56 Year Old Daniel Torroll Music Teacher Arrested for Having Sex with Doll Outside Elementary School in Spring Hill, TN


Daniel Torroll, a 56 year old music teacher was arrested by police for having sex with a child-like doll outside of an elementary school in Spring Hill, TN. WTF!!! The 56 year old perv was caught engaging in a lewd act on a two-foot-tall baby doll he had cut holes into on the property of the Allendale Elementary School on Prescott Way in Spring Hill.  Authorities charged him with public indecency, a misdemeanor, and ordered to stay off the school property. That’s it? Talk about your accidents waiting to happen.

Officers were called to Allendale Elementary School on Prescott Way in Spring Hill amid reports of a white male with a duffle bag under a bridge on school property.  The bridge provides access to the school from the main road.

Spring Hill police told Nashville’s News 2 the responding officer witnessed the man, identified as 56-year-old Daniel Torroll, performing sex acts on a child-like doll police later discovered he’d cut holes into.

The officer reported the man was naked and in a location where he could be seen by people driving up to the school.

Doesn’t this sound like the typical comment from a child sex predator? According to Torroll, he  claims he suffers from an attention deficit disorder which affects his inability to resist certain sexual impulses, though none of which involve children. IS ANY ONE BUYING THIS? I wonder how many of the parents or his students were aware of his disorder …

On his web site, which has since been taken down, although we have the CACHED VIEW, he claims to privately teach kids from the ages of 7 to 12. Um, parents you might want to start questioning your children as to any inappropriate behavior by this perv. Where there is smoke there is fire and a smell the cockroach principle for this cockroach. All too often with sex offenders, they offend many, many times before they are ever arrested.

On the Web site DannyTorroll.com, the Web site for the Danny Torroll Skool of Music and Art, Torroll says he teaches “eight very gifted students” ranging in age from seven to 12-years-old.

He describes the school as “an anomaly in the upper education platform for serious students of all instruments,” according to the site.

Torroll also claims to be an instructor at the Montessori School of Franklin, however the school said in a release, “Mr. Torroll is not and has never been an instructor at MSF.   Nor does he have a relationship of any kind with the school.   We have instructed Mr. Torroll to remove that statement from his Web site.”

A sex predator in waiting … Spring Hill, you have been warned, do not brush this aside until he acts on his urges and replaces the doll with a child. Seriously, its quite one thing for this perv to do this in his home, quite another in public. Obviously, he is escalating his perversion.

Chris Hansen, To Catch a Predator Host Caught Cheating on his Wife’ with Hidden Camera

RUT-ROH, this time its Chris Hansen on the wrong side of the hidden camera.

Chris Hansen has made a name for himself for his “To Catch a Predator” TV shows where Hanson bags sex pervs trolling for underage girls and boys as he catches them on undercover video.  This is certainly a noble idea to nab would be perverts before they actually have a chance to act on their urges wirth a real victim.

However, what are the odds that the tables would be reversed on Chris Hansen, in a way? It’s true, recently the cameras were turned on Hansen. According to the UK Daily Mail, Chris Hansen recorded with Kristyn Caddel, a Florida journalists, on a romantic dinner at the exclusive Ritz-Carlton hotel in Manalapan, before spending the night at her Palm Beach apartment.

But now Chris Hansen has found himself on the receiving end of his own hidden camera tactics, after the married NBC anchor was secretly filmed on an illicit date with a blonde television reporter 20 years his junior.

Hansen, 51, has allegedly been having an affair with Kristyn Caddell, a 30-year-old Florida journalist, for the last four months.

Who caught Chris Hansen in this compromising position .., the National Enquirer of course.

HERE is the footage everyone’s been waiting for – WORLD EXCLUSIVE spy video shot by NATIONAL ENQUIRER investigators of CHRIS HANSEN of “To Catch a Predator” fame, CAUGHT cheating!

The blockbuster video footage of NBC’s “Dateline” investigative reporter, Hansen, and blonde beauty, KRISTYN CADDELL, a news anchor at a local NBC affiliate, WPTV in West Palm Beach, Florida, was shot June 24, at 7:30 PM.

Would have been rather funny if the National Enquirer camera men asked him to have a seat after bagging Hansen.

Posted June 30, 2011 by
Media, NBC, Sex Offender, WTF | 3 comments

Convicted Sex Offender Phillip Garrido Pleads Not Guilty to Kidnapping & Raping of Jaycee Lee Dugard

So much for the news that Phillip Garrido was going to plead guilty and spend the rest of his life in prison. It would appear that the sex offending, kidnapping rapist has had a change of heart. Oh sorry, alleged. And sorry, one would have to have a heart to have a change of one.

Phillip Garrido

Convicted sex offender Phillip Garrido and his wife  Nancy Garrido both pleaded not guilty today in the kidnapping and raping of Jaycee Lee Dugard. They have been charged  of kidnapping of a person under 14, kidnapping for sexual purposes, rape, false imprisonment, child pornography and committing lewd acts on a child.

However, instead of taking a guilty plea, that was widely reported in advance by attorney Stephen Tapson to spare would spare Dugard and her daughters from having to testify. Obviously a sex offender could care less of sparing anyone anything. Instead, the sex offender’s lawyer wants to play games contended the grand jury was improperly selected.

A convicted sex offender pleaded not guilty Thursday to charges of kidnapping and raping a Northern California girl when she was 11 and holding her captive for nearly two decades.

The plea came as a surprise after an attorney said Phillip Garrido had made a deal with prosecutors to plead guilty. It would have sent him to prison for the rest of his life.

Jaycee Lee Dugard was 11 years old when she was kidnapped and held for 18 years and had been missing since 1991 before she miraculously walked into a Northern California police station in 2009.   If convicted on all counts, the maximum sentence for Nancy Garrido would be 181 years, while Phillip Garrido could get 431 years. No, WHEN THEY ARE CONVICTED. Sorry, but the Garrido’s defense attorney can try and play all the legal games in his bag of tricks … both of these dirt bags are getting the max. My apologies to dirt bags.

In the end there will be JUSTICE FOR JAYCEE.

The Dana Pretzer Show On Scared Monkeys Radio – Tuesday, March 1st, 2011 – Special Guests: Jeannie McDonough, Wendy Murphy & Robin Sax



Tonight Dana welcomes special guests:

Child sexual abuse makes billions of dollars every year for pornographers. Why shouldn’t reporting it make money, too? As for political benefits, the topic makes most people squeamish, which can backfire in politics, as it does at dinner parties when I talk about my work. It’s just not the kind of thing people like to think about – no matter how strongly they may feel about tougher laws and better justice for victims.

  • Robin Sax - Discussing the Charlie Sheen saga and his rants against and firing at the hands of CBS as well as other “high quality” people.

Sex Offender to be Tracked by GPS in Pilot Program … Hang Garmin’s or Tom Tom’s on All of ‘Em

Sex offender tracked by GPS in pilot program … pilot, this should be made permanent every where.

More than 1100 registered sex offenders in Allegheny County, PA and 43 of them are now wearing GPS monitoring devices as part of a pilot program to monitor them as a condition of their parole. 43!!! So there are over 1050 sex offenders walking around without any monitoring? Now there’s some public safety.  With the obvious rate of recidivism of sex offenders this is an obvious condition of any parole for these dirt bags.

Can they wearing the GPS around their neck instead?

More than 1,100 registered sex offenders live and work in Allegheny County and 43 of them are now wearing monitoring devices as a condition of their parole.

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