Sen. John McCain Questions Swap “Highest High-Risk” Terrorists as White House National Security Adviser Susan Rice Defends United States Negotiating with Terrorists over Exchange of GITMO 5 for U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl


White House national security adviser Susan Rice went on CNN’s ‘State of the Union’ with Candy Crowley to defend the Obama administration’s decision to exchange five GITMO “high risk” Taliban detainees for U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. Rice also spun the fact that the Obama administration broke the law in not notifying Congress 30 days prior that there was a negotiation in process. But of course, what difference does it make with this administration, all they do is break the law, thumb their nose at separations of power and The US Constitution. Let alone negotiating with terrorists. How and why would something like this be deemed so sensitive that Congress was not notified? ” Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) said on ABC’s ‘This Week,’ “What does this tell the terrorists? That if you capture a U.S. soldier, you can trade that soldier for five terrorists Cruz called the prisoner swap “very disturbing.” 

White House national security adviser Susan Rice defended the Obama administration’s decision to exchange Guantanamo detainees for U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, amid criticism that the United States negotiated with terrorists in the process.

She also said the “acute urgency” of Bergdahl’s health condition justified President Obama’s not notifying Congress beforehand that Bergdahl was being swapped for five Taliban detainees at Guantanamo Bay.

“What we did was ensure that, as always, the United States doesn’t leave a man or a woman on the battlefield,” Rice said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Susan Rice went on to parrot President Obama in saying, “What we did was ensure that, as always, the United States doesn’t leave a man or a woman on the battlefield.” However, there appears to be just one little problem with that statement … Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was not left on the battlefield, by all accounts he left his


From The Daily Caller: CNN’s Candy Crowley Grills Susan Rice: ‘Point Blank, Did The US Negotiate With Terrorists?’

Once again the Obama administration is playing games with words. Newsflash to Susan Rice by the associative property, if a=b and b=c then a=c, you negotiated with terrorists.

CNN host Candy Crowley pressed White House national security adviser Susan Rice on the Taliban prisoner swap conducted Saturday, asking “point blank, did the US negotiate with terrorists” in violation of its long-held policy?

Crowley spoke with Rice on Sunday about the exchange of five high-ranking Taliban detainees — two of which are accused of the mass murder of religious minorities in Afghanistan — for Army Sgt. Bowe Berghdahl, whom many claim was captured after deserting his post and walking into the Afghan wilderness in 2009.

Berghdahl was captured by the Haqqani network, a close ally of the Taliban and an acknowledged terrorist organization according to the State Department.

“Point blank, did the US negotiate with terrorists for his release?” Crowley asked.

“Candy, what we did was ensure that, as always, the United States doesn’t leave a man or woman on the battlefield,” Rice replied. “It’s very important for folks to understand, if we got into a situation where we said because of who has captured an American soldier on the battlefield, we will leave that person behind.”

John McCain went on CBS’s ‘Face the Nation’ and questioned the swap of “highest high-risk people” for U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. McCain called the GITMO detainees, “These are the hardest of the hard core” and added that he was disturbed the Taliban named the prisoners they wanted in exchange for Bergdahl’s freedom.

Current and former U.S. officials welcomed the return of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the only American soldier held prisoner in Afghanistan, but voiced concern about the release of five members of the Taliban who had been held at the Guantanamo Bay as part of a negotiated prisoner swap.

“These are the hardest of the hard core. These are the highest high-risk people, and others that we have released have gone back into the fight,” said Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., in an interview on “Face the Nation,” adding that he was disturbed the Taliban named the prisoners they wanted in exchange for Bergdahl’s freedom.

Mavericky McRino John McCain Says “Don’t Count Obama Out”

Why “Establishment, RINO” Republicans need to go … Who knew lying was considered a talent to be proud of?

The Hill is reporting that Senator John McCain (AZ-R), says that we should not underestimate Barack Obama and to count a man out of that talent would be a mistake. Just curious Sen. McRino, exactly what talents are you actually referring to? Would it be Obama’s ability to not follow the Constitution, to pass executive orders rather than have the Congress pass laws, to have the talents to force such a disastrous law like Obamacare down the throats of Americans, his masterful skills of backing the Muslim Brotherhood in foreign policy that have the Middle East on fire or would it be his keen ability to put a record number of Americans on food stamps? Would it be Obama’s talent to divide a country, destroy the very foundation that America was built on or the record spending and $17 trillion debt and counting? Maybe it is Obama’s ability to have so many scandals going on in one presidency, that must be his talent. So McRino, which is it?

Obama is not a man of talent, he is a man who is destroying America bit by bit …


Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) says people shouldn’t underestimate President Obama as he heads into his sixth year in the White House.

He discounted Obama’s low approval ratings and said a sitting president always has influence.

“We all wear thin with the American people after a while,” McCain told the Associated Press.

“To count a man of that talent out at this point in time in his administration would be a huge mistake,” he added.

So let’s understand this, we are witness to a sitting president who’s cornerstone for his election in 2008 and reelection in 2012 has been a lie that Obamacare is going to provide free healthcare to millions of uninsureds,  but it would also allow you to keep your healthcare if you liked it, would allow you to keep your doctors if you liked them and reduce healthcare costs. ALL LIES!!! Now we have a RINO like McCain coming out and defending Obama that he is some formidable individual, are you kidding me?  This is exactly what is wrong with the gutless establishment GOP. RINO’s think Obama is a “man of talent” rather than a bold face liar!

For the love of God and all things Holy, please, oh please have the GOP 2016 candidate not be a moderate, squishy candidate like McRino and Romney … PLEASE!!!

Mavericky RINO Senator John McCain Says Republicans Voting Against Budget Deal Lack ‘Intellectual Integrity’ … Um, President Ronald Reagan Would Disagree

So this is what the Republican party has become in 2013, and this sorry, mavericky RINO was nominated the GOP’s presidential candidate in 2008, ever wonder why you lost?

RINO John McCain (R-AZ) called out Republicans who would dare oppose a bad budget deal that does nothing to reduce the out of control spending and the +$17 trillion debt. McCain said that Republicans who vote against the budget deal lack “intellectual integrity”. Really sir, you may want to look up that definition as you are exactly what is wrong with the GOP and the lack of any integrity to stand for the American people, the catastrophic escalating debt and our hero soldiers. So this is about some gutless GOP Senators worried about a government shutdown, rather than the collapse of the USA with unsustainable spending?  A bunch of establishment RINO’s are more concerned on how a shut down will effect them, rather than being statesmen and doing the right thing for the American people? UNREAL … sadly we have become a government of, by and for the American People establishment government class.

Spending is increased; however, the budget comes at the expense of our heroes, injured veterans who have given of their body and mind to the defense of this nation to have their benefits reduced. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! Civilian workers do not face the same benefit cuts, it is on the backs of our wounded warriors. You should all be ashamed of yourself. So this is what bi-partisanship looks like, agreeing on crap? And a note to the GOP … I am sick of your excuse that you only control the House, these gutless RINO’s would have done the same if they controlled the Senate.

Senate Democrats actually block an amendment to restore veteran benefits by closing illegal immigrant welfare loophole and still these treasonous 12 Republican Senators voted for this rotten bill. So illegal immigrants were just treated better than the men and women who have givens arms, legs, mind body and soul to defend America. That my GOP turncoats would be the definition of a lack of “Intellectual Integrity”. As stated at The Right Wing News, we all know that the Dems prefer illegals to our military vets, but my issue is with the GOP traitors. I expect this kind of crap from the LEFT, I do not expect it from Republicans. And we wonder why establishment Republicans are being primary challenged.

Senate Republicans were unable to stop military pension cuts when Senate Democrats blocked a vote on an amendment to prevent the cuts by closing a welfare loophole for illegal immigrants Tuesday evening.

The two-year budget deal brokered by Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray and House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, would cut military pensions by $6 billion over ten years, leaving some Senate Republicans scrambling to stop the cuts.

The US Senate voted 67-33 with

RONALD REGAN WOULD DISAGREE WITH MC RINO. For all of those who have said that Reagan would not agree with the Tea Party, you have no clue. Reagan left the Democrat party, stating, I did not leave the Democrat party, the party left me. Sadly, the Dutch would probably say the same thing today and leave the GOP.

I want you to listen to what Ronald Reagan said during a 1975 interview with Johnny Carson on ‘The Tonight Show” and his brilliance of what he spoke of then, that is even more applicable today. Reagan had it right, government was not the solution, it was the problem. The US, its people, business and the economy would work gang-busters if the government got out of the way. The VIDEO below is a must watch.

“If government would shut the doors and sneak away for about three  weeks, we would never miss them” – Ronald Reagan (1975)

Remember when Ronald Reagan responded to Johnny Carson in 1975 on how do you balance the budget? Reagan said, “balance the budget is like protecting your virtue, you just have to learn to say no.” I guess we now know where Nancy Reagan got her idea against drugs to “Just Say No”.


CNN/ORC Poll: NJ Governor Chris Christie Leads Possible 2016 GOP Contenders … Not Only is it Way too Early, Don’t Count On It Christie

A new CNN poll has New Jersey governor Chris Christie as the front-runner of possible Republican contenders for the 2016 GOP presidential nominee. For the Democrats it would appear that Hillary Clinton is already being coronated their nominee. However, for the GOP not only is this poll way too early, I would doubt that Chris Christie will be the Republican nominee unless they plan on losing another presidential election. Polls at this point are merely a popularity contest and with Christie’s recent landslide win for governor in NJ against a no-name opponent, he just happens to be the cause-celeb for today.

There is a long, long way to go and the potential winner for the GOP may not have even come forward yet. The same could be said for Democrats as well. Wasn’t Hillary Clinton the presumptive Democrat nominee winner as well before a certain novice, unprepared, 2 year US Senator from Illinois named Obama got into the race?


Who actually thinks the GOP base would vote for Christie after this?

And according to a CNN/ORC International survey, if Hillary Clinton decides against making another bid for the White House, Vice President Joe Biden would be the initial favorite to capture the Democratic nomination.

The poll, released Friday morning, indicates that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, fresh off his Garden State re-election landslide victory and widespread national media attention, jumped to the top of the pack of potential contenders for the GOP nomination.

Twenty-four percent of Republicans and independents who lean towards the GOP questioned in the survey say they’d be likely to support Christie for the Republican nomination, up seven percentage points from a CNN poll in early September. Back then, Christie and Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, the House Budget chairman and the 2012 Republican vice presidential nominee, were virtually tied at the top of the GOP list, with Christie at 17% and Ryan at 16%.

But Ryan, who’s stayed mostly away from the political spotlight the past few months, has dropped to 11%, putting him in third place, slightly behind Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, at 13%. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, who like Paul has made multiple trips this year to the states that kick off the presidential primary and caucus calendar, like Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina, stands at 10% in the survey, the only other Republican White House hopeful to get double-digit support.

Sorry, but a win in New Jersey is hardly a microcosm of winning a primary in the Republican party or a national election. New Jersey is it’s own animal, much like every state is.  Much of the GOP base considered Chris Christie a “Benedict Arnold” when he went overboard gushing over Barack Obama after Hurricane Sandy, sabotaging any chance Mitt Romney may have had. The GOP have run two ‘RINO’s’ in a row, the “mavericky” John McCain in 2008 and Mitt “Romneycare” Romney in 2012. Both candidates alienated the GOP base and in the end, really stood for nothing, except they ere not Obama. At what point will the establishment Republicans understand that the GOP electorate wants a candidate with substance and is not Democrat-light?

The focus this last week should have been on Obama’s shameful conduct in Benghazi. Instead, the  schizophrenic Christie allowed himself to be manipulated by Obama’s camp so easily, that one has to question the reasoning for his desertion of Governor Romney. I believe the egomaniacal Christie would rather run for POTUS in 2016 than 2020. And chose to spend the last week  stabbing Mitt in the back.

I understand that Christie had to ”break bread” with Obama when Obama came to tour New Jersey for disaster relief for Hurricane Sandy. We all should be fine with that.  But after Obama left, Christie has continued to act ”star-struck” toward the liberal Democrat. Both men are frequent apologizers for Islam so that may also be a shared bond.

And Christie refused an invitation to attend a  Sunday night rally with Mr. Romney in Pennsylvania, only 20 minutes from Trenton. You can google Benedict Arnold/Chris Christie or Traitor Chris Christie and see that the internet is abuzz with  stories about how Christie the RINO has been selling out to Obama.

Senator McCain (R-AZ) Gets Hammered at Town Hall Event for His Support of Military Strikes Against Syria … “Why are you not listening to the people and staying out of Syria? It’s not our fight.”

McRINO gets blasted by “We the People” …

Senator John McCain took time from his video poker to hold a town meeting and got an earful from his constituents and by an overwhelming majority was told not to take military action against Syria. Many in the crowd echoed the sentiment that getting more involved in the civil war would lead to unintended consequences. Something that appears to be completely lost on President Obama, McCain, Kerry and the rest. One individual stated, “Why are you not listening to the people and staying out of Syria? It’s not our fight.”

Sen. John McCain, whose endorsement of President Barack Obama’s plan to launch military strikes against Syria provided the president a key Republican backer, faced vocal opponents of military action during a town hall in Arizona Thursday.

McCain has long advocated a more muscular American approach toward Syria, calling for a plan to oust President Bashar al-Assad from power. But on Thursday many people who showed up to a town hall in Phoenix said that getting more involved in the civil war would lead to unintended consequences.

“We didn’t send you to make war for us. We sent you to stop the war,” one man said to applause.

At one point during the meeting McCain was interrupted causing the senator to stop and address the individual, “What you’re doing is not just disrespectful to me, but disrespectful to others who want their opinions and views heard.” Really? I actually think it is more disrecptful to completely ignore the will of the people and do whatever you damn well please. You were elected to represent the People, not go off on your tangents where this fossil actually believes the so-called freedom fighters are not Al-Qaeda.

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