Hero of the Month: 7 Year Old Brittney Baxter Fights Off Attempted Kidnapping of Ex-Con Thomas Andrew Woods in Georgia Walmart


7 year old Brittney Baxter is a hero after her quick thinking yesterday in an attempted kidnapping at a Georgia Walmart. Thomas Andrew Woods, an ex-con convicted of voluntary manslaughter, was on probation just could not help himself. The 25 year old ex-con was taken into custody in the attempted kidnapping of Brittany Baxter. Had it now been for the little girl’s quick reaction to resist the abduction by kicking and screaming when the felony dirt-bag attempted to drag her out of the Walmart, who knows how tragic this story would have become. Actually, we know how bad it would have been.

From the AJC

Thomas Andrew Woods, 25, of Austell, was taken into custody and questioned before being arrested Wednesday afternoon, Bremen Police Chief Keith Pesnell told the AJC.

“We’re pretty confident we’ve got the right guy,” Pesnell said.

But as Woods was being led in handcuffs from the police department to a patrol car, he told reporters that the police had the wrong man.

“I was never there,” Woods said.

According to police, Woods started talking to Brittney Baxter in the toy aisle of the Wal-Mart and then grabbed her and put his hand around her mouth.

But Brittney kicked and screamed, and the man let her go, police said. Neither she nor her mother, who was nearby in the store, was injured.

From the files of once a piece of law breaking scum, always a piece of law breaking scum, Thomas Andrew Woods was released in October 2011 from the Wheeler Correctional Facility, where he had been since April 2007 following his manslaughter conviction in DeKalb county. Nice, glad to see he learned advanced child sex predator in prison. Let’s hope they lock this POS, oh sorry, alleged POS away and throw away the key. Anyone that would attempt such a brazen kidnap attempt should never be allowed near the general public.

FBI Joins the Search for Missing 9 Year Old Aliahna Lemmon in Indiana (UPDATE: Police Call news conference “very important”)

Nine year old Aliahna Marie Maroney Lemmon has been missing since Friday morning, December 23, 2011 at the Northway trailer park around Clinton Street and Diebold Road. No one has seen or heard from her since. The fact that there have been no sightings or clues to the whereabouts of Missing 9 Year Old Aliahna Lemmon is not a good sign for any happy outcome.

The FBI has now joined the search for the missing Indiana girl. It has been said that missing Aliahna Lemmon has physical and emotional problems. Also and even more disturbing the mobile home park where she  was staying is known as a haven for registered sex offenders. What better place for a 9 year old little girl to stay. How does anybody allow their children to live around so many sex offenders, many considered violent sex offenders. Just curious, so why is the FBI involved?

About a half-dozen people in black windbreakers, several of whom identified themselves as FBI agents, were at the mobile home park Monday where Aliahna Lemmon went missing from a family friend’s home on Friday. Some with search dogs were seen at a nearby storage facility.

Monday’s renewed search came a day after local police significantly rolled back a coordinated effort by several law enforcement agencies, said Cpl. Jeremy Tinkel, a department spokesman. He said the same size search could not be sustained on Sunday because of the Christmas holiday.

Allen County Public Safety Scanner Live Audio Feed – Hat Tip: Cartfly.

Note:  That the FBI does involve themselves in cases if children are missing and possibly kidnapped, with no known interstate transportation. The FBI will initiate a kidnapping investigation involving a missing child “of tender years, 12 years old or younger. This would lead us to believe that authorities are not buying the “sleep walking” stories.

If a child is missing and possibly kidnapped, but no interstate transportation is known, will the FBI begin an investigation?

Yes. The FBI will initiate a kidnapping investigation involving a missing child “of tender years,” even though there is no known interstate aspect. “Tender years” is generally defined as a child 12 years or younger. The FBI will monitor other kidnapping situations when there is no evidence of interstate travel, and it offers assistance from various entities including the FBI Laboratory.

The questions in this case are many:

  1. How could any mother allow her children to be exposed to so many convicted sex offenders?
  2. Who allows their children to stay with a man ( Mike Plumadore ), living among sex offenders, because they are too sick?
  3. Really, the mothers own father was a convicted of crimes who lived with Plumadore prior to his death?
  4. How does a mother not see the children since Tuesday, even though we are told that Aliahna had many physical and emotional issues?
  5. Why would the 6 year old sisters have told Plumadore that Aliahna was with their mom, if she was not … this according to Plumadore?
  6. Why would Plumadore have left the children alone at all? If he had gone for a cigar at 6AM, a bit early for a Tiparillo isn’t it dude?  So he leaves them alone, knowing the 9 year old has issues?
  7. Also, why was the step dad not taking care of the children when the mom was sick? Why ask a friend? This kind of stinks of the stereotypical “step-dad” stories.

According to the news account in the VIDEO below, Mike Plumadore, the man who was watching Aliahna, claims that he was going into having a polygraph taken by police. Listening to individuals accounts of the story, I just find it hard to believe it all occurred that way. And still wondering why the step-dad was not taking care of the girls, why a guy friend?

VIDEO of Neighbor discussing concern for missing Aliahna Lemmon. She might be concerned about her own daughter with so many sex offenders near by.

The family friend who was allegedly caring for Aliahna at the time of her disappearance spoke briefly to Indiana’s NewsCenter Monday morning. He reported going in to take a polygraph test, and said he too is eager to find Aliahna.

From CNN’s Nancy Grace:

Story told Grace that search dogs picked up Aliahna’s scent going from Plumadore’s home to a bus stop but her trail then vanished. The bus stop is on the side of a busy road and Story speculated that someone may have abducted her from there.

UPDATE I: Police call newser on missing 9 Year Old Aliahna Lemmon

Allen County Sherriff’s Department calls 10:30 p.m. press conference. FBI is near trailer where 9-year-old missing Fort Wayne girl last seen.

In an email to NewsChannel 15, police called the news conference “very important.” It will be at the department’s detective bureau at 12325 Lima Road.

The Allen County Sheriff’s Department has called a news conference for 10:30 p.m. Monday to update local media on the disappearance of the missing 9-year-old Aliahna Lemmon.

For more updates and to provide your opinions and analysis go to Scared Monkeys Missing Persons forum:  Aliahna Lemmon.

SNAKES ON A PLANE … Utah Man Arrested for Allegedly Viewing Child Porn on Plane


A Utah man,27 year old Grant Smith, was arrested at Boston’s Logan International Airport for allegedly viewing and being in possession of child pornography. ICK!!!  According to WCVB 5, Grant Smith, an engineering professor at the University of Utah, was seated in the first class when another passenger took a cell phone pic of the perv view the child porn.

A man on a Delta Airlines flight from Utah was arrested at Boston’s Logan Airport on Saturday afternoon for allegedly viewing pornographic images of children on his laptop during the flight.

Grant Smith, 27, of Cottonwood Heights, Utah was interviewed by Massachusetts State Police just after 4 p.m. Following that interview, Smith was arrested and charged with possession of child pornography.

Syracuse University Fires Asst Basketball Coach Bernie Fine in Wake of Sex Scandal, Tape Release Fine’s Wife, “Bernie has issues, maybe that he’s not aware of, but he has issues. …”


In the wake of the Syracuse sex scandal, assistant basketball coach Bernie Fine has been fired by Syracuse University. As the investigation continues in the alleged accusations of sexual molestation by Bernie Fine, the asst coach finds himself out of a job after 36 years and in hot water. The firing comes after a third individual came forward with allegation of sexual molestation and a search of Fine’s home over the weekend by Syracuse police and US Secret Service agents.

Bernie Fine was fired Sunday by Syracuse University after a third man accused the assistant basketball coach of molesting him nine years ago.

“At the direction of Chancellor Cantor, Bernie Fine’s employment with Syracuse University has been terminated, effective immediately,” Kevin Quinn, the school’s senior vice president for public affairs, said in a statement.

The 65-year-old Fine was in his 36th season at his alma mater. He had the longest active streak of consecutive seasons at one school among assistant coaches in Division I.

After the tape of Bernie Fine’s wife, Laurie Fine, came forward, LISTEN HERE, it was hard to believe that Fine would not be fired and worse. The tape of Fine’s wife was recorded without her knowledge at the time. The tape obviously shows that Fine’s wife had concerns of Bernie Fine’s sexual molestation. YIKES!!! The tape is troubling and disturbing to listen to … um, ESPN had this how long ago?

Bobby Davis, who has publicly accused Bernie Fine of years of molestation that Davis said started when he was in the seventh grade, legally recorded his Oct. 8, 2002, phone call to Laurie Fine.

“I know everything that went on, you know,” Laurie Fine said on the call, obtained by Outside the Lines from Davis. “I know everything that went on with him … Bernie has issues, maybe that he’s not aware of, but he has issues … And you trusted somebody you shouldn’t have trusted … ”

She continued: “Bernie is also in denial. I think that he did the things he did, but he’s somehow through his own mental telepathy has erased them out of his mind.”

Long time Syracuse basketball coach Jim Boeheim released a statement regarding the firing of Fine. Boeheim had initially defended Fine when the story first broke; however, he has obviously developed a change of heart and stated that he was sorry if his initial comments in defense of Fine were “insensitive to victims of abuse.”

“The allegations that have come forth today are disturbing and deeply troubling,” Boeheim said in a statement released by the school. “I am personally very shocked because I have never witnessed any of the activities that have been alleged. I believe the university took the appropriate step tonight. What is most important is that this matter be fully investigated and that anyone with information be supported to come forward so that the truth can be found. I deeply regret any statements I made that might have inhibited that from occurring or been insensitive to victims of abuse.”

First Penn State and now Syracuse University. One really has to wonder how many colleges and universities have such deep dark skeletons in their closets? Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts, absolutely.

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