Daily Commentary – Wednesday, May 5th, 2010 – Get John Mark Karr Off the Streets

  • He’s proven himself a dangerous person and needs to be put away.

icon for podpress Daily Commentary – Wednesday, May 6th, 2010 – Get John Mark Karr Off the Streets [1:35m]:  | Download

The Dana Pretzer Show On Scared Monkeys Radio – Tuesday, April 27th, 2010 – Special Guests: Blink from Blink on Crime, Robin Sax, Joe Ocasio – the Father of Tracy Ocasio, Dr Dale Archer & Rick Harrison



Tonight Dana welcomes special guests:

icon for podpress The Dana Pretzer Show On Scared Monkeys Radio – Tuesday, April 27th, 2010 – Special Guests: Blink from Blink on Crime, Robin Sax, Joe Ocasio – the Father of Tracy Ocasio, Dr Dale Archer & Rick Harrison [68:48m]: | Download

Convicted Sex Offender John Albert Gardner Pleads Guilty To Murdering Teens Amber Dubois and Chelsea King

Good riddance to bad rubbish … Gardner pleads guilty, avoids death penalty, but gets life in prison without the possibility of parole.


Dirt bag Convicted Sex Offender John Gardner Pleads Guilty to Murder of two Teens

31 year old, previously convicted sex offender John Gardner has pleaded guilty to the murders of 14 year-old Amber Dubois and 17 year-old Chelsea King. After John Albert Gardner was charged in the rape and murder of Chelsea King, it baceme rather obvious that there was a connection to the death of Amber Dubois when her body was suddenly recovered after being missing since February 13, 2009.

Sex offender John Albert Gardner pleaded guilty Friday to murdering two teenage girls in San Diego County after prosecutors agreed not to seek the death penalty.

Gardner, 31, faces life in prison without parole for killing 14-year-old Amber Dubois and 17-year-old Chelsea King.

He also pleaded guilty to attempting to rape another woman who was jogging in San Diego last year.

According to the District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis,  Gardner led authorities to the skeletal remains of Dubois two days after authorities charged him with the murder of King.

Gardner was arrested three days after King disappeared. He initially pleaded not guilty to her killing.

In a surprising turn, Gardner admitted Friday to kidnapping, raping and stabbing Dubois. He also admitted dragging King to a remote area where he raped, strangled and buried her.

After the remains of Dubois were discovered, Escondido police and crime lab technicians worked round-the-clock to find evidence linking Gardner to her murder, but Dumanis said they did not succeed.

Thanks Barack Obama … Under Obamacare Rapists & Sex Offenders Could Get Federally Subsidized Viagra

Thank you Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the rest of the Democrats for allowing sex offenders to access Viagra via Obamacare.

So how will Democrats defend this little gem in November and Obama in 2012?

Well isn’t this special. Yet another reason to be against Obamacare. This time according to Roll Call, Obamacare will allow rapists and sex offenders to get federally subsidized Viagra and other sexual performance enhancing drugs.

The Congressional Research Service confirmed in a memo Wednesday that rapists and sex offenders may get federally subsidized Viagra and other sexual performance enhancing drugs under the recently passed health care reform law — information that Republicans charge will haunt Democrats in upcoming elections.

Remember that Republican Senator Tom Coburn offered an amendment that would have prohibited federal funds from being used to purchase Viagra and Cialis to rapists and child molestors.  The amendment failed and Obamacare was allowed to have tax payer $’s afford rapists sex enhancing drugs. BRILLIANT!

Red State offers some good news and some bad news.

So that is the bad news, at least it is if you are living in the vicinity of a currently incapacitated rapist or child molester or if you are a Democrat senator in a Red or purple state who voted against Senator Coburn’s amendment.

Now for the good news.

If you are raped Obamacare will cover the cost of your abortion and any mental health counseling you may require. When life gives you lemons, etc.

So I guess the Dems are going after the sex offender, rapist, child molester voting block.

The Dana Pretzer Show On Scared Monkeys Radio – Tuesday, April 6th, 2010 – Special Guests: Wendy Murphy and Robin Sax & Stacy Dittrich from Justice Interrupted



Tonight Dana welcomes special guests:

icon for podpress The Dana Pretzer Show On Scared Monkeys Radio – Tuesday, April 6th, 2010 – Special Guests: Wendy Murphy and Robin Sax & Stacy Dittrich from Justice Interrupted [53:05m]: | Download

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