Italian Exorcist Says the Media is SATAN … Really, Who Knew?

Ok, we will need to file this one under … Really, ya don’t say and as the Gateway Pundit put it, now tell us something we don’t already know.


Father Gabriele Amorth, a noted Italian exorcist states that the Devil is working behind the scenes within the state run media.  The well timed 50 year old case was designed to take place during Holy week, that was no coincidence.  It was designed to cause damage to the Pope and the Catholic Church during the most holiest of Christian weeks, the crucifixion and rising of  Christ.

According to a leading exorcist said the devil that made the media do it and who was behind the Holy Week attacks.

Noted Italian exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth, commented this week that the recent defamatory reporting on Pope Benedict XVI, especially by the New York Times, was “prompted by the devil.”

Speaking to News Mediaset in Italy, the 85-year-old exorcist noted that the devil is behind “the recent attacks on Pope Benedict XVI regarding some pedophilia cases.”

“There is no doubt about it.  Because he is a marvelous Pope and worthy successor to John Paul II, it is clear that the devil wants to ‘grab hold’ of him.”

Father Amorth added that in instances of sexual abuse committed by some members of the clergy, the devil “uses” priests in order to cast blame upon the entire Church: “The devil wants the death of the Church because she is the mother of all the saints.”

“He combats the Church through the men of the Church, but he can do nothing to the Church.”

The exorcist went on to note that Satan tempts holy men, “and so we should not be surprised if priests too … fall into temptation. They also live in the world and can fall like men of the world.”

Granted, we are against those that would exploit children and pedophilia priests; however, we also know a well timed and convenient hit piece against Christianity. We are still waiting for the news article from the NY Times on similar type actions within Islam.

One thing is for certain, the Italian Exorcist just might be spot on in his analysis regarding state run media.

Jarred Harrell Charged with Murder in the Death of 7 Year Old Somer Thompson

24 year old Jarred Mitchel Harrell has been charged with murder in the case of the death of 7 year old Somer Thompson. Somer Thompson went missing on October 19, 2009 as she was walking home from school. Sadly her body was  discovered two days later in a Georgia landfill about 50 miles from Orange Park, FL


Jared Harrell, the “MONSTER” who killed Somer Thompson

Diena Thompson called Harrell a “monster” during an afternoon news conference.

Clay County Sheriff Rick Beseler said detectives used DNA evidence, witnesses and statements from Harrell himself to solve the case.

“Our collective resolve to bring Somer’s killer to justice is the only light in the darkness caused by this tragedy,” Beseler said as about 50 members of “Team Somer” — the sheriff’s office investigators and staff who worked the case — stood by.

Diena Thompson called Harrell a monster; however, we think that this might do a disservice to monsters. Harrell is worse that a monster. He is the biggest POS that exists on this earth. A man that would abduct, rape and murder a 7 year old child does not deserve to be breathing or have a heart pulse. If convicted of the premeditated murder charge in the death of Somer Thompson, Harrell could face the death penalty. It could not happen soon enough.

The heart breaking video of a devastated mom … WE GOT YOU AND YOU AIN’T GETTING AWAY!

Jarred Harrell has been held at the Clay County Jail since his arrest in  February 11, 2010. Law enforcement arrested this dirt bag in Mississippi on child pornography charges in Florida.

Harrell was charged with 29 counts of possessing child pornography in Florida, then charged with a dozen additional counts of child porn and child molestation.

At the time of his February arrest, Harrell’s aunt said she didn’t think her nephew was capable of violence.



Harrell moved to his aunt’s home in Meridian, MS a few weeks earlier prior to the arrest. He was then extradited to Florida.  Of course his relatives don’t believe he is capable of violence, but I guess they don’t believe in DNA evidence.

At the time of Somer Thompson’s disappearance, Jared Harrell was living at his parents’ Jacksonville home, near the elementary school and house where Somer attended and lived.

For more and to provide your opinion and comments go to Scared Missing Persons and Crimes Forum: Somer Thompson.

Co-Workers Upset with Cathy Osborn, the Mother of John Albert Gardner III, and Her Return to Work (Hashers, Pics & Sex Offender Son, OH MY!!!)

Co-workers are outraged at the return to work of Cathy Osborn, a registered nurse at Scripps Mercy Hospital. Cathy Osborn is registered nurse at Scripps Mercy in the behavioral health unit.

Cathy Osborn is the mother of John Albert Gardner III, the convicted sex offender and accused rapist and murderer of Chelsea King.  John Albert Gardner III is also being looked into the possible connection with the murder of 14 year old Amber Dubois whose remains were just found last Saturday, March 6 in Pala, CA.

VIDEO from 10 News.


So why were  co-workers upset with Cathy Osborn? Could it possibly be that Osborn had a sex offender son living with her and according to the California Sex Offender Registry, it shows him living elsewhere. It would appear that only the grandmother’s address was listed.

10News learned staff members at Scripps Mercy Hospital are upset about the mother of accused killer John Gardner returning to work. People are outraged about the fact that she allowed her son, John Albert Gardner III, to live with her after his release from prison for raping a teenaged neighbor and that he is now back in jail on murder charges.

Fellow employees have stated their concern with having Cathy Osborn back at work and the bad example that it sets for the hospital. The following was an email to 10News:

“Cannot tell you who I am for fear of being harassed, but his mother Cathy Osborn is going back to work at Scripps Mercy Hospital in behavioral health. She let her son live with her and had a key to her house and now is in a position of authority on a psychiatric unit where other sex offenders or psychiatric patients are placed based on her position … She knew he was a danger and never reported him. Her judgment could let other people out of a psychiatric facility that should not be. Staff do not respect her anymore and have to listen to her because she is in a position of authority. This is not right … Staff do not want to work with her and she is coming back to work.”

10News in San Diego, CA is also reporting on some rather bizarre and risque photos of Cathy Osborn that have surfaced. The pictures are of Cathy Osborn and a group calling themselves the Hash House Harriers running the hills around Lake Hodges and other trails. Of course this was information and pics that have been circulating on Scared for quite some time in an attempt to draw comparisons, similarities and ties between the murders of Chelsea King and Amber Dubois.

Let’s get one thing perfectly clear, do we think that all Hash House Harriers act this way? I hope not. But, there is something odd that a site would take down all their pic when word got out that it was made public and being researched. People are allowed to do what they will in there own time. However, the issue here is that a mother, behavioral health nurse who should have known better harbored a sex offender son in the midst of this deviant behavior. First of all, how does a behavioral nurse not see the signs in her son for starters?


These are the tame pics

The second rather bizarre circumstance is how does a mother in Cathy Osborn have a convicted sex offender for a son like John Albert Gardner III who committed a lewd act on a 13-year-old girl, and act in such a deviant manner herself? Seriously, how does a behavior health nurse conduct herself in this manner? No wonder her co-workers are livid with her and feel that she has lost all credibility.

10News spoke with psychologist David Gruder, who said that”Children learn from modeling.” Dr Gruder is is correct on modeling, but wrong on whether there is no proof that Gardner ever saw his mother with the club or knew about it. Check out the following pic taken from one of the “hashing” websites showing what appears to be John Gardner in the kitchen carving turkey with another man. You mean Hashers were over for turkey, mashed potatoes and some stuffing and John Albert Gardner III didn’t know who they were or that mom was involved with them, REALLY?

From the looks of the too numerous pics that could never be posted due to nudity and the obscene nature of the pics, are we also supposed to believe that every one was on their best behavior as well for Thanksgiving Day dinner?


Pic from the following web site that has been conveniently taken down

10News spoke with psychologist David Gruder, who said, “Children learn from modeling. All of us learn from what’s modeled to us. Not from what we’re told.”

Gruder said any child exposed to such behavior would be impacted.

“If this is part of the environment that a child grows up in, then that child starts to believe as a child that this is part of what’s normal and that it’s OK for them to follow in those footsteps,” said Gruder.

There is no proof that Gardner ever saw his mother with the club or knew about it.


Another pic taken from the now down Hasher site from Thanksgiving 2009

The article also went on to say that a childhood friend of Gardner’s told a Lake Arrowhead (Riverside County) newspaper that as a teen Gardner admitted to having bipolar disorder and he had been sexually abused by a male member of his family.

“The responsibility for doing the damage is of course on the shoulders of those who did not parent this boy properly,” Gruder said.

Lastly, how damning is it that the were found in  found where the skeletal remains of 14 year old Amber DuBois were found in Pala, CA  a rural, rugged area in northern Dan Diego County, California. The very same place where there was a Hashers run.


So it just must be a coincidence that the Hasher run took place within miles of the location where Amber DuBois was found? Amber Dubois went missing on February 13, 2009. Hash House Harriers post there runs well in advance, see this web site for runs posted from now until October 2011.


Casino arrow shows where Hashers run started, arrow above where Amber’s body was located

It cannot be a coincidence that Chelsea King was abducted, raped and murdered while she went for a jog. No one is saying that the Hashers are involved whatsoever. The point is that we are dealing with a sexual predator in John Albert Gardner III who is a convicted sex offender, who is supposedly bi-polar and molested as a child.

Could John Albert Gardner III have been so sick and disturbed that he did this so the bodies could have been potentially found in spots where his mother’s leud, crude running group usually runs? Could he rapes and kill women and  place the bodies on the trails where his mom’s running group either has been or plan to be as a sick game or way to get back at his mom? In any event, one still has to ask the question, how does a behavioral nurse whose job it is to deal with disturbed people not have seen the signs? Moreover, how does a mother of a convicted sex offender act in such a risqué manner and conduct herself in such a wild and sexual way in that club members  including Osborn would party half-naked or completely naked after a run.? One might think if their son had the signs of a predator and was a sex offender they would not act in such a manner, especially if the sex offender lived with you.

Daily Commentary – Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010 – Chat Roulette – Chat At Your Own Risk

  • The popular web service Chat Roulette is reportedly plagued with perverts and, as the name suggests, you never know what you’re going to get.  We grow up our entire lives being told by our parents BEWARE OF STRANGERS, then why would anyone CONNECT THEMSELVES WITH STRANGERS in such a manner

icon for podpress Daily Commentary – Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010 – Chat Roulette – Caveat Emptor [2:05m]:  | Download

Blink on Crime Exclusive: The Lovely Bones Suzie Salmon

In honor of this Fridays premier of the film, The Lovely Bones; a screenplay adaptation of the New York Times Bestselling novel by Alice Sebold, I bring you an interview with it’s deceased heroine.

Fictional fourteen year old rape and murder victim, Suzie Salmon, spoke fictionally to blinkoncrime about her break out role:

Read the rest at Blink on Crime:

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