Donald Trump Blames Conservatives For GOP Betrayals … Really, Trumps True Colors Are Shown


We all knew, well I hope most us us knew, that Donald Trump was not a true Conservative, he just latched on the the discontent and the frustration with all politicians, especially those in Washington, DC and especially with many in the Republican party who were tired of being lied to. Make no mistake about it, the Republican party has betrayed its base, but not by Conservatives, but instead by the GOP establishment and those in leadership roles. Those like Ted Cruz draw the ire of the Republican sellouts and go along to get along GOP politicians. Much like Ronald Reagan did in the 1980′s.

So a note to Donald Trump, either you haven’t a clue to what you are talking about or you are a wolf in Democrats clothing. As it is hardly the Conservatives who have sold out the base. Because we all know that it was conservatives who have political campaign donations to Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Oh, oops, that was Donald Trump.  We don’t need lectures from who sold out the Conservative cause when he was actively making donations to the other side.

Donald Trump Conservatives the problem

Donald Trump Gives Mitch McConnell & the GOP Senate Advice on Picking Next Supreme Court Justice … DELAY, DELAY, DELAY!!!


This weekend during the Republican South Carolina debates Donald Trump provides GOP Senate Majority leader and the GOP Senate with some advice when it comes to picking the next Supreme Court Justice of the United States, DELAY, DELAY, DELAY. Trump stated that the death of Justice Scalia was a tremendous blow to conservatism and its a tremendous blow to our country.

“If the president, and if I were president now, I would certainly try to nominate a justice. I hope our Senate, Mitch and the entire group will be able to do something about it.”

“This is a tremendous blow to conservatism and frankly to our country. I think it’s up to Mitch to McConnell and everybody to stop it. It’s called delay, delay, delay.”

The Blaze:

GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump issued some advice to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and the rest in the Senate when filling the vacancy in the Supreme Court following the death of Justice Antonin Scalia: “delay, delay, delay.”

The CBS News GOP debate opened Saturday night with a brief memorial and moment of science for Scalia, and the candidates were all asked about the appointment of the next justice in the wake of his death. Answering first, Trump said he was “absolutely sure” President Barack Obama would attempt to nominate a new justice before his term is finished.

Trump said that he too would “certainly want to try” to fill that vacancy if he were president.

“I hope that the Senate is going to be able, Mitch and the entire group, is going to be able to do something about it in terms of delay,” Trump said. “You could have a Diane Sykes or you could have a Bill Pryor. We have some fantastic people, but this is a tremendous blow to conservatism. It’s a tremendous blow, frankly, to our country.”

“I think it’s up to Mitch McConnell and everybody else to stop it. It’s called delay, delay, delay,” he continued.

We will see if Senate Republicans have the backbone and CO-JONES to do it.

South Carolina Poll: Donald Trump 32%, Ted Cruz 26%, Marco Rubio 20%, Jeb Bush 10%


According the the Weekly Standard, there is a new poll out ahead of the South Carolina primaries in SC and is looking like the following. Could it be possible, is Cruz actually withing striking distance of The Donald? However, the RCP average polling has Trump way out ahead. Will the good people of South Carolina actually wake up and take a good look at the past actions and determine who the real Conservative Republican is and who just talks a good game?

Ted Cruz2

Donald Trump 32%,
Ted Cruz 26%,
Marco Rubio 20%,
Jeb Bush 10%

Rush Limbaugh opined on his radio show:

Now, Bill Kristol says: “I’ve just heard from a political operative whom I’ve known a long time and whose integrity I trust. This person is working with an organization — not one of the campaigns — that was in the field (using a very reputable pollster) Wednesday night in South Carolina.”  And that’s what these numbers are.  And Bill Kristol says: “Take it with the usual grains of salt, but I do trust these were the actual results of an honest and competent pollster doing his best to get an accurate read on the situation.”

So it’s unidentified.  We don’t know who the pollster is. We don’t know anything about the poll. We don’t know numbers. We don’t know breakdowns. We don’t have any cross tabs. We have nothing other than these numbers, and here they go.  The Bill Kristol pollster: Trump 32, South Carolina, Ted Cruz 26, Marco Rubio 20, Jeb Bush 10, Ben Carson 7, and John Kasich 2.  Now, the order lines up with the Real Clear Politics average.

But let’s do a numbers comparison.  In the Bill Kristol “we don’t know who it is” poll, Trump’s at 32, Real Clear Politics 36.  Again, this is for South Carolina.  In the Bill Kristol “we don’t know who it is” poll, Ted Cruz 26, Real Clear Politics average 20.  The Bill Kristol “we don’t know who it is” poll, 20 for Rubio. And in the Real Clear Politics poll Rubio gets 12.7%.  And both polls put Jeb Bush at 10.  The Bill Kristol “we don’t know who it is” South Carolina poll and the Real Clear Politics average. So the order lines up, the numbers are fairly close, but there is some significant difference.


Daily Commentery – Thursday, February 4, 2016 – Huckaby Out, Santorum Out, O’Malley Out Fallout From the Iowa Caucuses

  • Who’s next? Trump and Carson are accusing Cruz of cheating! All eyes are on New Hampshire now!

Daily Commentery – Thursday, February 4, 2016 Download

Sen. Ted Cruz Iowa Caucus Speech Following His Record Breaking Victory (VIDEO)

Following his victory last night in the 2016 Iowa Caucus, Senator Ted Cruz took shots at the media and the political establishment while thanking his supporters. Last night in Iowa there was record turnout as Cruz won the most votes ever cast for any Republican primary winner in Iowa.

“Tonight the state of Iowa has spoken. Iowa has sent notice that the Republican nominee and next president of the United States will not be chosen by the media, will not be chosen by the Washington establishment, will not be chosen by the lobbyists, but will be chosen by the most incredible powerful force where all sovereignty resides in our nation … BY WE THE PEOPLE, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!”

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