National Enquirer Reports Hillary Clinton Fixer Says I Arranged Sex Trysts For Her with Men & Women
From the National Enquirer comes the following story that a former Clinton family operative admits to arranging sex trysts for Hillary Clinton with both men and women. Hmm, and we thought that it was just Bill Clinton who had a pension for the women. But what;s another sex scandal, it is just the Clinton’s being Clinton’s. As Powerline opines, “live by the smear, die by the smear, perhaps”. But before you dismiss the story because of the source, let me kind remind folks that when it comes to stories like this, the National enquirer has nailed many of them like the John Edwards-Rielle Hunter love child affair, the Gary Hart affairs, Bill Cosby, Tiger Woods and many more. So we shall see, but do inquiring voters want to know is the question?
One thing is for certain, this election process has been shameful and a pox on everyone’s house. The United States faces so many important and crucial issues like terrorism, the economy, the national debt, illegal immigration, energy, healthcare, Supreme Court in the balance and a Middle East that is a tinder box and the media is sadly more concerned over what people said on tapes 20 years ago.
Hillary Clinton is a secret sex freak who paid fixers to set up illicit romps with both men AND women!
That’s the blockbuster revelation from a former Clinton family operative who is sensationally breaking ranks with his one-time bosses to speak to The National ENQUIRER in a bombshell 9-page cover story — on newsstands Wednesday.
“I arranged a meeting for Hillary and a woman in an exclusive Beverly Hills hotel,” the man, who was hired by the Clintons, via a Hollywood executive, to cover up their scandals, told The ENQUIRER.
“She had come to the studio to see the filming of a movie in 1994.”
“While I was there, I helped her slip out of a back exit for a one-on-one session with the other woman. It was made to look casual, leaving quietly [rather] that being caught up in the melee … but really it was for something presumably more sordid.”
What’s more, it wasn’t just Hillary’s flings with women that the shadowy Mr. Fix It helped to orchestrate!
I have to kinda agree with the Right Wing News, this report will probably make no difference for the election. Those who are voting for Hillary know she is a liar and a generally sleazy individual. They just don’t care. Although I must admit, I was wondering if anyone was going to release a piece on Hillary’s trysts. The only video that could possibly harm Hillary Clinton is if there is any of her harming puppies.
Posted October 19, 2016 by Scared Monkeys Hillary Clinton, Media, Newspapers - print media, Sex Scandal | no comments |
Hillary Clinton Willfully Enabled and Defended Bill Clinton’s Many Affairs and Trashed the Women as “Bimbos & Liars” Who Were Telling the Truth
From The New York Times, comes the following article of how Hillary Clinton ruthlessly grappled with Bill Clinton’s many infidelities, and his female accusers, who she trashed and tried to brand as “bimbos” and a “pathological liars.” But just who turned out to be the pathological liar? That would be Hillary Clinton of course. The New York Times penned this article, not the vast right wing conspiracy. It shows the lengths that Hillary Clinton was willing to go to trash those woman, who were telling the truth, who had affairs with Bill Clinton. Why? Because Hillary Clinton’s entire life’s ambition was to run for president and she needed a man, Bill Clinton, to springboard off of. The truth of the matter could not be more stated than at Town Hall, that writes … ‘Why No Self-Respecting Woman Can Vote for Hillary.’
Hillary Clinton is the very opposite of the smart, independent female role model once hoped-for as the first woman president. For nearly five decades she has defended her serial predator and accused rapist husband whose despicable behavior she denied while behind the scenes she viciously trashed his victims and often ruined their lives. Hillary conducted her own personal war on women against the very same women her own husband had already savaged. And now she wants us to believe her whole life has been about helping women and children.
Hillary and Slick Willie’s top staff convened strategy meetings to squelch what their team called “bimbo eruptions” before and during his presidency. Kathleen Willey, an attractive campaign volunteer who accused Bill of sexual assault, recalled some of their tactics in a 2000 press conference announcing she was suing the then-president, First Lady Hillary, and White House aides because of “their efforts to intimidate and harass me.”
What a crock of BS … She was exactly a stand by her man woman at all cost for her political aspirations
Hillary Clinton was campaigning for her husband in January 1992 when she learned of the race’s newest flare-up: Gennifer Flowers had just released tapes of phone calls with Bill Clinton to back up her claim they had had an affair.
Other candidates had been driven out of races by accusations of infidelity. But now, at a cold, dark airfield in South Dakota, Mrs. Clinton was questioning campaign aides by phone and vowing to fight back on behalf of her husband.
“Who’s tracking down all the research on Gennifer?” she asked, according to a journalist traveling with her at the time.
She has a track history of insulting woman
The enduring image of Mrs. Clinton from that campaign was a “60 Minutes” interview in which she told the country she was not blindly supporting her husband out of wifely duty. “I’m not sitting here, some little woman standing by my man like Tammy Wynette,” she said.
But stand by she did, holding any pain or doubts in check as the campaign battled to keep the Clintons’ political aspirations alive.
Last week, Donald J. Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, criticized Mrs. Clinton over Mr. Clinton’s affairs and her response to them, and said he might talk more about the issue in the final weeks before the election.
That could be a treacherous strategy for Mr. Trump, given his own past infidelity and questionable treatment of women. Many voters, particularly women, might see Mrs. Clinton being blamed for her husband’s conduct.
Hillary Clinton calls Bill Clinton’s sexual assault victims “Bimbo Eruptions”
It could also remind voters of a searing period in American history, and in Mrs. Clinton’s life.
Confronting a spouse’s unfaithfulness is painful under any circumstance. For Mrs. Clinton, it happened repeatedly and in the most public of ways, unfolding at the dawn of the 24/7 news cycle, and later in impeachment proceedings that convulsed the nation.
Outwardly, she remained stoic and defiant, defending her husband while a progression of women and well-funded conservative operatives accused Mr. Clinton of behavior unbecoming the leader of the free world.
But privately, she embraced the Clinton campaign’s aggressive strategy of counterattack: Women who claimed to have had sexual encounters with Mr. Clinton would become targets of digging and discrediting — tactics that women’s rights advocates frequently denounce.
The campaign hired a private investigator with a bare-knuckles reputation who embarked on a mission, as he put it in a memo, to impugn Ms. Flowers’s “character and veracity until she is destroyed beyond all recognition.”
In a pattern that would later be repeated with other women, the investigator’s staff scoured Arkansas and beyond, collecting disparaging accounts from ex-boyfriends, employers and others who claimed to know Ms. Flowers, accounts that the campaign then disseminated to the news media.
By the time Mr. Clinton finally admitted to “sexual relations” with Ms. Flowers, years later, Clinton aides had used stories collected by the private investigator to brand her as a “bimbo” and a “pathological liar.”
Clinton on Flowers ’1992 … LIES
Posted October 3, 2016 by Scared Monkeys Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Main, Scandal, Sex Scandal, Sexual Assault, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 2 comments |
US Attorney Investigating Anthony Weiner Sexting Allegations with 15 Year Old Girl
As if it was not bad enough that Anthony Weiner had previously disgraced himself with his previous sexting exploits, Weiner now finds himself in a world of trouble and possible criminal charges after having knowingly sexted with a 15 year old female minor. The Daily Mail broke the story of Anthony Weiner’s online sexual relationship with a 15-year-old girl during which she claims he asked her to dress up in ‘school-girl’ outfits for him on a video messaging application and pressed her to engage in ‘rape fantasies’. YIKES! This dude is one sick puppy. According to accounts, Weiner knew she was a 15 year old high school sophomore.
- A high school girl, whose name is being withheld by because she is a minor, reveals the online relationship began last January
- Weiner and Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s top aide, were still together
- He told the teen that it had been a year since he and Huma had sex
- The girl says she told him she was 15 and a sophomore in high school; messages confirm he knew she was underage
- In one message Weiner tells the girl ‘I would bust that tight p***y’
- She claims Weiner asked her to undress and encouraged her to touch herself and say his name over video chat
- Weiner would not get fully nude, but usually shirtless and wearing boxers
- Weiner did not deny exchanging ‘flirtatious’ messages with the teen to He declined to comment on the specifics.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D.) said Weiner’s activities could land him in jail. Gee, you think? It is a sex crime isn’t it with a minor?
Prosecutors in the office of US Attorney Preet Bharara have issued a subpoena for Anthony Weiner’s cell phone and other records, according to law enforcement officials.
The FBI and the New York Police Department have opened preliminary investigations of allegations that the former New York Democratic congressman exchanged sexually explicit text messages with a purportedly underage girl.Spokespersons for the US Attorney’s Office in Manhattan and the FBI declined to comment.
The allegations first surfaced in the Daily Mail.
The online sexting relationship allegedly went on for months between Weiner and a girl claiming to be just 15. The Daily Mail reported she said he sent her numerous photos, one of him in a pool and at least one bare-chested.
The U.S. Attorney’s Office has issued a subpoena for Weiner’s phone records after sexting with a minor.
Posted September 23, 2016 by Scared Monkeys Crime, Main, sex crimes, Sex Offender, Sex Scandal, Sexting, Sexting | no comments |
Monica Lewinsky Thought She Was the One and Only … Freaked Out After Clinton’s Affair with Former VP’s Daughter Eleanor Mondale
It would appear that former President Bill Clinton was quite the busy man in the White House doing with not foreign or domestic affairs, but just AFFAIRS. According to the New York Post, Monica Lewinsky thought she was Bubba Clinton’s one and only mistress and allegedly became unhinged when she found out that Slick Willy was having an affair also with former Veep under Carter, Walter Mondale’s daughter. Hmm, wonder if Hillary cared at all? But of course Eleanor Mondale claims they were just friends.
President Bill Clinton had an affair with former Vice President Walter Mondale’s daughter — while multitasking with at least two mistresses in the White House — according to a tell-all by a Secret Service officer who guarded the Oval Office.
Gary J. Byrne’s account of walking in on Clinton and the gorgeous Eleanor Mondale, then a TV journalist, is the first eyewitness report of the long-rumored affair.
“There before us was E! Network host Eleanor Mondale .?.?. and President Clinton in a compromising position, that is, making out on the Map Room table,” Byrne writes of the alleged Christmastime tryst around the middle of Clinton’s presidency.
Mondale, who was romantically linked to Arnold Schwarzenegger and Eagles drummer Don Henley, died in 2011 of brain cancer at age 51. She had maintained she and Clinton were “just friends.”
On Dec. 6, 1997, the former intern arrived at the White House gate under the pretense of visiting with the president’s personal secretary. The Secret Service officers guarding the gate understood the special relationship the two had and that Lewinsky had arrived to see the president.
Only this time, Lewinsky was denied entry, according to Byrne, who was stationed elsewhere when she appeared but heard her arrival on his service radio.
“The president is still with another appointment,” Clinton secretary Betty Currie told the gate officer, who relayed the message to Lewinsky.
Posted June 20, 2016 by Scared Monkeys Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton, Former Presidents, Hillary Clinton, Scandal, Sex Scandal | no comments |
Perv Josh Duggar Admits Cheating on Wife After Data Released in Ashley Madison Hack
Following the release of members data by hackers from the affair orientated web site, Ashley Madison, former reality TV star Josh Duggar admitted today that he had subscribed to the website and cheated on his wife. Really, you scumbag? If it wasn’t bad enough that Josh Duggar skated on molesting his sisters when he was a teen and was never punished for it, now we find out the one time executive director of the Family Research Council, who stepped down in disgrace, was a paying member on the adulterous website Ashley Madison and cheated on his lovely wife. This goes beyond hypocrite, YOU ARE A POS SCUMBAG!!!
Former reality TV star Josh Duggar on Thursday admitted cheating on his wife after reports that he had subscribed to the Ashley Madison affair website, apologizing for being “the biggest hypocrite ever.”
“While espousing faith and family values, I have been unfaithful to my wife,” Duggar, 27, a former campaigner for family values who appeared on the TLC show “19 Kids and Counting,” said in a statement posted on his family’s website.
“The last few years, while publicly stating I was fighting against immorality in our country I was hiding my own personal failures,” he added, calling himself the “biggest hypocrite ever.”
The Discovery Communications-owned network last month cancelled “19 Kids,” after disclosures in May that Duggar had sexually abused four of his sisters when he was a teenager, one of whom was under 10 years old at the time.
Duggar apologised in a statement, saying he “acted inexcusably,” and resigned from his job at Christian lobbying group Family Research Council.
In an earlier version of Duggar’s statement posted on the family’s website and reported by People magazine and Buzzfeed, he said “I have secretly over the last several years been viewing pornography on the internet and this became a secret addiction and I became unfaithful to my wife.”
Josh Duggar Spent $1000 on Ashley Madison Site?
People can ask for forgiveness and can be forgiven, however, there has to be remorse, true remorse, not the kind that one gets just because they are caught red handed with their hands in the cookie jar.
Posted August 20, 2015 by Scared Monkeys Celebrity, cybersecurity, Duggars, Hacked/Hacking, Internet, Liars, Scandal, Sex Scandal, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | one comment |