Are You Kidding Me … US Senator John McCain Playing Poker on his iPhone During Senate Hearing

So let me understand this … the tax payers are paying for this man to play poker on his iPhone? This is what is wrong with Washington, DC and politicians in a microcosm. They just think they can do anything at any time and any where. They have forgot why they are there and who they work for. I would expect this from a teen, not a US Senator.


From the WAPO:

As the hearing continues, our ace photographer Melina Mara reports she spotted Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) “passing the time by playing poker on his iPhone during the hearing.”

We eagerly await the photographic proof, but generally trust Melina’s sharp eye.

This fool would then send out a snarky tweet after getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar and not doing his job. What part about, who cares how long the hearing is. You are there to do the job of “We the People”. No sir, the worst part about it is you think this is funny. These actions come from the same individual who thinks that shouting ‘Allahu Akhbar!’ the same thing as Christians shouting ‘Thank God!’ Its time for this fossil to be put out to pasture. Who knew there was a time limit that a Senator had to pay attention during a hearing?


Are You Kidding Me … Senator John McCain (R-AZ) Says Shouting ‘Allahu Akhbar!’ the Same as Christians Shouting ‘Thank God!’

NO HE DIDN’T … This is what political correctness gets you, a RINO politician making a comparison as absurd as it gets … Sure it is Senator McCain and Islam is a religion of peace as well.

As reported at Breitbart, this morning on ‘Fox & Friends’ Senator  John McCain (R-AZ) got indignant when suggested Fox News host Brian Kilmeade said he had a problem with Syrian opposition groups shouting “Allahu Akhbar! Allahu Akhbar!” as rockets hit government offices demonstrated Islamist influence among the opposition. McRINO actually said the following, that shouting ‘Allahu Akhbar!’ was the same as Christians shouting ‘Thank God!’ WOW, just WOW. Suddenly, everyone is a “moderate” Muslim to McCain. The Syrian freedom fighters, the Muslim Brotherhood, all good moderate Muslims. Exactly whose side is this guy on?

OK you senile SOB, how dare you. This fossil needs to be sent packing. A note to the moron senator from Arizona, when Christians thank God it is in thanks to Our Creator, not an affirmation to murder and martyrdom in the name of Allah. Good grief, you are an evil, demented little man.

“I have a problem helping those people screaming that after a hit,” Kilmeade said. McCain responded: “Would you have a problem with an American or Christians saying ‘thank God? Thank God?’” He added, “That’s what they’re saying. Come on! Of course they’re Muslims, but they’re moderates and I guarantee you they are moderates.” McCain provided no evidence to suggest that Syrian opposition groups are moderate, as opposed to the wide swath of evidence suggesting that the opposition is heavily infested with al Qaeda.

Just curious when was the last time you heard a Christan say thank God as he cut off some one’s head?

UPDATE I: From the Right Scoop … Mark Levin rips McCain a new one with his idiot comment about comparing ‘Allahu Akhbar!’ to ‘Thank God’.

Vatican Confirms that Syrian Catholic Priest François Murad Beheaded in Syria by Rebel Jihadist Forces (Video-Warning, Violent) … And Obama Wants to Arm the Rebels Against the Will of the People?

Because Islam is a religion of peace … Take a good look at what Obama wants to arm with American weapons.

The Vatican has confirmed that Catholic priest François Murad is dead and was beheaded by Syrian jihadists on June 23, 2013. The priest was trying to defend nuns inside a convent. Let this be a lesson to everyone what radical Islamist jihadists are all about. Franciscan Father, Francois Murad, was accused of collaborating with the Assad regime. So this is what they do, these animal.  These are the same rebels fighting against Assad that fools like Sens. John McCain (R-AZ),  Carl Levin (D-MI) and Robert Menendez (D-NJ) want to arm. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!  This is what Obama, McCain and other misguided twits would rather have in power than Assad. The Obama administration has approved arming this animals.   As Weasel Zippers states, So I guess Christians will now be killed with American weapons. And we hear from Obama that the war on terror is over. Really?

On Sunday, June 23 the Syrian priest François Murad was killed in Gassanieh, in northern Syria, in the convent of the Custody of the Holy Land where he had taken refuge. This is confirmed by a statement of the Custos of the Holy Land sent to Fides Agency. The circumstances of the death are not fully understood. According to local sources, the monastery where Fr. Murad was staying was attacked by militants linked to the jihadi group Jabhat al-Nusra.

Father François, 49, had taken the first steps in the religious life with the Franciscan Friars of the Custody of the Holy Land, and with them he continued to share close bonds of spiritual friendship. After being ordained a priest he had started the construction of a coenobitic monastery dedicated to St. Simon Stylites in the village of Gassanieh.After the start of the Civil War, the monastery of St. Simon had been bombed and Fr. Murad had moved to the convent of the Custody for safety reasons and to give support to the remaining few, along with another religious and nuns of the Rosary.

As these animals savagely behead Father, Francois Murad, you can here them yelling Allahu Akbar as they are taking pics with their cell phone.  I am speechless. This is what we are going to back in this Syrian war? OBAMA, HAVE YOU NO SHAME!!! This is what we want in charge of Syria? Sorry, but we have no business getting involved at all. Syrian rebels have pledged loyalty to al-Qaeda. So now Barack Hussein Obama, we are in the business of helping al-Qaeda?

WARNING, and we mean WARNING: Syrian rebels beheads bishop François Murad might contain content that is not suitable for all ages. You must be 18 years and over to view.

This is why all polls show that Americans want no involvement when it comes to Syria and their civil war.  A recent NBC/WSJ poll indicates Americans oppose overwhelmingly intervention in Syria. In a  Gallup poll, 68% of Americans oppose U.S. Military involvement in Syria. A PEW poll shows that 70% of Americans oppose arming groups in Syria, yet that does not stop Barack Hussein Obama. According to a FOX News poll, 66% of Americans voters disagree with arming the rebels, made up of 77% of Republicans, 64% of  independents and 58% of Democrats.

Asked to pick a response to stop the killing of civilians in Syria, just 15 percent in the poll say they favor U.S. military action, and only 11 percent want to provide arms to the opposition.

By comparison, a plurality of respondents — 42 percent — prefer to provide only humanitarian assistance, and 24 percent believe the U.S. shouldn’t take any action.

John McCain: “I don’t understand” Threats to Block Gun Bill Debate … Hmm, I Don’t Understand How this Fool is a Republican?

Is Senator John McCain a Republican?

Senator John McCain (R-AZ) stated on CBS’s  ‘Face the Nation’ that he opposed the filibustering a debate over gun legislation, despite threats of such action by fellow Republican senators. McCain stated, “I don’t understand it. The purpose of the United States Senate is to debate and to vote and to let the people know where we stand.” Probably more to the point is that McCain cannot stand that the GOP Senators that are looking to filibuster the anti-Second Amendment gun legislation is the young gun conservatives Rand Paul of Kentucky, Mike Lee of Utah and Ted Cruz of Texas. Or as McCain refers to them as ‘Wacko Birds’.

I don’t understand why the Republicans think I am a RINO

Honestly, I don’t understand how this guy is a Republican. I certainly never understood how this RINO was nominated to represent the GOP as president in 2008. Had it not been for Sarah Palin on the ticket as VP the beating would have been even worse.

Sen. John McCain said Sunday that he opposes the thought of filibustering a debate over gun legislation that will probably be brought to the Senate floor this week, despite threats of such action by fellow Republican senators.

“I don’t understand it. The purpose of the United States Senate is to debate and to vote and to let the people know where we stand,” Arizona’s McCain said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

A trio of first-term GOP senators–Rand Paul of Kentucky, Mike Lee of Utah and Ted Cruz of Texas–stated in a letter last month that they will block any gun control legislation that they consider a threat to Second Amendment rights.

CBS ‘Face the Nation’ transcript.

Really, you IDIOT!  John McCain is on the wrong side of history, the wrong side of the US Constitution and the wrong side of the Republican party. In essence, one has to wonder why he even runs as a Republican these days? Is McCain not going to stand for the GOP principles of defending the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights? Let’s face it, McCain cannot stand that the party has passed him by and he no longer has any power. It is time for this fossil to hang it up. McCain actually thinks that background checks are going to prevent criminals and those that would inflict harm against others would prevent shootings? Is he that much of a moron? Since when do criminals follow the rules and the law? Back ground checks would not have prevented the Newtown, CT Sandy Hook Elementary School murders, nor other mass killings. All these Progressives are after is a gun registry database.

Several other Republican senators joined in, and in an expanded letter to be sent Monday to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, they wrote that they would oppose a bill that “would infringe on the American people’s constitutional right to bear arms, or on their ability to exercise this right without being subjected to government surveillance.”

The additional names include Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida; Sen. James Inhofe, R-Oklahoma; Sen. Jerry Moran, R-Kansas; Sen. Richard Burr, R-North Carolina, Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin; Sen. Mike Enzi, R-Wyoming; Sen. James Risch, R-Idaho; Sen. Mike Crapo, R-Idaho, Sen. Dan Coats, R-Indiana, and Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas.

John McCain Apologizes to Senators Rand Paul & Ted Cruz for ‘wacko birds’ Comment

Mavericky Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) apologized for his  ‘wacko birds’ comment that he made toward Sens. Rand Paul and Ted Cruz for their outspoken brand of politicking on the Hill. The long time Arizona senator and failed GOP Presidential candidate took exception to the fact that he has been passed by the young Turks. What McCain might finally be realizing is that Paul and Cruz represent a breath of fresh air for the GOP Senate and what the GOP base wants to embrace, not Democrat light. During CPAC 2013, Rand Paul took the opportunity to slap back at McCain and said “the GOP of old has grown stale and moss-covered.” Whether McCain’s apology was sincere, who knows. However, one thing is for certain … the balance of power is being to shift in the GOP Senate and is moving away from the failed establishment senators and more toward the new brand of  Republican Senators like Rand Paul (KY), Ted Cruz (TX), Marco Rubio (FL), Jeff Flake (AZ) and Pat Tommey (PA).

Sen. John McCain is apologizing for calling Sens. Rand Paul and Ted Cruz “wacko birds” and says he respects what his Senate colleagues stand for.

“[In] an interview I said that Sen. Cruz and Sen. Paul were ‘wacko birds.’ That was inappropriate and I apologize to them for saying that, and I respect them both. I respect what they stand for and what they believe in. They both made an impact out here in the United States Senate,” McCain (R-Ariz.) said on Fox News on Friday.

McCain at some point best realize that his days are behind him and that he is on the wrong side of the future of the Republican party. Of he wants to make such criticisms he might as well pull an Arlen Specter  or Charlie Crist and switch parties.

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