Nevada US Senate Election 2010: Republican Sharon Angle Takes the Lead in Polls over Democrat Incumbent Harry Reid

Slip, Sliding Away … Harry Reid now trails Republican and Tea Party candidate Sharon Angle in two polls. The Republican possible takeover of the US Senate is in play.

Do we really need another Obama pet in the US Senate?

With less than 30 days to go before the 2010 midterm elections, Republican challenger for the Nevada US Senate seat leads incumbent Nevada Senator and current Democrat Senate Majority leader Harry Reid in a CNN poll and in a Fox News one as well. Harry Reid gets low job approval numbers (see complete data) as well does Barack Obama. It is hard to imagine with the trending pattern, the Republican enthusiasm, the anti-Democrat incumbent sentiment and the political environment that Reid will win this race. Reid only had a 1% lead in the last Rasmussen poll; however, no polling data has been done in October. What is evident in recent polling is that undecideds are starting to break toward the republican challenger Sharon Angle.

In the latest Fox News battleground state poll of likely voters, Angle drew 49 percent to Reid’s 46 percent. As voters make up their mind with four weeks to go until Election Day, Angle seems to have the edge.

In the first Fox battleground poll in the Silver State four weeks ago, 10 percent of respondents were either unsure, in favor of a minor party candidate or, as state law allows in Nevada, planning to vote for “none of these candidates.”

However, as stated at Hot Air, no individual is really going to take the time to go vote and either waste their vote or check none of the above. In such an important race with so much on the line and a midterm, those going to the polls to vote will most likely cast one for either Angle or Reid. 

A hat tip to Jammie Wearing Fool for the VIDEO below of the progress we have made under the one party rule of Obama, Pelosi and Reid. A major reason why Republicans are ahead in so many polls leading up to the 2010 midterm elections … the November 2 vote will be a national referendum on Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

Voters in November you have the chance this November 2, 2010 in the midterm elections to make Democrats and Barack Obama eat their words and make them pay for not listening to the American people,  ”You would be think they would be saying thank you”.

We are making Progress according to Barack Obama


Republican Governors Association

Remember this lie told by Obama. Sorry, we live in a PC world, it was a falsehood:  With Obamacare your employer would see insurance premiums fall by as much as 3000%, which means they could give you a raise.  The truth: Insurance premiums jumped 20%.

US Senate is in Play: The Top 10 Senate Races that Democrats Need to Worry About in 2010

Democrats could lose the US Senate, once unthought of, now a real possibility.

Just curious, when Scott Brown won in Massachusetts in the special election for the seat formerly held by the late Ted Kennedy, why didn’t all people think at that point that it was possible for Republicans to win in any state? The Massachusetts special Senate election represented the shot heard round the world and was the symbol that all things were possible. Think  Brown’s victory was a one hit wonder? Not at all,Brown is presently out-polling President Barack Obama and Senator John Kerry (MA-D)


Remember when the political pundits only said that the US House of Representatives was in play and Democrats feared that it could flip and control go back to the Republicans? Less than 60 days from the 2010 midterm elections and now many think that Democrats could lose the US Senate as well.

A terrible economy, near 10% unemployment, no jobs really being created, an unpopular $787 billion stimulus package, and unpopular Obamacare law passed,  an unpopular President Obama and a complicit Democrat party that passed numerous laws against the will of the people and the unpopular suing of a state on illegal immigration has all lead to the most improbable outcome … a complete sweep of Senate races and control by the GOP. The following are the top 10 US Senate races that Democrats need to worry about.

1. North Dakota (1): Get ready to ho-down with Republican John Hoeven (R); yes, we’re running out of Hoeven puns. Ranking: Solid GOP. [This race is over  Hoeven is up by over 40% in the polls]
2. Delaware (2): Does Mike Castle (R) survive his primary against Christine O’Donnell (R)? The GOP’s likelihood of winning this seat depends on it. Ranking (with Castle as nominee): Probable GOP.[This race is up in the air as who knows who will win the GOP primary? Castle is ahead in polls against the Democrat in a general election; however, he is a RINO at best. Can O'Donnell win the GOP primary, after all she is the real Republican in the race? If she does, can she wil the general election in a blue state?]
3. Arkansas (3): Bill Clinton campaigned this week for incumbent Blanche Lincoln (D), but it’s unlikely to change the dynamics of her race against John Boozman (R). Ranking: Probable GOP. [Probably GOP? Barack Obama has a better chance of providing tax cuts to the rich than Lincoln does of winning, she is down by 38% in the polls.]
4. Indiana (4): Speaking of being able to change the dynamics, Brad Ellsworth (D) hasn’t caught up to
Dan Coats (R). Ranking: Probable GOP. [Republican Coats up by 21% over the Democrat, this seat is lost by the Democrats.]
5. Pennsylvania (5): After being dormant for the last couple of months, Joe Sestak’s (D) campaign has become more active, with Biden and Obama set to stump for him later this month. Right now, though, this is Pat Toomey’s (R) race to lose. Ranking: Lean GOP. [Not only is GOP candidate Toomey ahead in the polls, the Republican Gov. candidate Corbett is far outpacing the Democrats. It will be a clean sweep in the Keystone state.]
6. Illinois (7): The Alexi Giannoulias (D)-vs.-Mark Kirk (R) contest remains what we consider to be the truest 50%-50% race out there. Ranking: Toss Up. [Democrat candidate only gets 37% in the polling, hard to imagine that translates to a victory.]
7. Colorado(unranked): The Ken Buck (R)-vs.-Michael Bennet (D) race is close to being a pure 50%-50% race, too. Which force will be greater — the overall political environment, or the GOP’s woes in the state? Ranking: Toss Up. [The Democrat incumbent is only polling at 44%, far below the 50% usually considered needed.]
8. Nevada (8): Now we enter the contests where Democrats might have an advantage by a fingernail. But the Harry Reid (D)-vs.Sharron Angle (R) race is going to close. Fasten your seatbelts. Ranking: Toss Up. [Its a dead heat in Nevada; however, Harry Reid, the Democrat Senate Majority leader is polling below 50%. Do Nevada voters really want more in the same? Even though Reid wants to distance himself from Obama and the economy, Reid has been in lock step with Obama and is completely responsible.]
9. Wisconsin (unranked): As was the case in ‘98, Russ Feingold (D) is fighting for his political life. What makes this time more difficult for him is that this political environment is much different than ’98 was. Ranking: Toss Up. [Incumbent Democrat Feingold trails GOP candidate Johnson in the polls. The fact that a dark blue state like Wisconsin is even being discussed tells us just how much trouble the Democrats are in.]
10. Washington (10):If Republicans indeed catch a wave on Election Night, we’ll be pulling an all-nighter watching the returns from the Patty Murray (D)-vs.-Dino Rossi (R) race. Ranking: Toss Up. [Republican Dina Rossi has a 2% point lead in the post recent Rasmussen poll and incumbent Democrat Patti Murray is polling below 50%. If Washington goes, one would think that Democrats would lose control of the Senate.]

But wait, there is more an an honorable mention of even more states that Democrats have to worry about. Check out California and West Virginia, both also in fear of being lost by Democrats. As stated by First Read, it is quite amazing that Republicans have a better chance of flipping West Virginia’s Senate seat than Democrats have in picking up the one in Ohio.

Check out the Scared Monkeys analysis made in February 2010, seems like some were ahead of the MSM curve. At that point, even before many primaries were complete, we were stating a +9 for Republicans.

Mother Jones  importantly notes that there is not one Democrat gain on this list. This is literally unheard of. So many US Senate races and it is only the Democrats that are in fear of having seats flipped on November 2, 2010.

If Democrats think they have an issue in 2010 … 2012 does not appear to be much better. Check out some of the vulnerable races in 2012:

?WV – Robert Byrd is nor longer the Senator, this will be the vote for the 6 year term for whoever wins the 2010 special election.
?ND – Kent Conrad could be the victim of the anti-Obama vote.
?NE – Ben Nelson and the corn husker kickback. Payback will be on the minds of many and he just might be the Blanche Lincoln of 2012.
?FL – Bill Nelson and his preferential Obamacare deal
?VA – Jim Webb in newly “Red” Virginia like what swept Bob McDonnell into office.
?OH – Sherrod Brown in a swing state like Ohio in a Presidential year. How much of the vote against Obama will be a vote against Brown?
?PA – Robert Casey in a swing states that could trend against the incumbent President.
?NY – If Kirsten Gillibrand wins in 2010, will there be a strong GOP candidate like Rudy unseat her in 2012?

Democrat US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Breaks With Obama and Says Mosque Should be Built Some Where Else

President Barack Hussein Obama’s comments on the defence of building o mosque near Ground Zero in NYC has caused Democrats to run for the exits away from Obama if they dare even think of having a chance in this Fall’s midterm elections. Democrats cannot flee from Obama fast enough.


Reid to Obama: You said what!!!!

What Democrat wants to be a part of apolitical ad that has them agreeing with the terror group Hamas when it comes to building a mosque near Ground Zero?

How extreme and out of touch with the American public is President Barack Hussein Obama’s position on the building of a mosque near Ground Zero in NYC, even Democrat Senate Majority leader Harry Reid is breaking ranks with The Chosen One. Reid basically believes, as most every one, that the group has a legal right to build the mosque near Ground Zero; however, the Muslim group is wrong to exercise that right.

Obama claims to try to bring individuals together and claims to try and bridge the divide between Americans and the Muslim world, yet this amateurish President has any made things worse and upset all sides. How Obama cannot be a leader and adopt the principles of House Republican Leader John A. Boehner shows how little this President has an understanding of leadership.

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US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (NV-D): “I don’t know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican.”

More from the divisive Democrat Senate Majority leader Harry Reid … “I don’t know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican.”


Hat Tip: Weekly Standard

Reid’s racially-charged comments come as the Nevada Democrat is trying to boost Hispanic turnout in his bid for reelection this November. Polls show, however, that Reid’s positions on immigration are very unpopular with Nevada voters in general. Reid supports the Obama administration’s lawsuit against Arizona over its immigration law, but 63 percent of Nevada voters oppose the lawsuit, according to a Rasmussen poll.

Actually Harry, with your track record and the unemployment rate and housing disaster, I do not know how any one from Nevada could vote for you.

MSNBC Clown Keith Olbermann Gets History Lesson Wrong on Abe Lincoln & NV GOP US Senate Candidate Sharron Angle, “Lost a few but won the Big One”

Hey Keith, before you decide to act so smug as if you know it all, you might actually want to do some history fact checking or read a book. File this one under stuck on stupid. Just another case of a loss of  credibility for the far left leaningMSNBC. Far be it from Olbermann or MSNBC to let the facts get in the way of good hate and liberal media bias.

Don’t liberals tout themselves as being so much more smarter than us “We the People?” Are not we constantly reminded that those Tea Party folks are just ignorant, uniformed peasants who cling to their patriotism, guns and bibles. Fret no more America, liberals are as clueless and uninformed as it gets … enter MSNBC’s head dolt, Keith Olbermann.

Because MSNBC has no ratings, many of you may never have seen the following VIDEO where uber-clueless Lib Keith Olbermann goes after GOP Nevada Senate candidate Sharon Angle for her comments regarding Abraham Lincoln and his election record. Angle stated on a radio show, “Well, you know, it`s just like Abraham Lincoln. He lost quite a few. But he won the big one. He won the one that mattered for this country. And really that`s what we`re in”.

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News Busters has the transcript of the Olberman gaffe VIDEO.

Really, just one Keith? Olbermann was so quick so go after Sharon Angle as she is the Tea Party candidate in Nevada going against Democrat incumbent and Senate Majority leader Harry Reid. Reid is presently trailing in the polls so of course the liberal MSM will do every thing to attack Angle. 

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