Another Obamaination … U.N. Ambassador Rice, who Helped Deceived America on Beghazi Attack Promoted to National Security Adviser for Being Good Little Obama Soldier


Should we really be surprised? UN Ambassador Susan Rice to replace Tom Donilon in the Top National Security post. The woman who went out on five Sunday talk shows and put forth false talking points for Barack Obama in the wake of the Benghazi consulate attacks that left four Americans dead has been promoted. WHAT A JOKE. This is how Obama handles scandals. He promotes those “good little soldiers” who do his bidding. So this is how the president tries to put Benghazi behind him? Defiant to the end. Obama is not a leader, he is a thin skinned individual who has no business being president.

Benghazi Whistle-Blower Witness Greg Hicks Responds to Questions from Rep Trey Goudy (SC-R): “I Was Stunned. My Jaw Dropped. I Was Embarrassed” After Susan Rice TV Appearance on 5 Sunday Talk Shows

So this is what Barack Obama in his infinite wisdom thinks should be promoted. And you really think he will punish those in the IRS that did his bidding against the Tea Party and helped him win reelection?

Remember back when, we asked … Will Susan Rice be Obama’s New National Security Adviser after Failed Sec. of State Bid … What About Benghazi? Guess what, the sick answer is, she is.

In a major shakeup of President Obama’s foreign-policy inner circle, Tom Donilon, the national security adviser, is resigning and will be replaced by Susan E. Rice, the American ambassador to the United Nations, White House officials said late Tuesday.

The appointment, which Mr. Obama plans to make on Wednesday afternoon, puts Ms. Rice, 48, an outspoken diplomat and a close political ally, at the heart of the administration’s foreign-policy apparatus.

It is also a defiant gesture to Republicans who harshly criticized Ms. Rice for presenting an erroneous account of the deadly attacks on the American mission in Benghazi, Libya. The post of national security adviser, while powerful, does not require Senate confirmation.

Obama knew that Rice could not win confirmationto be Secretary of State, so she gets slotted into this position instead. Guess what, no Senate confirmation required.  Obama is a spiteful individual, nothing more. No one would put such a lightening rod in place, unless they were just looking to be an SOB. This will have to bring the Benghazi faux talking points up again to the American attention. Is this Obama’s answer to defelct attention away from the IRS scandal or is this just Obama acting small and poking the eyes of Republicans again?

Much more at Legal Insurrection.

2016 cannot come soon enough!


Beghazi-Gate: Benghazi Talking Points Underwent 12 Revisions … Scrubbed of Terror & Al-Qaeda Reference … Obama White House Initially Said Only One Word was Edited

BENGHAZIGATE = WATERGATE … File this one under better late media investigation than never. It is obvious that Benghazi was one big Obama administration lie for political convenience because of the 2012 Presidential election.

Remember when the Obama White House and their mouth piece minions like Susan Rice came out after the attack on the Benghazi consulate that resulted in the death of four American including Ambassador Stevens and blamed it on a video tape? Of course any normal, common sense thinking person knew that was BS at the time and it was later proved to be complete BS. Benghazi “whistle-blower” witness Greg Hicks stated in from of Congressional hearings this week … “I Was Stunned. My Jaw Dropped. I Was Embarrassed.”  The Obama White House said that they relied entirely on CIA talking points. NOT SO FAST …  ABC News  has obtained 12 different versions of the talking points that show that they were dramatically edited and scrubbed by the Obama Administration.  The initial CIA talking point draft to the final one used by the White House and distributed to Congress was scrubbed of all references to terrorism, Al-Qaeda. The story goes on to say, in an email to officials at the White House and the intelligence agencies, State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland took issue with including that information because it “could be abused by members [of Congress] to beat up the State Department for not paying attention to warnings, so why would we want to feed that either? So Hillary Clinton’s spokesperson wanted to sanitize the talking points so the State department did not looks incompetent and derelict in their duty? Who thinks that Secretary of State was not aware of these changes? Seriously America … the 2016 wanna be Democrat frontrunner candidate knew it all.

So where would the directive come from to scrub the references to terrorism to a talking point of a terror attack just months before the 2012 Presidential election? Who was “The One” who’s narrative was  Al-Qaeda was on pat to defeat and Bin Laden is dead (VIDEO)?

Benghazi_ABC News_Talkingpoints2

Click on pic to watch the ABC News VIDEO

ABC News has obtained 12 different versions of the talking points that show they were extensively edited as they evolved from the drafts first written entirely by the CIA to the final version distributed to Congress and to U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice before she appeared on five talk shows the Sunday after that attack.

White House emails reviewed by ABC News suggest the edits were made with extensive input from the State Department.  The edits included requests from the State Department that references to the Al Qaeda-affiliated group Ansar al-Sharia be deleted as well references to CIA warnings about terrorist threats in Benghazi in the months preceding the attack.

Benghazi_ABC News_Talkingpoints1

That would appear to directly contradict what White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said about the talking points in November.

“Those talking points originated from the intelligence community.  They reflect the IC’s best assessments of what they thought had happened,” Carney told reporters at the White House press briefing on November 28, 2012.  “The White House and the State Department have made clear that the single adjustment that was made to those talking points by either of those two institutions were changing the word ‘consulate’ to ‘diplomatic facility’ because ‘consulate’ was inaccurate.”

Hmm, this is a far cry from the “only one word was edited” from the talking points spewed by Obama White House spokesman, Jay Carney. The White House has denied accusations that they mislead the American public and did not  mischaracterize the White House and State Department’s role in developing of talking points regarding the attack on the American diplomatic post in Benghazi. Who are you going to believe America, Obama’s chief spin-meister Jay Carney, or your lying eyes and ears?

Carney on Friday was responding to an ABC News report  that the talking points given to U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice about Benghazi underwent 12 rounds of revisions with extensive input from the State Department, seemingly contradicting Carney’s claims in November.

During a White House briefing then, Carney said that the talking points “originated from the intelligence community” and the only adjustment from the White House and State Department was “changing the word ‘consulate’ to ‘diplomatic facility.’”

Benghazi Whistle-Blower Witness Greg Hicks Responds to Questions from Rep Trey Goudy (SC-R): “I Was Stunned. My Jaw Dropped. I Was Embarrassed” After Susan Rice TV Appearance on 5 Sunday Talk Shows


Today during the House Government Oversight and Reform Committee on Benghazi hearings, “Whistle-Blower” witness Greg Hicks time and time again contradicted the Obama Administration’s, the Hillary Clinton State Department’s and the concocted BS that has been put forth regarding the before during and after Benghazi consulate terror attacks. During part of his testimony Greg Hicks answered questions from Rep. Trey Goudy (SC-R) and told the committee that Susan Rice never consulted State Department officials in Libya before making her five appearance on Sunday Shows shilling her lie to the American people that the Benghazi attack was a result of an anti-Islamic VIDEO.  Greg Hicks was the highest ranking officer at the time on the ground in Libya, following the death of Ambassador Stevens and Susan Rice never talked to him. When Hicks was asked about Ambassador Susan Rice’s performance on the Sunday talk shows, Hicks stated … “I Was Stunned. My Jaw Dropped. I Was Embarrassed.”

Must see VIDEO … hours after the Benghazi Consulate attack, the President of Libya said it was an attack with possible terror links. When Hicks was asked, did the President of Libya ever mentioned a spontaneous protest over a VIDEO tape, he answered, NO. Hicks was asked, when Ambassador Stevens spoke to you just minutes before he died, as a dying declaration, what precisely did he say to you? Hicks responded, “he said, Greg, we are under attack”. Rep.  Goudy asked, did he [Stevens] mention one word about a protest or demonstration? Hicks responded, no, he did not.

EXIT QUESTION: So who does not think that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton blew the Benghazi consulate attack response and tried to cover it up? Obama sent his minions out to cover this up. Sorry LEFT, not even Richard Nixon had anyone die as a result of Watergate.

‘This Week’ Interview: U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice blames attack on spontaneous protest

‘FOX News Sunday’ – Susan Rice blames attack on spontaneous protest from offensive video, not pre-planned and was not against US foreign policy

Hillary Clinton during earlier Benghazi Senate hearing caught in lie and unable to answer simple question, why didn’t you just ask individuals on the ground what happened? That was too difficult according to Hillary.

First Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings Attacks Whistle-Blowers in Opening Statement, Later Says the Unthinkable to the Memories of Stevens, Smith, Doherty & Woods … “Death Is a Part of Life”

House Oversight Committee on Benghazi:


There are vile, disgusting, Obama water-carrying shills who would do and say anything to protect and shield President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State and wanna be 2016 Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for political expedience and then there is Democrat Rep. Elijah Cummings.  First Elijah Cummings ripped the GOP and “whistle-blowers” for trying to politicize the events that took place in Benghazi, September 11, 2012. Cummings basic attitude was that we already heard about Benghazi and its basically a waste of time to hear from actual individuals that were on the ground. How sad that this partisan hack would not want to hear everything so that such an action would never happen again that saw four Americans, Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith,  Glen Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods die. But of course if it was GWB who did such a thing, the reaction would have been much different.

“(These are) unfounded accusations to smear administration officials. I am questioning the motives of those who want to use their statements for political purposes.”

VIDEO via Gateway Pundit

Then we get this vile and reprehensible comment from Cummings. This unadulterated fool tells the witnesses, the families and friends of the deceased Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith,  Glen Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods and insulting their memories that “death is a part of life”. WTF!!! Are you serious? No sir, death is a part of complete incompetence, political correctness, a foolish foreign policy, the resistance to beef up security when asked and the refusal to help fellow Americans in need at their most desperate hour. You would dare make such a comment after the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton had Susan Rice go on 5 Sunday morning talk shows and blame the attack on a VIDEO tape. I though death was a part of a VIDEO? Seeing that Obama, Hillary, et all were caught in that lie, now “death is a part of life”. This is how the ranking Democrat member of the  House Oversight Committee on Benghazi rationalizes the terror murders of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith,  Glen Doherty and Tyrone S. Woods. SICK!

Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), ranking member of the House Oversight Committee, tells Benghazi witnesses that “death is a part of life.”

From Real Clear Politics:

CUMMINGS: And, as I listen to your testimony I could not help but think of something that I said very recently — two years ago now — in a eulogy for a relative. I said that death is a part of life, so often we have to find a way to make life a part of death. And, I guess the reason why I’m saying that, going back to something Mr. Nordstrom said, he wanted, I guess all of you said this, he wanted to make sure we learn from this.

Thomas Hicks, We Knew Benghazi was a Terrorist Attack “from the Get-Go” … Dem Rep. Lynch Admits that Benghazi Talking Points: ‘It Was Scrubbed … It Was False Information.”

BENGHAZI-GATE just got worse for President Barack Obama and future presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton.

The headline might as well be, CBS News reports … Bombshell tonight, ala Nancy Grace; however, in this case, it truly is a bombshell and the Obama Administration has much explanting to do. Bob Schieffer from CBS’s ‘Face the Nation’ started out by saying its the story that just won’t go away. For those Republicans in the House that think they have no political juice, here are words that I never thought I would ever hear from CBS News … “there is new information raising questions about whether there was a cover-up by the State Department to deflect criticism that it had ignored requests for more security for its people in Libya.”

That is much to the displeasure this morning in the Obama White House, with former Sec. of State Hillary Clinton and the among the MSM who have tried to bury what really happened at the  Benghzi consulate in Libya on September 11, 2012.  Just how bad is the government cover-up of Benghazi-gate when CBS News is forced to report the new information and use the “cover-up” word? As discussed at the PJ Tatler, Thomas Hicks, the former deputy chief of mission in Libya and the number-two diplomat in Libya at the time of the terrorist attack on our diplomatic mission reportedly told a congressional committee that they knew that it was a terrorist attack “from the get-go.”  This is a far different story that we were told directly after the terror attack that left four Americans dead, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens. Also, a much different story than put out by the Obama WH and that individuals have testified to in front of Congress.

“Everybody in the mission” in Benghazi, Libya, thought the attack on a U.S. consulate there last Sept. 11 was an act of terror “from the get-go,” according to excerpts of an interview investigators conducted with the No. 2 official in Libya at the time, obtained by CBS News’ “Face the Nation.”

“I think everybody in the mission thought it was a terrorist attack from the beginning,” Greg Hicks, a 22-year foreign service diplomat who was the highest-ranking U.S. official in Libya after the strike, told investigators under authority of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Hicks, the former U.S. Embassy Tripoli deputy chief of mission, was not in Benghazi at the time of the attack, which killed Chris Stevens – then the U.S. ambassador to Libya – and three other Americans.

The House hearings on Benghazi this week with “whistle-blowers” Mark Thompson, Gregory Hicks and Eric Nordstrum just got a lot more interesting and promises to be must see TV,  http://Oversight.House.Gov at 11:30  here

Also this weekend on ‘FOX News Sunday’ with Chris Wallace, Democratic congressman Stephen Lynch said that Susan Rice used “scrubbed” talking points on Benghazi to deliver “false information” to the American people. Lynch went on to say that, “Absolutely, they were false, they were wrong,” after being asked about Steve Hayes’s report on “The Benghazi Talking Points.” Damning.  It is pathetic yet all too common for this Administration that the moment there was a tragedy, as stated at Michelle they looked for the political advantage rather than leadership and dealing with the issue at hand rather than leadership and dealing with four dead Americans. It was all about the “talking points” and how Obama could exploit this, not about the death’s of four brave Americans.

The Weekly Standard has the transcript of the key parts of the discussion:

Lynch: “They certainly weren’t accurate. I don’t know what the process was there. But, absolutely, they were false. They were wrong. There were no protests outside of the Benghazi compound there. This was a deliberate and strategic attack on the consulate there. So any statements that this was sort of like the other protests that we saw in Cairo and other embassies- this was not that type of case. This was a concerted effort. ”

Wallace “How do you explain the fact that that Sunday, UN Ambassador Rice came on this show and 4 other Sunday shows- never mentioned Al Qaeda extremists which had been scrubbed from the talking points- but did mention a reaction to the anti-Islam video which had never been in any of the talking points?”

Lynch: “Well it was scrubbed- it was totally inaccurate. You’re absolutely right. There was no excuse for that. It was false information. And what they tried to was harmonize what happened in Benghazi with what happened everywhere else across the Middle East. Which was totally wrong.”

Wallace: “And do you think part of that was- do you think it was scrubbed because of the fact that didn’t fit into President’s narrative that Al Qaeda was on the run?”

Lynch: “Well I, yeah, I think it was a victory of ‘hope over reality’- to be honest with you. They were hoping this wasn’t the case.”

As they say, the cover-up is always worse than the crime. However, in this case because four Americans died, both are equally as bad. It is obvious this cover up took place to play a four corners offense and delay the truth so that the reelection of Barack Obama could take place first, rather than “The One” having to deal with a “Watergate” prior to the 2012 election. And the MSM was all too willing to oblige.

I would say to White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, it looks like Benghazi just got a bit more recent.

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