The Divider in Chief Barack Obama: Republicans Who Don’t Support Obamacare Want to Hurt the Sick and Stick It to Americans … Oh the Irony, Obama Has Stuck it To America For Years

Even on vacation Barack Obama takes time away from golfing to prove he is a liar, a hate monger and the Divider in Chief …

Barack Obama starts out by saying over the past two weeks he has been visiting with Americans across the country to secure a better bargain with the middle class. Obama stated we needed to rebuild an economy that rewarded hard work and responsibility and “an economy built on the corner stones of middle class life, good jobs, a good educations, a home of your own, a secure retirement and quality, affordable health care. What a joke, who does this rodeo clown think he is kidding? Obama has had how long to fix the economy? Instead he made Obamacare his number one priority as Democrats had control of the House and Senate. The result was, along partisan line, Democrats and Obama forced Obamacare down the throats of Americans. Now this failed healthcare plan is hated by Americans. No body wants it. Not just Republicans, but the very people who passed it. It is Obama who has put in delays into the implementation of Obamacare. Let’s not forget this delay of out-of-pocket expenses that will cost Americans.  It is labor unions, federal government employees, the IRS and Democrat politicians who suddenly want to be no part of Obamacare, while others are supposed to be forced onto the train wreck. Barack Obama promised the American public that would of the pillars of Obamacare was that keep your own insurance. Guess what, “HE LIED!!!”

Even on vacation Obama finds time to make a hate-filled, slanderous Weekly Address to blame Republicans for his failure as a President. Instead of acting like a leader, Obama continues to play Chicago style, hate politics and to divide and conquer. His Weekly Address was shameful. Nothing more than completely shameful. It is reprehensible that the United States elected such a miserable, hateful individual who just lies to the American people to make political points. But, anyone who dares questions him is a racist. However, one thing is for certain Powerline call is it 100% correctly … Barack Obama, the hardest working man in demagogy

It is pathetic that Obama is still campaigning for Obamacare. But just curious, how did healthcare become a right endowed by Our Creator? Oh, because Obama said say by decree.

From the White House website Aug. 17, 2013:

Many Members of Congress, in both parties, are working hard to inform their constituents about these benefits, protections, and affordable plans.  But there’s also a group of Republicans in Congress working hard to confuse people, and making empty promises that they’ll either shut down the health care law, or, if they don’t get their way, they’ll shut down the government.[Editors note: Who is making empty promises? Obamacare was nothing more than a lie. Remember when Obama said, “If you like your health plan, you can keep it?” Remember when Obama guaranteed that ObamaCare would “lower premiums by $2,500 per family per year?” Obama also promised that is you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, PERIOD!   However, as stated at Town Hall, pretty much ever promise made was a lie. The reality is that just the opposite has occurred. Obama made promises he knew he could not keep, but it sounded good during an election as he knew the truth would not come out until after he was reelected for a second term. Now Obama looks to delay certain parts of Obamacare that are a disaster so that Democrats will not be affected in the 2014 midterms.What about all the jobs that Obamacare was supposed to create? Jobs created for who, the IRS?

Think about that.  They’re actually having a debate between hurting Americans who will no longer be denied affordable care just because they’ve been sick – and harming the economy and millions of Americans in the process.  And many Republicans are more concerned with how badly this debate will hurt them politically than they are with how badly it’ll hurt the country. [Editors note: These threats sound like the same ones he made about sequestration. Remember how Obama and Democrats said that sequestration cuts would damage the economy?

A lot of Republicans seem to believe that if they can gum up the works and make this law fail, they’ll somehow be sticking it to me.  But they’d just be sticking it to you. [Editors note: Obamacare is a jobs killer. Who's sticking it to who? 74% of business are either going to fire or make employees part time. Just how small is Barack Obama. He thinks this is about sticking it to him. His disaster of a healthcare plan is sticking it to America.   It was Democrat Senator Max Baucus, one of the architects of Obama care who is now calling it a train wreck.

Remember these promises America … They were all lies and that is why so many Americans are against Obamacare

Some even say that if you call their office with questions about the law, they’ll refuse to help.  Call me old-fashioned – but that’s lousy constituent service.  And it’s not what you deserve.

Your health insurance isn’t something to play politics with.  Our economy isn’t something to play politics with.  This isn’t a game.  This is about the economic security of millions of families. [editors note: All Obama has done is play politics with health care and jobs. Who is delaying parts Obamacare until after the 2014 midterm elections? Who has done nothing to create jobs, full-time one, not part-time. Folks, Obamacare is such a joke that half of Affordable Care Act Call Center jobs will be Part-Time and will come with no Health Benefits benefits. Oh the irony.

See, in the states where governors and legislatures and insurers are working together to implement this law properly – states like California, New York, Colorado and Maryland – competition and consumer choice are actually making insurance affordable.

So I’m going to keep doing everything in my power to make sure this law works as it’s supposed to.  Because in the United States of America, health insurance isn’t a privilege – it is your right.  And we’re going to keep it that way.

Thanks.  And have a great weekend.

Yea America, have a good weekend as I pander to the middle class about jobs and then vacation with the ultra rich on the tax payers dime. You have a good weekend while Egypt burns and falls into complete chaos while I golf. Every one have a good weekend as I deflect the attention away from the fact that I am a total failure as president and create division and blame others.

Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) on IRS Scandal: “My Hunch is There us A Lot More Is Going to Come Out”

From the Democrat Senator who said, Obamacare is a train wreck” now thinks that the is much more to come out with the IRS scandal.

Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) stated on Bloomberg Government’s “Capitol Gains” TV show, “I have a hunch that a lot more is going to come out.”

Funny how when one announces their retirement that they suddenly speak the truth and tend to forget what they did in the past as a partisan politician. Baucus, who is now calling for Congressional hearings into the IRS scandals of targeting Tea Party and other Conservative groups was one of the very Senators who in the past was calling for them to be targeted. As the Gateway Pundit reminds us, Senator Baucus specifically called on the IRS to engage in the very conduct back in 2010 he is now distancing himself from. The rats are jumping off the ship. Just what does Max Baucus know?

From The Washington Examiner:

Senior Democratic Sen. Max Baucus, who recently slapped Obamacare as a “train wreck,” believes that the IRS scandal is just beginning and that “a lot more” damaging information will be revealed, likely at congressional hearings.

“I have a hunch that a lot more is going to come out, frankly,” Baucus, whose pending retirement seems to have freed him up to speak bluntly, told Bloomberg Government’s “Capitol Gains” TV show.

“It’s broader than the current focus. And I think it’s important that we have the hearings, and I think that will encourage other information to come out that has not yet come out. I suspect that we will learn more in the next several days, maybe the next couple three weeks which adds more context to all of this,” added Baucus, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee.

Senator Max Baucus (D-MT) to Retire in 2014 … Stated Last Week, Obamacare was a “Train Wreck”

Another one bites the dust at the hands of Obamacare … Another opening for the GOP in 2014. Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, the Democrat Senator from Montana announced that he will not run for reelection in 2014 and instead retire. According to the Washington Post, rather than face a tough election, Baucus would rather retire. The six term Senator obviously sees the handwriting on the wall. Obamacare is still unpopular and going to get worse as America wakes up and realizes the expensive boongoogle that it is. Baucus was a key player and played a critical role in writing President Obama’s national health-care plan, Obamacare. However, last week Baucus referred to the Obamacare as a train wreck. Think the conservative state of Montana was not going to hold that against him in 2014? Also, just last week he also voted the expand back ground checks on the purchase of guns. Don’t worry Max, not like Montana is one of the states with the highest gun ownership at 57.7%. Oh wait, it is.

Baucus, 71, first elected in 1978,has been the top Democrat on the powerful committee since 2001. At times infuriating his Democratic colleagues, Baucus worked with Republicans to co-write the Bush-era tax cuts and the Medicare prescription drug plan, but he also served as the lead defender against George W. Bush’s 2005 effort to partially privatize Social Security and played a critical role in writing President Obama’s national health-care plan. Baucus, from conservative-leaning Montana, has voted against Democratic initiatives on some social issues, most recently last week’s effort to create an expanded background check system for gun purchases. Republicans have been trying to land a top recruit to challenge Baucus, who despite his unpolished public image has been one of the savviest political operators among Mountain West Democrats.

As Weasel Zippers stated, it was obvious that Baucus’s polling showed that because of his liberal ways, he was going to get crushed. According to PPP polling, Baucus was already running 5 points behind hypothetical Republican candidates, although he may never have made it out of the Democrat primary. This does not bode well for Democrats in the Senate. If the GOP could actually get their collective heads out of their RINO, establishment butts, they should take this seat. According to Charlie Cook this moves the seat into the toss-up category. Democrats, so far, have to defend 21 seats, while Republicans have to defend 14. The GOP needs a net gain of 6 seats to regain the Senate. Although, Wake Up America opines that out of the 21 Democratically held seats, seven of them are in states carried by the former Republican presidential nominee, Mitt Romney, while just one of the Republican seats is in a state won by President Obama. Are they just getting old or has the Obama bloom truly come off the rose? Baucus joins five other committee chairmen who have decided to retire rather than run for reelection, including Sens. John D. “Jay” Rockefeller (D-W.Va.), 75, chairman of the commerce committee, and Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), 73, chairman of the health committee. In the 2010 and 2012 election seasons, several other chairmen, including Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) and Kent Conrad (D-N.D.), opted to retire.

After 4 Years Senate Democrats Finally Passed A Budget Complete with a $1 Trillion Tax Hike


For the first time in four years the Democrat controlled US Senate has passed a budget. From the looks of it they shouldn’t have bothered. The budget plan was passed by a 50-49 vote in the Democratic-controlled chamber, with 4 Democratic senators facing tough re-election campaigns in 2014 joined all the Senate Republicans in opposing the measure. Max Baucus (D-MT), Mark Begich (D-AK), Kay Hagan (D-NC) and  Mark Pryor (D-AR) all voted against the Democrat budget. It is just a coincidence that all four Democrats are up for reelection in 2014 “Red” states. Vulnerable Senate Democrats like Mary Landrieu (LA), Mark Warner (VA) and Tim Johnson (SD) should be made to pay a price in the 2014 elections for supporting the budget. Simply incredible, after four years of not doing their job, the budget that Democrats pass is chock full of new spending, taxes and a vote against actually  balancing it. Oh wait, did we mention it just taxes, taxes and taxes?

The Senate Democrat passed budget bill contains $1 trillion in new tax hikes. The following is a list of all Senators up for reelection in 2014.


From The Hill:

Centrist Sens. Kay Hagan (D-N.C.), Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), Joe Donnelly (D-Ind.), Mark Pryor (D-Ark.), Mark Begich (D-Alaska), Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) and Max Baucus (D-Mont.) were all non-committal up until the end.

Baucus, Begich, Hagan and Pryor joined the entire GOP caucus in voting against the budget resolution. Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), who was ill,  missed the vote. His office said he would have been available to vote if needed.

All the Democratic senators who voted “no” are up for reelection in 2014 in states that voted for GOP nominee Mitt Romney.

Democrats had been dogged by criticism for failing to approve a budget resolution since 2009 and the vote removes that GOP talking point from the political scene.

Yea’s On the Resolution (S. Con. Res. 8 ):


 No wonder Senate Democrats had not passed a previous budget prior to Obama’s reelection. The Senate budget has a 0% chance of passing The House.

US Senators Up for Reelection in 2014, More Democrats at Risk than Republicans

2014 US Senate …

It is not too early to take a look to see what US Senaotrs are up for reelection in 2014. The GOP has managed to royally screw up the take over of seats in 2012 as they literally gave away the Senate races in Indiana and Missouri. Let this be a valuable learning lesson for Republicans and their choices for solid candidates. The GOP does not need moderate, wishy-washy candidates; however, they also do not need walking nightmares the likes of Murdoch and Akin who snatched defeat from a sure win by not being able to explain their positions. A note to GOP candidates in the future, if you feel the need to say that God is for rape … shut your trap. All GOP candidates must realize the MSM is not on your side and will spin your words to make them sound even worse than they are. So if you cannot intelligently present your ideas and beliefs to the people, you need not run.

The mere numbers of states that need to be defended tell us that Democrats once again have to do the heavy lifting to defend their turf. Democrats have far more seats up for election than the GOP and most Republican seats appear to be safe. However, we have seen this story before. Republicans best get their act in gear and come up with far better candidates than 2012.

Democrat Senators up for reelection:

  1. Warner, Mark R. – (D – VA) – Seems safe as VA has trended Democrat, but would it in an off year election?
  2. Coons, Christopher A. – (D – DE) – Safe
  3. Durbin, Richard J. – (D – IL) – Safe
  4. Franken, Al – (D – MN) – Could be vulnerable, Franken won in a close, questionable election in the wave election of 2008.
  5. Hagan, Kay R. – (D – NC) – North Carolina is one of the few battleground states that went to Romney in 2012, could be a vulnerable seat in 2014 for Democrats.
  6. Harkin, Tom – (D – IA) – Safe
  7. Johnson, Tim – (D – SD) – Safe unless he decides to retire.
  8. Kerry, John F. – (D – MA) – It has been rumored that Kerry may be Obama’s next Secretary of State in his 2nd term. If this occurs there will be a special election for this seat prior to the full election.
  9. Landrieu, Mary L. – (D – LA) – Louisiana is a red state; however, the Landrieu name is an institution in the Byou.
  10. Lautenberg, Frank R. – (D – NJ) – It is hard to believe that Lautenberg will run for reelection as he will be 90 years old in 2014. If he does decide to run its just another case for the Senate having term limits.
  11. Levin, Carl – (D – MI) – Safe
  12. Merkley, Jeff – (D – OR) – Safe
  13. Pryor, Mark L. – (D – AR) – Would the red state of Arkansas want to switch to a GOP Senator? It all depends on how good a candidate they run.
  14. Reed, Jack – (D – RI) – Safe
  15. Rockefeller, John D., IV – (D – WV) – Safe if he runs, he will be 77 but that seems to be a spring chicken these days in the Senate.
  16. Shaheen, Jeanne – (D – NH) – one never knows in a swing state in an off-year election.
  17. Udall, Mark – (D – CO) – Another swing state that has trended Democrat, but who knows in an off year election of a 2nd term president.
  18. Udall, Tom – (D – NM) – The state has trended Democrat, most likely safe.
  19. Baucus, Max – (D – MT) – hard to believe that such a red state has a Democrat Senator.
  20. Begich, Mark – (D – AK) – could be a targeted seat as Begich was elected during the wave election of 2008. No reason why Alaska has a Democrat Senator.

Republican Senators up for reelection:

  1. Johanns, Mike – (R – NE) – Safe
  2. Chambliss, Saxby – (R – GA) – Safe
  3. Cochran, Thad – (R – MS) – Safe
  4. Collins, Susan M. – (R – ME) – Safe if she does not retire
  5. Cornyn, John – (R – TX) – Safe
  6. Enzi, Michael B. – (R – WY) – Safe
  7. Graham, Lindsey – (R – SC) – Safe, unless the GOP pulls another 2012 Indiana Senate race debacle.
  8. Inhofe, James M. – (R – OK) – Safe
  9. Sessions, Jeff – (R – AL) – Safe
  10. Roberts, Pat – (R – KS) – Safe
  11. McConnell, Mitch – (R – KY) – Safe
  12. Risch, James E. – (R – ID) – Safe
  13. Alexander, Lamar – (R – TN) – Safe, however, would not be surprised if he is seriously challenged in the primaries.

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