Fox News Sunday: George Will Compares Barack Obama to Richard Nixon … “Has There Ever, With the Exception of Richard Nixon in 1973, Been a Worse First Year of a Second Term?”

So much for Obama being like Reagan or Lincoln, the comparisons are more like Richard Nixon … OUCH!!!

On Fox News Sunday during the panel discussion, George Will hammered Barack Obama’s first year of his second term as president comparing it to that of Richard Nixon’s second term. Will went on to say that he cannot even use the Clinton pandering of “I feel your pain”. Will opined, “It’s one thing for Bill Clinton to say ‘I feel your pain.’ It’s another thing for Barack Obama to say, ‘I feel your pain that I have caused.’”

“It’s one thing for Bill Clinton to say “I feel your pain.” It’s another thing for Barack Obama to say, “I feel your pain that I have caused.” … We this week marked the one year anniversary of his reelection. Has there ever, with the exception of Richard Nixon in 1973, been a worse first year of a second term?”

Video Hat Tip: The Gateway Pundit

Note to MSM, Benghazi-gate and IRS-gate are far worse than Watergate. Why don’t you actually cover them like you mean it! Hot Air adds to the scandalpalooza that is the Obama presidency.

Barack Obama Approval Rating Sinks to New low in NBC/WSJ Poll … 42% Approve – 51% Disapprove

How low can he go … after having lied to America regarding Obamacare, “If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan. period!” My bet is that it will go even lower …

According to the most recent NBC/WSJ poll, Obama’s job approval rating is down 5% this month to a new low of 42%. The Gateway Pundit reports via NBC’s Chuck Todd’s tweet, Obama’s persona; approval rating upside down for first time ever with 41% viewing him in a favorable light and 45% viewing him negatively. We have said for years that Obama’s approval rating would be in the 30′s if the liberal MSM just did their job and reported the truth and the news about Barack Obama, rather than be is propaganda shills. The MSM is just starting to fairly report on Obamacare and Obama’s lies.

Imagine, just imagine what Obama’s approval ratings would be like  if the MSM decided to truthfully report on Benghazi, IRS-gate, the economy, the $17 trillion debt, Food Stamp America, Fast & Furious, the NSA, Energy policy, EPA, Obamacare and Obama’s disastrous foreign policy in Egypt, Libya, Syria and the entire Middle East. This man has been a catastrophe for the United States.


President Barack Obama’s approval rating has declined to an all-time low as public frustration with Washington and pessimism about the nation’s direction continue to grow, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

Just 42 percent approve of the president’s job performance, which is down five points from earlier this month. By comparison, 51 percent disapprove of his job in office — tied for his all-time high.

The NBC/WSJ pollsters argue that no single reason explains Obama’s lower poll standing. Rather, they attribute it to the accumulation of setbacks since the summer — allegations of spying by the National Security Agency, the debate over Syria’s chemical weapons, the government shutdown and now intense scrutiny over the problems associated with the health care law’s federal website and its overall implementation.

As for other results from the NBC/WSJ poll, from the looks of how individuals feel about Congress, incumbent and establishment politicians should be a bit nervous heading into 2014 and 2016. The people may have finally reached the tipping point and will throw the bums out.

Read Full poll results HERE.

Real Clear Politics has every poll with Obama’s job approval rating underwater and an average of 43.9% approve,  51.6% disapprove and  -7.7% spread.

MSNBC Strikes Again: VIDEO of Numerous Examples of Obama Appearing to be Left in the Dark from ‘Fast & Furious’ to ‘Benghazi’ to ‘IRS-gate’, etc … The Bystander in Chief or Did He Know All Along and Is Lying?

What did the President know and when?

Barack Obama was supposed to be the smartest president ever. Now we see a president is a mere onlooker in his own White House. MSNBC and ‘The Morning Joe’ delivered a damning video of Barack Obama, the Bystander in Chief, who appears to be just clueless and left in the dark. But is it really possible that an individual, the President of the United States, could be that far out of the loop and disengaged from all things bad and scandalous in his administration like Fast & Furious, IRS-gate, Benghazi terror attack, NSA-gate, AP-gate, and the Obamacare rollout. But at the same time Obama is in the minutia with Obamacare in acting like an insurance agent selling plans and getting involved in the George Zimmerman-Trayvon Martin case.

Is this really a case of Obama being a bystander, or his attempt for plausible deniability? Does anyone really think Obama is out of the loop, or are all of his actions intentional with a smile?

So what is worse America, a liar as president, or a complete and total incompetent? Let this be a lesson to all Americans why you never elect a community agitator as president or some one so unqualified to do the job.

ATF Tries to Block Whistleblowing Book on Fast and Furious by Special Agent John Dodson Citing It Would Hurt Morale

Obviously the ATF has never heard of the First Amendment to the US Constitution …

The Washington Times is reporting that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is blocking”whistleblower” special agent John Dodson from publishing a book on the ‘Fast & Furious’ government gun walking scandal. The ATF is claiming that the book would hurt moral in the agency. Really, that’s your reason? The First Amendment is being shredded because the ATF is worried about morale? It is more likely that Attorney General Eric Holder and President Barack Obama are more worried about the information that will come out that will be embarrassing to them. With all the scandals plaguing the Obama White House, Obama does not want to have to revisit this not-so “phony” scandal.


The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is blocking the main whistleblower in the Fast and Furious case from publishing a book, claiming his retelling of the Mexico “gun-walking” scandal will hurt morale inside the embattled law enforcement agency, according to documents obtained by The Washington Times.

ATF’s dispute with Special Agent John Dodson is setting up a First Amendment showdown that is poised to bring together liberal groups like the American Civil Liberties Union and conservatives in Congress who have championed Mr. Dodson’s protection as a whistleblower.

The ACLU is slated to become involved in the case Monday, informing ATF it is representing Mr. Dodson and filing a formal protest to the decision to reject his request to publish the already written book, sources told The Times, speaking only on the condition of anonymity.

The Fast & Furious gun walking program during the Obama presidency has lead to the death of border agent Brian Terry and allowed the guns into Mexico where they were responsible for countless number of murders.

UPDATE I: ACLU says ATF blocks whistleblower book on scandal.

The ACLU charged that the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is worried that the book proposed by an ATF agent would hurt relationships with other U.S. law enforcement agencies.

In a six-page letter to ATF Deputy Director Thomas Brandon, the ACLU said the bureau’s decision to block the book proposed by Special Agent John Dodson was a violation of his First Amendment rights. The ACLU described Dodson as a whistle-blower.

According to the letter, the ATF denied Dodson’s request to try to publish a book about his version of the Fast and Furious scandal because the bureau predicted it would have “a negative impact on morale in the Phoenix (Field Division) and would have a detrimental” impact on ATF relationships with the FBI and the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Clash Between US Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) Challenging John Kerry With Benghazi Questions During Syria Hearing and the Obama Administrations Credibility

Representative Duncan shreds Secretary of State John Kerry and the Obama Administration on credibility.

Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) challenged Kerry and the Obama administration on military action in Syria when they have a lack of credibility doing anything with Benghazi, Fast & Furious and other White House scandals. Duncan said to Sec. Kerry, “America deserves answers before we send another man or woman the caliber of Ty Woods in harm’s way especially in another country’s civil war.” Obviously Duncan hit a nerve with Kerry as the Sec. of State became very defensive and thin skinned with his answers and response. Then Kerry said the unthinkable which made his predecessors, Hillary Clinton’s, comment, “What difference does it make” (VIDEO 5:14) pale in comparison …   “We’re talking about people being killed by gas and you want to go talk about Benghazi and Fast and Furious!” Unbelievable. So are we to understand that the death of four Americans, including Ambassador Stevens, in Benghazi where no one has been brought to justice and  US Border guard Brian Terry’s death are actually less important in the eyes of the Obama administration? We are still the United States of America, are we not?

“These issues call into question the accountability of this administration,” Duncan said. “Its commitment to the personnel on the ground, and the judgment that it uses when, making these determinations. The American people deserve answers before they move forward talking about military involvement in Syria.”

This is what happens when you have a president who cannot be trusted and who has scandals abound. There is no political capital to give him the benefit of the doubt. Obama has no credibility.

The Blaze:

Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) during the House Foreign Affairs Committee’s hearing on Syria Wednesday got into a tense back and forth with Secretary of State John Kerry after the congressman brought up last year’s deadly Benghazi terror attack to question the White House’s credibility on foreign affairs.

The administration has a serious credibility issue with the American people,” Duncan said, “due to unanswered questions surrounding the terrorist attack in Benghazi almost a year ago.”

He went on to mention some of the other major scandals that have plagued the Obama administration, including the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of conservative groups and the Department of Justice’s monitoring of the Associated Press.

“Bottom line is there’s a need for accountability and trust-building from the administration,” he said. “The administration has a credibility issue.”

Sorry, but the Obama administration has no credibility. Some how they cannot bring to justice those that killed four Americans in Benghazi and pretty much refuse to investigate and get answers, let alone try to lie and defraud the American people as to what happened there. They have no credibility with Fast & Furious, AP-gate, IRS-gate, FOX/Rosen-gate, NSA-gate and the list goes on and on. This administration has a record of being less than honest with the American people. Why should they be given the benefit of the doubt now? Obama tried to rush us into a military action and a Syrian civil war with no Congressional approval until the Brits said no to PM Cameron. JUST SAY NO!

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