Boston Globe Declares Dewey, Oops Coakley Winner 10 Hours Before Polls Close


Great job Boston Globe, or is it just wishful thinking … Globe posts that Dewey Wins, oops, Martha Coakley. UNREAL! Who knew we did not even have to wait for the vote counting after the polls closed this evening at 8 pm ET. The Globe provided us with a premature Coakley win.


The Boston Globe declares Martha Coakley Winner in the special Senate race in Massachusetts. There is just one problem, they declared it 10 hours before polls close. briefly put up this map of the final results of today’s election — some 8 hours before polls closed!

As you can see, over 2 million people voted, with Coakley eking out a 50-49 victory.

The Corner asks, maybe they know something we don’t. I look at it as The Globe was providing Coakley with some consolation of a win, albeit premature and worthless.

Massachusetts Senate Race Has National Interest, Obamacare on the Ballot … 49% to 34% Want Republican Scott Brown to Win

All eyes are on today’s special election for the Massachusetts Senate seat held by the late Ted Kennedy. For obvious reason of the future of Obamacare and the Obama Administration, this Senate election has national interest.

According to the most recent Rasmussen poll, 49% of American voters want Republican Scott Brown to win while only 34% are pulling for “Marcia” Coakley. 17% are undecided and too busy watching reality TV.

What is even more amazing is that according to all polls, Mass voters want Scott Brown to defeat Martha Coakley by an even greater margin than the national poll. Maybe it is because the voters are tired of Coakley’s gaffes, ignorance on the issues and being taken for granted in her assumption that she would win because she is an entitled Democrat.

Like fans cheering for their favorite football teams, voters nationwide are paying attention to the special U.S. Senate race in Massachusetts. Almost half of them are rooting for Republican candidate Scott Brown over his Democratic opponent, Martha Coakley.

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A Lexington & Concord Moment: Chris Matthews Trying to Make Excuses that Mass Senate Brown – Coakley Race … Obama’s Credibility Going to Take a Hit for Truck Comment

Deat Barack Hussein Obama … guess what, people in Massachusetts drive trucks too and many of the vote.

Wow, even Chris Matthews admits that the Brown win over Coakley is a Lexington and Concord moment and a shot heard around the world. Mathews admits that every one is going to know that Obamacare was at stake in this election.

The Massachusetts Senate race will directly affect not only the Obama-Reid-Pelosi health care bill, but it will also damage President Barack Obama. It really is the “canary in the coal mine”.

Obama staked his entire Presidency on the government take over of health care while going against the will and anger of the American public. Every inch of the way “We the People” said no to Obamacare and Democrats kept pushing.

Who knew that Obama’s Waterloo would possibly be in Massachusetts of all places? The very seat once held by Ted Kennedy might be Obama’s and Obamacares undoing.

However, it is not just Obamacare that was on the ballot, it is the elitist and arrogant attitude of Barack Obama and this Democrat Administration and their minions. In a last ditch effort, albeit too late, Barack Hussein Obama went to Massachusetts to stump for Coakley and in turn insult Republican Senate candidate Scott Brown and his truck.

How low has Obama sunk to insult and make jokes like this about a Senate candidate? How un-presidential could The One possibly be? This will become a campaign ad against Obama is 2012 no doubt. But this is just more of the same of the Hope & Change promised by Obama.

How shallow can this President be?

Today Barack Obama campaigned for Martha Coakley in Boston and bashed Scott Brown and truck owners several times during his speech. Obama told the crowd, “Anybody can own a truck.”

Here is the ad that Obama is making fun of. I guess Obama must have forgot all the smoke and mirror ads that his campaign did during the 2008 Presidential election like the ones where the health care reform debate would be on C-SPAN?

This election is about a referendum on Obamacare and Barack Obama, not Scott Brown’s truck or the fact that Coakley is a nit-wit and does not know who Curt Schilling is. For those who want to be honest, it’s not just that Coackley is a bad candidate, it’s about Obama having bad policies on the economy, unemployment, health care and national security for America.

MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann Goes Mental … “In Short We Have an Irresponsible, Homophobic, Racist, Reactionary, Ex-Nude Model, Teabagging…”

MUST SEE VIDEO … Poor Keith Olbermann, will he survive election night?

The Obama White House has issues with Fox News calling them not a news outlet … hmm, funny they don’t have the same issue with MSNBC.

Poor MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann loses his mind as the reality of the polling data from Massachusetts and that Republican Scott Brown could actually do the unthinkable and be elected to the Senate seat once held by the late “Liberal Lion” Ted Kennedy.

Olberman calls Scott Brown the following:

“In short, in Scott Brown we an have an irresponsible, homophobic, racist, reactionary, ex-nude model, tea bagging…”


So all voters in Massachusetts belong to the Tea Party movement, who knew?

Olberman just insulted Mass voters and compared then to 1960′s States rights southern racists. NICE! Funny, the liberal Left media did not have an issue with this election in the Bay State when Coakley was up by 30 points.

Via the Gateway Pundit

Keith, who is it that is getting laughed off the stage? This type of slanderous commentary is partially responsible for Scott Brown being ahead in Massachusetts. People are tired of not being listened to by the Obama Administration and Democrats. “We the People” are also tires of being insulted by the liberal MSM.

EXIT QUESTION: Should MSNBC have Olbermann on suicide watch if Scott Brown wins the special Senate election tonight in Massachusetts? What happens if Brown wins in a rout?

UPDATE I: MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough slams Olbermann for his reckless comments.

The full comment can be read at NewsBusters:

Obermann calls Brown a “homophobic racist reactionary” who “supports violence against women.” How reckless and how sad.

It is no longer enough to simply disagree with someone. These days some feel the need to call opponents evil. It happens on both extremes.

Of what fun days at MSNBC. I am guessing that Chris Matthews has lost that tingly feeling in his leg.

Obamacare Reaches All Time New Low, 38% in Favor & 56% Opposed

The more that Barack Obama and Democrats try to ram Obamacare down the throats of Americans, the more “We the People” oppose the government take of health care bill. According to the most recent Rasmussen poll, 56% of American voters are now opposed to the health care bill, while only 38% are in favor.

Americans continue to see Senators like Ben Nelson (NE-D) and Mary Landrieu (LA-D) get deals to bribe them for their vote while Democrat voting constituencies like Unions get exempt from Cadillac taxes on health care insurance plans while regular non-union people are not so lucky.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that just 38% of voters nationwide favor the health care reform plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats. That matches the lowest level of support yet. Fifty-six percent (56%) of voters oppose the plan.

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