  “Misty has been interviewed extensively,” Hardy said.

A review of available court records shows there is prior drug usage by both of Haleigh’s parents and seemed to be a significant factor in Mr. Cummings receiving primary custody of his two children.

There are 44 Registered Sex Offenders within a 5 mile radius of the Cummings mobile home on Green Lane in Satsuma, Putnam County.

H/T Pic: Klaas


Recently, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement announced it may have to cut it’s Amber Alert and Registered Sex Offender Notification Programs due to requested budget cuts.

“We’ve lost 56 positions in the last year, and we know any additional cuts are going to be in our  key service area,” FDLE spokeswoman Heather Smith told WOKV. “Anything beyond this point is  certainly going to have an effect on public safety.”

It seems in case after case we read how shocked people are when they review the registered sex offender listings in their area. WHY? As parents why don’t you know if your child is at risk?

It is required by law to have an online and searchable registered sex offender for each state.
The state by state listing is featured on the FBI website here.

The Dru Sodjin National Sex Offender Registry site is here.

For our children’s sake, as unpleasant as it is, take the time to search your area, review the pictures of the offenders and register for alert updates for anyone coming out of corrections or moving to your area. It is the best way to protect your children and minimize the risk to them.

Posted by Blink34

Possible Link Between Vernon Seitz Case and Daniel “Danny” Barter Missing Persons Case

On December 15, 2008, Vernon C. Seitz, 62 yr old white male is found Dead on Entry appearing to be of natural causes.  On December 12, 2008, Dr. Victoria Fetter, Seitz’s licensed psychiatrist contacted MPD to discuss her patients intent to confess to a homicide he was forced to participate in,  following an alleged abduction, sexual assault  and torture by unknown subjects.  Mr. Seitz states he and another victim were abducted while on a family outing to Racine Zoo on June 19, 1959. There is no report of this incident or any remotely similar incident on file and It is the opinion of MPD this never occurred .  Upon reading initial press on this incident, I prepared my own investigative article provided below.

Upon further research I note the article where the psychiatrist references the date for the Barter_danielfirst time, of Seitz’s alleged account, as June 19, 1959. This date immediately sparks my interest as I had been profiling possible links to this case by cross referencing missing children cases of boys, of which Seitz appeared to posses an alarming interest.  I reviewed the data regarding the missing person’s case for Daniel Barter:

Daniel Barter has been missing from Alabama since June 18, 1959. Daniel was last seen playing near the banks of Perdido Bay where he had gone camping with his parents, siblings and other relatives. Daniel reportedly disappeared from the campsite while his parents were preparing some fishing equipment. Daniel did not like water; therefore it is believed that he would not have gone into the bay voluntarily. An extensive search for Daniel ensued immediately, but he has not been seen or heard from since that time.

From several various online sources, the following supplemental information from the Barter family should be considered:

Nehi-sodaDaniel was holding a bottle of Nehi; the bottle was never recovered at the scene. In any scenario other than abduction, based on the exhaustive search, this would have been recovered.

Mrs. Barter recalled a man sitting outside their home in Mobile on separate occasions. One incidence his footprints were located outside of Danny’s window. Both incidents were based on eyewitness accounts.
While at the store in Lillian the morning of the abduction, Danny and his brother were in the car while Mrs. Barter ran into the store. A man pulled up next to them, appeared to do nothing but watch them, did not exit to go to the store, and then left. The older Barter sibling remarked to Mrs. Barter upon her return to the vehicle that the man was just looking at them, but obviously made him uncomfortable.

Daniel was dressed in only gray Boxer shorts which he wore to bed the previous evening, when he disappeared.

Bloodhounds repeatedly followed his scent to the road.

From Seitz On Scene Recovery

In addition to referencing to Mr. Seitz account and date-specific statements regarding abduction and homicide, the following items were recovered from the scene that may be relative to the Barnet case. Although PIO Anne Schwartz has stated publicly that Seitz’s property in Racine, inherited from his deceased Mother Mildred in 2006, has been searched, there is no public record of a warrant for same. Additionally, there is no indication of a warrant for any vehicle owned by Mr. Seitz :

There were 4 freshly dug dirt piles, or evidence of apparent ground disturbance, on Mr. Seitz’s property. According to weather analysis on December 10, the last known witness account of Seitz being alive, there was 13” of snow on the ground already, therefore the ground would have been very frozen:

A cassette tape and cassette video marked “kidnapping of a 4 ½ year old boy”.

A black and white photo of a boy, white male, holding a fish, with “July 1959” handwritten on the back.

A letter from the White House. The Barter’s had strong Washington contacts and received a letter from J.Edgar Hoover at the time of the abduction.  Did Seitz have a copy?

Significant amounts of Child Pornography, hand drawn maps and missing children’s cases posters and maps with circles indicating various locations.

Additional Seitz Data:

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Internet Safety Technical Task Force Report Says Internet is Safe for Children Against On-Line Predators

The internet is not such a dangerous place for children and all the stories that we have heard regarding boogyman predators has been overstated. So says a reports from the Internet Safety Technical Task Force that concluded that the problem of bullying among children, both online and offline, poses a far more serious challenge than the sexual solicitation of minors by adults.

That’s right parents, according to the Internet Safety Technical Task Force the internet is safe. Let your children run free on the web as on-line predators are not an issue. How foolish a conclusion could one possible come up with. It may be that bullying is up and phishing schemes against seniors are as well; however, to say that internet predators is an over blown issue is to be naive and a dangerous commentary on the safety of children in the 21st century. Do not think for one second that the internet is not full of pedophiles.

The panel, the Internet Safety Technical Task Force, was charged with examining the extent of the threats children face on social networks like MySpace and Facebook, amid widespread fears that adults were using these popular Web sites to deceive and prey on children.

But the report concluded that the problem of bullying among children, both online and offline, poses a far more serious challenge than the sexual solicitation of minors by adults.

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