Former Pitching Great Curt Schilling Says … 80-85% of Pro Athletes Are Conservative & Slams ESPN for Going Liberal LEFT


In an interview on Talk Radio 1210 WPHT, former Major League Baseball pitcher Curt Schilling stated he believes that 80 to 85 percent of professional athletes are conservatives. Schilling, who in my opinion is being black-balled from the MLB HOF because of his right political leanings, went on to slam ESPN for their dishonesty and liberal lurch to the LEFT. Which can help explain why ESPN’s ratings have been in free-fall. Curt Schilling makes no pretense that he is a conservative and a Trump supporter. At some point not ESPN, but all of the networks that cover sports better figure out who their viewer is. Just a hint, its not the far left.


Schilling made the statement during an interview with Chris Stigall on Talk Radio 1210 WPHT, citing few athletes that expressed support for Hillary Clinton and are drawn to conservatism through the appreciation of hard work.

“Look around professional sports and look at how many athletes there are and look at how many have come out and spoke out in favor of Clinton or in favor of liberals. They are because it’s mainstream in the public eye to do that right now. All the rest are, for the most part, are conservative because you don’t come out and speak about stuff like that…It’s work ethic,” Schilling said. “To get where they go, to get where a professional athlete gets, you have to work your a** off your entire life. You understand and appreciate an incredibly hard day’s work that, hopefully, will pay off in the future.”

He addressed the end of his time working for ESPN, saying they were dishonest about the reason he was fired and defended comments he made while working there.

“What I care about is that they lie about it. ESPN fires me for, apparently, being intolerant because I was actually commenting around the fact men should use the men’s room and women should use women’s room. Apparently, that was enough, the straw that broke the camel’s back,” Schilling explained. “Then, they come out and act as if they are a tolerant group and they’ve gone full mental since then. They’ve gone way over the edge on the left, having a tribute to Obama after his last day in office, which gave me acid reflux.”

Posted February 16, 2017 by
Conservatives, ESPN, Republican, Sports | no comments

Conservatives Team up in Hilarious Parody of ‘Self-Important Hollywood Celeb’ Political Videos … Stop Sucking, Sincerely America


Just before tonight’s Golden Globe awards where Hollywood celebrities full of their self-importance and elf-aggrandizement will be on display and mourning the fact that Obama is done and Donald Trump is days away from the White House, maybe they will remember the fact … We the People rejected Hollywood selected Making America great again. With that being said, a few conservative media stars, Guy Benson, S.E. Cupp, Katie Pavlich, Mary Katharine Ham, and Mollie Hemingway,  got together to create a video of their own, titled “A Special Message to Predictable, Self-Important Hollywood Celebrities.”

This is in direct mocking opposition to this cry-fest from the liberal elites of Hollywood.

Donald Trump Picks Dr. Ben Carson to be HUD Secretary


The Politico is reporting that President-elect Donald Trump has chosen Dr. Ben Carson to lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Carson stated, “I am honored to accept the opportunity to serve our country in the Trump administration. I feel that I can make a significant contribution particularly by strengthening communities that are most in need.” Trump has made the fixing of the inner cities high on his agenda (video 9:35). Donald Trump said in s statement,  ”We have talked at length about my urban renewal agenda and our message of economic revival, very much including our inner cities. Ben shares my optimism about the future of our country and is part of ensuring that this is a Presidency representing all Americans.”

Dr. Benjamin Carson’s Amazing Speech at the National Prayer Breakfast with Obama Present

President-elect Donald Trump has chosen Dr. Ben Carson, a onetime political rival who became one of his leading surrogates on the campaign trail, to lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Carson, who challenged Trump during the Republican primary, is the first African-American selected to serve in the president-elect’s Cabinet. The retired neurosurgeon has little experience in housing or management, but he has weighed in on the issue. In a 2015 op-ed for The Washington Times, he labeled a new fair housing rule a “social-engineering” scheme.

“Ben Carson has a brilliant mind and is passionate about strengthening communities and families within those communities,” Trump said Monday morning in the statement from his transition team. “We have talked at length about my urban renewal agenda and our message of economic revival, very much including our inner cities. Ben shares my optimism about the future of our country and is part of ensuring that this is a Presidency representing all Americans. He is a tough competitor and never gives up.”

Daily Commentary – Thursday, September 8, 2016 – Phyllis Schlafly, Political “First Lady” of the Right Has Died

  • Phyllis Schlafly died on Monday at age 92. With staunch GOP roots, she was a polarizing figure. RIP Phyllis …

Daily Commentary – Thursday, September 8, 2016  | Download

Conservative Radio Host Mark Levin: “I’m Voting For Donald Trump”


Conservative Radio Host Mark Levin, who has been very critical of Donald Trump and who supported and endorsed Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in the GOP primaries said yesterday on his radio show that he is “voting for Donald Trump.” In the end, what could he really do? The never-Trumpers would put Hillary in the White House and Levin could hardly want that inflicted upon the United States.  As being a person who supported Ted Cruz myself, one has to look at the lesser of two evils and there is only one true candidate in this presidential election that I think is harmful to America. Personally, Hillary Clinton should be in leg-irons for the records and espionage act crime she has committed. Like Mark Levin, Donald Trump was not my first choice; however, Hillary Clinton is no choice.

Maybe this olive branch from Levin will get the conservatives on board to defeat Hillary.

Real Clear Politics:

MARK LEVIN: I think this is a binary election — at least for the country — that either Trump or Clinton will be president of the United States. I happen to think despite the CNN poll and so forth there is a lot of work to do to make up ground, particularly in battleground states. But Hillary is so awful I just don’t know. I’m not in the prediction business so it doesn’t matter.

So I’m going to vote for Donald Trump. I’m going to wind up voting for Donald Trump on election day. I take no responsibility for the dumb things he says or the dumb things his surrogates say. Just as I took no responsibility for the dumb things any candidate I vote for says whether it’s Congress, Senate, Supervisor, states attorney, other presidential candidates. I don’t control any of these people. I don’t run their campaigns and I don’t advise them. (The Mark Levin Show, September 6, 2016)

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