Gallup Poll: Barack Obama’s Greatest Failure … OBAMACARE, His Greatest Achievement … NOTHING!!!

President Barack Obama’s presidency in a nutshell … his greatest failure is his signature piece of legislation, Obamacare.

According to a recent Gallup poll, Barack Obama greatest failure of his presidency to date by an overwhelming number of 36% has been Obamacare, followed by not getting along with Congress and working with Republicans (9%), lack of communication (5%), lack of leadership (4%) and so on. When it comes to Obama’s failures, there is so many to chose from. You could have answered the questions of Obama’s failures, the jobless job recovery, the economy, real unemployment, record number of Americans on food stamps, record $17 trillion debt, wasteful spending, investments in green energy,  the scandals (IRS-gate, Fast & Furious, Benghazi-gate, AP-gate,  Fox/Rosen-gate, NSA spy-gate), Middle East Arab Spring, Libya, Egypt, etc.

On the other hand, Republicans (50%) and Democrats (25%) alike are most likely to mention Obamacare as the president’s biggest failure, although Republicans are twice as likely to do so. This suggests that even Democrats recognize the negative issues associated with the new healthcare law and its implementation. Republicans also cite Obama’s lack of communication and lack of leadership as a failure, while Democrats mention his inability to get along with Congress and Republicans, his lack of communication, lack of immigration reform, lack of leadership, and his inability to bring all troops home.


Hey America, did I tell you that you can keep your healthcare if you like it?

I am not quite sure what some of these media outlets like CNN and  … are reporting that Obamacare in Barack Obama’s greatest achievement and failure. Take a look at the poll below, “Nothing/None” at 23% is #1 as Obama’s greatest achievement to date, the ACA/Obamacare is second. Honestly, one would have to be hard pressed to name anything that this president has accomplished that would be considered an achievement and benfit for the United States of America.

Gallup_Obama_biggest failure

Gallup Poll: 72% Say Big Goverment is Greatest Threat to America Than Big Business or Big Labor … Total Rejection of Obama, Nanny State Liberalism

Looks like America might just know tyranny when they see it …

According to the latest Gallup poll, an astonishing 72% of Americans now say that “BIG” government is the greatest threat to America as compared with big business and big labor. WOW!!!

The PJ Tatler makes an astute observation that has a lot of merit, see the chart below and notice when the noticeable upward trend began in 2009. Hmm, what happened then? Of course this boost in Americans fear of big government has everything to do with the so-called “Hope & Change” that they voted for in electing Barack Obama. It would appear that the folks at Hot Air noticed the remarkable trajectory as well.  He promised transparency and delivered something quite different. What’s the matter America, you have a problem with the IRS enforcing Obamacare? Personally, I think they need to start including the MSM in these polls as well.

America, wake the hell up and make a stand against “BIG GOVERNMENT” liberalism or it will be here to stay. Elections matter, get out and vote against it if you feel strongly against it!!!

An Gallup_Govt Biggest Threat

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Seventy-two percent of Americans say big government is a greater threat to the U.S. in the future than is big business or big labor, a record high in the nearly 50-year history of this question. The prior high for big government was 65% in 1999 and 2000. Big government has always topped big business and big labor, including in the initial asking in 1965, but just 35% named it at that time.

The latest update comes from a Dec. 5-8 poll. Gallup has documented a steady increase in concern about big government since 2009, rising from 55% in March 2009 to 64% in November 2011 and 72% today. This suggests that government policies specific to the period, such as the Affordable Care Act — perhaps coupled with recent revelations of government spying tactics by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden — may be factors.

I would also add this upswing has in part to do with a bunch of gutless, establishment RINO’s who think that it is more important to sell ouch their Republican principles and protecting “We the People” as opposed to retain their power.

MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry Says “Obamacare” Is Same As Using The “N” Word … The Liberal MSM Playing the Race Card as They Play Chief WH Propagandists

WOW, when I first watched this VIDEO I  thought it was a SNL parody skit. Then realized this lib was actually being serious. I guess she went to that media/WH meeting about how to shill for Obamacare! Yup, NO MEDIA BIAS HERE …

Five years later, two elections later, record number of Americans on food stamps, real unemployment at all time highs, median household incomes at all time lows, job participation at all time lows, the Middle East in chaos, greater terror threats to America than ever before, millions of Americans losing their insurance, premium costs skyrocketing, scandals like IRS-date, AP-gate, Fast & Furious, NSA-gate and the liberal MSM is using the race card with the blessing of the Obama White House. MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry is saying that by saying “Obamacare” is the same as using the “N” word and you are a racist. In a cheer-leading Obama rant that would have made Joseph Goebbels blush, she suggested the term “Obamacare” and the N-word are interchangeable, claiming both were “conceived by a group of wealthy white men who needed to . . . render [a black man] inferior and unequal and diminish his accomplishments.”  Hmm, what was Reaganomics, Romneycare, Hillary-healthcare? What about Voo-doo economics? Were all these racists too? It’s called political discourse you IDIOT!

How very sad that liberals in the media continue to try to divide America and make everything about race in an attempt to stop people from criticizing a disastrous law by calling them racists. A note to MSNBC and Melissa Harris-Perry that have you taken a look at how “We the People” feel about Barack Obama? There is a reason why Barack Obama is at an all-time low in the polls, down 23% with Hispanics,  down 17% with Non-Whites and down 14% with women, are they racist too? Are the millennial’s who voted overwhelmingly for Obama in 2008 and 2012 racist too, 57% disapprove of Obamacare and 52% want it repealed..

From The Daily Caller:

HARRIS-PERRY: “I want to talk today about a controversial word. It’s a word that has been with us for years. And like it or not, it’s indelibly printed in the pages of American history. A word that was originally intended as a derogatory term, meant to shame and divide and demean. The word was conceived of by a group of wealthy white men who needed a way to put themselves above and apart from a black man, to render him inferior and unequal and diminish his accomplishments.

“President Obama has been labelled with this word by his opponents, and at first he rose above it, hoping that if he could just make a cause for what he’d achieved, his opponents would fail in making their label stick. But no matter how many successes that he had as president, he realized there were still many people for whom he’d never be anything more than that one disparaging word — a belief he knew was held not just by his political opponents, but also by a significant portion of the American electorate.

“And so he decided if you can’t beat them, you’ve got to join them. So he embraced the word and made it his own, sending his opposition a message they weren’t expecting: ‘If that’s what you want me to be, I’ll be that.’

“Y’all know the word that I’m talking about. Obamacare! That’s right! I said it and I’m not ashamed, and neither is President Obama!” (More HERE)

Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) Says of the Obama Administration: “I Think the Current Administration Has Taken Lying to a New Level”

Senator John Cornyn is finally on board with Scared Monkeys … Barack Obama is The Lion Lying King …

Last night on the Kelly File’s, Megyn Kelly discussed with Obama sycophant and  National Press Secretary for Obama’s 2012 campaign  Ben Labolt about Sen. Cornyn’s comment that, “I think the current administration has taken lying to a new level.” In typical Obama/Saul Alinsky fashion, Labolt attacked Republicans for the failures of Obamacare. Pathetic. Then he went on to lie and say that Obama apologized for lying to Americans, that they could keep their healthcare plan if they liked it, Period! Of course Kelly was quick to correct the Obama mouth peice to say that what the president said was that he was sorry that people found themselves in the situation they are in because of something he said.  And of course there was the typical “blame Bush” attack. What a pathetic bunch of people who just are incapable of telling the truth and owning up to it when they are caught red handed.

Come on America, I think it was pretty obvious that Barack Obama, Democrats and their minions mislead and lied to the American people.

The Politico:

Sen. John Cornyn says the White House has been lying about the attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, and accused them of a cover-up.

“I think the current administration has taken lying to a new level,” Cornyn said during a Google hangout on Monday in response to a question about Benghazi.

Cornyn praised the work of House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, who has tried to subpoena information and witnesses from the State Department. The senator said Congress should use “all the tools available … to hold people accountable.”

“It’s harder when the administration decides to cover this up and mislead and to change the subject, which they seem very good at doing, but … I assure you we’re not going to let this one go,” Cornyn said. “To me that’s the one thing that I find most aggravating about what’s happening in Washington these days and particularly about this administration, which is a lack of accountability and the willingness to mislead people or provide them just demonstrably false information and expect to be able to move on.”

AP-GfK Poll: What a Sad Commentary of Today’s Society, Two-Thirds Say People Can’t Be Trusted … #You Lie

When did “Trust” become a 4-letter word … Who will be the role models?

As the AP article says, ‘In God we trust, maybe, but not each other’. How sad. What a sad commentary on where our society has gone where Americans don’t trust each other anymore. It is one thing to have blind trust and rose colored glasses, it is quite another to have trust be remain skeptical and always question. However, the trust trends, or lack thereof have rose dramatically in the last 40 years. I think it is no surprise that it would be based on the Watergate years. But what has changed in that respect where people would think at the very least that their President could set the image of trust. But that is certainly not the case today as Americans found out that Barack Obama was lying when he told “We the People” that if you liked your healthcare plan, you could keep your healthcare plan, PERIOD! That coupled with all to many scandals like IRS-gate, AP-gate, Fast & Furious, Benghazi-gate, NSA-gate, Rosen-gate, etc. How could people really trust when they see all of these lies going on around them?

But it is larger than just politics. We need something to reverse the trend so that individuals want to trust others.


These days, only one-third of Americans say most people can be trusted. Half felt that way in 1972, when the General Social Survey first asked the question.

Forty years later, a record high of nearly two-thirds say “you can’t be too careful” in dealing with people.

An AP-GfK poll conducted last month found that Americans are suspicious of each other in everyday encounters. Less than one-third expressed a lot of trust in clerks who swipe their credit cards, drivers on the road, or people they meet when traveling.

“I’m leery of everybody,” said Bart Murawski, 27, of Albany, N.Y. “Caution is always a factor.”

Does it matter that Americans are suspicious of one another? Yes, say worried political and social scientists.

What’s known as “social trust” brings good things.

A society where it’s easier to compromise or make a deal. Where people are willing to work with those who are different from them for the common good. Where trust appears to promote economic growth.

Trust has to be earned, it does not grow on trees. And once trust is broken, it takes years, sometimes forever to repair. So, is it too late to reverse this trend? Some say that it is. Is it possible to go back to a simpler time and instill not only trust, but values in people to act accordingly? The question really is, who will step up and play the adult to make “TRUST” a valued principle?

In fact, some studies suggest it’s too late for most Americans alive today to become more trusting. That research says the basis for a person’s lifetime trust levels is set by his or her mid-twenties and unlikely to change, other than in some unifying crucible such as a world war.

People do get a little more trusting as they age. But beginning with the baby boomers, each generation has started off adulthood less trusting than those who came before them.

The best hope for creating a more trusting nation may be figuring out how to inspire today’s youth, perhaps united by their high-tech gadgets, to trust the way previous generations did in simpler times.

There are still trusters around to set an example.

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